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Grammar Search
"agre" has 7 results
agre: feminine nominative dual stem: agra
agre: neuter nominative dual stem: agra
agre: feminine accusative dual stem: agra
agre: neuter accusative dual stem: agra
agre: masculine locative singular stem: agra
agre: neuter locative singular stem: agra
agre: neuter vocative dual stem: agra
Amarakosha Search
2 results
agresaraḥ2.8.73MasculineSingularpurogamaḥ, purogāmī, purogaḥ, praṣṭhaḥ, agrataḥsaraḥ, puraḥsaraḥ
Monier-Williams Search
26 results for agre
agreind. in front, ahead of, in the beginning, first View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agreind. further on, subsequently, below (in a book) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agreind. from - up to (ā-) , before (in time) ([ confer, compare Greek ]) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agreind. (locative case) See /agra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agrebhrū( bhram-) m. wandering in front commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agredadhiṣu([ ]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu-or -didhiṣu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agredadhiṣuf. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agredadhus([ ]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu-or -didhiṣu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agredadhusf. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agredidhiṣu([ ]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu-or -didhiṣu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agredidhiṣuf. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agrega([ ]) ([ etc.]) mfn. going in front or before. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agre([ etc.]) mfn. going in front or before. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agremfn. (said of the waters) moving forwards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agreṇaind. in front, before (without or with accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agreṇīm. a leader View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agre([ iv, 34, 7 and 10]) ([ ]) mfn. having the precedence in drinking. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agre([ ]) mfn. having the precedence in drinking. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agresaramf(ī-)n. going in front, preceding, best View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agresarikam. a leader View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agretanamfn. occurring further on, subsequently (in a book). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agretvanmf(arī-)n. going in front View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agrevadham. hitting or killing whatever is in front View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agrevaṇan. the border of a forest (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samagrendum. the full moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samagrendunibhānanamfn. having a face like the full moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
agre अग्रे adv. 1 In front of, before (in time or space); अग्रे यान्ति स्थस्य रेणुपदवीं...घनाः V.1.5,2.7; R.2.56; Bh.3.36. -2 In the presence of, before; ममाग्रे स्तुवन्ति H.1; तं मे त्वमग्रहीरग्रे वृणोमि त्वामहं ततः Mb.1.81.21. -3 At the head, ahead; बलाग्रे तिष्ठते वीरो नलः Rām. -4 Further on, subsequently, in the sequel; एवमग्रे वक्ष्यते, एवमग्रे$पि द्रष्टव्यम् &c. -5 In the beginning; at first, first; प्रतापो$ग्रे ततः शब्दः परागस्तदनंतरम् R.4.3; आत्मैवेदमग्र आसीत् Bṛi. _x001F_+Ār. Up.4.1.1.; Ms.2.169. -6 First, in preference to others; सवर्णाग्रे द्विजातीनां प्रशस्ता दारकर्मणि Ms.3.12. अतिथिभ्यो$ग्र एवैतान् भोजयेत् 3.114. -Comp. -गः a leader; सेनाग्रगः Rām.7.35.6. -गाः going