ad | cl.2 P. /atti-, āda-, atsyati-, attum-, to eat, consume, devour, Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /attave- : Causal ād/ayati- and te- (once adayate-[ ]) to feed ([ confer, compare Lithuanian edmi; Slavonic or Slavonian jamjforjadmj; Greek ; Latin edo; Gothic rootAT present tense ita; German essen; English toeat, Armorican or the language of Brittany utem]). |
ad | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "eating", as matsyād-, eating fish. |
ada | mfn. chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' , eating. |
adabdha | mfn. ( dambh-,or dabh-), not deceived or tampered with, unimpaired, unbroken, |
adabdhacakṣus | mfn. one whose eyes do not fail, |
adabdhadhiti | (/adabdha--) mfn. whose works are unimpaired |
adabdhāsu | mfn. having a pure life |
adabdhavratapramati | (/adabdha--) mfn. of unbroken observances and superior mind (or"of superior mind from having unbroken observances") |
adabdhāyu | m. having unimpaired vigour (or"leaving uninjured the man who sacrifices") |
adabha | mfn. not injuring, benevolent |
adabhra | mfn. not scanty, plentiful |
adabhra | mfn. strong. |
adābhya | mfn. (3, 4) free from deceit, trusty |
adābhya | mfn. not to be trifled with |
adābhya | m. Name of a libation (graha-) in the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice. |
adādi | mfn. belonging to the second class of roots called ad-, etc. see |
adadryañc | aṅ-, īcī-, ak- (fr. adas-+ añc-), inclining or going to that |
adagdha | mfn. not burnt. |
adaḥkṛtya | having done that. |
adāhuka | mfn. not consuming by fire |
adāhya | mfn. incombustible. |
adaiteya | m. "not a daiteya-", a god, |
adaiva | mfn. not referring to or connected with the gods or with their action |
adaiva | mfn. not predetermined by them or by fate. |
adaka | mfn. chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' , eating. |
adakṣa | mfn. not dexterous, unskilful, awkward. |
adakṣiṇa | mfn. not dexterous, not handy, not right, left |
adakṣiṇa | mfn. inexperienced, simple-minded, not giving or bringing in a dakṣiṇā- or present to the priest |
adakṣiṇatva | n. awkwardness |
adakṣiṇatva | n. not bringing in a dakṣiṇā-. |
adākṣiṇātya | m. plural "not Southerners", the gauḍa-s, |
adakṣiṇīya | mfn. not entitled to a dakṣiṇā- |
adakṣiṇya | mfn. not fit to be used as a dakṣiṇā- |
adākṣiṇya | n. incivility. |
adala | mfn. leafless |
adala | m. the plant Eugenia (or Barringtonia) Acutangula |
adalā | f. Socotorine Aloe (Perfoliata or Indica). |
adāman | mfn. not liberal, miserly |
adāman | mfn. unbound, . |
adambha | mfn. free from deceit, straightforward |
adambha | m. Name of śiva- |
adambha | m. absence of deceit |
adambha | m. straightforwardness. |
adambhitva | n. sincerity. |
adamudryañc | aṅ-, īcī-, ak-, going to that |
adamuyañc | idem or ' aṅ-, īcī-, ak-, going to that ' |
adamūyañc | idem or ' idem or ' aṅ-, īcī-, ak-, going to that ' ' |
adamya | mfn. untamable. |
adana | n. act of eating |
adana | n. food |
adana | adanīya- See ad-. |
adāna | n. (1. dā-), not giving, act of withholding |
adāna | mfn. not giving. |
adānava | m. "not a Da1nava", a god, |
adaṇḍa | mfn. exempt from punishment |
adaṇḍa | n. impunity. |
adaṇḍa | mfn. having no handle, |
adaṇḍana | n. not punishing, |
adaṇḍanīya | mfn. equals a-daṇḍy/a- |
adaṇḍavāsika | mfn. having no head (a village) () |
adaṇḍya | mfn. not deserving punishment etc. |
adaṇḍya | mfn. exempt from it |
adanīya | mfn. to be eaten, what may be eaten. |
adānīya | mfn. unworthy of a gift, |
adanta | mfn. toothless |
adanta | m. a leech |
adanta | mfn. (in grammar) ending in at- id est in the short inherent vowel a-. |
adānta | mfn. unsubdued. |
adantāghātin | mfn. not striking against the teeth (as a sound), |
adantajāta | mfn. one who has not teethed, |
adantaka | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. toothless. |
adantaka | ([ ]) mfn. toothless. |
adantya | mfn. not suitable for the teeth |
adantya | mfn. not dental |
adantya | n. toothlessness. |
adānya | mfn. not deserving a gift |
adara | mfn. not little, much. |
adāra | m. having no wife. |
adaraka | m. Name of a man. |
adārasṛt | mfn. not falling into a crack or rent , Name of a sāman- |
adaridra | mf(ā-)n. having no beggars, |
adarśa | (for ā-darśa-) m. a mirror. |
adarśa | m. day of new moon. |
adarśana | n. non-vision, not seeing |
adarśana | n. disregard, neglect, non-appearance, latent condition disappearance |
adarśana | mfn. invisible, latent. |
adarśanapatha | n. a path beyond the reach of vision. |
adarśanapatha | non-admission to (the king's) presence (?), disgrace, |
adarśanībhū | to become invisible, |
adarśanīya | mfn. invisible |
adarśanīya | n. invisible condition. |
adas | Nominal verb mf. as/au- (vocative case /asau- ) (n. ad/as-), (opposed to id/am- q.v), that, a certain |
adas | then, . |
adas | (adas-) ind. thus, so, there. |
adāsa | m. "not a slave", a free man. |
adaśamāsya | mfn. not ten months old |
adaśan | a-, not ten |
adasīya | mf(ī-)n. belonging to that or those |
adasta | mfn. unexhausted, imperishable, |
adāśu | ([ ]) mfn. not worshipping the deities, impious. |
adāśuri | ([ ]) ([ ;Compar. /adāśūṣṭara- ]) mfn. not worshipping the deities, impious. |
adāśvas | ([ ;Compar. /adāśūṣṭara- ]) mfn. not worshipping the deities, impious. |
adasya | Nom. P. adasyati-, to become that. |
adāsyat | mfn. not wishing to give, |
adat | mfn. eating |
adat | ([ ]) or adatka- ([ ]) mfn. toothless. (For 1. ad/at-See above.) |
adātṛ | mfn. not giving |
adātṛ | mfn. not liberal, miserly |
adātṛ | mfn. not giving (a daughter) in marriage |
adātṛ | mfn. not paying, not liable to payment. |
adatrayā | ind. not through a present |
adatta | mfn. not given |
adatta | mfn. given unjustly |
adatta | mfn. not given in marriage |
adatta | mfn. one who has given nothing |
adattā | f. an unmarried girl |
adatta | n. a donation which is null and void commentator or commentary on |
adattādāna | n. stealing (with Buddhists one of the ten sins), . |
adattādāyika | (), m. a thief. |
adattādāyin | (), m. a thief. |
adattvā | ind. not having given |
adaya | mfn. ( day-), merciless, unkind |
adāyāda | mf(/ī-,in later texts ā-)n. not entitled to be an heir |
adāyāda | mf(/ī-,in later texts ā-)n. destitute of heirs. |
adayālu | mfn. unkind. |
adayam | ind. ardently. |
adāyika | mfn. unclaimed from want of persons entitled to inherit |
adāyika | mfn. not relating to inheritance. |
adāyin | mfn. not giving |
adbhuta | mfn. extraordinary |
adbhuta | mfn. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
adbhuta | mfn. ([once adbhut/a- ]) (See 1. at-), supernatural, wonderful, marvellous |
adbhuta | m. the marvellous (in style) |
adbhuta | m. surprise |
adbhuta | m. Name of the indra- of the ninth manvantara- |
adbhuta | n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy. |
adbhutabhīmakarman | mfn. performing wonderful and fearful works. |
adbhutabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a portion of a brāhmaṇa- belonging to the sāma-veda-. |
adbhutadarpaṇa | Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka- |
adbhutadarśana | mfn. having a wonderful aspect. |
adbhutadharma | m. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", Name of one of the nine aṅga-s of the Buddhists. |
adbhutagandha | mfn. having a wonderful smell. |
adbhutainas | mfn. one in whom no fault is visible |
adbhutakarman | mfn. performing wonderful works, exhibiting wonderful workmanship. |
adbhutakratu | (/adbhuta--) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence |
adbhutakṛṣṇarāja | (or kr2-?), Name (also title or epithet) of a chief, |
adbhutarāmāyaṇa | n. Name of work ascribed to vālmīki-. |
