aja | m. a drove, troop (of marut-s) |
aja | m. a driver, mover, instigator, leader |
aja | m. Name of indra-, of rudra-, of one of the marut-s ([ aj/a /eka-p/ā- aj/a /eka-pāda- ]), of agni-, of the sun, of brahmā-, of viṣṇu-, of śiva-, of kāma- (see 2. a-ja-) |
aja | m. the leader of a flock |
aja | m. a he-goat, ram ([ confer, compare Greek ,; Lithuanian $ ]) |
aja | m. the sign Aries |
aja | m. the vehicle of agni- |
aja | m. beam of the sun (pūṣan-) |
aja | m. Name of a descendant of viśvāmitra-, and of daśaratha-'s or dīrghabāhu-'s father |
aja | m. Name of a mineral substance |
aja | m. of a kind of rice |
aja | m. of the moon |
aja | m. plural Name of a people |
aja | m. of a class of ṛṣi-s |
aja | mfn. not born, existing from all eternity |
aja | m. Name of the first uncreated being |
aja | m. brahmā-, viṣṇu-, śiva-, kāma- |
ajababhru | (/aja--) n. said to be the father or origin of a medical plant |
ajabhakṣa | m. "goat's food", the plant varvūra-. |
ajaḍa | mfn. not inanimate, not torpid, not stupid |
ajaḍā | f. the plants ajaṭā- and kapikacchu- (Carpopogon Pruriens). |
ajaḍadhī | mfn. of a vigorous mind, energetic. |
ajadaṇḍī | f. a plant equals brahmadaṇḍi-. |
ajadevatā | f. plural the 25th lunar mansion. |
ajagallikā | f. "goat's cheek", an infantile disease. |
ajagandhā | f. "smelling like a he-goat", shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum. |
ajagandhikā | f. "smelling like a he-goat", shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum. |
ajagandhinī | f. a plant equals aja-śṛng/ī- q.v |
ajagara | m. ("goat-swallower") , a huge serpent, boa constrictor |
ajagara | m. Name of an asura- |
ajagarī | f. Name of a plant. |
ajagati | mfn. "accessible (only) to goats", steep (as a road), |
ajagava | m. śiva-'s bow |
ajagava | m. the southern portion of the path of the sun, moon, and planets |
ajagava | m. Name of a snake priest |
ajagāva | m. Name of a snake demon |
ajagāva | m. see ājagāva- |
ajagāva | n. śiva-'s bow |
ajagāva | n. Name of the sacrificial vessel also called ajakāv/a- (q.v) |
ajaghanya | mfn. not last |
ajaghanya | mfn. not least. |
ajaghnivas | mf(/a-jaghnuṣī-)n. ( han-), not having killed |
ajahā | f. equals a-jaḍā- q.v |
ajahā | f. the Plant ālkuśī- |
ajahalliṅga | m. (in grammar) a noun which does not drop its original gender, when used as an adjective. |
ajahat | mfn. (pr. p. 3 -hā-), not dropping or losing (in compound) |
ajahatsvārthā | f. a rhetorical figure (using a word which involves the meaning of another word previously used, as"white ones"for"white horses","lances"for"men with lances"). |
ajaiḍaka | n. goats and rams, (gaRa gavāśvādi-, q.v) |
ajaikapād | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
ajaikapād | m. of one of the eleven rudra-s |
ajaikapād | m. see 1. aj/a-. |
ajajīvana | m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd. |
ajajīvika | m. "who lives by goats", a goat-herd. |
ajaka | m. Name of a descendant of purūravas- |
ajaka | m. of a king of magadha- |
ajakā | f. a young she-goat |
ajakājāta | n. the above disease. |
ajakarṇa | m. a goat's ear |
ajakarṇa | m. the tree Terminalia Alata Tomentosa. |
ajakarṇaka | m. the Sal-tree, Shorea Robusta. |
ajakava | m. śiva-'s bow |
ajakāva | mfn. Name of a sacrificial vessel dedicated to mitra- and varuṇa- and (according to the commentator or commentary) having an ornament similar to the fleshy protuberance called ajā-gala-stana- q.v |
ajakāva | mn. a species of venomous vermin, centipede or scorpion |
ajakāva | mn. śiva-'s bow |
ajakṣīra | n. goat's milk |
ajakṣīra | n. see |
ajakūlā | f. Name of a town of the bodhi-s. |
ajalambana | n. antimony. |
ajaloma | n. goat's hair |
ajaloman | m. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens |
ajaloman | mf(mnī-)n. hairy as a goat, |
ajaloman | n. goat's hair |
ajalomī | f. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens |
ajamāra | m. Name of a tribe or prince, (gaRa kurv-ādi-, q.v) |
ajamāyu | (aj/a--) m. bleating like a goat (a frog) |
ajambha | m. "toothless", a frog. |
ajameru | Name of a place, Ajmir (?). |
ajamīḍha | m. Name of a son of suhotra- (author of some Vedic hymns ) |
ajamīḍha | m. of a grandson of suhotra- |
ajamīḍha | m. of yudhiṣṭhira-. |
ajamīḷha | m. Name of a son of suhotra- (author of some Vedic hymns ) |
ajamīḷha | m. of a grandson of suhotra- |
ajamīḷha | m. of yudhiṣṭhira-. |
ajamoda | m. "goat's delight", Name of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. |
ajamodā | f. "goat's delight", Name of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. |
ajamodikā | f. "goat's delight", Name of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. |
ajamukha | mfn. goat faced |
ajamukhī | f. Name of a rākṣasī-. |
ajana | m. ( aj-),"the instigator", brahmā- |
ajana | n. act of instigating or moving, |
ajana | mfn. destitute of men |
ajana | mfn. desert |
ajana | m. an insignificant person. |
ajanāmaka | m. "named aja- or viṣṇu-", a mineral substance. |
ajanani | f. (generally used in cursing) , non-birth, cessation of existence |
ajanani | f. ajananir astu tasya-,"may he cease to exist!" |
ajanani | f. see |
ajanayonija | m. "born from ajana-", Name of dakṣa-. |
ajani | f. a path, road |
ajanman | mfn. not subject to birth, |
ajanta | mfn. ending in a vowel. |
ajanta | mfn. See 2. ac-. |
ajanya | mfn. improper to be produced or born |
ajanya | mfn. unfit for mankind |
ajanya | n. any portent unfavourable to mankind, as an earthquake. |
ajapa | m. a goat-herd. |
ajapa | m. ( jap-), one who does not repeat prayers |
ajapa | m. a reciter of heterodox works |
ajapā | f. the mantra or formula called haṃsa- (which consists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations). |
ajapa | m. See 1. aj/a-. |
ajapād | m. Name of the divinity called aja kapād-. |
ajapada | mfn. goat-footed. |
ajapāda | mfn. goat-footed. |
ajapāla | m. a goat-herd |
ajapāla | m. Name of daśaratha-'s father. |
ajapāla | Name (also title or epithet) of a particular tree (under which buddha- meditated), |
ajapārśva | m. "having black sides like a goat", Name of śvetakarṇa-'s son rājīvalocana-. |
ajapatha | m. "goat's road", probably = aja-vīthī- q.v |
ajara | mfn. ( jṝ-), not subject to old age, undecaying, ever young |
ajarā | f. the plants Aloe Perfoliata and Jirnapanjhi |
ajarā | f. the river sarasvatī-. |
ajaraka | mn. indigestion. |
ajarāmara | mfn. undecaying and immortal |
ajaras | another form for a-jara-, used only in some cases |
ajarat | mfn. not decaying |
ajarayu | mfn. not subject to old age |
ajarṣabha | (ṛṣ-) m. a he-goat |
ajarya | mfn. not subject to old age or decay , not friable, not digestible |
ajarya | n. friendship. |
ajasra | mfn. ( jas-), not to be obstructed, perpetual etc. |
ajasram | ind. perpetually, for ever, ever. [ gaṇa- svar-ādi-,etc.] |
ajasreṇa | ind. perpetually, for ever, ever. [ ] |
ajaśṛṅgī | f. "goat's horn", the shrub Odina Wodier, used as a charm and as a remedy for sore eyes (its fruit resembles a goat's horn) . |
ajastunda | n. Name of a town |
ajatā | f. a multitude of goats |
ajatā | f. the being a goat. |
ajaṭā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta equals ajaḍā- and ajjhaṭā-. |
ajathyā | f. yellow jasmin. |
ajatva | ([ ; see ]) or |
ajavāha | m. Name of a district. |
ajavas | mfn. not quick, inactive |
ajavasti | m. Name of a tribe, (gaRa gṛṣṭy-ādi-and śubhrādi- q.v) |
ajavasti | m. plural the members of that tribe, (gaRa yaskādi-, q.v) |
ajavīthī | f. "goat's road", Name of one of the three divisions of the southern path, or one of the three paths in which the sun, moon, and planets move, comprehending the asterisms mūla-, pūrvāṣāḍha-, and uttarāṣāḍha-. |
ajaya | m. non-victory, defeat |
ajaya | mfn. unconquered, unsurpassed, invincible |
ajaya | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
ajaya | m. of a lexicographer |
ajaya | m. of a river |
ajayā | f. hemp |
ajayā | f. Name of a friend of durgā- |
ajayā | f. māyā- or Illusion. |
ajayapāla | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ajayasiṃha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ajayavarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ajayya | mfn. invincible, improper to be won at play. |
ābhajanīya | mfn. idem or 'm. one who is to be honoured by a share ' on |
abhimṛṣṭaja | mfn. "born from (women) touched (by others)", illegitimate(?) |
abhimṛṣṭaja | mfn. summoned, invited |
abhiprajan | (3. plural A1. -jāyante-) to bring forth, bear : Causal -janayati-, to generate for the sake of (accusative) |
abhipravrajana | n. advancing, |
abhitodevayajanamātradeśa | mfn. whose space on all sides suffices for a sacrificial ground |
abhūtarajas | m. plural Name of a class of deities (supposed to have existed in the fifth manvantara-) |
abjaja | m. "sprung (at the creation) from the lotus (which arose from the navel of viṣṇu-)", Name of brahmā-. |
acyutāgraja | m. (viṣṇu-'s elder brother) , balarāma- |
acyutāgraja | m. indra-. |
acyutaja | m. plural a class of jaina- deities. |
acyutajallakin | m. Name of a commentator of the amara-koṣa-. |
adeśaja | mfn. produced in a wrong place. |
āḍhakajambuka | mfn. |
adhiprajam | ind. on procreation as a means of preserving the world (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhirajani | ind. by night, |
adhokṣaja | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- |
adhokṣaja | m. the sign śravaṇā-. |