in front or before. -गूः Going in front. -दिधिषुः -षूः a man (of one of the first three castes) who marries a wife married before (पुनर्भूविवाहकारी). (-षूः) f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried (ज्येष्ठायां यद्यनूढायां कन्यायामुह्यते$नुजा । सा चाग्रेदिधिषूर्ज्ञेया पूर्वा च दिधिषूः स्मृता); ˚पतिः the husband of such a woman. -पाः [अग्रे स्थित्वा पाति, अलुक्] first to protect. -पूः [अग्रे पूयते, पू-क्विप्] purifying in one's presence; having precedence in drinking. -वनम्-णम् [वनस्याग्रं राजदन्ता˚ ˚पूर्वनिपातः; अलुक् णत्वम् P.VIII.4.4.] the border or skirt of a forest. -सर a. [अग्रमग्रेणाग्रे वा सरति सृ. ट. अलुक्-पुरो$ग्रतो$ग्रेषु सर्त्तेः । P.III. 2.18.] going in front, taking the lead, a leader, foremost, first; निरपत्रपाणाम् अग्रेसरीकृतास्मि K.169; मरण˚रो भवामि Pt.1; Māl.9. first to die; मानमहतामग्रेसर: केसरी Bh.2.29. -सरिकः [अग्रेसरे अग्रगतौ प्रसृतः ठन्] 1 a servant (who precedes his master. -2 a leader.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
agra ág-ra, n. front; beginning; top, x. 135, 6; lc. ágre in the beginning, x. 129. 3. 4.
Macdonell Search
4 results
agredidhiṣu m. man united in first marriage with a widow; f. (ûbrev;) younger sister married before her elder sister.
agrega a. going in front; -g&asharp;, a. id.; -g&usharp;, a. moving forward.
agre a. drinking first; -p&usharp;, a. id.
agresara a. (î) going before.
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results0 results22 results
agre devānām idam attu no haviḥ TB.
agre budhāna uṣasāṃ sumanmā RV.7.68.9b.
agre (MS.3.2.1, KS.9.19, and Mś. agne) bṛhann uṣasām ūrdhvo asthāt RV.10.1.1a; VS.12.13a; TS.;; MS.2.7.8a: 85.14; 3.2.1: 15.20; KS.16.8a; 19.11; śB.; Apś.16.10.14. P: agre (MS.KSṃś. agne) bṛhan MS.4.10.2: 146.7; KS.9.19; Aś.4.13.7; śś.6.4.5; Kś.16.5.17; Mś.; Rvidh.2.31.6; BṛhD.6.147.
agre yajñasya śocataḥ (KS. cetataḥ) RV.7.15.5c; KS.40.14c. See agne yajñasya.
agre rathānāṃ bhavati prajānan RV.7.44.4b.
agre rupa ārupitaṃ jabāru RV.4.5.7d; N.6.17.
agre rebho na jarata ṛṣūṇām RV.1.127.10f.
agre vatso ajāyata AVP.4.1.9b.
agre vācaḥ pavamānaḥ kanikradat RV.9.106.10c; SV.1.572c; 2.290c; JB.3.78c; PB.12.11.3c.
agre vāco agriyo goṣu gachati (SV.JB. gachasi) RV.9.86.12b; SV.2.383b; JB.3.135b.
agre vājasya bhajate mahādhanam (SV.JB. bhajase mahaddhanam) RV.9.86.12c; SV.2.383c; JB.3.135c.
agre vikṣu pradīdayat RV.8.6.24c. See agne vikṣu.
agre viṣkandhadūṣaṇam AVś.19.35.1d; AVP.11.4.1d.
agre vṛkṣasya krīḍataḥ (VSK.śś. krīlataḥ) VS.23.25b; VSK.25.27b; śB.; Aś.10.8.10b,11b; śś.16.4.1b. Cf. agraṃ vṛkṣasya.
agre samidham see agne samidham.
agre sindhūnāṃ pavamāno arṣati (SV.JB. arṣasi) RV.9.86.12a; SV.2.383a; JB.3.135a.
agre 'sy oṣadhīnām AVP.5.25.3a. See agram eṣy etc.
agrego rājāpyas taviṣyate RV.9.86.45a; SV.2.966a.
agreṇa pari ṇo nama AVP.1.86.7b.
agreṇīr asi svāveśa unnetṝṇām VS.6.2; śB. P: agreṇīr asi Kś.6.2.19. See svāveśo 'sy.
agrepābhir ṛtupābhiḥ sajoṣāḥ RV.4.34.7c.
agreyāvā dhiṣaṇe yaṃ dadhāte MS.4.14.9b: 228.5.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"agre" has 1 results
vaiyādhikaraṇyaIit. possession of separate residences, as contrasted with सामानाधिकरण्य: absence of apposition; use in different cases, non-agreement in case.
Vedabase Search
101 results
agre aheadSB 10.41.10
agre at firstSB 3.12.2
SB 3.5.5
agre beforeCC Adi 4.117
CC Madhya 8.190
SB 1.2.30
SB 4.23.36
agre before (before the creation of this cosmic manifestation)CC Madhya 25.133
agre before creationSB 1.10.21
agre before the creationCC Adi 1.53
CC Madhya 24.76
CC Madhya 25.113
SB 2.9.33
agre before themSB 1.19.12
agre formerlySB 4.28.52
agre hereinbeforeSB 3.12.11
agre in frontCC Antya 1.145
CC Madhya 13.191
SB 4.29.53
SB 4.29.54
SB 6.11.5
SB 8.10.27
agre in Satya-yugaSB 11.17.11
agre in the beginningBG 18.37
BG 18.38
BG 18.39
SB 10.3.14
SB 10.87.37
SB 3.10.13
SB 3.13.30
SB 3.7.21
