Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
mauthunam | 2.7.61 | Neuter | Singular | nidhuvanam, ratam, vyavāyaḥ, grāmyadharmaḥ | |
mṛtyuḥ | 2.8.118 | Ubhaya-linga | Singular | antaḥ, diṣṭāntaḥ, maraṇam, atyayaḥ, kāladharmaḥ, nāśaḥ, pralayaḥ, pañcatā, nidhanam |
adharma | m. unrighteousness, injustice, irreligion, wickedness | ||||||
adharma | m. demerit, guilt | ||||||
adharma | m. Name of a prajāpati- (son of brahmā-, husband of hiṃsā- or mṛṣā-) | ||||||
adharma | m. Name of an attendant of the sun | ||||||
adharmacaraṇa | n. (), practice of wickedness, injustice | ||||||
adharmacārin | mfn. practising wickedness. | ||||||
adharmacaryā | f. () practice of wickedness, injustice | ||||||
adharmadaṇḍana | n. unjust punishment | ||||||
adharmamaya | mfn. made up of wickedness | ||||||
adharmastikāya | m. the category (astikāya-) of adharma-, (one of the five categories of the jaina- ontology) . | ||||||
adharmatas | ind. unrighteously, unjustly. | ||||||
adbhutadharma | m. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", Name of one of the nine aṅga-s of the Buddhists. | ||||||
agradharma | m. high spiritual state, | ||||||
akṣadharma | m. the laws or rules of gambling, | ||||||
anekadharmakathā | f. different exposition of the law. | ||||||
anutpattikadharmakṣānti | f. acquiescence in the state which is still future, preparation for a future state | ||||||
anutpattikadharmakṣānti | f. (with Buddhists) resignation to consequences which have not yet arisen, (confer, compare ). | ||||||
anyadharma | m. different characteristic | ||||||
anyadharma | m. characteristic of another | ||||||
anyadharma | mfn. having different characteristics. | ||||||
āpastambadharma | m. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school. | ||||||
araṇyadharma | m. forest usage, wild or savage state | ||||||
āryadharma | m. religion of the Aryans, etc. | ||||||
asammoṣadharman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of buddha-, | ||||||
āśramadharma | m. the special duty of each period of life. | ||||||
asvadharma | m. neglect of one's duty, diś-. | ||||||
avayavadharma | m. the property or quality of a part | ||||||
bhadantadharmatrāta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers. | ||||||
bhāvadharmagaṇi | m. Name of men | ||||||
bījadharman | mfn. having the condition of a seed, | ||||||
bodhipakṣadharma | m. a quality belonging to (or a constituent of) perfect intelligence | ||||||
bodhipakṣadharmanirdeśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
brahmadharmadviṣ | mfn. hostile to sacred knowledge and the law | ||||||
buddhadharma | m. Buddha's law | ||||||
buddhadharma | m. Buddha's marks or peculiarities | ||||||
cakradharman | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- prince | ||||||
citradharman | m. Name of a prince (identified with the asura- virūpākṣa-), | ||||||
cyavanadharma | mfn. destined to sink down in the series of re-births | ||||||
cyavanadharman | mfn. destined to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man) | ||||||
daivikadharmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
dānadharma | m. duty of liberality | ||||||
dānadharmakathana | n. Name of work on alms-giving. | ||||||
dānadharmavidhi | m. Name of work on alms-giving. | ||||||
daśadharmagata | mfn. addicted to the practices of the 10 (kinds of mental non-restraint) | ||||||
dehadharma | m. function or law of the body | ||||||
deśadharma | m. law or usage of a country | ||||||
devadharma | m. religious duty or office | ||||||
devadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
deyadharma | m. "the duty of giving", charity | ||||||
dhanadharma | m. Name of a king | ||||||
dhanadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
dhanadharman | n. dual number (maṇī-) (prajā | ||||||
dṛṣṭadharma | mfn. who has seen dharma- | ||||||
dṛṣṭadharma | m. this world, mundane existence, the present | ||||||
dṛṣṭadharman | varia lectio for -śarman-. | ||||||
dyūtadharma | m. the laws concerning gambling | ||||||
ekadharma | mfn. of the same properties or kind, | ||||||
grāmadharma | m. the observances or customs of a village | ||||||
grāmyadharma | m. a villager's duty | ||||||
grāmyadharma | m. "a villager's right (opposed to the right of a recluse)", sexual intercourse | ||||||
gṛhasthadharma | m. a householder's duty | ||||||
guṇadharma | m. the virtue or duty incident to the possession of certain qualities (as clemency is the virtue and duty of royalty etc.) | ||||||