adhyūḍhaja | m. the son of a woman pregnant before marriage. |
adṛṣṭaja | mfn. produced or resulting from fate. |
agādhajala | mfn. having deep water |
agādhajala | n. deep water. |
agaja | mfn. produced on a mountain, or from a tree |
agaja | n. bitumen. |
agniraja | m. a scarlet insect |
agnirajas | m. a scarlet insect |
agraja | mfn. (see j/ā-) born first or earlier |
agraja | m. the first-born, an elder brother etc. |
agraja | m. a brahman- |
agrajaṅghā | f. the fore part of the leg, the shin-bone |
agrajanman | m. the first-born, an elder brother, a brahman- etc. |
agrajanman | m. a member of one of the three highest castes |
agrajanman | m. brahmā- |
āhrutabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. curing anything wounded or hurt |
aiṇeyajaṅghatā | f. having legs like those of a deer (one of the 32 signs of perfection), . |
aiśānaja | m. plural equals īśānaja- q.v |
ājānaja | mfn. (["born in the world of the gods"commentator or commentary ]) id est deva- equals āj/ānadeva- below |
akālaja | mfn. born at a wrong time, unseasonable. |
akālajaladodaya | m. unseasonable rising of clouds or mist. |
ākaraja | mfn. produced in a mine, mineral |
ākaraja | n. a jewel |
ākāśaja | mfn. produced in the sky. |
ākāśajananī | f. a loophole, casement, embrasure, |
akṣaja | m. a diamond |
akṣaja | m. a thunderbolt |
akṣaja | m. Name of viṣṇu-. |
akṣaja | m. a thunderbolt |
akṣaja | m. N. viṣṇu- |
akṣarajananī | f. "letter producer", a reed or pen. |
akṣibheṣaja | n. medicament for the eyes, collyrium, etc. |
akṣibheṣaja | m. a tree, Red Lodh. |
alaja | m. a kind of bird |
alajacit | mfn. ([ ]) piled up (as the sacrificial altar) in the shape of the bird alaja-. |
alajacita | ([ ]) mfn. piled up (as the sacrificial altar) in the shape of the bird alaja-. |
alakṣyajanmatā | f. being of insignificant birth or origin |
alaṃprajanana | mfn. (see alaṃ prajāyāḥ-above sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /alam-) able to beget or generate |
ālokasuvegadhvaja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a serpent-demon, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
alpaprajas | mfn. having few descendants or few subjects. |
amaraja | m. Name of a plant |
amarṣaja | mfn. springing from impatience or indignation |
ambhojajanman | m. Name of brahma- (born in a lotus). |
ambhojanmajani | m. (equals ja-janman-) brahmā- |
ambumātraja | mfn. produced only in water. |
amitadhvaja | m. Name of a son of dharmadhvaja- |
amitadhvaja | Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, |
amlajambīra | m. lime tree. |
āmodajananī | f. "causing a strong smell", betel |
amṛtajaṭā | f. the plant Valeriana jaṭāmāṃsī-. |
amṛtasāraja | m. "produced from the essence of ambrosia", raw sugar |
amūrtarajas | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v) |
amūrtarajasa | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v) |
anāhūtopajalpin | m. an uncalled-for boaster. |
anajakā | or an-ajikā- f. a miserable little goat |
ānandaja | mfn. proceeding from joy |
ānandaja | m. Name of a teacher |
ānandaja | n. semen virile |
ānandajala | n. tears of joy |
anantaraja | m. "next-born", the son of a kṣatriyā- or vaiśyā- mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's |
ananvavajaya | m. the not winning subsequently, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
ananyaja | m. Name of kāma- or Love. |
anapajayyam | ind. ( ji-), so that its victorious character cannot be reversed |
anāryaja | mfn. of vile or unworthy origin |
anāryaja | n. Agallochum, being a produce of the country of mleccha-s or barbarians. |
ānataja | m. plural a class of divine beings () |
āṇḍaja | mfn. (āṇḍ/a--) born from an egg |
āṇḍaja | m. a bird |
aṇḍaja | mfn. egg-born |
aṇḍaja | m. a bird |
aṇḍaja | m. a fish |
aṇḍaja | m. a snake |
aṇḍaja | m. a lizard |
anekaja | mfn. born more than once |
anekaja | m. a bird |
aṅgaja | mfn. produced from or on the body, ornamental |
aṅgaja | mfn. produced by a supplementary ceremony |
aṅgaja | m. a son |
aṅgaja | mfn. hair of the head |
aṅgaja | mfn. the god of love |
aṅgaja | mfn. intoxicating passion |
aṅgaja | mfn. drunkenness |
aṅgaja | mfn. a disease |
aṅgaja | n. blood. |
aṅgajanus | m. a son. |
anilātmaja | m. the son of the wind, hanumat- or bhīma-. |
annaja | mfn. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance. |
annajala | n. food and water, bare subsistence. |
antaḥpurajana | m. the women of the palace. |
antaḥśailaja | m. a native of antar-giri-, |
antaja | mfn. last born. |
antaryajana | n. inner sacrifice, |
antyaja | mfn. of the lowest caste |
antyaja | m. a śūdra- |
antyaja | m. a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman, currier, mimic, varuḍa-, fisherman, meda- or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester). |
antyajagamana | n. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) with a man of the lowest caste. |
antyajanman | mfn. of the lowest caste. |
anulomaja | mfn. offspring of a mother inferior in caste to the father ([ ]), (as the mūrdhāvasikta- of a Brahman father and kṣatriyā- mother, and so on with the ambaṣṭha- niṣāda- or pāraśava-, māhiṣya-, ugra-, karaṇa-.) |
anupagatajara | mfn. not impaired by old age or infirmity, |
anūpaja | n. growing near the water |
anūpaja | n. ginger. |
anuprajan | to be born after ; (with prajām-) to propagate again and again : Causal -janayati-, to cause to be born subsequently. |
anupravrajana | n. the becoming an ascetic after (another), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
anupūrvaja | mfn. descended in a regular line |
anuraktapraja | mfn. beloved by his subjects. |
anuvrajana | n. following as above, Heat. |
anyabījaja | m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son. |
anyaja | (any/a--) ([ ]) mfn. born of another (family, etc.), of a different origin. |
anyajanatā | f. fellowship with others, |
anyajanman | n. another birth, being born again. |
apadhvaṃsaja | mfn. "born from it", a child of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower[ ] or higher[ ] caste than its mother's). |
apajaya | m. defeat, discomfiture |
apajayya | mfn. See an-apajayy/am-. |
apākaja | mfn. not produced by cooking or ripening |
apākaja | mfn. original |
apākaja | mfn. natural. |
aparaja | mfn. born later |
aparajana | sg. or plural m. inhabitants of the west |
apetaprajanana | mfn. one who has lost his generative energy, |
apraja | mf(ā-)n. ( jan-), without progeny, childless etc. |
aprajajñi | mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting |
aprajajñi | mfn. ( jñā-), inexperienced, inexpert |
aprajana | mfn. not begetting, |
aprajanatva | (n.) |
aprajaniṣṇu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting ' |
aprajas | ([ ]) ([ etc.; see ]) mfn. without progeny, childless. |
aprajas | ([ etc.; see ]) mfn. without progeny, childless. |
aprajastā | (apraj/as--) f. childlessness |
aprajasya | n. childlessness |
apūrṇakālaja | mfn. born before the proper time, abortive. |
araja | mfn. (for a-raj/as-below) , dustless |
arajanīkṛta | mfn. not coloured or dyed, |
arajas | mfn. dustless , free from passion or desire |
arajas | f. "not having the monthly courses", a young girl. |
arajaska | mfn. dustless, without the quality called rajas- |
arajaska | free from impurity (others,"meek, gentle"), . |
āraṇaja | m. plural Name of a class of deities () |
araṇyagaja | m. a wild elephant |
araṇyaja | mfn. produced or born in a forest |
araṇyarajanī | f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica |
āraṭṭaja | mfn. born in this country |
ardhajaratīya | n. (fr. pr. p. jarat-, jrs-), (according to the rule of half an aged woman) incompatibility in argument on |
ardhajaratīya | n. Sarvad: |
ārdraja | n. dry ginger |
arjunadhvaja | m. "having a white banner", Name of hanumat- |
arkaja | mfn. "sun-born", coming from the sun |
arkaja | m. the planet Saturn etc. |
arkajau | m. dual number Name of the aśvin-s |
arṇavaja | m. "sea-born", cuttlefish |
aruṇāgraja | m. "the first of aruṇa-", garuḍa- (the bird of viṣṇu-) (see aruṇ/anuja-below.), |
aruṇātmaja | m. "son of aruṇa-", jaṭāyu- (See aruṇa- m.above) |
aruṇāvaraja | m. equals aruṇānuja- above |
āryajana | m. Aryans |
āryajana | m. honest people |
āśāgaja | m. elephant of the quarter |
āśāgaja | m. (one of the supposed four [or eight] mythical elephants which support the world, standing in the quarters [and intermediate points] of the compass) |
āsaja | mfn. clinging to |
āsaja | mfn. dragging (a wheel) |
asauyaja | Name of a praiṣa- (with the address amuka yaja-) |
aśmagarbhaja | n. an emerald |
aśmaja | n. "rock-born", bitumen |
aśmaja | n. iron (see ) |
aśmajatu | n. bitumen |
aśmavraja | (/aśma--) mfn. whose stall or pen is a rock |
aspṛṣṭarajastamaska | mfn. perfectly pure |
asraja | n. "formed by blood", flesh |
asrajanman | n. "formed by blood", flesh |
āsrāvabheṣaja | n. a medicament, medicine |
asūrtarajasa | m. varia lectio for amūrta-r- q.v |
asūtajaratī | f. (a woman) who grows old without having brought forth a child |
aśvajaghana | mfn. having the lower limbs like those of a horse |
aśvamedhaja | m. Name of a king |
ātmaja | mfn. self-originated |
ātmaja | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) "born from or begotten by one's self", a son etc. |
ātmaja | m. Name of the fifth lunar mansion |
ātmaja | m. "originating from intellect", the reasoning faculty |
