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Amarakosha Search
1 result
Monier-Williams Search
33 results for akriya
akriyamfn. without works View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akriyamfn. inactive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akriyamfn. abstaining from religious rites View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akriyamfn. impious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyakriya mfn. intent on other business, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āptakriyam. a trusty agent, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avitathakriyamfn. whose work is not vain or ineffectual View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhraṣṭakriyamfn. one who has discontinued or omitted prescribed acts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cakriyamfn. belonging to a wheel or carriage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cakriyamfn. going on a carriage, being on a journey (genitive case plural yāṇām-;fr. cakrin-and - ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cirakriyamfn. equals -kāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekakriya (), mfn. having one and the same business View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hīnakriyamfn. equals -karman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jaḍakriyamfn. working slowly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kartṛsthakriyakamfn. (any root etc.) whose action is confined to the agent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtakriyamfn. one who has accomplished any act View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtakriyamfn. one who has fulfilled his duty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtakriyamfn. one who has performed a religious ceremony View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtanityakriyamfn. one who has duly performed his daily religious observances. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
luptadharmakriyamfn. excluded from or deprived of religious ordinances
luptapiṇḍodakakriyamfn. deprived of funeral rites View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naṣṭakriyamfn. ungrateful, (lit. on whom a benefit is lost; see ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirupakriyamfn. not useful or profitable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabdakriyamfn. equals -karmaka- Va1rtt. 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakriyamfn. having action, active, mutable, movable, migratory ( sakriyatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakriyamfn. one who performs his religious acts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakriyatvan. sakriya
samakriyamfn. acting uniformly in or towards (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samakriyamfn. subject to the same medical treatment ( samakriyatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samakriyatvan. samakriya
thakriyam. Name of a man, iv, 493. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣamakriyamfn. undergoing unequal (medical) treatment ( viṣamakriyatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣamakriyatvan. viṣamakriya
Apte Search
3 results
akriya अक्रिय a. [नास्ति क्रिया यस्य न. ब.] 1 Inactive dull, torpid. -2 Without essential works. -3 Abstaining from religious rites. -4 Without action of any kind, epithet of God. -5 Worthless, good-for-nothing. -या [न. त.] Inactivity; neglect of duty; प्रधानस्याक्रिया यत्र साङ्गं तत्क्रियते पुनः । तदङ्गस्याक्रियायां तु नावृत्तिर्न च तत्क्रिया ॥
cakriya चक्रिय a. Going in a carriage, being on a journey.
sakriya सक्रिय a. Active, moveable.
Macdonell Search
1 result
akriyamāṇa pr. pt. ps. not being done.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results3 results
anv eti tugro vakriyāṃ tam # TA.1.10.4c.
āvavartad avarāñ cakriyāvase # RV.2.34.14d.
durmarṣaṃ cakriyā uta # RV.8.45.18b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"akriya" has 26 results
kartṛsthakriya(a root)whose activity is found functioning in the subject;confer, compare यत्र क्रियाकृतविशेषदर्शनं कर्तरि Kaiyata on P.III.1.87 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3. Such roots, although transitive do not have any Karmakartari construction by the rule कर्मवत्कर्मणा तुल्यक्रियः P.III. 1.87. as exempli gratia, for example ग्रामं गच्छति देवदत्तः has no कर्मकर्तरि construction; confer, compare कर्मस्थभावकानां कर्मस्थक्रियाणां वा कर्ता कर्मवद् भवतीति वक्तव्यम् । कर्तृस्थभावकानां कर्तृस्थक्रियाणां वा कर्ता कर्मवन्मा भूदिति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III. 1.87. Vārt, 3.
karmasthakriya(roots)having their verbal activity situated in the object; exempli gratia, for example the root अव + रुध् in अवरुणद्धि गाम् or the root कृ in करोति कटम्; confer, compare कर्मस्थभावकानां कर्मस्थक्रियाणां च P. III.1.87 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3.
caritakriyahaving kriya or verbactivity hidden in it. The term is used by Bhartrhari in connection with a solitary noun-word or a substantive having the force of a sentence, and hence which can be termed a sentence on account of the verbal activity dormant in it. exempli gratia, for example पिण्डीम्; confer, compare वाक्यं तदपि मन्यन्ते यत्पदं वरितक्रियम् Vakyapad.II. 326, and चरिता गर्भीकृता आख्यातक्रिया यस्य तद्गर्भीकृतक्रियापदं नामपदं वाक्यं प्रयुञ्जते ! Com. on Vakyapadya II.326.
prakalpakriyaa word in which a verbal activity has to be conjectured, as for example, the words गौः, अश्वः et cetera, and others Words which are not actually derived by rules of grammar are called प्रकल्पक्रिय as contrasted with प्रत्यक्षक्रिय.
pratyakṣakriyaa word in which the verbal activity is actually noticed, as for instance, verbs and krt formations; the term is used as an antonym of प्रकल्पक्रिय.
uṇādiaffixes headed by the affix उण्, which are similar to kṛt affixes of Pāṇini, giving derivation mostly of such words as are not derived by rules of Pāṇini. No particular sense such as agent, object et cetera, and others is mentioned in connection with these affixes, but, as Pāṇini has stated in 'ताभ्यामन्यत्रोणादयः P.III. 4.75, the various Uṇādi affixes are applied to the various roots as prescribed in any Kāraka sense, except the संप्रदान and the अपादान; in other words, any one of the senses, agent, object, instrument and abode, is assigned to the Uṇādi affix as suits the meaning of the word. Although some scholars believe that the Uṇādi affixes are given by a grammarian later than Pāṇini as there are words like ताम्बूल, दीनार and others included in the list of Uṇādi words and that there are many interpolated Sūtras, still the Uṇādi collection must be looked upon as an old one which is definitely mentioned by Pāṇini in two different rules; confer, compare Pāṇini उणादयो बहुलम् P. III.3.1 and ताभ्यामन्यत्रोणादयः III.4.76. Patañjali has given a very interesting discussion about these Uṇādi affixes and stated on the strength of the Vārttika, तत्रोणादिप्रतिषेधः, that these affixes and the words given in the Uṇādi collection should not be considered as genuinely deriveditionThe derivation is not a very systematic and logically correct one and therefore for practical purposes, the words derived by the application of the affixes उण् and others should be looked upon as underived; confer, compare उणादयोSव्युत्पन्नानि प्रातिपदिकानि. Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on. P.I.1.16, III.4.77, IV.1.1, VI.1.62, VII.1.2, VII.2.8 et cetera, and others There is a counterstatement also seen in the Mahābhāṣya उणादयो व्युत्पन्नानि, representing the other view prevailing at the time; confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III.I.133; but not much importance seems to be attached to it. The different systems of grammar have different collections of such words which are also known by the term Uṇādi. Out of the collections belonging to Pāṇini's system, three collections are available at present, the collection into five pādas given in the printed edition of the Siddhānta Kaumudi, the collection into ten Pādas given in the printed edition of the Prakriya-Kaumudi and the collection in the Sarasvatīkaṇthābharaṇa of Bhoja forming Pādas 1, 2 and 3 of the second Adhyāya of the work.