hārītadharmaśāstra | n. hārīta-'s law-book | ||||||
hemadharma | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hemadharman | m. Name of a man | ||||||
jayadharman | m. Name of a kaurava- hero | ||||||
jinadharma | m. the doctrine of jina- (mahā-vīra-) | ||||||
jinadharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
kāladharma | m. the law or rule or operation of time, death, dying | ||||||
kāladharma | m. line of conduct suitable to any time or season | ||||||
kāladharma | m. influence of time, seasonableness | ||||||
kāladharma | m. effects suited to the time or season. | ||||||
kāladharman | m. the law or operation of time, death | ||||||
kalyāṇadharman | mfn. of virtuous character or conduct. | ||||||
kāmadharma | m. amorous behaviour. | ||||||
kṛṣṇayudhiṣṭhiradharmagoṣṭhī | f. Name of work | ||||||
kṛtadharma | m. "one who performs his duty", Name of a man | ||||||
kṛtadharman | m. idem or 'm. "one who performs his duty", Name of a man ' | ||||||
kṣatradharma | m. the duty of the second caste or of a kṣatriya-, bravery, military conduct | ||||||
kṣatradharma | m. Name of a prince (equals rman-) | ||||||
kṣatradharman | mfn. fulfilling the duties of the second caste | ||||||
kṣatradharman | mfn. Name of a prince | ||||||
kṣatriyadharma | m. the duty or occupation of the warrior-tribe, war, government, etc. | ||||||
kṣatriyadharman | mfn. having the duties of a soldier or of the second caste | ||||||
kṣemadharman | varia lectio for -karman- (q.v) | ||||||
kṣetradharman | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
kuladharma | m. practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family, peculiar duty of caste or race | ||||||
kuladharma | m. peculiar practice or duty of the kaula-s. | ||||||
kūṭadharma | mfn. (a country) where falsehood is considered a duty | ||||||
lokadharma | m. a worldly matter | ||||||
lokadharma | m. worldly condition (eight with Buddhists) | ||||||
luptadharmakriya | mfn. excluded from or deprived of religious ordinances | ||||||
mānavadharmaśāstra | n. Name of the code of laws attributed to manu- (equals manusaṃhitā-). | ||||||
manuṣyadharma | m. the law or duty or state or character of man | ||||||
manuṣyadharma | m. (with uttara-), highest condition | ||||||
manuṣyadharman | m. "having the nature or character of man", Name of kubera- | ||||||
manuṣyadharman | m. = child of men | ||||||
maraṇadharma | m. the law of death (instrumental case with Causal of | ||||||
maraṇadharman | mfn. subject to the law of death, mortal | ||||||
martyadharma | m. plural the laws or conditions of human life | ||||||
martyadharman | mfn. having the character or properties of a mortal, any human being | ||||||
mitradharman | m. Name of a demon (said to steal oblations) | ||||||
mokṣadharma | m. law or rule of emancipation | ||||||
mokṣadharma | m. Name of a section of the 12th book of the mahābhārata- (from adhyāya- 174 to the end;also mokṣadharmaparvan -parvan- n.) | ||||||
mokṣadharmadīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmaparvan | n. mokṣadharma | ||||||
mokṣadharmasāroddhāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmaṭīkā | f. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmavyākhyā | f. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmavyākhyāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
mṛgadharma | () mfn. having the nature of game. | ||||||
mṛgadharman | () mfn. having the nature of game. | ||||||
nāgārjunīyadharmaśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
naikadharma | m. plural several properties, | ||||||
nārāyaṇadharmasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
nimittadharma | m. expiation, any occasional or special penance or rite or obligation | ||||||
niyamadharma | m. a law prescribing restraints | ||||||
padārthadharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
pakṣadharmatāvāda | m. Name of work | ||||||
paradharma | m. another's duty or business, the duties of another caste | ||||||
paradharma | m. another's peculiarity ( paradharmatva -tva- n.) | ||||||
paradharmatva | n. paradharma | ||||||
paramahaṃsadharmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
paramahaṃsaparivrājakadharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
paramasvadharman | mfn. most exact in the observance of the duties of one's own (caste or tribe) | ||||||
parāśaradharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
paropakāradharmakṣānti | f. | ||||||
paurṇamāsadharma | m. paurṇamāsa | ||||||
phaladharman | mfn. "having the nature of fruit", ripening soon and then falling to the ground or perishing | ||||||
phenadharman | mfn. "having the nature of foam", transient | ||||||
prasavadharman | mfn. subject to the condition of birth, | ||||||
pratyakṣadharman | mfn. keeping in view the merits (of men) | ||||||
pūrṇadharma | m. w.r. for pūrta-dh- (below) . | ||||||
pūrtadharma | (wrong reading pūrṇa-dh-) m. a meritorious work (see pūrta-) | ||||||
puruṣadharma | m. personal rule or precept | ||||||
puṣyadharman | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
putradharma | m. filial duty | ||||||
putradharmatas | ind. according to the ceremonies usual on the birth of a son | ||||||
rājadharma | m. a kings's duty | ||||||
rājadharma | m. plural rules or laws relating to kings etc. | ||||||
rājadharma | m. equals mā | ||||||
rājadharmabhṛt | mfn. maintaining or fulfilling a kings's duties | ||||||
rājadharmakāṇḍa | mn. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharman | m. Name of the kings of the cranes or herons (son of kaśyapa-) | ||||||
rājadharmaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmavid | mfn. knowing a king's duties, | ||||||
sadācāradharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
sādhāraṇadharma | m. common or universal duty, conduct or duty binding on all castes and orders alike (as humanity etc.) | ||||||
sadharma | m. the same nature or qualities | ||||||
sadharma | mfn. having the same nature or qualities | ||||||
sadharma | mfn. subject to, the same law, equal, like (also maka- ) | ||||||
sadharma | mfn. virtuous, honest | ||||||
sadharmacāriṇī | f. "practising the same duties (with a husband)", a wife, (especially) a legal or virtuous wife etc. | ||||||
sadharmaka | mfn. equals -dharma- above. | ||||||
sadharman | mfn. having the same duties (varia lectio min-) | ||||||
sadharman | mfn. having the same nature or similar properties, resembling, like, equal to (genitive case instrumental case,or compound) | ||||||
sadharmatva | n. the having a similar nature, homogeneousness | ||||||
sahadharma | m. community of duty or law, common usage or characteristic | ||||||
sahadharmacara | mfn. one following the same law or duties | ||||||
sahadharmacaraṇa | n. the fulfilment of duties (in common with a husband) | ||||||
sahadharmacarī | f. a wife who helps in the fulfilment of duties | ||||||
sahadharmacārin | mfn. sharing the duties of (genitive case) | ||||||
sahadharmacāriṇī | f. a wife who helps a husband in fulfilling duties, a helpmate, lawful or legitimate wife | ||||||
sahadharman | mfn. along with duties, sharing duties etc. | ||||||
śaivadharmamaṇḍana | n. Name of work on dharma-. | ||||||
sākṣātkṛtadharman | mfn. one who has an intuitive perception of duty | ||||||
samadharma | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of equal nature or character, resembling | ||||||
samānadharman | mfn. having the same qualities, similar to (instrumental case) | ||||||
samānadharman | mfn. a sympathizer, appreciator of merits | ||||||
samayadharma | m. a duty based on agreement, covenant, stipulation | ||||||
saṃnyāsadharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
sarvadharmamaya | mf(ī-)n. containing all laws | ||||||
sarvadharmamudra | m. a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
sarvadharmapadaprabheda | m. a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
sarvadharmapraveśamudra | m. Name of a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmapraveśana | n. Name of a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmaramatā | f. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmasamatājñānamudrā | f. a particular position of the fingers | ||||||
sarvadharmasamavaśaraṇasāgaramudrā | f. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmasamavasaraṇasāgaramudra | m. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmavid | mfn. knowing all laws | ||||||
sarvatathāgatadharmavāṅnithprapañcajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers | ||||||
śaśadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
satataparigrahadharmakāṅkṣiṇī | f. Name of a kiṃnarī- | ||||||
satyadharma | m. the law of truth, eternal truth | ||||||
satyadharma | mfn. one whose ordinances are true | ||||||
satyadharma | m. Name of a son of the 13th manu- | ||||||