ātmajanman | n. the birth (or re-birth) of one's self, id est the birth of a son |
ātmajanman | m. (equals -ja-,m.) a son |
atrinetraja | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one. |
audakaja | mfn. coming from aquatic plants |
audavraja | mf(ī-)n. composed by uda-vraja-. |
aupajandhani | m. a descendant of upa-jandhani-, Name of a teacher |
aupajaṅghani | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher (confer, compare jandhani-), |
aupayaja | mfn. belonging to the verses called upayaj-, q.v |
avajaghnat | mfn. (irreg. p. in Passive voice sense; -hanyamāna- commentator or commentary) being beaten or struck by (instrumental case) |
avajaya | m. overcoming, winning by conquest |
avajayana | n. means of subduing or healing a disease, |
avakirṇajaṭābhāra | mfn. whose tresses of hair are scattered or have become loose |
avaraja | mf(ā-)n. of low birth, inferior, younger, junior |
avaraja | m. a śūdra- |
avaraja | m. a younger brother |
avaraja | m. (with ablative) |
avaravarṇaja | m. "born in a low caste", a śūdra- |
avayajana | n. "removing by means of a sacrifice", expiation |
avayajana | n. means for expiation |
avityaja | mn. quicksilver |
ayajamāna | mfn. not instituting a sacrifice |
ayatnabālavyajanībhū | (perf. 3. plural babhūvuḥ-) to become or be changed into a fan without effort |
ayatnaja | mfn. easily or readily produced,. spontaneous |
ayorajas | n. equals -mala- q.v |
bahugotraja | mfn. having many blood relations |
bahupraja | mf(ā-)n. having a numerous progeny (also j/as- ) see |
bahupraja | m. (only ) a hog |
bahupraja | m. a mouse |
bahupraja | m. Saccharum Munjia. |
bahurajas | mfn. very dusty or containing much pollen |
bahvajavika | mf(/ā-)n. having many goats and sheep |
bailvaja | (fr. bilva-ja-) gaRa rājanyādi- (varia lectio bailvala-) |
bailvajaka | mfn. (with deśa-) inhabited by bailvaja-s |
baja | m. (prob.) Name of a herb used as a charm against evil spirits |
bālagaja | m. a young elephant |
balaja | mfn. produced by strength or power |
balaja | m. n. a heap of corn, grain |
balaja | m. a pretty woman |
balaja | m. the earth |
balaja | m. Arabian jasmine |
balaja | m. a rope |
balaja | m. Name of a river |
balaja | n. (only ) a city-gate, any gate |
balaja | n. a field |
balaja | n. war |
balaja | n. a pretty figure |
balaja | n. pith, marrow. |
balbaja | m. (later balvaja-,or valvaja-) Eleusine Indica (a species of coarse grass not liked by cattle) |
bālbaja | mf(/ī-)n. (fr. balbaja-) made of the grass Eleusine Indica (Bombay edition bālvaja-). |
bālbajabhārika | mfn. (fr. balbaja+bhāra-) laden or burdened with balbaja- grass gaRa vaṃśādi-. |
balbajamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of balbaja- grass gaRa śarādi-. |
balbajastukā | f. a bunch or tuft of balbaja- grass |
balvaja | See balbaja-. |
bāndhavajana | m. relatives, kinsmen (collectively) |
bandhūkapuṣparajas | n. bandhūkapuṣpa |
barhidhvaja | m. "symbolised by a peacock", Name of skanda- |
bhadraja | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica |
bhadrajaya | m. Name of a man |
bhadrātmaja | m. "son of iron (?)", a sword |
bhaiṣaja | m. (fr. bheṣaja-) Perdix Chinensis |
bhaiṣaja | n. a drug, medicine |
bhaiṣaja | mfn. relating to bhaiṣajya- gaRa kaṇvādi-. |
bhaiṣṇaja | mfn. fr. bhaithṇajya- gaRa kaṇvādi- (varia lectio bhaiṣaja-). |
bhajagovindastotra | n. Name of work (see bhagavad-govinda-). |
bhajaka | m. a distributer, apportioner (See civara-bh-) |
bhajaka | m. a worshipper |
bhajamāna | mfn. apportioning etc. |
bhajamāna | mfn. fitting, meet, appropriate |
bhajamāna | mfn. Name of various princes |
bhajana | m. Name of a prince |
bhajana | n. the act of sharing |
bhajana | n. possession |
bhajana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') reverence, worship, adoration (also bhajanatā -tā- f.with locative case ) |
bhajanāmṛta | n. Name of work |
bhajanānanda | m. Name of an author |
bhajanatā | f. bhajana |
bhajanavārika | m. a particular official in a Buddhist monastery |
bhajanīya | mfn. to be loved or revered or waited upon, venerable |
bhakṣajapa | m. the prayer muttered while drinking soma- |
bhaktajayantī | f. Name of work |
bhāṇḍabhajaka | m. the distributer of vessels or utensils (in a temple) |
bhāratadeśaja | m. born in India, an Indian |
bharatāgraja | m. "elder brother of bharata-varṣa-", Name of rāma- |
bhāvaja | m. "heart-born", love or the god of love |
bhavajala | n. the water (or ocean) of worldly existence |
bhavātmaja | m. " bhava-'s id est śiva-'s son ", Name of gaṇeśa- or kārttikeya- |
bheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. (fr. 1. bhiṣaj-) curing, healing, sanative |
bheṣaja | n. a remedy, medicine, medicament, drug, remedy against (genitive case or compound) etc. |
bheṣaja | n. a spell or charm for curative purposes (generally from atharva-- veda-) |
bheṣaja | n. water |
bheṣaja | n. Nigella Indica |
bheṣajabhakṣaṇa | n. "drug-eating", the act of taking medicine |
bheṣajacandra | m. "moon of medicine", Name of a man |
bheṣajakalpa | m. Name of work |
bheṣajakalpasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
bheṣajakaraṇa | n. preparation of drugs or medicine |
bheṣajakṛta | mfn. healed, cured |
bheṣajasarvasva | n. Name of work |
bheṣajatā | (j/a--) f. curativeness, healing power |
bheṣajatarka | m. Name of work |
bheṣajavīrya | n. the healing power of medicine |
bhīmajananī | f. " bhīma-'s mother", Name of the Ganges |
bhīmapūrvaja | m. Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- |
bhīrukajana | m. one whose servants are cowards |
bhiṣaja | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- () |
bhīṣmajananī | f. " bhīṣma-'s mother", Name of gaṅgā- |
bhiṣṇaja | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- (see bhiṣaja-). |
bhraja | n. fire (?) |
bhrajas | See vāta-bhrajas-. |
bhramaraja | mfn. produced by bees (as honey) |
bhrāṣṭraja | mfn. produced or cooked in a frying-pan |
bhrātṛvyajanman | (bhr/ā-) mfn. having the nature or character of a rivals |
bhṛṅgaja | m. Agallochum |
bhṛṅgaraja | () ( ) m. Eclipta Prostrata. |
bhṛṅgarajas | ( ) m. Eclipta Prostrata. |
bhṛtyajana | m. a person (or persons) to be supported, a servant or servants |
bhūdharaja | m. "mountain-born", a tree () |
bhūtajananī | f. the mother of all beings |
bhūtajaṭā | f. Nardostachys Jatamansi |
bhūtajaṭā | f. another species of Valeriana |
bhūtajaya | m. victory over the elements |
bhūtendriyajayin | m. "one who has subdued both the elements (of the body) and the senses", a kind of ascetic or devotee |
bilvaja | See bailvaja-. |
bisaja | n. a lotus-flower |
brahmadhvaja | m. Name of a buddha- |
brahmaja | mfn. sprung from that which is holy (said of kārttikeya-) |
brahmaja | m. plural Name of particular clouds |
brahmaja | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a class of divinities |
brahmajajña | mfn. "born from and knowing brahma-"or"knowing what is brahma--born" id est "knowing all things" |
brahmajanman | n. "spiritual birth", investiture with the sacred thread |
brahmajanman | mfn. " brahmā- -born"(said of prajāpati-) |
brahmajapa | m. a particular formula of prayer |
brahmajaṭā | f. Artemisia Indica |
brahmajaṭin | m. Artemisia Indica |
brāhmaṇaja | mf(ā-)n., said of an iṣṭi- (see Scholiast or Commentator) |
brāhmaṇaja | n. equals next |
bṛhaddhvaja | m. Name of a king |
budhajana | m. a wise man W |
cakragaja | m. Cassia Tora |
cakramāsaja | mfn. stopping the wheels (of a chariot) |
cāmaravyajana | n. a chowrie |
caṇakātmaja | m. " caṇaka-'s son", cāṇakya- |
candradhvajaketu | m. Name of a samādhi- |
candraja | m. "moon-born", the planet Mercury |
candrajanaka | m. "moon-progenitor", the sea |
candrajasiṃha | m. Name of a man. |
candrātmaja | m. equals dra-ja- |
candrodayamakaradhvaja | m. Name of a medicinal preparation |
carmaja | mfn. made of leather |
carmaja | n. "skin-born", the hairs of the body |
carmaja | n. blood |
cauradhvajabaddhaka | m. a notorious thief. |
chandaja | mfn. "originating from one's own wish", self-produced (gods) |
chāyātmaja | m. equals -tanaya- |
cīnaja | n. steel |
cippaṭajayāpīḍa | m. Name of a king of Kashmir |
ciraja | mfn. born long ago, old. |
citradhrajati | (tr/a--) mfn. having a bright course (agni-) |
citradhvaja | m. (equals -ketu-) Name of a man |
citraja | mf(ā-)n. prepared with various substances |
citrajalpa | m. talking on various things. |
citrajavanikā | f. a painted curtain, |
citrāṇḍaja | m. a variegated bird |
cittaja | m. "heart-born", love, god of love |
cittajanman | m. idem or 'm. "heart-born", love, god of love ' , |
cīvarabhajaka | m. distributor of monks' dresses |
dagdhajaṭhara | n. the hungry stomach |
daityamedaja | m. "produced from the marrow of daitya-s", a kind of bdellium |
daivajana | (d/ai-) mf(ī-)n. belonging to the gods collectively |
dalaja | mfn. produced from petals (honey) |
damaghoṣaja | m. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla- |
dantajanman | n. growth of the teeth |
dantarajas | n. equals -mala- |
dārḍhajayanti | see vaipaścita-, parasmE-pada 1332. |
dāsajana | m. slave, servant |
daśakāmajavyasana | n. the 10 vices arising from love of pleasure (See ) . |
daśavraja | (d/aś-) m. "having 10 cow-sheds", Name of a man |
dehaja | m. "body-born", a son (see tanu--) |
dehaja | m. the god of love, diś-. |
deśaja | mfn. "country born", native, born or produced in the right place, genuine (as horses, elephants etc.) |