gūḍhabhāvavṛttia commentary on Ramacandra's Prakriya Kaumudi by Krsnasesa of the famous Sesa family of grammarians. The date of this Krsnasesa is the middle of the sixteenth century. For details about Krsnasesa and the Sesa family see introduction to Prakriyakaumudi B. S. S. No. 78.
jayantaauthor of तत्वचन्द्र a commentary on पाणिनिसूत्रवृत्ति written by Vitthala; (2) writer of a commentary named Vadighatamudgara on the Sarasvataprakriya.
tattvacandraname of a commentary on Ramacandra's Prakriyakaumudi.
nirmaladarpaṇaname of a commentary on the Prakriya-Kaumudi.
prakriyākaumudīsāraa commentary on Ramacandra's Prakriyakaumud by a grammarian named Kasinatha
prakriyāprasādaname of the scholarly commentary on Ramacandra's Prakriyakaumudi, written by Vitthalesa, the grandson of Ramachandra.
prācīnamatathe view or doctrine of the former or rather older grammarians. The word is used in many commentary books and the meaning of the word is to be decided according to the context. For example in the works of Ramacandra, the author of the Prakriyakaumudi and his followers, the word refers to the view given by the writers of the Kasikavrtti and the commentaries thereon in the works of Bhattoji and his pupils, it refers to the writer of the Prakriyakaumudi in addition to the writers of the Kasika, while in the works of Nagesa it refers to the writings of Bhattoji and his pupils. For details see Vyakarana Mahabhasya Vol. V1I pp. 23-24 D. E. Society's Edition.
bhaṭṭojīsurnamed Diksita; a stalwart grammarian of the Panini system who flourished in the first half of the seventeenth century and wrote many independent books and commentaries such as the Siddhantakaumudi, the Praudhamanorama, the Vaiyakaranasiddhantakarika, the Sabdakaustubha and others. The most reputed work out of these, however, is the Siddhantakaumudi which is very popular even today and which has almost set aside other works of its kind such as the Prakriyakaumudi and others. Bhattoji was a Telagu Brahmana, as generally believed, and although he belonged to the South, he made Varanasi his home where he prepared a school of learned Grammarians. Although he carried on his work silently in Varanasi, he was envied by the reputed rhetorician of his time Pandita Jagannātha, who criticised his work ( Bhattojis work ) named Manorama very severely. See प्रौढमनोरमा a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. The Siddhāntakaumudi has got many commentaries of which the Tattvabodhini written by Bhattoji's pupil Jnanendrasarasvati is appreciated much by learned grammarians.
mahīdharaa grammarian of the sixteenth century who, besides many small treatises on other subjects, wrote a commentary on the SarasvataPrakriya Vyakarana.
rāmainhabitant of Mithila who wrote a commentary by name विद्वत्प्रबोधिनी on the Sarasvata Prakriya.
rāmacandra(1)रामन्वन्द्राचार्य (son of कृष्णाचार्य) the well-known author of the Prakriyakaumudi. He belonged to the Sesa family and the latter half of the fifteenth century is assigned as his date. He is believed to have been a resident of Andhra. His work, the Prakriyakaumudi, was a popular grammar treatise for some time before Bhattoji's SiddhantaKaumudi got its hold, and it had a number of commentaries written upon it especially by his descendants and members of his family which became well-known as the Sesa family of grammarians. The Prakriyakaumudi is named कृष्णर्किकरप्राक्रिया also. (2) There was a grammarian named Ramacandra who wrote a small treatise on grammar named विदग्धबोध. (3) There was another grammarian of the same name who was a pupil of Nagesabhatta of the eighteenth century and who wrote a small commentary called वृतिसंग्रह on Panini's Astadhyayi. (4) There was also another Ramacandra who was a scholar of Vedic grammar and who wrote the commentary named ज्योत्स्ना on the Vjasaneyi-Pratisakhya.
rāmanārāyaṇawriter of a commentary on the Sarasvataprakriya.
rāmabhadṛwriter of a commentary on the Prakriyakaumudi.
vāraṇāvateśaa grammarian of the seventeenth century who wrote a gloss named अमृतस्त्रुति on the Prakriya-kaumudi.
vijayagaṇina.Jain grammarian of the seventeenth century who wrote a commentary on the Haimalaghuprakriya.
viṭhṭhalaor विठ्ठलेश grandson of रामचन्द्रशेष the author of the प्राक्रियाकौमुदी. He was aTelagu Brahmana of Andhra who lived in the beginning of the sixteenth century and wrote a commentary named प्रसाद on the Prakriya-Kaumudi and two small works अव्ययार्थनिरूपण and पाणिनिसूत्रवृत्ति.
vidvatprabodhinīname of a commentary on the Sarasvata-prakriya by a grammarian named Rama.
śeṣa(l)any other senses than what are given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.; confer, compare शेषे P.IV.2.92: (2) surname of a reputed family of grammarians belonging to Southern India which produced many grammarians, from the fifteenth century to the eighteenth century. Ramacandra Sesa was the first grammarian in the family who wrote the Prakriyakaumudi in the fifteenth century. His descendants developed the system of studying grammar by the study of topics as given in the Prakriya Kaumudi and wrote several works of the nature of glosses and comments.
śeṣakṛṣṇaone of the prominent grammarians belonging to the Sesa family, who was the son of नरससिंहशेत्र. He wrote a gloss on the Prakriyakaumudi and two small works Prakrtacandrika and Padacandrika. Two other minor grammar works viz. the Yanlugantasiromani and Upapadamatinsutravyakhyana are ascribed to शेषकृष्ण who may be the same as शेषकृष्ण the son of नरसिंह, or another, as there were many persons who had the name Krsna in the big family.
satyapravodhaname of commentary work on the Sarasvataprakriya.
Vedabase Search
3 results
akriya AkriyaSB 9.17.10
akriya remaining neutral without endeavorSB 11.8.2
akriya without dutyBG 6.1
4 results
akriya adjective abstaining from religious rites (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
impious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inactive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
without works (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12310/72933
akriyaka adjective
Frequency rank 41577/72933
akriyamāṇa adjective not being done
Frequency rank 26081/72933
sakriya adjective active (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having action (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
movable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mutable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68580/72933