adbhutaraṅga | Name (also title or epithet) of a prahasana- |
adbhutarasa | m. the marvellous style (of poetry). |
adbhutārtha | mfn. containing wonderful things, |
adbhutarūpa | mfn. having a wonderful shape. |
adbhutasaṃkāsa | mfn. resembling a wonder. |
adbhutaśānti | m. or f. Name of the sixty-seventh pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva- veda-. |
adbhutasāra | m. "wonderful resin"of the khadira- tree (Mimosa Catechu) |
adbhutasāra | m. Name of a book on the essence of prodigies. |
adbhutasvana | m. "having a wonderful voice", Name of śiva-. |
adbhutatama | n. an extraordinary wonder. |
adbhutatva | n. wonderfulness. |
adbhutopama | mfn. resembling a wonder. |
adbhutopamā | f. (in rhetoric) a simile implying a miracle, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
adbhutotpāta | m. plural miracles and prodigies, |
adbhutottarakāṇḍa | n. Name of work , an appendix to or imitation of the rāmāyaṇa-. |
addhā | ind. (fr. ad-,or a-,this) , Vedic or Veda in this way |
addhā | ind. manifestly |
addhā | ind. certainly, truly. |
addhābodheya | m. plural adherents of a particular śākhā- or recension of the white yajur-veda-. |
addhāpuruṣa | m. See an-addhāpuruṣ/a-. |
addhātama | mfn. quite manifest |
addhātamām | ind. most certainly |
addhāti | m. a sage |
addhyālohakarṇa | mfn. having ears quite red see adhirūḍha-k/arna-. |
adeha | m. "bodiless", the god of love, |
adeśa | m. a wrong place, an improper place. |
adeśaja | mfn. produced in a wrong place. |
adeśakāla | n. wrong place and time. |
adeśastha | mfn. out of place, in the wrong place |
adeśastha | mfn. one absent from his country, an absentee. |
adeśika | mfn. guideless, homeless, |
adeśya | mfn. not on the spot, not present on the occasion referred to (varia lectio a-deśa-) |
adeśya | mfn. not to be ordered or advised. |
adeva | mfn. not divine not of divine origin, not referring to any deity |
adeva | mfn. godless, impious |
adeva | m. one who is not a god |
adevaka | mf(ā-)n. not referring to or intended for any deity |
adevamātrika | mfn. "not having the gods or clouds as mothers, not suckled by any deity", not rained upon. |
adevatā | f. one who is not a deity |
adevatra | mfn. not devoted to the gods |
adevayat | ([ ]) mfn. indifferent to the gods, irreligious. |
adevayu | ([ ]) mfn. indifferent to the gods, irreligious. |
adevṛghnī | f. not killing her brother-in-law |
adeya | mfn. improper or unfit to be given, (am-) an illegal gift. |
adeyadāna | n. an illegal gift. |
adga | m. ( ad-), a sacrificial cake (puroḍāśa-) made of rice |
adga | m. a cane (?) |
adha | or /adhā- ind., Ved. (equals /atha-, used chiefly as an inceptive particle), now, then, therefore, moreover, so much the more, and, partly. /adha- /adha-as well as, partly partly. |
adhā | Ved. See /adha-. |
adhaḥkara | m. the lower part of the hand. |
adhaḥkāya | m. the lower part of the body. |
adhaḥkhāta | mfn. dug deep (as a furrow), |
adhaḥkṛta | mfn. cast down. |
adhaḥkumba | mf(ā-)n. having the thick end downwards, , Scholiast or Commentator |
adhaḥpadma | n. (in architecture) a part of a cupola. |
adhaḥpāta | m. a downfall. |
adhaḥprāṅśāyin | mfn. sleeping on the ground towards the east. |
adhaḥprastara | m. seat or bed of turf or grass (for persons in a state of impurity). |
adhaḥpravāha | m. a downward current. |
adhaḥpuṣpī | f. "having flowers looking downwards", two plants Pimpinella Anisum and Elephantopus Scaber (or Hieracium?). |
adhaḥsaṃveśin | mfn. idem or '(f.)', |
adhaḥśaya | mfn. sleeping on the ground |
adhaḥśāyin | mfn. lying on the ground |
adhaḥśāyitā | (f.) |
adhaḥśayya | mfn. having a peculiar couch on the ground |
adhaḥśayyā | f. act of sleeping on the ground and on a peculiar couch. |
adhaḥśiras | mfn. holding the head downward |
adhaḥśiras | mfn. head foremost m. Name of a hell |
adhaḥstha | mfn. placed low or below |
adhaḥstha | mfn. inferior. |
adhaḥsthānāsana | mfn. standing or sitting lower, |
adhaḥsthita | mfn. standing below |
adhaḥsthita | mfn. situated below. |
adhaḥsvastika | n. the nadir. |
adhairya | n. want of self-command |
adhairya | n. excitement |
adhairya | n. excitability |
adhairya | mfn. without self-command |
adhairya | mfn. excitable. |
adhaīṣa | n. draught-cattle, |
adhakhanana | n. undermining. |
adhakriyā | f. (equals apamāna-), disgrace, humiliation. |
adhakṛṣṇājinam | ind. under the black skin |
adhama | mfn. (See /adhara-), lowest, vilest, worst, very low or vile or bad (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',as in narādhama-,the vilest or worst of men) |
adhama | m. an unblushing paramour |
adhamā | f. a low or bad mistress ([ confer, compare Latin infimus]). |
adhamabhṛta | m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter. |
adhamabhṛtaka | m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter. |
adhamācāra | mfn. guilty of vile conduct. |
adhamādhama | mfn. lowest of all, |
adhamāṅga | n. "the lowest member", the foot. |
adhamārdha | n. the lower half, the lower participle |
adhamārdhya | mfn. connected with or referring to the lower part |
adhāmārgava | m. the plant Achyranthes Aspera. |
adhamarṇa | (ṛ-) (ṛ-) m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. |
adhamarṇika | (ṛ-) m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. |
adhamaśākha | (?) , Name of a region, (gaRa gahādi-, q.v) |
adhana | mfn. destitute of wealth. |
adhanya | mfn. not richly supplied with corn or other produce, not prosperous |
adhanya | mfn. unhappy. |
adhapriya | mfn. (you who are) now pleased (vocative case dual number yā-) |
adhara | mfn. (connected with adh/as-), lower, inferior, tending downwards |
adhara | mfn. low, vile |
adhara | mfn. worsted, silenced |
adhara | m. the lower lip, the lip |
adharā | f. the lower region, nadir |
adhara | n. the lower part, a reply, pudendum muliebre [ Latin inferus]. |
adharācīna | ([ ]) /āṅ /ācī-, /āk-, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south. |
adharācya | ([(5) ]) mfn. /āṅ /ācī-, /āk-, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south. |
adharadala | n. a lip, |
adhārāgraha | m. a ladleful or cupful not drawn from flowing water, |
adharahanu | f. the lower jaw-bone |
adharāk | ind. beneath, in the lower region id est in the south |
adharakaṇṭha | m. n. the lower neck, lower part of the throat |
adharakāya | m. the lower part of the body. |
adharamadhu | n. the moisture of the lips. |
adharāmbara | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f. ā-) an undergarment, |
adharāmṛta | n. the nectar of the lips. |
adharamūla | (/adh-), mfn. having the roots downwards, |
adhāraṇaka | mfn. unable to support, unremunerative. |
adharāñc | /āṅ /ācī-, /āk-, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south. |
adharapāna | n. "drinking the lip", kissing. |
adharāraṇi | f. the lower of the two pieces of wood used in producing fire by friction |
adhararucaka | n. lovely lips, |
adharasapatna | (/adhara--) mfn. whose enemies are worsted or silenced |
adharasmāt | ind. ablative below |
adharastāt | ind. below |
adharasvastika | n. the nadir. |
adharāt | ind. ablative See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order below |
adharāt | ind. below, beneath and |
adharāt | ind. in the south |
adharatas | ind. below |
adharāttāt | (adhar/āt--) ind. below, beneath |
adharauṣṭha | m. the lower lip |
adharauṣṭha | n. the lower and upper lip. |
adharauṣṭharucaka | n. lovely lips, |
adharāvalopa | m. biting the lip. |
adharaya | Nom. P. adharayati-, to make inferior, put under ; eclipse, excel. |
adhārayamāṇa | mfn. not resisting, |
adharedyus | ind. the day before yesterday |