devadatttāgraja | m. "the elder brother of deva-datta-", Name of gautama- buddha- (see above) |
devaja | mfn. god-born, divine (as a sāman-) |
devaja | m. Name of a prince (son of saṃyama-) |
devajagdha | n. "god-eaten", a kind of fragrant grass (equals kattṛṇa-) |
devajagdhaka | n. "god-eaten", a kind of fragrant grass (equals kattṛṇa-) |
devajana | m. (generally plural) a troop or collection of gods or demons or serpents etc. etc. (see daiva--, itara--) |
devajana | Name (also title or epithet) of a guhyaka-, |
devajananī | f. the mother of the gods |
devajanavid | mfn. knowing gods etc. |
devajanavidyā | f. knowledge of serpents etc. |
devajapa | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- |
devajaya | m. Name of a poet |
devayajana | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. sacrificing to the gods (agni-) ' |
devayajana | mf(ī-)n. serving for an oblation, |
devayajana | n. place of offering |
devayajanatva | n. |
devayajanavat | mfn. having a place of offering |
dhanvaja | mfn. growing on dry soil, produced on barren land, : |
dhāraṇīmukhasarvajagatpraṇidhisaṃdhāraṇagarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-. |
dharātmaja | (rātm-) m. metron. of the planet Mars |
dharmadhvaja | mfn. "whose banner is law", feigning virtue, hypocritical, an impostor (also -vat-and jika- ; jin- ) |
dharmadhvaja | m. Name of the sun |
dharmadhvaja | m. of a king of mithilā- (son of kuśa-dhvaja-, father of amitadhvaja- and kṛta-dhvaja-) |
dharmadhvaja | m. of a brother of kuśadhvaja- |
dharmadhvaja | m. of a king of kāñcana-pura- |
dharmadhvaja | m. of another person |
dharmaja | mfn. produced by a sense of duty |
dharmaja | m. = the next. |
dharmajanman | m. "son of dharma- id est yama- ", Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- |
dharmātmaja | m. equals ma-suta- |
dhautakośaja | n. bleached or purified silk (= pattrorṇa-) |
dhrajas | n. gliding course or motion |
dhrajati | See citr/a--. |
dhṛtapraja | mfn. having descendants |
dhṛtraja | m. son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-, Name of dur-yodhana- etc., |
dhūlidhvaja | m. "dust-bannered", air or wind |
dhūmadhvaja | m. "smoke-marked", fire |
dhūmaja | n. a kind of caustic potash |
dhūmrajaṭila | mfn. dark and tortuous (snake) |
dhūrtajantu | m. "cunning creature", man |
dhvaja | m. (n.only and gaRa ardharcādi-;fr. 2. dhvaj-) a banner, flag, standard (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc. |
dhvaja | m. a flag-staff |
dhvaja | m. mark, emblem, ensign, characteristic, sign |
dhvaja | m. attribute of a deity (see makara--, vṛṣabha--etc.) |
dhvaja | m. the sign of any trade (especially of a distillery or tavern) and the business there carried on |
dhvaja | m. a distiller or vendor of spirituous liquors |
dhvaja | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the ornament of (exempli gratia, 'for example' kula-dhvaja-) |
dhvaja | m. the organ of generation (of any animal, male or female) (see puṃ--, strī--) |
dhvaja | m. a skull carried on a staff (as a penance for the murder of a Brahman ;as a mark of ascetics and yogī-s ) |
dhvaja | m. Name of a tree (equals -vṛkṣa-) |
dhvaja | m. a place prepared in a peculiar way for building (in pros.) an iambic |
dhvaja | m. (in grammar) a particular kind of krama-pāṭha- |
dhvaja | m. (in astrology) Name of a yoga- |
dhvaja | m. pride, arrogance, hypocrisy |
dhvaja | m. Name of a grāma- |
dhvajabhaṅga | m. fracture or fall of a banner |
dhvajabhaṅga | m. fall of the male organ, impotence |
dhvajadruma | m. the palm tree (used for making flag-staffs) |
dhvajadruma | mfn. having banners for trees |
dhvajagṛha | n. a room in which banners are kept or from which banners wave |
dhvajagrīva | m. "banner- (id est high-)necked", Name of a rakṣas- |
dhvajahṛta | mfn. equals jāhṛta- |
dhvajanavamī | f. a particular festival |
dhvajapaṭa | m. "banner-cloth", a flag |
dhvajapatākin | mfn. furnished with banners and trees |
dhvajapraharaṇa | m. "banner-striking", air, wind |
dhvajapraharaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of vāyu-, |
dhvajarājin | mfn. displaying flags or banners |
dhvajasamucchraya | m. raising a flag |
dhvajavada | m. Name of a man gaRa tikādi- |
dhvajavat | mfn. decorated with banners (town) |
dhvajavat | mfn. bearing a mark or sign (especially that of criminal) |
dhvajavat | m. a standard-bearer |
dhvajavat | m. a vendor of spirituous liquors (see dhvaj/a-above) |
dhvajavat | m. a Brahman who having slain another carries the skull of the murdered man by way of penance |
dhvajavat | m. of a divine attendant of a bodhi-sattva- |
dhvajavatī | f. Name of a divine female (the daughter of hari-medhas-) |
dhvajavṛkṣa | m. Caryota Urens |
dhvajayantra | n. "banner-instrument", any contrivance for fastening a flag-staff |
dhvajayaṣṭi | f. flag-staff |
dhvāṅkṣajambū | f. a kind of plant (equals kākaj-) |
dhvāṅkṣajaṅghā | f. Leea Hirta |
dhvastamūrdhaja | mfn. whose hair has fallen out |
dhvastarajaḥsattvatamomala | mfn. freed from the impurity of passion, goodness and darkness |
dhyānajapya | m. pl. Name of a race (varia lectio kara-j-and dhyāna-puṣṭa-). |
diggaja | m. equals dik-karin- |
dinakarātmaja | m. "daughter of the sun" patronymic of the yamunā- |
dineśātmaja | m. "son of the Sun", the planet Saturn |
dīpadhvaja | m. "lamp-sign", soot |
dīpakarpūraja | m. a kind of camphor |
dīrghajaṅgala | m. a kind of fish (equals bhaṅgāna-) |
dīrghajaṅgha | m. "long-legged", a camel |
dīrghajaṅgha | m. Ardea Nivea |
dīrghajaṅgha | m. Name of a yakṣa- |
diśāgaja | m. equals dik-karin- |
dohaja | n. "produced by milking", milk |
dravaja | m. treacle |
draviṇendrātmaja | m. kubera-'s son, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
dṛṅnīraja | etc. See 2. dṛś-. |
dṛṅnīraja | mfn. whose eyes are like the lotus |
dṛṣṭarajas | () and |
dṛṣṭarajaskā | () f. equals -puṣpā-. |
duḥkhabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. healing woe (kṛṣṇa-) |
dūraja | mfn. born or living in a distant place |
durdeśaja | mfn. coming from it (water) |
duryodhanāvaraja | m. "the younger brother of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-", Name of duḥ-śāsana-, G. |
duṣpraja | () () mfn. having bad offspring. |
duṣprajas | () mfn. having bad offspring. |
duṣṭagaja | m. a vicious elephant |
dvaṃdvaja | mfn. proceeding from a pair or from discord or from a morbid affection of two humours |
dvārajapasūkta | n. plural Name of particular hymns. |
dvīpaja | n. equals -kharjurī- |
dvīpakarpūraja | m. camphor from China |
dviyaja | mfn. twice containing (the word) yaja- |
dviyajatva | n. |
eḍagaja | m. the plant Cassia Tora or Alata (used for the cure of ringworm) |
ekaja | mfn. born or produced alone or single, solitary, single, alone of its kind |
ekajanman | m. "once-born", a śūdra- |
ekajanman | m. "having pre-eminent birth", a king |
ekajaṭa | m. Name of a being 84, 3 |
ekajaṭa | m. Name of a being in the retinue of skanda- |
ekajaṭā | f. Name of a goddess ([ ]) |
ekaraja | m. Verbesina Scandens |
eṇajaṅgha | m. "deer-legged", Name of a running messenger |
gaḍadeśaja | n. "coming from the district gaḍa- (in the province of Ajmir)", rock or fossil salt |
gadāgraja | m. "elder brother of gada-", Name of kṛṣṇa- |
gaganadhvaja | m. the sun |
gaganadhvaja | m. a cloud |
gaja | m. an elephant etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) |
gaja | m. (equals dig-g-) one of the 8 elephants of the regions |
gaja | m. (hence) the number"eight" |
gaja | m. a measure of length (commonly Gaz, equal to two cubits = 1 3/4 Or 2 hasta-s) |
gaja | m. a mound of earth (sloping on both sides) on which a house may be erected |
gaja | m. equals -puṭa- q.v |
gaja | m. (in music) a kind of measure |
gaja | m. Name of a man |
gaja | m. of an asura- (conquered by śiva-) |
gaja | m. of an attendant on the sun |
gajabandhana | n. a post to which an elephant is bound |
gajabandhanī | f. idem or 'n. a post to which an elephant is bound ' |
gajabandhinī | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. a post to which an elephant is bound ' ' |
gajabhakṣā | f. (equals -priyā-) the gum Olibanum tree |
gajabhakṣaka | m. "elephant's (favourite) food", Ficus religiosa |
gajabhakṣyā | f. idem or 'f. (equals -priyā-) the gum Olibanum tree ' |
gajabhujaṃgama | m. dual number an elephant and a serpent |
gajacarman | n. an elephant's skin |
gajacarman | n. a kind of leprosy. |
gajacchāyā | f. "an elephant's shadow", a particular constellation (see ) |
gajacirbhaṭā | f. Cucumis maderaspatanus |
gajacirbhiṭa | m. idem or 'f. Cucumis maderaspatanus ' |
gajacirbhiṭā | f. another kind of gourd |
gajadaghna | mfn. (see ) as high or tall as an elephant |
gajadaityabhid | m. "conqueror of the daitya- (or asura-) gaja-", Name of śiva- |
gajadāna | n. the exudation from an elephant's temples |
gajadanta | m. an elephant's tusk, ivory |
gajadanta | m. a pin projecting from a wall |
gajadanta | m. Name of gaṇeśa- (who is represented with an elephant's head) |
gajadanta | m. a particular position of the hands |
gajadantamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of ivory |
gajadantaphalā | f. a kind of pumpkin |
gajaḍhakkā | f. a kettle-drum carried on an elephant |
gajadvayasa | mfn. (see ) equals -daghna- |
gajagāminī | f. a woman of a stately elephant-like walk |