application of fluid remedies or fomentations.

Wordnet Search
"akriya" has 7 results.



yaḥ nyāyāṃ kriyāṃ karoti।

samakriyaḥ puruṣaḥ īśvarasvarūpaḥ vartate।


kṛtaghna, akṛtajña, anupakārin, kṛtanāśaka, naṣṭakriya   

yaḥ upakārān vismarati।

saḥ kṛtaghnaḥ asti kāryasamāpanād anantaram ajñāta iva vyavaharati।


anudyogaḥ, akarma, akriyā, akriyatā, naiṣkarmyam, aceṣṭā, avyavasāyaḥ, nirvyāpāraḥ   

karmasya abhāvaḥ।

nirudyamaḥ kiṃ karaṇīyaṃ kiṃ karaṇīyam iti cintāyām anudyogaḥ eva vṛṇote।


sakriya, kriyāśīla, saceṣṭa   

yaḥ kasminnapi kārye rataḥ asti।

saḥ krīḍāyāṃ sakriyaḥ asti।


sakriyatā, kriyāśīlatā   

sakriyasya avasthā।

rājanītau durjanānāṃ sakriyatā vardhate।


cañcala, apasyu, irya, iṣira, utsāhin, udāra, vicarṣaṇi, sakriya, saceṣṭa   

yaḥ atīva capalaḥ asti।

cañcalānāṃ bālakānāṃ pālanaṃ kaṭhinaṃ bhavati।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

thakriyasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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