adharībhūta | mfn. worsted (as in a process) |
adharīkṛta | mfn. worsted, eclipsed, excelled (varia lectio) |
adharima | mfn. lowest, |
adharīṇa | mfn. vilified |
adharma | m. unrighteousness, injustice, irreligion, wickedness |
adharma | m. demerit, guilt |
adharma | m. Name of a prajāpati- (son of brahmā-, husband of hiṃsā- or mṛṣā-) |
adharma | m. Name of an attendant of the sun |
adharmā | f. unrighteousness (personified and represented as the bride of death). |
adharmacaraṇa | n. (), practice of wickedness, injustice |
adharmacārin | mfn. practising wickedness. |
adharmacaryā | f. () practice of wickedness, injustice |
adharmadaṇḍana | n. unjust punishment |
adharmamaya | mfn. made up of wickedness |
adharmastikāya | m. the category (astikāya-) of adharma-, (one of the five categories of the jaina- ontology) . |
adharmatas | ind. unrighteously, unjustly. |
adharmātman | mfn. having a wicked spirit or disposition. |
adhārmika | mfn. unjust, unrighteous, wicked. |
adharmin | mfn. unrighteous, wicked, impious. |
adharmiṣṭha | mfn. most wicked, impious. |
adharmottaratā | f. prevalence of injustice, |
adharmya | mfn. unlawful, contrary to law or religion, wicked. |
adharoṣṭha | m. the lower lip |
adharoṣṭha | n. the lower and upper lip. |
adharottara | mfn. lower and higher |
adharottara | mfn. worse and better |
adharottara | mfn. question and answer |
adharottara | mfn. nearer and further |
adharottara | mfn. sooner and later |
adharottara | mfn. upside down, topsy-turvy. |
adhārya | mfn. unfit or improper to be held or carried or kept up. |
adhas | ind. (See /adhara-), below, down |
adhas | ind. in the lower region |
adhas | ind. beneath, under |
adhas | ind. from under (with accusative genitive case,and ablative) |
adhas | ind. also applied to the lower region and to the pudendum muliebre ([ confer, compare Latin infra]). |
adhāsanaśāyin | mfn. (for adha-- ās-) sitting or lying on the ground, |
adhaścara | m. "creeping on the ground", a thief. |
adhaspada | mfn. Ved. placed under the feet, under foot |
adhaspada | (/am-) n. the place under the feet |
adhaspadam | ind. under foot. |
adhastāddiś | f. the lower region, the nadir. |
adhastala | n. the room below anything. |
adhastāllakṣman | mfn. having a mark at the lower part (of the body) |
adhastana | mfn. lower, being underneath |
adhastana | mfn. preceding (in a book). |
adhastānnābhi | ind. below the navel, |
adhastānnirbādham | (adh/astān--), ind. (with the knobs) turned downwards, |
adhastarām | ind. very far down |
adhastāt | ind. equals adh/as- q.v |
adhaupāsana | n. sexual intercourse commentator or commentary on |
adhavā | f. one who has no husband, a widow (usually vi-dhavā- q.v) |
adhenu | mfn. yielding no milk |
adhenu | mfn. not nourishing |
adhi | m. (better ādhi- q.v), anxiety |
adhi | f. a woman in her courses (equals avi- q.v) |
adhi | ind., as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses above, over and above, besides. As a separable adverb or preposition |
adhi | ind. (with ablative) Ved. over |
adhi | ind. from above, from |
adhi | ind. from the presence of |
adhi | ind. after |
adhi | ind. for |
adhi | ind. instead of , (with locative case) Ved. over |
adhi | ind. on |
adhi | ind. at |
adhi | ind. in comparison with |
adhi | ind. (with accusative) over, upon, concerning. |
adhī | ( i-), adhy-/eti-, or /adhy-eti- (exceptionally adhīyati- ), to turn the mind towards, observe, understand and ; chiefly Vedic or Veda (with genitive case [ see ]or accusative) to mind, remember, care for, long for etc. ; to know, know by heart etc. ; to go over, study ; to learn from (a teacher's mouth ablative) ; to declare, teach : A1. adhīt/e- or (more rarely) adhīyate- (; Potential 3. plural adhīyīran- ) to study, learn by heart, read, recite: Causal adhy-āpayati- (Aorist -āpipat- ) to cause to read or study, teach, instruct: Causal Desiderative adhy-āpipa-yiṣati-, to be desirous of teaching : Desiderative adhīṣiṣati-, to be desirous of studying |
adhibādh | to vex, annoy. |
adhibala | n. (in dramatic language) a violent altercation, |
adhibala | pursuing an aim by an indirect course, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
adhibhojana | n. an additional gift |
adhibhū | m. ( bhū-), a master, a superior |
adhibhuj | to enjoy. |
adhibhūta | n. the spiritual or fine substratum of material or gross objects |
adhibhūta | n. the all penetrating influence of the Supreme Spirit |
adhibhūta | n. the Supreme Spirit itself |
adhibhūta | n. nature |
adhibhūtam | ind. on material objects (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhibrū | Ved. to speak in favour of (dative case) or favourably to (dative case), intercede for. |
adhicaṅkrama | mfn. ( kram-), walking or creeping over |
adhicar | to walk or move on or over , to be superior to (accusative) |
adhicara | mfn. redundant, superfluous, |
adhicaraṇa | n. the act of walking or moving or being on or over. |
adhici | to pile upon |
adhicittaśikṣā | f. (with Buddhists) training in higher thought (one of the 3 kinds of training), . |
adhidaiva | n. a presiding or tutelary deity, the supreme deity, the divine agent operating in material objects |
adhidaivata | n. a presiding or tutelary deity, the supreme deity, the divine agent operating in material objects |
adhidaivatam | ind. on the subject of the deity or the divine agent. |
adhidaivatya | n. the highest divine rank among (ablative), |
adhidaivika | mfn. spiritual. |
adhidaṇḍanetṛ | m. "presiding over punishment", Name of yama- |
adhidanta | m. a redundant tooth |
adhidārva | mfn. (fr. dāru-), wooden. |
adhideva | m. a presiding or tutelary deity. |
adhidevam | ([ ]) ind. concerning the gods or the deity. |
adhidevana | n. a table or board for gambling |
adhidevatā | f. a presiding or tutelary deity. |
adhidevatam | ([ ]) ind. concerning the gods or the deity. |
adhidhā | (Passive voice 3. sg. -dhāyi- ) Ved. to place upon ; to give, share between (dative case or locative case) ; A1. (Aorist -adhita-; perf. -dadhe-, parasmE-pada -d/adhāna-) to acquire additionally |
adhidhṛ | Causal P. -dhārayati-, Ved. to carry over or across. |
adhidīdhiti | mfn. having excessive lustre |
adhidina | n. an intercalated day. |
adhidiś | (Aorist subjunctive A1.3 sg. -didiṣṭa-) to bestow |
adhidru | to cover (said of a bull) : Causal -drāvayati-, to cause to cover |
adhidyo | f. (Nominal verb aus-) a kind of brick, |
adhigā | P. to obtain ; P. (Aorist subjunctive 2. plural -gāta-,or -gātana-) to remember, notice and ; P. or generally A1. (-jage-, -agīṣṭa-, -agīṣyata- ) to go over, learn, read, study ; to attempt, resolve: Causal P. -gāpayati-, to cause to go over or teach: Desiderative Causal -jigāpayiṣati-, to be desirous of teaching |
adhigam | to go up to, approach, overtake, to approach for sexual intercourse, to fall in with, to meet, find, discover, obtain ; to accomplish ; to study, read: Desiderative P. adhi-jigamiṣati-, to seek ; A1. adhi-jigāṃsate-, to be desirous of studying or reading. |
adhigama | m. the act of attaining, acquisition |
adhigama | m. acquirement, mastery, study, knowledge |
adhigama | m. mercantile return, profit, etc. |
adhigamana | n. acquisition |
adhigamana | n. finding |
adhigamana | n. acquirement, reading, study |
adhigamana | n. marriage, copulation. |
adhigamanīya | mfn. attainable |
adhigamanīya | mfn. practicable to be learnt. |
adhigamya | mfn. attainable |
adhigamya | mfn. practicable to be learnt. |
adhigaṇ | to enumerate, to value highly |
adhigantavya | mfn. attainable, to be studied. |
adhigantṛ | m. one who attains or acquires. |
adhigartya | (5) mfn. being on the driver's seat |