gajagati | f. a stately gait like that of an elephant |
gajajhampa | m. (in music) a kind of measure. |
gajakanda | m. (equals hasti-k-) a kind of bulbous plant |
gajakanyā | f. a female elephant |
gajakarṇa | m. "elephant-ear", Name of a yakṣa- |
gajakarṇī | f. a kind of bulbous plant |
gajakṛṣṇā | f. Scindapsus officinalis |
gajakūrmāśin | m. "devouring an elephant and a tortoise", Name of garuḍa- (in allusion to his swallowing both those animals whilst engaged in a contest with each other see ) |
gajalīla | m. (in music) a kind of measure. |
gajamācala | m. equals kari-m- q.v |
gajamada | m. equals -dāna- |
gajamalla | m. Name of a man. |
gajamāna | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a man, |
gajamaṇḍalikā | f. a ring or circle of elephants surrounding a car etc. |
gajamaṇḍana | n. the ornaments with which an elephant is decorated (especially the coloured lines on his head) |
gajamātra | mfn. as tall as an elephant |
gajamauktika | n. equals -muktā- |
gajamocana | m. equals -moṭana- |
gajamoṭana | m. equals -mācala- |
gajamukha | m. "elephant-faced", gaṇeśa- |
gajamuktā | f. pearl supposed to be found in the projections of an elephant's forehead |
gajanakra | m. "elephant-crocodile", a rhinoceros |
gajanāsā | f. the trunk of an elephant |
gajanavī | = $. |
gajanimīlikā | f. (equals ibha-n-) "shutting the eyes (at anything) like an elephant", feigning not to look at anything |
gajanimīlikā | f. inattention, carelessness |
gajanimīlita | n. (equals likā-) feigning not to look at anything |
gajapādapa | m. "elephant-tree", Bignonia suaveolens |
gajapati | m. a lord or keeper of elephants |
gajapati | m. a title given to kings (exempli gratia, 'for example' to an old king in the south of jambu-dvīpa-) |
gajapati | m. a stately elephant |
gajapippalī | f. equals -kṛṣṇā- |
gajaprayantṛ | m. an elephant-driver |
gajapriyā | f. "dear to elephants", Boswellia serrata |
gajapuṃgava | m. a large elephant |
gajapura | n. the town called after the elephant (id est hāstina-pura-) |
gajapūrva | see gaja-, p, 643 |
gajapuṣpamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of gaja-puṣpī- flowers (as a wreath) |
gajapuṣpī | f. Name of a flower |
gajapuṭa | m. a small hole in the ground for a fire (over which to prepare food or medicine) |
gajarāja | m. "king of elephants", a noble elephant |
gajarājamuktā | f. equals gaja-m-. |
gajarathapura | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a town, |
gajareva | m. Name of an author of Prakrit verses |
gajasāhvaya | n. (equals -pura-) "named after an elephant", the city hāstina-pura- |
gajaśāstra | n. a work treating of elephants or the method of breaking them in commentator or commentary on |
gajaśikṣā | f. the knowledge or science of elephants, elephant-lore |
gajasiṃha | m. Name of an author of Prakrit verses |
gajasiṃha | m. of a prince |
gajasiṃhacaritra | n. Name of work |
gajaśiras | m. "elephant-headed", Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue |
gajaśiras | m. Name of a dānava- |
gajaśīrṣa | m. "elephant-headed", Name of a nāga- |
gajaskandha | m. "having shoulders like an elephant", Name of a dānava- |
gajaskandha | m. "having a stem like an elephant's trunk", Cassia Alata or Tora |
gajasnāna | n. "ablution of elephants", unproductive efforts (as elephants, after squirting water over their bodies, end by throwing dust and rubbish) |
gajasthāna | n. a place where elephants are kept, elephant's stall |
gajasthāna | n. Name of a locality |
gajasukumāracaritra | n. Name of work |
gajatā | f. the state of an elephant |
gajatā | f. a multitude of elephants |
gajaturaṃgavilasita | n. Name of a metre (see ṛṣabha-gaja-v-.) |
gajatva | n. the state of an elephant |
gajavadana | m. equals -mukha- |
gajavadhū | f. a female elephant, |
gajavāja | n. gaRa rājadantādi- () |
gajavallabhā | f. equals -priyā- |
gajavallabhā | f. a kind of kadalī- (growing on mountains) |
gajavara | m. the choicest or best of elephants |
gajavat | mfn. furnished with elephants |
gajavikāśī | f. a variety of nightshade |
gajavilasitā | f. Name of a metre |
gajavīthi | f. "the course of the elephant"or that division of the moon's course in the heavens which contains the signs rohiṇī-, mṛga-śiras-, and ārdrā-, or (according to others) punar-vasu-, tiṣya-, and āśleṣā- |
gajavīthī | f. "the course of the elephant"or that division of the moon's course in the heavens which contains the signs rohiṇī-, mṛga-śiras-, and ārdrā-, or (according to others) punar-vasu-, tiṣya-, and āśleṣā- |
gajavraja | mfn. walking like an elephant |
gajavraja | n. the pace of an elephant |
gajavraja | n. a troop of elephants |
gajayānavid | mfn. expert in managing an elephant |
gajayodhin | mfn. fighting on an elephant |
gajayodhin | mfn. |
gajayūtha | n. a herd of elephants |
gālakyaja | n. a kind of salt |
gandhadhūmaja | m. a kind of perfume |
gandhagaja | m. "scent-elephant", an elephant during rut |
gandhaja | mf(ā-)n. consisting of fragrant substances |
gandhajala | n. fragrant water |
gandhajaṭilā | f. Acorus Calamus |
garuḍadhvaja | mfn. (see gaRa arcādi- ) having garuḍa- in its banner (kṛṣṇa-'s chariot) |
garuḍadhvaja | m. equals -ketu- |
garuḍāgraja | m. "elder brother of garuḍa-", Name of aruṇa- (charioteer of the sun) |
gatapraja | mfn. one whose children are dead, |
ghanaja | "cloud-born", talc |
ghanajambāla | m. a quantity of mire, slough |
gharmajala | n. "heat-water", perspiration |
ghaṭajanman | m. "jar-born", droṇa- |
ghrāṇaja | mfn. caused or produced by the nose |
ghuṇajarjara | mfn. worm-eaten |
giridhvaja | m. equals -jvara- |
girirajaghoṣa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, |
girirajaghoṣesvara | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, |
girivraja | m. "mountain-fenced"Name of the capital of magadha- |
goajana | mfn. serving to drive cattle (a stick, goad), |
godhikātmaja | m. a kind of lizard |
godhūmaja | n. a particular concrement in wheat |
gopajalā | f. equals go-capalā- |
gopatidhvaja | m. Name of śiva- |
gorajas | n. a particle of dust on a cow-hair (named as a very small measure) |
gorajas | n. "sun-dust", an atom. |
gorakṣajambū | f. wheat |
gorakṣajambū | f. equals kṣa-taṇḍula- |
gorakṣajambū | f. equals ghoṇḍā-phala- (the jujube fruit ) |
gorasaja | n. buttermilk |
goṣṭhaja | m. "born in a cow-pen", Name of a Brahman |
gotallaja | m. an excellent cow |
gotraja | mfn. born in the same family, relation (in law, nearly ="Gentile" of Roman law, and applied to kindred of the same general family, who are connected by offerings of food and water;hence opposed to bandhu-or cognate kindred not partaking in the offerings to common ancestors) |
govraja | m. a cow-pen |
govraja | m. Name of an attendant of skanda- |
govraja | m. of a dānava- |
govṛṣadhvaja | m. idem or 'm. śiva- (see )' , . |
grāmabālajana | m. a young peasant |
grāmajaniṣpāvī | f. "pulse grown in cultivated ground", Phaseolus radiatus |
grāmarajaka | m. a village dyer |
grāmyagaja | m. a village-born or tame elephant |
gṛdhrajambūka | m. Name of an attendant of śiva- (mbhūka- manuscript) |
gṛhaja | mfn. born in the house (a slave) () |
gṛhajana | m. the family |
gudaja | mn. plural equals -kīla-, |
gūḍhaja | mfn. (equals gūḍhotpanna-) born privately (a son born during the absence of the husband, the real father being unknown;one of the 12 forms particularised in Hindu law, the child belonging to the husband of the disloyal wife) |
guptarajasvalā | f. a girl who has begun to have her courses |
haḍḍaja | n. "produced from bones", marrow |
hajadeśa | m. Name of a district |
haṃsadhvaja | m. Name of a king |
haṃsaja | m. "swan-born", Name of one of skanda-'s attendants |
harimanthaja | m. "produced in the district hari-mantha-", the chick-pea |
harimanthaja | mn. a sort of kidney-bean |
haritabheṣaja | n. a remedy against jaundice |
haritajambhan | mfn. |
haritālajanaka | m. orpiment-producer (a word employed in modern Sanskrit to express the metal arsenic). |
harṣaja | mfn. arising from joy |
harṣaja | n. semen |
harṣajaḍa | mfn. paralyzed with joy |
hatajalpita | n. plural useless talk |
hataśiṣṭajana | m. a survivor |
heḍaja | m. idem or 'm. anger, passion, hatred ' |
hemaja | n. tin |
hemajaṭa | m. plural Name of a class of kirāta-s |
hemantajabdha | (t/a--) mfn. swallowed by winter (id est"hidden away or disappeared in winter") |
herambajananī | f. "mother of gaṇeśa-", durgā- |
himaja | mfn. produced by cold |
himaja | mfn. born or produced in the himālaya- mountain |
himaja | m. the mountain maināka- |
himaja | m. the plant called Zedoary |
himaja | m. sugar prepared from yava-nāla- |
himaja | m. Name of parvati- |
himaja | m. of śacī- |
himaśailaja | mfn. produced on the himālaya- |
hiṃsrajantu | m. a savage animal, beast of prey |
hīnaja | mfn. low-born |
hotaryaja | the praiṣa- (q.v) consisting of the words hotar yaja- |
hrasvajambū | f. a species of jambū- with small black fruit |
hṛdayaja | mfn. belonging or corresponding to the interior |
hṛdayaja | m. "heart-born", a son |
hṛddyotabheṣaja | n. a remedy against internal disease |
hṛtpaṅkaja | n. the heart compared to a lotus-flower |
iḍaprajas | f. plural = iḍā-- pr-, |
iḍāprajas | (asas-) f. plural the descendants of iḍā-. |
ikṣvākukulaja | mfn. born in the family of ikṣvāku-. |
indrabheṣaja | n. dried ginger |
indradhvaja | m. indra-'s banner |
indradhvaja | m. Name of a tathāgata- |