satyadharma | m. of a Brahman | ||||||
satyadharman | mfn. (saty/a--) one whose ordinances are true | ||||||
satyadharman | mfn. adhering to or speaking the truth | ||||||
satyadharman | mfn. ruling by fixed ordinances | ||||||
satyadharmaparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue | ||||||
satyadharmapatha | m. the path of eternal truth | ||||||
satyadharmatīrtha | m. Name of a scholar | ||||||
satyadharmavipulakīrti | m. Name of a buddha- | ||||||
sauradharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
śeṣadharma | m. Name of a chapter of the hari-vaṃśa-. | ||||||
sīmāvivādadharma | m. the law respecting disputes about boundaries | ||||||
śivadharma | n. Name of a chapter of the nandikeśvara-saṃhitā- | ||||||
śrautasmārtadharma | m. a duty enjoined by the veda- and smṛti- | ||||||
śrutadharman | m. Name of a son of udā | ||||||
śūdradharma | m. the duty of a śūdra- | ||||||
śūdradharmabodhinī | f. Name of work | ||||||
śūdradharmatattva | n. Name of work | ||||||
śukladharma | m. the pure law, . | ||||||
sūkṣmadharma | m. a subtle law or duty (see ) . | ||||||
svadharma | m. one's own rights (maṃ- | ||||||
svadharma | m. one's own duty etc. | ||||||
svadharma | m. peculiar property, peculiarity | ||||||
svadharma | etc. See . | ||||||
svadharmacyuta | mfn. deprived of one's own rights, fallen from or neglecting one's own duty | ||||||
svadharman | mfn. abiding in one's own customs | ||||||
svadharmaskhalana | n. falling from or neglect of one's own duty | ||||||
svadharmastha | mfn. abiding in one's own duty | ||||||
svadharmatyāga | m. dereliction or neglect of one's own duty | ||||||
svadharmatyāga | m. abandoning one's own religion, apostasy | ||||||
svadharmavartin | mfn. applying one's self to one's duties ( svadharmavartitva ti-tva- n.) | ||||||
svadharmavartitva | n. svadharmavartin | ||||||
uñchadharman | mfn.=- vartin- | ||||||
upadharma | m. a minor or subordinate duty | ||||||
upadharma | m. a by-law | ||||||
upadharma | m. a false faith, heresy | ||||||
uttaradharma | m. Name of a teacher () | ||||||
vaidikadharmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
vaiṣṇavadharmamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work | ||||||
vaiṣṇavadharmasuradrumamañjari | f. Name of work | ||||||
vānaprasthadharma | mfn. the law or duty of a vānaprastha- | ||||||
varadharma | m. a noble act of justice, excellent work etc. | ||||||
varṇadharma | m. the particular duty or occupation of any caste or tribe | ||||||
varṇāśramadharma | m. the duties of caste and order | ||||||
varṇāśramadharma | m. Name of work (also varṇāśramadīpa madīpa-,m.) | ||||||
vedadharma | m. Name of a son of paila- | ||||||
vibhāgadharma | m. the law of division, rule of inheritance | ||||||
vināśadharman | mfn. subject to the law of decay (varia lectio min-;but see ) | ||||||
vinaṣṭadharma | mfn. (a country) whose laws are corrupted | ||||||
viśeṣadharma | m. a peculiar or different duty | ||||||
viśeṣadharma | m. a special law | ||||||
vṛṣṭadharma | m. Name of a king | ||||||
vyutkrāntadharma | mfn. neglectful of duty | ||||||
yājñavalkīyadharmaśāstranibandha | m. Name of work | ||||||
yājñavalkyadharmaśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
yamadharmanirbhayastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. | ||||||
yathākuladharmam | ind. according to family usage | ||||||
yatisvadharmabhikṣāvidhi | m. Name of a work (containing rules for the regulation of life on the part of religious mendicants, attributed to śaṃkarā | ||||||
yodhadharma | m. the law of soldiers, duty of the kṣatriya- caste | ||||||
yuddhadharma | m. the law of battle, law of war (plural) | ||||||
yugmadharman | mfn. (?) |
adharmaḥ | अधर्मः [न. त.] 1 Unrighteousness, irreligion, impiousness, wickedness, injustice; ˚दण्डनम् Ms.8.127 unjust punishment; अधर्मेण unjustly, in an improper way; यश्चाधर्मेण पृच्छति Ms.2.111; an unjust act; a guilty or wicked deed; sin; ˚चारिन् committing unjust or unrighteous deeds; so ˚आत्मन् of an irreligious spirit; तदा कथम्˚ भीरुः Ś.5; ˚मय full of wickedness or sin; for definitions &c. of धर्म and अधर्म See Tarka K. P.19. (धर्म and अधर्म are two of the 24 qualities mentioned in Nyāya, and they pertain only to the soul. They are the peculiar causes of pleasure and pain respectively. They are imperceptible, but inferred from reasoning and from transmigration.) -2 N. of a Prajāpati or of an attendant of the sun. -र्मा Unrighteousness personified. -र्मम् Devoid of attributes, an epithet of ब्रह्म -Comp. -अस्तिकायः the category of अधर्म, See अस्तिकाय. |