SB 8.1.14
SB 8.6.10
agre in the beginning, before the creationSB 6.4.47
agre in the frontSB 10.62.29-30
agre in the previous birthSB 3.1.30
agre previouslySB 1.2.25
SB 3.9.29
agre prior to the creationSB 3.5.23
agre nṛtya dancing before the DeityCC Madhya 22.122
agre nṛtya dancing before the DeityCC Madhya 22.122
agrecaraḥ going forwardSB 1.15.15
agreṇa by the pointSB 5.8.21
agreṇa with the frontSB 10.41.37
agreṇa with the front endSB 10.79.5
agreṇa with the tipSB 10.65.24-25
SB 10.65.26
SB 10.68.41
agreṇa with the tip of a bladeSB 10.78.28
agreṇa with the tipsSB 10.36.2
agrete in frontCC Adi 17.291
CC Antya 11.50
CC Madhya 1.189
CC Madhya 14.208
CC Madhya 6.10
jihvā-agre on the tip of the tongueSB 3.33.7
puccha-agre at the end of the tailSB 5.23.5
dvijān agre first the brāhmaṇasSB 9.4.33-35
kapittha-agre on the top of a kapittha treeSB 10.11.43
tṛṇa-rāja-agre into the top of a palm treeSB 10.15.32
ratha-agre in front of the carCC Madhya 1.134
jihvā-agre on the tongueCC Madhya 11.192
śrī-ratha-agre in the front of the carCC Madhya 13.1
ratha-agre in front of the carCC Madhya 16.49
jihvā-agre on the tongueCC Madhya 19.72
ratha-agre the front of the ratha, or chariotCC Antya 1.72
ratha-agre in front of the carCC Antya 4.106
jihvā-agre on the tip of the tongueCC Antya 16.27
eka-agreṇa with full attentionBG 18.72
sva-daṃṣṭra-agreṇa by the edge of His tusksSB 3.14.3
viṣāṇa-agreṇa by the point of the hornsSB 9.19.4
prāk-agreṣu facing eastSB 8.9.14-15
ratha-agrete in front of the carCC Madhya 13.206
tāńhāra agrete before himCC Madhya 15.121
sabāra agrete in front of all the devoteesCC Madhya 16.255
nija-agrete in front of himselfCC Antya 11.53
sva-daṃṣṭra-agreṇa by the edge of His tusksSB 3.14.3
dvijān agre first the brāhmaṇasSB 9.4.33-35
eka-agreṇa with full attentionBG 18.72
jihvā-agre on the tip of the tongueSB 3.33.7
jihvā-agre on the tongueCC Madhya 11.192
jihvā-agre on the tongueCC Madhya 19.72
jihvā-agre on the tip of the tongueCC Antya 16.27
kapittha-agre on the top of a kapittha treeSB 10.11.43
nija-agrete in front of himselfCC Antya 11.53
prāk-agreṣu facing eastSB 8.9.14-15
puccha-agre at the end of the tailSB 5.23.5
tṛṇa-rāja-agre into the top of a palm treeSB 10.15.32
ratha-agre in front of the carCC Madhya 1.134
śrī-ratha-agre in the front of the carCC Madhya 13.1
ratha-agrete in front of the carCC Madhya 13.206
ratha-agre in front of the carCC Madhya 16.49
ratha-agre the front of the ratha, or chariotCC Antya 1.72
ratha-agre in front of the carCC Antya 4.106
sabāra agrete in front of all the devoteesCC Madhya 16.255
samagreṇa allSB 3.32.27
śrī-ratha-agre in the front of the carCC Madhya 13.1
sva-daṃṣṭra-agreṇa by the edge of His tusksSB 3.14.3
tāńhāra agrete before himCC Madhya 15.121
tṛṇa-rāja-agre into the top of a palm treeSB 10.15.32
viṣāṇa-agreṇa by the point of the hornsSB 9.19.4
7 results
agre indeclinable first in presence of
Frequency rank 3604/72933
agredidhiṣu noun (masculine) a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41743/72933
agredidhiṣu noun (feminine) a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31406/72933
agresara adjective best (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
going in front (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
preceding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16354/72933
agretana adjective occurring further on (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
subsequently (in a book) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22824/72933
agrevadha noun (masculine) hitting or killing whatever is in front (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva
Frequency rank 41744/72933
agreṇa indeclinable before (in time) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in front (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41742/72933