indradhvaja | m. of a nāga- |
indraja | m. Name of the ape vālin- |
indrajanana | n. indra-'s birth. ( indrajananīya nīya-[ gaṇa- indra-jananādi- ] mfn.treating of indra-'s birth.) |
indrajananīya | mfn. indrajanana |
indrajatu | n. bitumen |
indrāvaraja | m. "the younger brother of indra-", Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- |
īraja | m. "wind-born", Name of hanumat-. |
īśānaja | m. plural a class of deities forming a section of the kalpabhava-s |
iṣṭajana | m. a beloved person, man or woman |
iṣṭajana | m. a loved one |
itarajana | m. an ordinary man |
itarajana | m. plural "other men" |
itarajana | m. a euphemistic name of certain beings who appear to be considered as spirits of darkness (kuvera- belongs to them) |
jaghanyaja | mfn. last born, youngest, i, iii |
jaghanyaja | m. a younger brother |
jaghanyaja | m. "low-born", a śūdra- |
jaghanyaja | m. Name of a son of pradyota-. |
jaja | m. "a warrior" |
jaja | m. see jājin-. |
jajaujas | n. "warrior's strength", prowess |
jalaja | mfn. produced or born or living or growing in water, coming from or peculiar to water |
jalaja | m. an aquatic animal, fish etc. |
jalaja | m. Barringtonia acutangula |
jalaja | m. sea-salt |
jalaja | m. Name of several signs of the zodiac connected with water |
jalaja | m. (also n. ) a conch-shell (used as a trumpet ) |
jalaja | n. equals -ja-dravya-, |
jalaja | n. equals -ruh- |
jalaja | n. a kind of ebony (varia lectio la-da-) |
jalaja | n. equals la-kuntala- |
jalaja | n. equals -vetasa- |
jalajadravya | n. any sea-product, pearl, shell |
jalajakusuma | n. "water-flower", lotus, in compound jalajakusumayoni ma-yoni- m. "lotus-born", brahmā- |
jalajakusumayoni | m. jalajakusuma |
jalajambukā | f. a kind of jambu- |
jalajambukālatā | f. Name of an aquatic plant |
jalajanman | n. "water-born", a lotus |
jalajantu | m. an aquatic animal |
jalajantukā | f. a leech |
jalajasumanā | f. Andropogon aciculatus |
jalāṣabheṣaja | (j/al-) mfn. possessed of healing medicines (rudra-) |
jamaja | mfn. equals yam- |
jambudhvaja | m. "having the jambu- tree as its standard" equals -dvīpa-, |
jambudhvaja | m. Name of a nāga- |
jambuvanaja | n. "growing in jambu- forests", the white flower of the China rose |
janmajanman | n. |
janmajanmani | ind. locative case in every (birth or) life |
janmajanmāntara | n. every future life |
janmajarāntaka | m. destroyer of birth and old age, |
jāraja | m. equals -garbha- |
jārajanman | m. idem or 'm. equals -garbha- ' |
jātarajas | f. a female who has the catamenia, |
javāgraja | for yav- q.v |
jayadhvaja | m. a flag of victory |
jayadhvaja | m. Name of a son of arjuna- kārtavīrya- |
jayātmaja | m. " jaya-'s (arjuna-'s) son", abhimanyu- |
jhaṣadhvaja | m. "fish-symboled", the god of love, love, |
jīrṇaparṇaja | n. Cyperus rotundus |
jīvaja | mfn. born-alive |
jīvapraja | mf(ā-)n. having living children |
jñānaketudhvaja | m. Name of a devaputra-, |
juhotiyajatikriyā | f. plural the offering of burnt oblations and (other) sacrifices, . |
jvālādhvaja | m. "flame-marked", fire |
jyeṣṭhajaghanya | mfn. plural the elders last |
kaja | mfn. produced in or by water, watery, aquatic |
kaja | n. a lotus |
kaja | See under 3. ka-. |
kajjaladhvaja | m. a lamp |
kākadhvaja | m. submarine fire (personified in Hindu mythology see aurva-) |
kākajambū | f. the plant Ardisia humilis |
kākajambū | f. another kind of jambu- |
kākajaṅghā | f. the plant Leea Hirta |
kākajaṅghā | f. Abrus precatorius |
kalaja | m. a cock |
kalalaja | m. the resinous exudation of the Shorea robusta (see kala-kala-.) |
kālāṇḍaja | m. "the black bird", Indian cuckoo |
kalaśajanman | m. Name of agastya- |
kalayaja | equals kalalaja- below |
kalyajagdhi | f. "morning-meal", breakfast |
kāmaja | mfn. produced or caused by passion or desire, arising from lust |
kāmaja | mfn. begotten or born of desire or lust |
kāmaja | m. "born of kāma-", Name of aniruddha- |
kāmaja | m. plural equals kāmagamās- |
kāmajananī | f. betel-pepper |
kāmajani | m. the Indian cuckoo |
kamalaja | m. Name of brahmā- (see the last.) |
kaṃjaja | m. "born from a lotus", Name of brahmā- |
kāṃsyaja | mfn. made of brass |
kaṇaja | m. a particular measure |
kanakadhvaja | m. Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra- |
kandaja | mfn. growing or coming from bulbs |
kaṇvajambhana | mf(ī-)n. consuming or destroying the evil spirits called kaṇva- |
kaphaja | mfn. arising from or produced by phlegm |
kapidhvaja | m. Name of arjuna- (see -ketana-above) |
kapilajaṭa | m. Name of a muni- |
karāgrapallavaja | m. a finger-nail. |
karaja | m. "produced in or from the hand", a finger-nail etc. |
karaja | m. Pongamia Glabra (equals karañja-) |
karaja | n. a kind of perfume (resembling a nail in appearance, equals vyāghra-nakha-) |
kāraja | mfn. (fr. kar-), of or relating to the finger-nail |
kāraja | m. (for ruja-) a young elephant |
karajapya | m. Name of a man |
karajapya | m. plural Name of his tribe |
karajavardhana | m. Name of a prince |
karālajanaka | m. Name of a prince (also called janaka-) |
karapaṅkaja | m. equals -kamala- above. |
karmaja | mfn. "act-born", resulting or produced from any act (good or bad) etc. |
karmaja | m. Ficus religiosa |
karmaja | m. the kaliyuga- (q.v) |
karmaja | m. a god |
karmajanya | mfn. produced by acts, |
karmajanyatā | (f.) |
karṇaja | m. ear-wax |
karṇajalaukā | f. idem or 'n.' |
karṇajalaukas | n. |
karṇajalūkā | f. equals -kīṭā- above |
karṇajapa | m. "ear-whisperer", an informer |
karūṣaja | m. Name of danta-vakra- (or danta-vaktra-) |
kāśaja | mfn. |
kāśmīraja | n. "coming from kāśmīra-", saffron |
kāśmīraja | n. the tuberous root of the plant Costus speciosus |
kaśmīrajanman | n. "produced in Kashmir", saffron |
kāśmīrajanman | n. saffron |
kāṣṭhajambū | f. the plant Premna herbacea |
kāṣṭharajanī | f. equals dāru-haridrā- |
kaṭajaka | m. Name of a man on vArttika 3, on |
kaumudīrajanī | f. a moonlight night |
kauśikātmaja | m. " indra-'s son", Name of arjuna- |
kauṭaja | mfn. coming from the plant Wrightia antidysenterica (kuṭa-ja-) |
kauṭaja | m. the plant Wrightia antidysenterica |
kauṭajabhārika | mfn. (fr. kuṭaja-bhāra-), carrying or bearing a load of Wrightia antidysenterica gaRa vaṃśādi-. |
kāyoḍhaja | mfn. (for ḍhā-- ja-), born from a woman married according to the prajā-pati- rite, . 1. |
kedāraja | n. the fruit of Cerasus Puddum |
keśidhvaja | m. Name of a prince (son of kṛta-dhvaja-) |
khadiraja | mfn. made from khadira- wood. |
khagendradhvaja | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
khaja | m. stirring, agitating, churning |
khaja | m. contest, war (see -k/ṛt-,etc.) |
khaja | m. a churning stick |
khaja | m. a ladle, spoon |
khajaka | m. a churning sick |
khajakṛt | mfn. causing the tumult or din of battle (indra-) |
khajala | n. "air-water" id est dew, rain, fog |
khajaṃkara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing the tumult or din of battle (indra-) ' |
khajapa | n. ghee or clarified butter |
khalaja | mfn. produced on a threshing-floor |
khaṇḍaja | m. treacle, candied sugar (equals guḍa-, yavāsa-śarkarā-) |
khāṇḍikyajanaka | m. Name of janaka- |
kharajaṅghā | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue |
kharjūrīrasaja | m. "made from the juice of the wild date", a kind of sugar |
khaśabdāṅkuraja | varia lectio for kharābdāṅkuraka- q.v |
khasātmaja | m. "born by khasā-", a rakṣas- |
khasātmaja | See khasa-. |
kīlālaja | n. flesh |
kilāsabheṣaja | n. a remedy against leprosy |
kīṭaja | n. "coming from insects", silk |
kolātmaja | m. "produced by the kolā- plant (Zizyphus Jujuba)", the fruit of the jujube |
kopajanman | mfn. produced by wrath or anger |
kośaja | n. "coming from the cocoon", silk |
koṭidhvaja | m. a millionaire |
koṭīdhvaja | m. varia lectio for ṭi-dhv- q.v |
kramadhvaja | m. a kind of krama-pāṭha-. |
kramaja | mfn. produced by the krama- arrangement, |
kramajaṭā | f. See -caṭa-. |
kratudhvaja | m. Name of a rudra- (varia lectio ṛtu-dh-). |
kṛkavākudhvaja | m. "having a cock in his banner", Name of kārttikeya- |
kṛmijalaja | m. an animal living in a shell, shell-fish |
kṛmikośaja | mfn. silken |
krodhaja | mfn. proceeding from or engendered by wrath (as the eight vices, hatred, envy, oppression, violence, etc.) |
kṛṣṇāgraja | m. "elder brother of kṛṣṇa-", Name of bala-deva- |
kṛṣṇaja | m. " kṛṣṇa-'s son", Name of pradyumna- |
kṛṣṇajaṃhas | (kṛṣṇ/a--) mfn. black-winged ["having a black path" and ] |
kṛṣṇajanaka | m. "father of kṛṣṇa-", Name of vasudeva- |
kṛṣṇajanmakhaṇḍa | n. "section on kṛṣṇa-'s birth", Name of a section of |
kṛṣṇajanmāṣṭamī | f. " kṛṣṇa-'s birth-day", the eighth day of the second half of the month śrāvaṇa- (see kṛṣṇāṣṭamī-below.) |
kṛṣṇajaṭā | f. Nardostachys jaṭā-māṃsī- |
kṛṣṭaja | mfn. grown in cultivated ground, cultivated (as plants) |
kṛtadhvaja | m. Name of a prince (son of dharmadhvaja-) |
kṛtajanman | mfn. janman |
kṛtajanman | mfn. born, produced, generated. |
kṛtāntajanaka | m. "father of yama-", Name of the sun |
kṣaṇarajanī | f. (= - kṣapā-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
kṣaraja | mfn. (equals kṣare-ja- ) produced by distillation |
kṣataja | mfn. produced by a wound or injury (exempli gratia, 'for example' kāsa-,a kind of cough;also visarpa- ) |
kṣataja | n. blood |
kṣataja | n. pus, matter |
kṣatajanman | n. "produced by a wound", blood |
kṣatajapāta | m. issue of blood |