adhigata | mfn. found, obtained, acquired |
adhigata | mfn. gone over, studied, learnt. |
adhigava | mfn. being on or in a cow, derived from a cow |
adhigopam | ind. on a cowherd, . |
adhigoptṛ | see dhanā- dh-. |
adhigṛham | ind. in the house, in the houses |
adhigrīvam | ind. upon the neck, up to the neck. |
adhiguṇa | mfn. possessing superior qualities |
adhigupta | mfn. protected. |
adhihari | ind. concerning hari- |
adhihasti | ind. on an elephant |
adhihastya | n. a present etc. held in the hand, |
adhihṛ | to procure, furnish. |
adhihu | (imperfect tense 3. plural -/ajuhvata-) to make an oblation upon or over |
adhija | mfn. born, superior by birth |
adhijāgṛ | (only - jāgarat-), to watch over (locative case), |
adhijan | to be born. |
adhijanana | n. birth |
adhijaṅgham | ind. on the legs, |
adhijānu | ind. on the knees |
adhijarāyu | f. (a cow) having the after-birth in itself or part of it, |
adhiji | (subjunctive 2. sg. -jayāsi-) to, win in addition |
adhiji | (Prec. 1. plural - jīyāsma-), to overcome, |
adhijigāṃsu | mfn. (from Desiderative of adhi-- gam-) wishing to learn, |
adhijihva | m. a peculiar swelling of the tongue or epiglottis |
adhijihvikā | f. a peculiar swelling of the tongue or epiglottis |
adhijya | mfn. having the bowstring (jyā-) up or stretched, strung |
adhijyotiṣam | ind. on the luminaries (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhika | mfn. additional, subsequent, later |
adhika | mfn. surpassing (in number or quantity or quality), superior, more numerous |
adhika | mfn. abundant |
adhika | mfn. excellent |
adhika | mfn. supernumerary, redundant |
adhika | mfn. secondary, inferior |
adhika | mfn. intercalated |
adhika | n. surplus, abundance, redundancy, hyperbole |
adhika | n. more. |
adhikadanta | m. a redundant tooth which grows over another (see adhi-danta-.) |
adhikādhi | mfn. full of sorrow, |
adhikādhika | mfn. outdoing one another. |
adhikadina | n. a redundant id est an intercalated day (see adhi-dina-.) |
adhikākṣara | mfn. having a redundant syllable, |
adhikakṣayakārin | mfn. causing excessive waste. |
adhikalpin | m. a sharp gambler |
adhikalpin | according to to others,"supreme umpire". |
adhikam | ind. exceedingly, too much |
adhikamāṃsārman | n. proud flesh in the eye (see adhimāṃsa-.) |
adhikamāsa | m. an intercalated month. |
adhikandharam | ind. upon or as far as the neck |
adhikāṅga | mf(ī-)n. having some redundant member or members |
adhikāṅga | n. belt worn over the coat of mail |
adhikaṇṭham | ind. on or round the neck, |
adhikāra | m. authority |
adhikāra | m. government, rule, administration, jurisdiction |
adhikāra | m. royalty, prerogative |
adhikāra | m. title |
adhikāra | m. rank |
adhikāra | m. office |
adhikāra | m. claim, right, especially to perform sacrifices with benefit |
adhikāra | m. privilege, ownership |
adhikāra | m. property |
adhikāra | m. reference, relation |
adhikāra | m. a topic, subject |
adhikāra | m. a paragraph or minor section |
adhikāra | m. (in grammar) government, a governing-rule (the influence of which over any number of succeeding rules is called anu-vṛtti- q.v) |
adhīkāra | m. (equals adhi-kāra-) superintendence over (locative case) |
adhīkāra | m. authorization, capability |
adhikārāḍhya | mfn. invested with rights or privileges. |
adhikāraka | mfn. introductory, |
adhikaraṇa | n. the act of placing at the head or of subordinating government, supremacy, magistracy, court of justice |
adhikaraṇa | n. a receptacle, support |
adhikaraṇa | n. a claim |
adhikaraṇa | n. a topic, subject |
adhikaraṇa | n. (in philosophy) a substratum |
adhikaraṇa | n. a subject (exempli gratia, 'for example' ātman-is the adhi-karaṇa-of knowledge) |
adhikaraṇa | n. a category |
adhikaraṇa | n. a relation |
adhikaraṇa | n. (in grammar) government |
adhikaraṇa | n. location, the sense of the locative case |
adhikaraṇa | n. relationship of words in a sentence (which agree together, either as adjective and substantive, or as subject and predicate, or as two substantives in apposition) |
adhikaraṇa | n. (in rhetoric) a topic |
adhikaraṇa | n. a paragraph or minor section |
adhikaraṇa | mfn. having to superintend. |
adhikaraṇabhojaka | m. a judge. |
adhikaraṇaitāvattva | n. fixed quantity of a substratum. |
adhikaraṇalekhaka | m. a clerk at a hall of justice, |
adhikaraṇamālā | f. a compendium of the topics of the vedānta- by bhāratī-tīrtha-. |
adhikaraṇamaṇḍapa | m. n. the hall of justice. |
adhikaraṇasiddhānta | m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others, etc. |
adhikaraṇika | or better |
adhikaraṇya | n. authority, power. |
adhikārapuruṣa | m. an official, |
adhikārasaṃgraha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on bhakti- (rāmānuja- school). |
adhikārastha | mfn. established in an office. |
adhikāravat | m. idem or 'm. an official, ', |
adhikarddhi | (ṛd-) mfn. abundantly prosperous. |
adhikārin | mfn. possessing authority, entitled to, fit for |
adhikārin | m. a superintendent, governor |
adhikārin | m. an official, a rightful claimant |
adhikārin | m. a man |
adhikāritā | f. authority, rightful claim, ownership, etc. |
adhikāritva | n. authority, rightful claim, ownership, etc. |
adhikārma | n. Name of some place unknown |
adhikarmakara | m. See adhi-- 1 kṛ- below. |
adhikarmakara | m. an overseer, superintendent. |
adhikarmakṛt | t- m. See adhi-- 1 kṛ- below. |
adhikarmakṛt | m. an overseer, superintendent. |
adhikarmakṛta | m. person appointed to superintend an establishment. |
adhikarman | n. superintendence. |
adhikarmika | m. overseer of a market |
adhikarṇa | m. Name of a snake demon |
adhikarṇam | ind. on the ear, |
adhikārtha | mfn. exaggerated. |
adhikārthavacana | n. exaggeration, hyperbole |
adhikasaṃvatsara | m. an intercalated month. |
adhikasāptatika | mfn. (containing or costing) more than seventy. |
adhikaṣāṣṭika | mfn. (containing or costing) more than sixty. |
adhikaṣṭa | n. great misery, |
adhikatā | f. addition, excess, redundancy, preponderance. |
adhikatithi | mf. an intercalary lunar day. |
adhikatva | n. equals -tā- q.v |
adhikavākyokti | f. exaggeration, hyperbole. |
adhikavayas | mfn. advanced in age, |
adhiketanam | ind. on a flag, |
adhikopama | mfn. containing a redundant simile, |
adhikṛ | to place at the head, appoint ; to aim at, regard ; to refer or allude to ; to superintend, be at the head of (locative case) : A1. -kurute-, to be or become entitled to (accusative) ; to be or become superior to, overcome |
adhikṛ | A1. - kurute-, (also) to define, . |
adhikram | to ascend, mount up to. |
adhikrama | m. an invasion, attack |
adhikramaṇa | n. act of invading |
adhikrīḍ | to play or dance over (accusative) |
adhikṛta | mfn. placed at the head of, appointed |
adhikṛta | mfn. ruled, administered |
adhikṛta | mfn. claimed |
adhikṛta | m. a superintendent (especially a comptroller of public accounts). |
adhikṛtatva | n. the being engaged in or occupied with. |
adhikṛti | f. a right, privilege |
adhikṛti | f. possession. |
adhikṛtya | ind. ind.p. having placed at the head, having made the chief subject |
adhikṛtya | ind. regarding, concerning |
adhikṛtya | ind. with reference to. |
adhīkṣ | ( īkṣ-) to expect. |
adhikṣepa | m. abuse, contempt, dismissal. |
adhīkṣepa | m. = adhi-- kṣ-, hāla-, Scholiast or Commentator |
adhikṣi | (3. du. -kṣit/aḥ-;3. plural -kṣiy/anti-) to be settled in or over, be extended over or along (accusative or locative case) ; to rest upon |
adhikṣip | to throw upon ; to bespatter ; to insult, scold ; to superinduce (disease). |
adhikṣipadabjanetra | mfn. having eyes which eclipse the lotus. |
adhikṣipta | mfn. insulted, scolded, thrown down |