upadharmaḥ | उपधर्मः A bylaw, a secondary or minor religious precept (opp. पर); एष धर्मः परः साक्षादुपधर्मो$न्य उच्यते Ms.2.237,4.147. -2 A heretic, false faith. |
sadharmaḥ | सधर्मः The same nature or qualities; गृहीतनरलोक- सधर्मं भगवन्तम् Bhāg.5.4.4. |
sadharman | सधर्मन् a. 1 Having similar properties. -2 Having similar duties. -3 Of the same sect or caste. -4 Like, resembling. -Comp. -चारिणी a legal wife, a legally married wife. |
adharma | m. unrighteousness, breach of duty; injustice: -tas, in. unjustly, iniquitously; -gña, a. ignorant of the law, -of justice; -dandana, n. unjust punishment; -bhîru, a. shrinking from wrong;-sarana, a. not based on law. |
adharmaṇa | m. debtor. |
asvadharma | n. neglect of duty. |
upadharma | m. subordinate duty. |
kṣatradharma | m. duty of the warrior caste; -dharman, a. fulfilling the duties of the warrior caste; -bandhu, m. member of the second caste; -vidyâ, f. science of the warrior caste; -vriddhi, f.increase of military power. |
dānadharma | m. duty of alms giving or liberality; -pattaka, n. deed of gift; -pati, m. chief in liberality, very charitable man; -para, a. intent on liberality, generous, charitable: -tâ, f. generosity; -pârami-tâ, f. acme of generosity; -yogya, fp. worthy of a gift. |
sadharma | m. similar nature; a. subject to the same law, similar: -kârinî, f. (practising the same duties), wife; -tva, n. homogeneousness. |
sadharman | a. of like nature, homo geneous, equal, similar (to, in., g., --°ree;). |
adharma | by irreligious means | SB 10.49.22 |
adharma | in irreligion | SB 11.10.27-29 |
adharma | irreligion | BG 1.40 |
CC Antya 4.28 | ||
SB 1.15.37 | ||
SB 1.17.28 | ||
SB 1.18.6 | ||
SB 2.1.32 | ||
SB 2.7.39 | ||
SB 7.15.42 | ||
adharma | irreligiosity | SB 1.17.24 |
SB 1.17.33 | ||
adharma | irreligious | CC Adi 3.61 |
SB 1.14.5 | ||
SB 4.24.41 | ||
adharma | irreligious principles | CC Madhya 20.219 |
SB 1.17.32 | ||
SB 1.17.40 | ||
SB 6.1.47 | ||
adharma | of irreligion | SB 12.3.24 |
SB 4.13.39 | ||
adharma | principle of irreligion | SB 1.15.45 |
adharma | to irreligion | SB 12.1.38 |
adharma saṃhāra | vanquishing irreligious principles | CC Adi 5.113 |
adharma saṃhāra | vanquishing irreligious principles | CC Adi 5.113 |
adharma-bahulaḥ | full of irreligion | SB 6.16.41 |
adharma-bahulaḥ | full of irreligion | SB 6.16.41 |
adharma-bahulena | with an abundance of irreligion | SB 5.6.10 |
adharma-bahulena | with an abundance of irreligion | SB 5.6.10 |
adharma-bandhuḥ | the friend of irreligion | SB 1.17.31 |
adharma-bandhuḥ | the friend of irreligion | SB 1.17.31 |
adharma-jam | produced from irreligious actions | SB 6.2.17 |
adharma-jam | produced from irreligious actions | SB 6.2.17 |
adharma-jñāḥ | because they did not know religious principles | SB 9.18.41 |
adharma-jñāḥ | because they did not know religious principles | SB 9.18.41 |
adharma-jñāḥ | those who know nothing about religion | SB 12.3.38 |
adharma-jñāḥ | those who know nothing about religion | SB 12.3.38 |
adharma-kṛt | the most mischievous | SB 4.14.12 |
adharma-kṛt | the most mischievous | SB 4.14.12 |
adharma-kṛtaḥ | one who acts irreligiously | SB 1.17.22 |
adharma-kṛtaḥ | one who acts irreligiously | SB 1.17.22 |
adharma-lakṣaṇāḥ | symptomized by impious activities | SB 6.1.3 |
adharma-lakṣaṇāḥ | symptomized by impious activities | SB 6.1.3 |
adharma-lakṣaṇaiḥ | by the qualities of irreligion | SB 12.3.22 |
adharma-lakṣaṇaiḥ | by the qualities of irreligion | SB 12.3.22 |
adharma-pādaiḥ | by the legs of irreligion | SB 12.3.20 |
adharma-pādaiḥ | by the legs of irreligion | SB 12.3.20 |
adharma-śākhāḥ | which are different branches of irreligion | SB 7.15.12 |
adharma-śākhāḥ | which are different branches of irreligion | SB 7.15.12 |
adharma-śīla | who are irreligious | SB 9.5.6 |
adharma-śīla | who are irreligious | SB 9.5.6 |
adharma-śīlasya | of one who is engaged in irreligion | SB 3.5.3 |
adharma-śīlasya | of one who is engaged in irreligion | SB 3.5.3 |
adharma-ūrmiṣu | in the waves of irreligion, like kāma, krodha, lobha and moha | SB 8.7.30 |
adharma-ūrmiṣu | in the waves of irreligion, like kāma, krodha, lobha and moha | SB 8.7.30 |
adharma-vartinaḥ | persons not following the Vedic principles or regulative principles | SB 5.26.37 |