kṣatajaṣṭhīvin | mfn. vomiting blood |
kṣayaja | mfn. produced by consumption (as cough) |
kṣetraja | mfn. produced in a field (as corn etc.) |
kṣetraja | m. (scilicet putra-) "born from the womb", a son who is the offspring of the wife by a kinsman or person duly appointed to raise up issue to the husband (this is one of the twelve kinds of issue allowed by the old Hindu law) |
kṣetraja | mfn. (a quarrel) arisen about land, |
kṣiptabheṣaja | mf(/ī-)n. healing wounds caused by missile weapons |
kṣīraja | n. coagulated milk |
kṣodaraja | mfn. ground to dust |
kṣudrajantu | m. any small animal |
kṣudrajantu | m. a kind of worm (Julus, śata-padī-) |
kukkuṭadhvaja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of skanda-, |
kulaja | mf(ā-)n. born in a noble family, well-born, of good breed etc. |
kulaja | n. sour gruel |
kulajana | m. a person belonging to a noble family |
kulaputrajana | m. a son of a noble family |
kūlbaja | ? |
kumbhajanman | m. "born in a pitcher", Name of agastya- |
kuṇḍaja | m. "pitcher-born", Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- |
kuṇḍajaṭhara | m. "pitcher-bellied", Name of an old sage (see kuṇḍodara-.) |
kūpaja | m. "produced from pores", hair |
kūpajala | n. well-water, spring-water |
kūpajalodvāhana | n. equals kūpa-cakra- |
kupuruṣajanitā | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of eleven syllables each). |
kurṇaja | m. Name of a plant (commonly kulañjana-) |
kuśadhvaja | m. Name of a prince (a son of hrasva-roman-) |
kuśadhvaja | m. (a grandson of hrasva-roman-) |
kuśaja | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio kuśala-) |
kuṣṭhaja | mfn. produced by leprosy |
kusumadhvaja | m. equals -pura- |
kusumajaya | m. Name of a prince |
kuṭaja | m. Wrightia antidysenterica (having seeds used as a vermifuge; see indra-yava-) etc. |
kuṭaja | m. "born in a pitcher", Name of the sage agastya- (see ) |
kuṭaja | m. of droṇa- |
kuṭaja | m. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order k/uṭa-. |
kūṭaja | m. (equals kuṭ-) the tree Wrightia antidysenterica |
kuṭajamallī | f. a kind of plant |
kuṭheraja | m. (equals kuṭheraka-) a kind of Basilicum |
kvajanman | mfn. where born? |
labdhajanman | mfn. one who has obtained birth, born |
lajakārikā | f. (laja-for lajjā-) the sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica |
lakṣmīsahaja | m. "produced together with lakṣmī-", the moon (supposed to have arisen together with lakṣmī- from the ocean when churned by the gods and asura-sSee lakṣmī-above ) |
lambajaṭhara | mfn. big-bellied |
laṇḍraja | mfn. born or produced in London |
lāṅgaladhvaja | m. "plough-bannered", Name of bala-rāma- (q.v) |
lāntakaja | m. plural (with jaina-s) Name of a class of deities |
lāṭajana | m. an inhabitant of lāṭa- or the people of lāṭa- |
lauhaja | n. equals loha-ja-, the rust of iron |
lauhitadhvaja | m. a follower of the lohitadhvaja-s |
lavaṇajala | mfn. having salt water |
lavaṇajala | m. the sea, ocean |
lavaṇajaladhi | m. () "receptacle of sea water", sea, ocean |
lavaṇajalanidhi | m. () "receptacle of sea water", sea, ocean |
lavaṇajalodbhava | m. "sea-born", a muscle, shell |
lavaṇāsuraja | n. a kind of salt |
liṅgaja | m. (mucus) secreted on the penis |
lodhraprasavarajas | n. pollen of lodhra- blossoms |
lohaja | mf(ā-)n. iron, made of iron |
lohaja | n. steel (from Damascus) |
lohaja | n. brass, bell-metal |
lohaja | n. rust of iron |
lohajaṅgha | m. Name of a Brahman |
lohajaṅgha | m. plural Name of a people |
loharajas | n. iron-dust, rust of iron or iron filings |
lohitadhvaja | mfn. having a red flag |
lohitadhvaja | m. plural Name of a particular association of persons |
lohitajahnu | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants) |
lokajananī | f. "mother of the world", Name of lakṣmī- |
lubdhajana | mfn. having covetous followers |
luñcitamūrdhaja | m. "having the hair torn out", Name of a jaina- ascetic (so called as pulling out the hair of the head and body by way of self-mortification) |
madajala | n. the temple juice (of a ruttish elephant) |
madhudhvaja | m. Name of 2 kings |
madhupadhvaja | m. Name of a king |
madhurajambīra | m. a species of citron or lime |
madhuvanavrajavāsigosvāmiguṇaleśāṣṭaka | n. Name of work |
madhyajainendravyākaraṇa | n. Name of work |
madraja | mfn. born in madra- |
magadhavaṃśaja | mf(ā-)n. sprung from the race of magadha- |
māghīpakṣayajanīya | n. the first day of the month phālguna- |
mahādharmadhvaja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, |
mahādhvaja | m. a camel |
mahāgaja | m. a great elephant |
mahāgaja | m. one of the elephant that support the earth (see dik-karin-) |
mahāgajalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
mahānimbarajas | n. a particular high number |
mahārajana | n. the safflower |
mahārajana | n. gold (see prec.) |
mahārajana | mfn. coloured with safflower |
māhārajana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. mahā-r-) dyed with saffron |
mahārajanagandhi | n. a kind of ruby |
mahārajanagandhin | n. a kind of ruby |
mahārajata | n. gold |
mahārajata | m. a thorn-apple |
mahārajata | mfn. wrong reading for next mfn. |
mahārudrajapavidhi | m. Name of work |
mahāśanidhvaja | (hāś-) m. a banner with a great thunderbolt delineated on it |
mahendradhvaja | m. equals -ketu- |
māhendraja | m. plural (with jaina-s) Name of a class of gods |
mahīrajas | n. "e-dust", a grain of sand |
mahiṣadhvaja | m. "having a buffalo for an emblem", Name of yama- |
majamudāra | m. = $ majmū'-dār-, a record-keeper, document-holder |
majjārajas | n. a particular hell |
majjārajas | n. bdellium |
makaradhvaja | m. equals -ketana- |
makaradhvaja | m. the sea |
makaradhvaja | m. a particular array of troops |
makaradhvaja | m. a particular medical preparation |
makaradhvaja | m. Name of a prince |
mākṣikaja | n. "honey-born", beeswax |
malaja | mfn. arising from filth or dirt |
malaja | m. plural Name of a people () (see malaka-, malada-, malaya-) |
malaja | n. purulent matter, pus |
mālatītīraja | mn. "produced on the banks of the mālatī-", white borax |
malayadhvaja | m. Name of a king of the pāṇḍya-s |
malayadhvaja | m. of a son of meru-dhvaja- |
malayadhvajanarapati | m. a king of Malaya |
malayaja | mfn. growing on the Malaya mountains |
malayaja | m. a sandal tree |
malayaja | m. Name of a poet |
malayaja | n. sandal |
malayaja | n. Name of rāhu- |
malayajarajas | n. the dust of sandal |
malayajarasa | n. sandal water |
mallaja | n. black pepper |
māṃsaja | mfn. "flesh-born", produced in the flesh (as an abscess) |
māṃsaja | n. fat. |
māmudagajanavī | m. = $ Mahmud of Ghazni |
mānasajanman | m. "mind-born", the god of love |
mandajananī | f. the mother of manda- or Saturn (and wife of sūrya-) |
mandajaras | mfn. slowly growing old |
manduraja | mfn. (prob.) born in a stable |
manovāgdehaja | mfn. resulting from thoughts and wishes and deeds (literally mind, speech and body) |
manthaja | n. "produced by churning", butter |
mantrajala | n. water consecrated by charms or sacred text |
manujātmaja | m. "son of man", a man, |
manuṣyajanman | mfn. begotten by a man |
maraṇaja | mfn. produced by death |
marmaja | n. blood |
maruddhvaja | n. "wind-sign, wind-banner", the down of cotton floating in the air, flocculent seeds wafted by the wind |
mārutātmaja | m. "son of the wind", Name of fire |
mārutātmaja | m. of hanumat- |
maśakajambhana | mf(ī-)n. driving away mosquitoes |
mataṃgaja | m. an elephant ( mataṃgajatva -tva- n.) |
mātaṃgaja | mfn. coming from an elephant, elephantine |
mataṃgajatva | n. mataṃgaja |
matidhvaja | m. Name of a nephew of śaskyapaṇḍita- |
matsyadhvaja | m. a fish-basket-banner |
matsyadhvaja | m. Name of a mountain, |
mātulātmaja | m. the son of a maternal uncle |
mayūrajaṅgha | m. Bignonia Indica |
medaja | m. "fat-produced", a kind of bdellium |
medhaja | m. "sacrifice-born", Name of viṣṇu- |
meḍhraja | m. Name of śiva- |
merudhvaja | m. Name of a king |
merudhvaja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, . |
meruvraja | n. Name of a city |
mīnadhvaja | m. equals -ketana-, |
misiajamodā | f. equals uśīrī- (see miśi-). |
miśraja | m. "mixed-born", a mule |
mitadhvaja | m. Name of a prince |
mṛgagharmaja | m. the substance called"civet" |
mṛgajala | n. "deer-water", mirage (See -tṛṣ-) |
mṛgajalasnāna | n. bathing in the waters of a mirage (a term for any impossibility) , |
mṛgajambuka | m. dual number a deer and a jackal |
mṛgalāñchanaja | m. "son of the moon", the planet Mercury |
mṛgaromaja | mfn. "produced from animal's hair", woollen |
mṛtyuṃjayajapa | m. muttering the verse |
mṛtyuṃjayajapa | m. Name of work |
muhūrtaja | (mc. for tā-ja-) m. plural the children of muhūrtā- |
mūkāṇḍaja | mfn. (a forest) whose birds are silent |
mukhaja | mfn. produced from or in the mouth |
mukhaja | mfn. being on the face (with abhinaya- m.change of countenance, play of feature) |
mukhaja | m. "mouth-born", a Brahman (so called as produced from the mouth of brahmā-), , a tooth |
mukhajanman | m. a Brahman (see prec.) |
mukhapaṅkaja | m. "face-lotus", a lotus-like face |
muktamūrdhaja | mf(ā-)n. equals -keśa- (q.v) |
muktāphaladhvaja | m. Name of a king |
muktāphalajala | n. equals muktā-j- (q.v) |
mūlaja | mfn. "root-born", growing from a root |
mūlaja | mfn. formed at the roots of trees |
mūlaja | m. a plant growing from a root (as a lotus) |
mūlaja | n. green ginger |
muṇḍaja | n. steel |