adhikṣipta | mfn. placed, fixed |
adhikṣipta | mfn. despatched. |
adhikṣit | m. (2. kṣi-), a lord, ruler |
adhikṣiti | ind. on the earth, |
adhilaṅkam | ind. over laṅkā-, |
adhīlohakarṇa | mfn. equals addhyāloha-k/arna- q.v |
adhilokam | ind. on the universe (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhilokanātha | m. lord of the universe. |
adhiluṭh | (P. - luṭhati-), to leap up and down, spring about, . |
adhimakham | ind. in regard to a sacrifice, |
adhimāṃsa | m. proud flesh or cancer (especially in the eyes or the back part of the gums). |
adhimāṃsaka | m. proud flesh or cancer (especially in the eyes or the back part of the gums). |
adhimāṃsārman | n. ophthalmic disease produced by proud flesh or cancer. |
adhiman | to esteem highly. |
adhimantha | or adhī-mantha- m. "great irritation of the eyes", severe ophthalmia. |
adhīmantha | equals adhi-mantha- q.v |
adhimanthana | n. friction for producing fire |
adhimanthana | mfn. suitable for such friction (as wood) |
adhimanthita | mfn. suffering from ophthalmia. |
adhimāsa | m. an additional or intercalary month. |
adhimātra | mfn. above measure, excessive |
adhimātrakāruṇika | m. "exceedingly merciful", Name of a mahā-brāhmaṇa- |
adhimātram | ind. on the subject of prosody. |
adhimitra | n. an occasional friend, |
adhimitratā | (f.) |
adhimokṣa | m. = adhi-- mukti-, |
adhimuhya | m. Name of śākyamuni- in one of his thirty-four former births. |
adhimukta | mfn. ( muc-), inclined, propense |
adhimukta | mfn. confident |
adhimukta | mfn. also"intent on", |
adhimukta | m. a particular samādhi-, |
adhimukti | f. propensity |
adhimukti | f. confidence. |
adhimuktika | m. Name of mahā-kāla- |
adhīna | mfn. (fr. adhi-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' resting on or in, situated |
adhīna | mfn. depending on, subject to, subservient to. |
adhināgam | ind. "on elephants"and"on snakes", |
adhinam | Intensive A1. -n/amnate-, to incline over |
adhīnatā | f. subjection, dependence. |
adhinātha | m. a supreme lord, chieftain |
adhinātha | m. Name of the author of the kālayogaśāstra-. |
adhīnatva | n. subjection, dependence. |
adhinī | (Aorist 2. plural -naiṣṭa-) to lead away from (ablative) , to raise above the ordinary measure, enhance |
adhinidhā | Ved. to place upon ; to impart, grant. |
adhinirhan | (perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to destroy, root out from |
adhinirmuc | Passive voice -mucyate-, to escape from |
adhinirṇij | mfn. covered over, veiled |
adhiniṣad | ( sad-), (perf. 3. plural -ṣed/uḥ-) to settle in a place |
adhiniśam | ind. by night, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
adhinivas | to dwell in. |
adhinivyadh | (Imper. 3. dual number -vidhyatām-) to pierce through |
adhinṛt | (Imper. -nṛtyatu-) to dance upon (accusative) |
adhinyas | to throw upon |
adhipa | m. a ruler, commander, regent, king. |
adhipā | m. Ved. a ruler, king, sovereign. |
adhipāṃśula | mfn.being dusty above; dusty |
adhipāṃsula | mfn. being dusty above; dusty |
adhipāṇi | ind. in the hand, |
adhipāśa | m. a short, stick, |
adhipaśya | m. an overseer, |
adhipatham | ind. over or across a road |
adhipati | m. equals adhi-pa- |
adhipati | m. (in med.) a particular part of the head (where a wound proves instantly fatal) . |
adhipativatī | (/adhipati--) f. containing the lord in herself |
adhipatnī | f. a female sovereign or ruler. |
adhipeṣaṇa | mfn. serving to pound or grind upon |
adhipradhāv | to approach hastily from |
adhiprajam | ind. on procreation as a means of preserving the world (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhiprajñam | ind. with regard to knowledge, |
adhiprajñāśikṣā | f. (with Buddhists) training in higher knowledge, . |
adhipraṣṭiyuga | n. yoke for attaching a fourth horse laid upon the praṣṭi-, or foremost of three horses (used on sacrificial occasions) |
adhiprasū | to send away from |
adhipurandhri | ind. towards a wife |
adhipuruṣa | m. the Supreme Spirit. |
adhipūruṣa | ([ ]) m. the Supreme Spirit. |
adhipūtabhṛtam | ind. over the (vessel) full of purified soma- |
adhīra | mfn. imprudent |
adhīra | mfn. not fixed, movable |
adhīra | mfn. confused |
adhīra | mfn. deficient in calm self-command |
adhīra | mfn. excitable |
adhīra | mfn. capricious |
adhīra | mfn. querulous |
adhīra | mfn. weak-minded, foolish |
adhīrā | f. lightning |
adhīrā | f. a capricious or bellicose mistress. |
adhirāj | m. a supreme king. |
adhirāja | m. an emperor. |
adhirājan | m. an emperor. |
adhirajani | ind. by night, |
adhirajju | mfn. carrying a rope, fastening, fettering |
adhirājya | n. supremacy, imperial dignity |
adhirājya | n. an empire |
adhirājya | n. Name of a country. |
adhirājyabhāj | m. possessor of imperial dignity. |
adhirāṣṭra | n. equals adhi-rājya-. |
adhīratā | f. want of confidence. |
adhiratha | mfn. being upon or over a car |
adhiratha | m. a charioteer |
adhiratha | m. Name of a charioteer who was a prince of aṅga- and karṇa-'s foster-father |
adhiratha | n. a cart-load |
adhirathyam | ind. on the high road. |
adhiroḍhavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be mounted on (locative case), |
adhiroha | m. ascent, mounting, overtopping |
adhiroha | mfn. riding, mounted |
adhirohaṇa | n. act of ascending or mounting or rising above |
adhirohaṇī | f. a ladder, flight of steps |
adhirohin | mfn. rising above, ascending, etc. |
adhirohiṇī | f. a ladder, flight of steps. |
adhiropaṇa | n. the act of raising or causing to mount. |
adhiropaṇa | transferring to (locative case), |
adhiropita | mfn. raised, placed above. |
adhirūḍha | mfn. ascended, mounted. |
adhirūḍhā | f. (also) a woman from her 33rd to her 50th year, |
adhirūḍhaka | m. a parasitical plant, |
adhirūḍhākarṇa | mfn. equals addhyā-loha-k/arṇa-, q.v |
adhirūḍhākarṇa | mfn. see adhīloha-k/arṇa-. |
adhirūḍhasamādhiyoga | mfn. engaged in profound meditation. |
adhirūḍhi | f. becoming thicker upwards, |
adhiruh | cl.1 P. or poetry or poetic A1. to rise above, ascend, mount: Causal -ropayati-, to raise, place above. |
adhiruh | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') mounting or riding on, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
adhirukma | mfn. wearing gold |
adhīṣ | (adhi--3. iṣ-, A1. adhy-- eṣate-), to seek, |
adhīśa | m. a lord or master over (others). |
adhiṣādam | ind. sitting down upon, |
adhisaṃdhā | (perf. 3. plural -dadh/uḥ-) to put or join together |
adhisaṃvas | (3. pl. v/asante-) to dwell or reside together (quoted in ) |
adhisaṃvṛt | (imperfect tense s/am-avar-tatādhi-) to originate from |
adhiśasta | mfn. ( śaṃs-), (equals abhiśasta-), notorious |
adhiṣavaṇa | n. (generally used in the dual) , hand-press for extracting and straining the soma- juice |
adhiṣavaṇa | mfn. used for extracting and straining the soma- juice. |
adhiṣavaṇaphalaka | n. dual number Name (also title or epithet) of two boards used in pressing the soma-, |
adhiṣavaṇya | (6) m. dual number the two parts of the hand-press for extracting and straining the soma- juice |
adhiśaya | m. addition, anything added or given extra |
adhiśayana | mfn. lying on, sleeping on. |
adhiśayita | mfn. recumbent upon |
adhiśayita | mfn. used for lying or sleeping upon. |
adhisenāpati | f. the chief commander of an army, |
adhiśī | to lie down upon, to lie upon, to sleep upon (locative case,but generally accusative) |
adhiśīlaśikṣā | f. (with Buddhists) training in higher morality (confer, compare adhicitta-- ś- above), . |
adhiśiras | ind. on the head, |
adhiśirodharam | ind. on the neck, |
adhīśitṛ | m. a chief lord, |
adhiṣkand | ( skand-), (Aorist 3. sg. -ṣk/an-) to cover in copulation |