adharma-vartinaḥ | persons not following the Vedic principles or regulative principles | SB 5.26.37 |
adharma-vartine | who was induced to irreligious principles (because he cursed his offenseless disciple) | SB 9.13.5 |
adharma-vartine | who was induced to irreligious principles (because he cursed his offenseless disciple) | SB 9.13.5 |
adharma-vat | accepting them as irreligious | SB 7.15.12 |
adharma-vat | accepting them as irreligious | SB 7.15.12 |
adharmaḥ | act of irreligion | SB 10.44.7 |
adharmaḥ | an irreligious act | SB 10.78.29 |
adharmaḥ | deviation from the regulative principles | SB 6.1.43 |
adharmaḥ | impiety | SB 6.18.38 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | BG 1.39 |
SB 1.18.33 | ||
SB 10.43.38 | ||
SB 10.44.9 | ||
SB 11.13.3 | ||
SB 3.12.25 | ||
SB 4.13.44 | ||
SB 5.5.19 | ||
SB 6.16.42 | ||
SB 6.2.2 | ||
SB 8.20.4 | ||
adharmaḥ | irreligiosity | SB 11.21.15 |
adharmaḥ | irreligious activities | SB 6.1.45 |
adharmaḥ | irreligious principles | SB 6.1.40 |
adharmaḥ | sinful activities | SB 1.17.38 |
adharmaḥ | the personality of irreligion | SB 1.17.25 |
adharmaḥ | unrighteousness | SB 3.21.55 |
adharmaḥ | what is irreligious | SB 9.4.39-40 |
adharmam | demons or the impious | CC Madhya 13.79 |
SB 10.90.48 | ||
adharmam | irreligion | BG 18.31 |
BG 18.32 | ||
SB 10.61.25 | ||
SB 11.16.7 | ||
SB 8.20.25-29 | ||
adharmam | irreligious act | SB 9.9.26-27 |
adharmam | irreligious principles | SB 6.2.5-6 |
adharmasya | of immorality | SB 2.6.10 |
adharmasya | of impious activities | SB 5.26.3 |
SB 6.1.38 | ||
adharmasya | of irreligion | BG 4.7 |
CC Adi 3.22 | ||
SB 10.50.10 | ||
adharmasya | of Irreligion | SB 4.8.2 |
adharmataḥ | impiously | SB 10.45.28 |
satyadharma-ādayaḥ | Satyadharma and others | SB 8.13.24 |
dharma-adharma | what is pious and what is impious | CC Antya 4.77 |
dharma-adharma | piety and impiety | CC Antya 15.72 |
dharma-adharma | what is pious and what is impious | CC Antya 4.77 |
dharma-adharma | piety and impiety | CC Antya 15.72 |
kṣemadharma-jaḥ | born to Kṣemadharmā | SB 12.1.4 |
kṣemadharma-jaḥ | born to Kṣemadharmā | SB 12.1.4 |
nara-loka-sadharmam | acting as if a human being | SB 5.4.4 |
nara-loka-sadharmam | acting as if a human being | SB 5.4.4 |
nara-loka-sadharmam | acting as if a human being | SB 5.4.4 |
satyadharma-ādayaḥ | Satyadharma and others | SB 8.13.24 |
upadharma | of the irreligious system of so-called sannyāsa | SB 4.19.38 |
upadharmaḥ | concocted religious principles | SB 7.15.13 |
adharma | noun (masculine) demerit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) guilt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) injustice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) irreligion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Prajāpati (son of Brahmā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an attendant of the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unrighteousness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wickedness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 677/72933 | |
adharmatas | indeclinable unjustly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unrighteously (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 42451/72933 | |
anutpattikadharmakṣānti | noun (feminine) acquiescence in the state which is still future (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) preparation for a future state (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 31910/72933 | |
apadharma | noun (masculine) a bad dharma Frequency rank 43610/72933 | |
asvadharma | noun (masculine) neglect of one's duty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 46062/72933 | |
upadharma | noun (masculine) a by-law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a false faith (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a minor or subordinate duty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) heresy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27195/72933 | |
ṛtadharman | noun (masculine) name of a Marut (?) Frequency rank 47904/72933 | |
kāladharma | noun (masculine) death (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) effects suited to the time or season (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) influence of time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) line of conduct suitable to any time or season (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) seasonableness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the law or rule or operation of time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11588/72933 | |