munibheṣaja | n. "sage's medicine"fasting |
munibheṣaja | n. Agati Grandiflora |
munibheṣaja | n. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina |
muñjājyābalbajamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of Munja-grass and a bow-string and Eleusine Indica |
muraja | m. (fr. mura-+ ja-?) a kind of, drum, tambourine (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc. |
muraja | m. a śloka- artificially arranged in the form of a drum (also -bandha- ) |
murajabandha | See above. |
murajadhvani | m. the sound of a drum |
murajaka | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants |
murajaphala | m. Attocarpus Integrifolia |
mūrdhaja | m. plural "head-born", the hair of the head etc. |
mūrdhaja | m. the mane |
mūrdhaja | m. Name of a cakravartin- |
mūtrajaṭhara | m. n. swelling of the abdomen in consequence of retention of urine |
nabhodhvaja | m. a cloud |
nabhogaja | m. "sky-elephant", a cloud |
nabhorajas | n. "sky-dust", darkness |
nagaja | mfn. mountain-born, mountaineer |
nagaja | m. elephant |
nāgaja | n. "born", red lead, tin |
nagarajana | m. plural townsfolk sg. a citizen |
nahuṣātmaja | m. Name of king yayāti- (see above) |
nakharajanī | f. a kind of plant and its fruit |
nakhararajanī | f. varia lectio for nakha-r- gaRa harītaky-ādi- |
nandanaja | m. "grown in the divine garden", yellow sandal-wood |
nandātmaja | m. idem or 'm. equals -suta-, ' |
narajaṅgala | n. moustache's flesh |
naravāhanajanana | n. Name of chapter of |
narendraraja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of tathāgata-s, . |
naṣṭajanman | n. "a lost nativity", subsequent calculation of a lost nativity |
naṣṭajanman | n. Name of work (also -vidhāna-, ) |
navaja | mfn. "recently born", new, young (moon) |
navanītaja | n. ghee (equals ghṛta-) |
navarajas | f. a girl who has only recently menstruated |
nayanajala | n. "eye-water", tears |
netraja | mfn. "eye-born"(with or sc. vāri-) |
netraja | n. a tear |
netrajala | n. equals prec. n. |
netrajalasrava | m. a flood of tears |
nīḍaja | m. "nest-born", a bird |
nīḍajajendra | m. "chief of birds", Name of garuḍa- |
nikāmajala | mfn. (a river) yielding abundant water |
nikaṣātmaja | m. nikaṣā |
nīladhvaja | m. Xanthochymus Pictorius |
nīladhvaja | m. Name of a prince of māhiṣmatī- |
nīlaja | n. "produced in the blue mountains", blue steel |
nīlāṇḍaja | m. a kind of deer |
nīlanīraja | n. the blue water-lily |
nīlapaṅkaja | n. a blue water-lily |
nīlāśmaja | See nīlāñjana-. |
nimbarajas | n. a particular high number |
nīraja | mfn. free from dust |
nīraja | mfn. free from passion |
nīraja | mfn. pur. etc. |
nīraja | m. (with viraja-) Name of śiva- |
niraja | See su-nir/aja-. |
nīraja | mn. (for 1.See)"water-born" , a water lily, lotus etc. |
nīraja | m. an otter |
nīraja | m. a species of grass |
nīraja | n. a species of Costus |
nīraja | n. a pearl |
nīrajas | mfn. equals prec. mfn. |
nīrajas | mfn. having no pollen |
nīrajas | f. a woman not menstruating |
nīrajaska | mf(ā-)n. equals -raja- mfn. etc. |
nīrajastama | mfn. () |
nīrajastamasā | f. absence of passion and darkness |
nīrajastamaska | mfn. () free from passion and darkness |
nīrajasva | mfn. free from dust |
nīratīraja | m. "water-shore-born", kuśa- grass |
niruktaja | m. Name of a class of sons |
nisargaja | mfn. innate, inborn, produced at creation, natural |
niṣpatākadhvaja | m. a flag-staff without a banner |
nityajapavidhāna | n. Name of work |
nṛpajana | m. "royal people", princes, kings, |
nṛpātmaja | mfn. of royal birth |
nṛpātmaja | m. a king's son, a prince |
nṛpātmaja | m. a species of mango |
nṛpātmaja | m. a bitter gourd |
nṛsiṃhajayantī | f. Name of work |
nṛsiṃhajayantīkalpa | m. Name of work |
okaja | mfn. born in the house, bred at home (as cows) |
oṣṭhaja | mfn. produced by the lips, labial. |
pādaja | m. "born from the foot (of brahmā-)", a śūdra- |
pādajala | n. water for (washing) the feet |
pādajala | mfn. containing (id est mixed with) one fourth of water |
padapaṅkaja | n. equals -kamala- |
pādarajas | n. the dust of the feet |
pādavirajas | f. a shoe (literally"keeping the feet dustless"?) |
padmaja | m. "lotus-born", Name of brahmā- |
padmottarātmaja | m. patronymic of the 9th cakra-vartin- in bhārata- |
pākaja | mfn. produced by cooking or roasting |
pākaja | n. "obtained by boiling", black salt |
pākaja | n. flatulence |
pākajaprakriyā | f. Name of work |
pākajatva | n. production by warmth, capability of being affected by contact with fire |
pākajavicara | m. Name of work |
pakṣaja | m. "produced in half a month", the moon (also -janman-) |
pakṣaja | m. Name of particular clouds |
pakṣmasampātaja | m. (with kāla-) an instant |
pañcajana | m. (plural) the 5 classes of beings (viz. gods, men, gandharva-s and apsaras-, serpents, and pitṛ-s) etc. man, mankind ( pañcajanendra nendra- m.prince, king ) |
pañcajana | m. (in the beginning of a compound) the 5 elements |
pañcajana | m. Name of a demon slain by kṛṣṇa- etc. (see pāñcajanya-) |
pañcajana | m. of a son of saṃhrāda- by kṛti- |
pañcajana | m. of a prajāpati- |
pañcajana | m. of a son of sagara- by keśinī- |
pañcajana | m. of a son of sṛñjaya- and father of soma-datta- |
pañcajanendra | m. pañcajana |
pañcajanī | f. an assemblage of 5 persons |
pañcajanī | f. Name of a daughter of viśva-rūpa- and wife of bharata- (varia lectio pāñcajanī-) |
pāñcajanī | f. (fr. pañca-jana-) patronymic of asiknī- |
pañcajanīna | mfn. devoted or consecrated to the 5 races (also nīya- ; see Va1rtt. 4 ) |
pañcajanīna | m. an actor, a buffoon |
pañcajanīna | m. the chief of 5 men |
pāñcajanīna | mfn. gaRa prātijanādi-. |
pāñcajanya | (p/ā-) mf(ā-)n. relating to the 5 races of men, containing or extending over them etc. etc. |
pāñcajanya | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-'s conch taken from the demon pañca-jana- etc. |
pāñcajanya | m. fire |
pāñcajanya | m. fish or a species of fire |
pāñcajanya | m. Name of one of the 8 upa-dvīpa-s in jambu-dvīpa- |
pāñcajanyā | f. patronymic of asiknī- |
pāñcajanyadhama | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-) |
pāñcajanyadhara | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-) |
pāñcajanyanādin | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-) |
pāñcajanyavana | n. Name of a wood |
pāñcajanyāyani | n. gaRa karṇādi-. |
pañcakaṣāyaja | mfn. produced from the above decoction |
pānīyapṛṣṭhaja | m. "water-surface-born", Pistia Stratiotes |
paṅkaja | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "mud-born", a species of lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum (whose flower closes in the evening) etc. (in oncef(ā-).) |
paṅkaja | m. Name of brahmā- (for paṅkaja-ja-) |
paṅkaja | mfn. lotus-eyed |
paṅkajajanman | m. "lotus-born", Name of brahmā- |
paṅkajalāvam | ind. (fr. lū-) cutting off like a lotus-flower |
paṅkajamālin | mfn. wearing a lotus-crown (viṣṇu-) |
paṅkajanābha | m. "having a lotus springing from his navel", Name of viṣṇu- |
paṅkajanayanā | f. a lotus-eyed woman |
paṅkajanetra | mfn. "lotus-eyed"(said of viṣṇu-) |
paṅkajanman | n. equals -ja- n. |
paṅkajapattranetra | m. having eyes like lotus-leaves |
paṅkajavat | mfn. furnished with a lotus on |
paṇyajana | m. a trader |
pāpaja | mfn. springing from evil |
pāradhvaja | m. plural "banners from the further shore" particular banners brought from Ceylon and borne in procession by the kings of kāśmīra- |
paraja | mfn. being behind another, inferior |
paraja | mfn. coming from a foe |
parajana | m. another person, a stranger |
parajana | m. (coll.) strangers (opp. to sva-j-) |
parajanman | n. a future birth |
parajanmika | mfn. relating to it |
pārajanmika | mf(ī-)n. (-janman-) relating to a future birth |
paramarahasyajapasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
paramaraja | m. a supreme monarch |
paraśurāmajayantī | f. the third day in the light half of vaiśākha- |
parimalaja | mfn. (enjoyment) arising from copulation |
pariṣvajana | n. embracing, an embrace |
parityajana | n. abandoning, giving away, distributing |
parṇoṭaja | n. "leaf-hut", an hermitage |
parorajas | mfn. (r/o--) being beyond the dust or above the world |
parorajas | mfn. untouched by passion |
pārthaja | m. a son of pārtha- |
parvataja | mfn. "mountains-born" |
paścimajana | m. the people in the west |
patākādhvajamālin | mfn. garlanded with flags and banners |
pathikajana | m. a traveller or travellers |
patitamūrdhaja | mfn. one whose hair has fallen out |
paṭoṭaja | n. () a mushroom |
paṭoṭaja | n. a tent |
paṭoṭaja | n. sunshine (?). |
paṭṭaja | n. a kind of cloth |
paurajana | m. m. townsfolk, citizens |
paurvajanmika | mfn. done in a former life |
pāvakātmaja | m. patronymic of skanda- |
pavanaja | m. "son of the wind", Name of hanu-mat- |
pavanajava | m. "swift as wind", Name of a horse |
pavanātmaja | m. equals na-ja- |
pavanātmaja | m. Name of bhīma-sena- |
pavanātmaja | m. fire |
peraja | or peroja- n. a turquoise (confer, compare Persian $) . |
phalaprajanana | n. the production of fruit |
piṅgajaṭa | m. "having yellow-braided hair", Name of śiva- |
piśācajambhana | mfn. crushing piśāca-s |
piśaṅgajaṭa | m. "having a reddish braid of hair", Name of an ascetic |
piṣṭaja | mfn. made of flour |
potaja | mfn. produced from a fetus which has no enveloping membrane (opp. to jarāyu-ja-) |
prabhāvaja | mfn. proceeding from conscious majesty or power |