adhiṣkannā | f. (a cow) covered (by the bull) |
adhispardh | (3. plural p. -sp/ardhante-and perf. -paspṛdhre-) to compete for an aim, strive at (locative case) |
adhispṛś | to touch lightly or slightly : Causal (Potential -sparś/ayet-) to cause to reach to, to extend to |
adhiśraya | m. a receptacle. |
adhiśrayaṇa | n. the act or ceremony of putting on the fire |
adhiśrayaṇī | f. a fire-place, oven. |
adhiśrayaṇīya | mfn. relating to or connected with the adhi-śrayaṇa-. |
adhiśri | (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /adhi-śrayitav/ai- ) to put in the fire ; to spread over |
adhiśrī | mfn. being at the height of fortune or glory, |
adhiśrita | mfn. put on the fire (as a pot) |
adhiśrita | mfn. resided in, dwelt in |
adhiśrita | mfn. occupied by. |
adhiśrotram | ind. over the ears, |
adhisṛp | to glide along |
adhisru | to trickle or drop off |
adhīṣṭa | mfn. (3. iṣ-), solicited, asked for instruction (as a teacher) |
adhīṣṭa | mn. instruction given by a teacher solicited for it |
adhiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) to stand upon, depend upon to inhabit abide to stand over ; to superintend, govern ; to step over or across ; to overcome; to ascend, mount ; to attain, arrive at. |
adhiṣṭhā | ( sthā-; P. - tiṣṭhati-), to bless (?), |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. standing by, being at hand, approach |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. standing or resting upon |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a basis, base |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. the standing-place of the warrior upon the car |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a position, site, residence, abode, seat |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a settlement, town, standing over |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. government, authority, power |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a precedent, rule |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a benediction |
adhiṣṭhāna | (with Buddhists) steadfast resolution (one of the 6 or 10 pāramitā-s, quod vide), |
adhiṣṭhāna | a king's court, |
adhiṣṭhānadeha | n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the pitṛ-loka- or world of spirits (also called the preta-śarīra-). |
adhiṣṭhānaśarīra | n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the pitṛ-loka- or world of spirits (also called the preta-śarīra-). |
adhiṣṭhātṛ | mfn. superintending, presiding, governing, tutelary |
adhiṣṭhātṛ | m. a ruler |
adhiṣṭhātṛ | m. the Supreme Ruler (or Providence personified and identified with one or other of the Hindu gods) |
adhiṣṭhātṛ | m. a chief |
adhiṣṭhātṛ | m. a protector. |
adhiṣṭhāyaka | mfn. governing, superintending, guarding. |
adhiṣṭheya | mfn. to be superintended or governed. |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. settled |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. inhabited |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. superintended |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. regulated |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. appointed |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. superintending. |
adhiṣṭhita | (in the text has dhi-- ṣṭhita-, with elision of a-). |
adhistri | ind. concerning a woman or a wife |
adhistrī | f. a superior woman |
adhiṣu | (3 su-), to extract or prepare the soma- juice |
adhiṣvan | ( svan-) to roar along or over (3. sg. Aorist Passive voice in the sense of P. adhiṣv/aṇi-) |
adhīśvara | m. a supreme lord or king, an emperor |
adhīśvara | m. an arhat- |
adhisyada | mfn. very swift, |
adhīta | mfn. attained |
adhīta | mfn. studied, read |
adhīta | mfn. well read, learned. |
adhītarasa | mfn. having the juice not sucked out, |
adhītaveda | m. one who has studied the veda-s or whose studies are finished |
adhīti | f. perusal, study |
adhīti | f. desire, recollection |
adhītin | mfn. well read, proficient, (gaRa iṣṭādi-, q.v) etc. |
adhītin | mfn. occupied with the study of the veda-s |
adhitiṣṭhati | See adhi-ṣṭhā-. |
adhītya | ind.p. having gone over, having studied. |
adhityakā | f. (fr. adhi-tya-,a derivation of adhi-; see ), land on the upper part of a mountain, table land |
adhivac | (Aorist Imper. 2. sg. -vocā-,2 dual number -vocatam-,2. plural -vocata-) to speak in favour of, advocate |
adhivacana | n. an appellation, epithet. |
adhivad | to speak, pronounce over or at |
adhivāda | m. offensive words |
adhivāha | m. the leader of a team, |
adhivāhana | m. Name of a man (said to be a son of aṅga-). |
adhivājyakulādya | m. Name of a country |
adhivāka | m. advocacy, protection |
adhivakṣas | ind. on the breast, |
adhivaktṛ | m. an advocate, protector, comforter |
adhivap | A1. -vapate-, to put on, fasten ; to scatter |
adhivarcas | n. a latrine (varia lectio rca-), |
adhivarjana | n. placing near the fire, |
adhivartana | n. rolling on, |
adhivas | A1. -vaste-, to put on or over (as clothes, etc.) |
adhivas | to inhabit ; to settle or perch upon. |
adhivas | (Causal - vāsayati-), to accept (especially an invitation), |
adhivās | to scent, perfume. |
adhivāsa | ([ ]) m. an upper garment, mantle. |
adhīvāsa | ([ etc.]) m. an upper garment, mantle. |
adhivāsa | m. an inhabitant |
adhivāsa | m. a neighbour |
adhivāsa | m. one who dwells above |
adhivāsa | m. a habitation, abode, settlement, site |
adhivāsa | m. sitting before a person's house without taking food till he ceases to oppose or refuse a demand (commonly called"sitting in dharna") |
adhivāsa | m. pertinacity. |
adhivāsa | m. perfume, fragrance |
adhivāsa | m. application of perfumes or fragrant cosmetics. |
adhīvāsa | = adhi-vās/a-1, q.v |
adhivāsabhūmi | f. a dwelling-place, settlement. |
adhivāsanā | f. obedience, compliance, |
adhivāsana | n. causing a divinity to dwell in an image |
adhivāsana | n. sitting in dharna (See above) . |
adhivāsana | n. application of perfumes, etc. |
adhivāsana | n. the ceremony of touching a vessel containing fragrant objects (that have been presented to an idol) |
adhivāsana | n. preliminary purification of an image. |
adhivāsanīya | mfn. to be consecrated (confer, compare 1. adhivāsana-, parasmE-pada 22), |
adhīvāsas | ([ ]) n. an upper garment, mantle. |
adhīvāsas | ind. over the garment |
adhivasati | f. a dwelling, habitation, |
adhivāsin | mfn. inhabiting, settled in. |
adhivāsitā | f. settled residence. |
adhivāsita | mfn. scented, perfumed. |
adhivastra | mfn. clothed |
adhivedam | ind. concerning the veda- |
adhivedana | n. marrying an additional wife. |
adhivedanīyā | f. equals -vettavyā-. |
adhivedanīyāvedyā | f. equals -vettavyā-. |
adhivelam | ind. on the shore |
adhiveśma | in the house, |
adhivettavyā | f. a wife in addition to whom it is proper to marry another. |
adhivettṛ | m. a husband who marries an additional wife. |
adhivid | cl.6 P. -vindati-, to obtain, to marry in addition to. |
adhividhā | to distribute or scatter over |
adhividyam | ind. on the subject of science (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) |
adhivijñāna | n. the highest knowledge. |
adhivikartana | n. the act of cutting off or cutting asunder |
adhivikram | A1. to come forth on behalf of (dative case) |
adhivinnā | f. a wife whose husband has married again |
adhivinnā | f. a neglected or superseded wife. |
adhivīra | m. the chief hero among (compound), |
adhivirāj | to surpass in brightness |
adhiviś | Caus. -veśayati-, to cause to sit down, to place upon |
adhivīta | mfn. wrapped up, enveloped in. |
adhivivāham | ind. with regard to marriage, |
adhiviyat | Caus. -yātayati-, to subjoin, annex |
