atiyatna | m. great exertion; -yasa, a. very illustrious; -yâkita, pp. importuned. |
kāla | m. due season, appointed or right time (for, d., g., lc., inf., --°ree;); time; oppor tunity; season; meal-time (of which there are two a day); half a day; hour; age, era; measure, prosody; Time, fate; death, god of death; --°ree;, at the right time; in time, gradually; parah kâlah, high time (w. inf.); kâlam kri, fix a time for (lc.); kâlam âsâdya, according to circumstances; in. kâlena, in due season; in course of time: -gakkhatâ, as time goes on, in course of time; dîrghena --, mahatâ -or bahunâ --, after a long time; kenakit --, after some time; tena --, at that time; ab. kâlât, in the long run, in course of time; kâlatas, id.; with regard to time; g. dîrghasya or mahatah kâlasya, after a long time; kasya kit --, after some time; lc. kâlé, at the right or appointed time, opportunely; in time=gra dually; -prâpte, when the time has come; -gakkhati, in course of time; -yâte, after the lapse of some time; kasmims kit --, one day; kâle kâle, always at the right time; shashthe --, at the end of the third day: --&zip;hnah, at the sixth hour of the day, i. e. at noon; pañ- kasate --, =after 250 days; ubhau kâlau, morning and evening. |
kva | ad.=lc. of ka; where? whither? often emphasized with the pcls. áha, íd, iva, nu, nu khalu, and svid: kva svid also= somewhere; with bhû and as=what has be come of --?=it is all over with; kva tadga tam, how about that? without verb=it is out of the question; kva--kva, expressing incon gruity=how great is the difference between --and--, there is nothing in common between -and --; with api and kid=kasmin+api or kid; somewhere, in a certain place; some time, once; sometimes, ever; kvakit kva- kid, here and there, now and then; kvakid kvakid, here--there; now--now; kva½api, kva kit, kvaka, kvakana, withna, nowhere, in no case, never, with preceding yatra, wher ever, whenever, in whatever case. |
tilakaya | den. P. mark; adorn: pp. tilakita. |
prativaktavya | fp. to be replied to; to be given (answer); to be combated or disputed; to be contradicted (person); -vak ana, n. answer, reply, to (g. or --°ree;): î-kri, give as an answer, reply with (ac.); -vakas, n. answer; -vatsara, m. year; -vatsaram, ad. every year; -vaditavya, fp. to be com bated or disputed; -vanam, ad. in every forest; -vat, a. containing the word &open;prati;&close; -vanitâ, f. female rival; -varna, m. each caste: -m, ad. for every caste; -varnika, a. having a corresponding colour, similar; -var sha, °ree;-or -m, ad. every year; -vallabhâ, f. female rival, concubine; -vasati, ad. in or on every house; -vastu, n. corresponding thing, equivalent, compensation: -½upamâ, f. parallel simile (rh.); -vahni-pradakshi- nam, ad. at every circumambulation of the fire from left to right; -vâkya, n. answer; -vâk, f. yelling orbarking at (pl.); answer; -vâkita, n. answer; -vâta, m. wind blowing in front: -m, ad. against the wind; lc. to the leeward; -vâda, m. refusal, rejection; -vâd in, a. contradicting; refractory; m. oppo nent; defendant (in a lawsuit); -vârana, 1. a. warding off; n. keeping off; 2. hostile elephant; -vârttâ, f. news; -vârya, fp. to be warded off (--°ree;); -vâsaram, m. daily. |
vapurdhara | a. endowed with beauty; embodied; -mala-samâkita, pp. covered with dirt on her body. |
vikaca | a. hairless, bald (rare); expanded, blown (flower; ord. mg.); beam ing, radiant, with (--°ree;): -srî, a. 1. radiantly beautiful; 2. the glory of whose hair has departed; -kakita, den. pp. expanded, blown (flower); -kakî-kri, expand (a flower); -ka- kkhapa, a. deprived of tortoises. |
virakta | pp. (√ rañg) estranged etc.: -prakriti, a. whose principal officers are dis affected, -bhâva, a. disaffected; -rakti, f. indifference, to (lc., upari w. g., prati w. ac.); freedom from worldlyattachment: -mat, a. indifferent, to (lc.); accompanied with free dom from worldly attachment; -rakanâ, f. disposition, embellishment: alakânâm --, neatly arranged locks; -rakayitavya, fp. to be made or formed; -rakita, pp. cs. √ rak: â, f. N.; (ví)-raga, a. free from dust, clean, pure (also fig.); free from passion; -ragas, a. id.; m. N.; -ragas-ka, a. dustless; -ragas karana, n. freeing from dust, cleansing; -ragî kri, free from dust, cleanse; -rañka, -rañki, -rañkya, m. ep. of Brahman; -rata, pp. (√ ram) ceased etc.: -tva, n. cessation; -rata-prasa&ndot;ga, a. having ceased from en gaging in (lc.); -rati, f. cessation; end; desistence or abstention from, renunciation of (ab., lc., --°ree;); -ratha, a. deprived of one's car; -rathî-kri, deprive any one of his chariot; -rathî-bhû, be deprived of one's car; -rapsá, a. (&isharp;) exuberant (RV.); m. abundance (RV.); -rapsín,a. exuberant, vigorous (V.); -rama, m. cessation, abate ment; sunset; abstention from (--°ree;); -rama- na, n. cessation; abstention from (--°ree;). |
vyapakarṣa | m. exception; -gama, m. lapse (of time); disappearance, loss; -tra pâ, f. bashfulness, shyness; -desa, m. designation, appellation; mode of expression, statement; appeal to (g.); family name (rare); pretext, subterfuge: in. under some pretext (± kenakit); in., °ree;--, or -tas, under the pretence or guise of (--°ree;); -desaka, a. designating; -desa-vat, a. having a designation, designated; -des-in, a. id.; designating (--°ree;); following the advice of (--°ree;); -desya, fp. to be designated or named; -blamed; -naya, m. withdrawal; -nayana, n. removal; -nutti, f. driving away; -ropana, n. plucking (hair), cutting off (wings); removal; destruction; -varga, n. division in two, section; difference; cessation; -sârana, n. removal. |