kāladharman | noun (masculine) death (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the law or operation of time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21072/72933 | |
kūṭadharma | adjective (a country) where falsehood is considered a duty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50311/72933 | |
kṣatradharman | noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15653/72933 | |
grāmyadharma | noun (masculine) a villager's duty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sexual intercourse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15689/72933 | |
dānadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.51 Frequency rank 54343/72933 | |
dānadharmapraśaṃsāvarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 51 Frequency rank 54344/72933 | |
parāśaroktadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.107 Frequency rank 57196/72933 | |
buddhadharma | noun (masculine) Buddha's law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Buddha's marks or peculiarities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29402/72933 | |
manuṣyadharman | noun (masculine) name of Kubera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38034/72933 | |
mitradharman | noun (masculine) name of a demon (said to steal oblations) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62215/72933 | |
mokṣadharma | noun (masculine) name of a section of the 12th book of the Mahābharata (from Adhyāya 174 to the end) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62622/72933 | |
yājñavalkyoktadānadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.98 Frequency rank 62993/72933 | |
yājñavalkyoktavarṇadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.93ff. Frequency rank 38533/72933 | |
yājñavalkyoktavānaprasthadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.102 Frequency rank 62996/72933 | |
yājñavalkyoktavānaprasthasaṃnyāsadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāna, 1.103 Frequency rank 62997/72933 | |
rājadharman | noun (masculine) name of the kings of the cranes or herons (son of Kaśyapa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12635/72933 | |
varṇāśramadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.49 Frequency rank 64739/72933 | |
vīradharman | noun (masculine) name of a king Frequency rank 66360/72933 | |
vṛṣṭadharma | noun (masculine) name of a king; a son of Akrūra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66515/72933 | |
śivadharma | noun (neuter) name of a chapter of the Nandikeśvarasaṃhitā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67675/72933 | |
satyadharman | noun (masculine) name of a man Frequency rank 30679/72933 | |
sadharman | adjective equal to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) having the same duties (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) having the same nature or similar properties (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) like (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) resembling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9967/72933 | |
sadharma | adjective equal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) having the same nature or qualities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) honest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) like (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) subject to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the same law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) virtuous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30696/72933 | |
sadharmaka | adjective equal
similar Frequency rank 68744/72933 | |
sahadharma | noun (masculine) common usage or characteristic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) community of duty or law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22560/72933 | |
sahadharmacara | adjective Frequency rank 40574/72933 | |
svadharma | noun (masculine) one's own duty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one's own rights (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) peculiar property (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) peculiarity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1920/72933 |