adhivrata | n. anything accessory to a vow or observance, |
adhivṛdh | P. (subjunctive -vardhat-) to refresh, gladden ; A1. -v/ardhate-, to prosper through or by (locative case) |
adhivṛj | cl.7 P., -vṛṇ/akti-, to place near or over (the fire) |
adhivṛkṣasūrye | ind. when the sun is (still) shining on the tops of trees (rya--, in compound), |
adhivṛt | (Potential 3. pl. -vavṛtyuḥ-) to move or pass along or over (locative case) Caus. idem or 'n. placing near the fire, ' |
adhivyatikrama | m. passing over or through (compound), |
adhivye | to envelop. |
adhiyā | to escape |
adhiyajña | m. the chief or principal sacrifice , influence or agency affecting a sacrifice |
adhiyajña | mfn. relating to a sacrifice |
adhiyajñam | ind. on the subject of sacrifice |
adhiyam | (Imper. 2. plural -yacchata-) to erect or stretch out over A1. (Aorist 3. plural -ayaṃsata-) to strive up to (locative case) |
adhīyāna | mfn. reading, studying |
adhīyāna | m. a student |
adhīyāna | m. one who goes over the veda- either as a student or a teacher. |
adhiyat | to fasten : Causal A1. -yāt/ayate-, to reach, join |
adhīyat | mfn. remembering, proficient. |
adhiyoga | m. a particular constellation, |
adhiyuj | to put on, load. |
adhoakṣa | mfn. being below (or not coming up to) the axle |
adhobāṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain, |
adhobandhana | n. an under girth. |
adhobhāga | m. the lower or lowest part, especially of the body. |
adhobhāgadoṣahara | mfn. curing or strengthening the lower part of the body. |
adhobhakta | n. a dose of medicine to be taken after eating. |
adhobhava | mfn. lower. |
adhobhūmi | f. lower ground |
adhobhūmi | f. land at the foot of a hill. |
adhobhuvana | n. the lower world. |
adhodāru | n. the under timber. |
adhodeśa | m. the lower or lowest part (especially of the body). |
adhodiś | f. the lower region, the nadir. |
adhodṛṣṭi | f. a downcast look |
adhodṛṣṭi | mfn. having a downcast look. |
adhodvāra | n. the anus, pudendum muliebre. |
adhogama | m. descent, downward movement, degradation. |
adhogamana | n. descent, downward movement, degradation. |
adhogāmin | mfn. going downwards, descending. |
adhogata | mfn. gone down, descended. |
adhogati | f. descent, downward movement, degradation. |
adhogati | mfn. going downwards, descending. |
adhoghaṇṭā | f. the plant Achyranthes Aspera. |
adhojānu | ind. below the knee |
adhojihvikā | f. the uvula. |
adhokṣaja | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- |
adhokṣaja | m. the sign śravaṇā-. |
adhokṣam | ([ ]) ([ ]) ind. under the axle. |
adhokṣeṇa | ([ ]) ind. under the axle. |
adholamba | m. a plummet |
adholamba | m. the perpendicular. |
adholoka | m. the lower world. |
adhomarman | n. the anus. |
adhomayūkha | mfn. shining downwards, |
adhoṃśuka | n. a lower garment, |
adhomukha | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. having the face downwards |
adhomukha | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. headlong |
adhomukha | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. upside down |
adhomukha | m. viṣṇu- |
adhomukha | m. a division of hell |
adhomukhā | f. the plant Premna Esculenta. |
adhonābham | of |
adhonābhi | ([ ]) ind. below the navel. |
adhonāpita | m. the son of a karaṇa- and an ambaṣṭhā- (who catches fish), |
adhoṅga | n. the anus |
adhoṅga | n. pudendum muliebre. |
adhonilaya | m. "lower abode", the lower regions, hell. |
adhonīvī | f. having the girdle slipped down, |
adhonivīta | mfn. having the sacred thread hanging down, (confer, compare ) |
adhopahāsa | (dh/as-up-) m. sexual intercourse |
adhopara | n. the anus. |
adhoraktapitta | n. discharge of blood from the anus and the urethra. |
adhorāma | m. (a goat) having peculiar white or black marks on the lower part (of the body) |
adhosrapitta | n. equals adhorakta-pitta- q.v |
adhośvam | ind. under the horse |
adhovadana | mfn. equals adho-mukha-. |
adhovarcas | mfn. tumbling downwards |
adhovaśa | m. pudendum muliebre. |
adhovāsas | n. an under garment, |
adhovāyu | m. vital air passing downwards |
adhovāyu | m. breaking wind. |
adhovekṣin | mfn. looking down. |
adhoyantra | n. the lower part of an apparatus |
adhoyantra | n. a still. |
adhri | press-stone; gr/āvā- / adriḥ- |
adhrigu | mfn. (/adhri--)(m. plural āvas-), irresistible |
adhrigu | m. Name of a heavenly killer of victims |
adhrigu | m. Name of a formula concluding with an invocation of agni- |
adhrija | (adhr/i--) mfn. irresistible |
adhripuṣpalikā | f. a species of the Pa1n2 plant, Piper Betel. |
adhriyamāṇa | mfn. (proper Passive voice p. dhri-), not held |
adhriyamāṇa | mfn. not to be got hold of, not forthcoming, not surviving or existing, dead, (gaRa cārv-ādi- q.v) |
adhṛṣṭa | mfn. ( dhṛṣ-), not bold, modest |
adhṛṣṭa | mfn. not overcome, invincible, irresistible. |
adhṛṣya | mfn. unassailable, invincible |
adhṛṣya | mfn. unapproachable |
adhṛṣya | mfn. proud |
adhṛṣyā | f. Name of a river. |
adhṛta | mfn. not held, unrestrained, uncontrolled |
adhṛta | mfn. unquiet, restless |
adhṛta | m. Name of viṣṇu-. |
adhṛti | f. want of firmness or fortitude |
adhṛti | f. laxity, absence of control or restraint |
adhṛti | f. incontinence |
adhṛti | mfn. unsteady. |
adhruṣa | m. (etymology doubtful) , quinsy, sore throat, |
adhruva | mf(ā-)n. not fixed, not permanent |
adhruva | mf(ā-)n. uncertain, doubtful |
adhruva | mf(ā-)n. separable. |
adhūmaka | mfn. smokeless. |
adhunā | ind. at this time, now. |
adhunātana | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or extending over the present time |
adhūnvat | mfn. not moving, not agitating, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
adhura | mfn. not laden. |
adhva | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' |
adhva | (in compound for adhvan-). |
adhvadarśin | m. "way-indicator", a leader, guide, |
adhvādhipa | m. an officer in charge of the public roads, police-officer |
adhvaga | mf(ā-)n. road-going, travelling |
adhvaga | m. a traveller |
adhvaga | m. a camel, a mule |
adhvagā | f. the river Ganges. |
adhvagabhogya | m. "traveller's delight", the tree Spondias Mangifera. |
adhvagacchat | m. a traveller, |
adhvagamana | n. act of travelling. |
adhvagāmin | mfn. wayfaring. |
adhvagaṇa | m. (perhaps for adhvaga-- gaṇa-) a crowd of travellers, |
adhvagantavya | m. measure of length applicable to roads. |
adhvagat | m. a traveller |
adhvagati | m. travelling, a journey, |
adhvagatyanta | m. measure of length applicable to roads. |
adhvajā | f. the plant Svarnuli. |
adhvaloṣṭa | n. a clod from the road, |
adhvan | m. a road, way, orbit |
adhvan | m. a journey, course |
adhvan | m. distance |
adhvan | m. time and |
adhvan | m. means, method, resource |
adhvan | m. the zodiac (?), sky, air |
adhvan | m. a place |
adhvan | m. a recension of the veda-s and the school upholding it |
adhvan | m. assault (?) |
adhvāna | 1 m. = adhvan-, . |
adhvāna | 2 m. uttering no sound, silence (naṃ- gataḥ-,"become silent"), . |
adhvanīna | m. a traveller |
adhvānta | n. (not positive darkness) , twilight, gloom, shade. |
adhvāntaśātrava | m. "an enemy to shade", the plant Cassia Fistula or Bignonia Indica. |
adhvanya | m. idem or 'm. a traveller ' |
adhvāpanna | mfn. one who has started on a journey, |
adhvapati | m. lord of the roads |
adhvara | mfn. ( dhvṛ-), not injuring |
adhvara | m. a sacrifice (especially the soma- sacrifice) |
adhvara | m. Name of a vasu- |
adhvara | m. of the chief of a family |
adhvara | n. sky or air |
adhvaradhiṣṇya | m. a second altar at the soma- sacrifice |
adhvaradīkṣamīyā | f. consecration connected with the adhvara-. |