unwholesome or disagreeing; unsuitable for oneself; incompatible.


affinity, wholesome or agreeable; suitable for oneself, accustoming.

Wordnet Search
"agre" has 10 results.


agragāmī, agresaraḥ   

yaḥ agre gacchati।

saṅkaṭān prathamataḥ agragāmī parāṅmukhīkaroti।


agre, agrataḥ, purataḥ, puraḥ   

agre gacchati।

saḥ sāvakāśam agre gacchati।


puraḥsaraḥ, agradūtaḥ, agresaraḥ, purogāmī, purogaḥ, prāggāmī   

yaḥ agre gatvā anyasya āgamanaṃ sūcayati।

laṅkāvijayāt anantaraṃ prabhuḥ rāmacandraḥ hanumantaṃ puraḥsaraḥ iti rūpeṇa ayodhyāṃ preṣayati।


agrepreṣita, agrapreṣita, agreṣita, agresārita   

kasyāpi nivedanam agrime kāryārthe ucite ājñārthe vā uccādhikāriṇaḥ samīpe preṣitam।

prāntādhikārī agrepreṣitaṃ patraṃ śvaḥ cintayiṣyati।


bhaviṣyatkāle, agre   

āgāmini kāle। bhaviṣyatkāle kiṃ bhaviṣyati iti kaḥ api na jānāti।


ādau, prathamam, prathamataḥ, ārambhataḥ, prāg, prāk, pūrvam, agre, purastāt, āditaḥ, agraśaḥ, āmūlam, āmūlāt, mūlataḥ   

ārambhe athavā mūle।

kasminnapi dhārmikavidhau ādau śrīgaṇeśasya pūjā bhavati।/ pūjāyāṃ prathamaṃ gaṇeśaḥ eva pūjanīyaḥ।


agre, purataḥ, puraḥ   

kriyāvyāpāre sthityanusāreṇa samarekham।

mārge calan agre draṣṭavyam।


pāre, agre, tiraḥ   

kasmād api sthānād anantaram।

asya grāmasya pāre kunadikā asti।



yaḥ agre gacchati।

rāṣṭrasya vikāsāya agresarān janān śāsanaṃ sahāyyaṃ karoti।



yugoslāviyādeśasya athavā sarabiyādeśasya tathā monṭenegrodeśasya rājadhānī।

belagreḍanagaraṃ yugoslāviyādeśasya mahiṣṭhaṃ nagaram asti।

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