adhvaraga | mfn. intended for an adhvara-. |
adhvaraguru | m. Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-, |
adhvarakalpa | mfn. equivalent to a sacrifice called adhvara-, |
adhvarakalpā | f. Name of an optional sacrifice (kāmyeṣṭi-). |
adhvarakāṇḍa | n. Name of the book in the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa- which refers to adhvara-s. |
adhvarakarman | n. performance of the adhvara- or any act connected with it |
adhvarakṛt | m. performing an adhvara- |
adhvaraprāyaścittī | f. expiation connected with the adhvara-. |
adhvaras | mfn. = adhvara-, |
adhvarasamiṣṭayajus | n. Name of an aggregate of nine libations connected with the adhvara-. |
adhvaraśrī | mfn. embellishing the adhvara- |
adhvaraśrī | (according to to some) turning towards the sacrifice, etc. |
adhvarastha | ([ ]) mfn. standing at or engaged in an adhvara-. |
adhvaratha | m. a travelling car. |
adhvaravat | (adhvar/a--) mfn. containing the word adhvara- |
adhvareṣṭhā | ([ ]) mfn. standing at or engaged in an adhvara-. |
adhvarīya | Nom. P. (2. sg. rīy/asi-; parasmE-pada riy/at-) to perform an adhvara- |
adhvartavya | mfn. not to be bent or broken, |
adhvarya | Nom. P. (parasmE-pada ry/at-) to be engaged in an adhvara- |
adhvaryu | m. one who institutes an adhvara- any officiating priest |
adhvaryu | m. a priest of a particular class (as distinguished from the hotṛ-,the udgātṛ-,and the brahman-classes. The adhvaryu- priests"had to measure the ground, to build the altar, to prepare the sacrificial vessels, to fetch wood and water, to light the fire, to bring the animal and immolate it";whilst engaged in these duties, they had to repeat the hymns of the yajur-veda-, hence that veda- itself is also called adhvaryu-) |
adhvaryu | m. plural (adhvaryavas-) the adherents of the yajur-veda- |
adhvaryu | f. (us-) the wife of an adhvaryu- priest |
adhvaryukāṇḍa | n. Name of a book of mantra-s or prayers intended for adhvaryu- priests. |
adhvaryukratu | m. sacrificial act performed by the adhvaryu- |
adhvaryupatha | m. the path on which the adhvaryu- priest walks up to the fire, |
adhvaryupātra | n. the vessel of the adhvaryu- priest, . |
adhvaryuveda | m. the yajur- veda-. |
adhvasaha | m. an indefatigable traveller, |
adhvaśalya | m. the plant Achyranthes Aspera. |
adhvaśīla | mfn. fond of travelling, |
adhvasman | mfn. unveiled |
adhvaśrama | m. fatigue of travel, |
adhveśa | m. an officer in charge of the public roads, police-officer |
adhyābhṛ | (imperfect tense /adhy-ābharat-) to bring near from |
adhyācar | -to use |
adhyācāra | m. reach, range, |
adhyādhā | to place upon. |
adhyadhi | ind. on high, just above |
adhyadhikṣepa | m. excessive censure |
adhyadhikṣepa | m. gross abuse. |
adhyadhīna | mfn. completely subject to or dependent on (as a slave) |
adhyadhvam | ind. on the road, |
adhyāgam | to meet with. |
adhyagni | ind. over or by the nuptial fire (property given to the bride). |
adhyagnīkṛta | n. property given to the wife at the wedding. |
adhyagnyupāgata | n. property received by a wife at the wedding. |
adhyah | perf. -āha-, to speak on behalf of (dative case) |
adhyāhāra | m. act of supplying (elliptical language) |
adhyāharaṇa | n. ( hṛ-), act of supplying (elliptical language) |
adhyāharaṇa | n. supplement |
adhyāharaṇa | n. act of inferring, inference. |
adhyāharaṇīya | mfn. to be supplied |
adhyāharaṇīya | mfn. to be inferred. |
adhyāhāriṇī | f. (with lipi-) a kind of written character (varia lectio madhyāh-, quod vide), |
adhyāhartavya | mfn. to be supplied |
adhyāhartavya | mfn. to be inferred. |
adhyāhṛta | mfn. supplied, argued. |
adhyājya | mfn. sprinkled with ghee, |
adhyākāśam | ind. in the air, |
adhyākram | to attack ; to choose |
adhyākramaṇa | n. stepping over, |
adhyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. perceptible to the senses, observable |
adhyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. exercising supervision |
adhyakṣa | m. an eye-witness |
adhyakṣa | m. an inspector, superintendent |
adhyakṣa | m. the plant Mimusops Kauki (kṣīrikā-). |
adhyakṣaram | ind. on the subject of syllables |
adhyakṣaram | ind. above all syllables (as the mystic om-). |
adhyakta | mfn. ( añj-), equipped, prepared. |
adhyaṃsa | mfn. being on the shoulder |
adhyañc | aṅ-, īcī-, ak-, tending upwards, eminent, superior |
adhyaṇḍā | f. the plants Carpopogon Pruriens (cowage) and Flacourtia Cataphracta. |
adhyāṇḍā | f. equals adhy-aṇḍā- |
adhyantena | ind. close to |
adhyāpaka | mfn. a teacher (especially of sacred knowledge). |
adhyāpakodita | m. styled a teacher. |
adhyāpana | n. instruction, lecturing. |
adhyapavic | -vin/akti-, to put into by singling out from |
adhyāpayitṛ | m. a teacher |
adhyāpita | mfn. instructed |
adhyāpya | mfn. fit or proper to be instructed. |
adhyarbuda | n. a congenital tumour, goitre. |
adhyardha | mf(ā-)n. "having an additional half", one and a half. |
adhyardhaka | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half. |
adhyardhakākiṇīka | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kākiṇī-. |
adhyardhakaṃsa | m. n. one and a half kaṃsa- |
adhyardhakaṃsa | mf(ī-)n. amounting to or worth one and a half kaṃsa-. |
adhyardhakārṣāpaṇa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-. |
adhyardhakārṣāpaṇika | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-. |
adhyardhakhārīka | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half khārī-. |
adhyardhamāṣya | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half māṣa-. |
adhyardhapādya | mfn. amounting to one foot and a half. |
adhyardhapaṇya | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half paṇa-. |
adhyardhapratika | mfn. amounting to one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-. |
adhyardhasahasra | mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred. |
adhyardhasāhasra | mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred. |
adhyardhaśāṇa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa-. |
adhyardhaśāṇya | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa-. |
adhyardhaśata | mfn. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty. |
adhyardhaśatamāna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna-. |
adhyardhaśātamāna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna-. |
adhyardhaśatya | mfn. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty. |
adhyardhasauvarṇika | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa-. |
adhyardhaśūrpa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śūrpa-. |
adhyardhasuvarṇa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa-. |
adhyardhaviṃśatikīna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half score or thirty. |
adhyardhopā | f. an ūpā- and a half, , Scholiast or Commentator |
adhyārohaṇa | n. ascending, |
adhyāropa | m. (in vedānta- philosophy) wrong attribution, erroneous transferring of a statement from one thing to another. |
adhyāropaṇa | f(ā-)n. idem or 'm. (in vedānta- philosophy) wrong attribution, erroneous transferring of a statement from one thing to another.' |
adhyāropita | mfn. (in vedānta- philosophy) erroneously transferred from one thing to another. |
adhyārūḍha | mfn. mounted up, ascended |
adhyārūḍha | mfn. above, superior to (instrumental case) |
adhyārūḍha | mfn. below, inferior to (ablative) |
adhyāruh | to ascend up on high, mount: Caus. -ropayati-, to cause to mount. |
adhyarvuda | n. a congenital tumour, goitre. |
adhyas | to throw or place over or upon ; (in philosophy) to attribute or impute wrongly. |
adhyās | to sit down or lie down upon, to settle upon ; to occupy as one's seat or habitation ; to get into, enter upon ; to be directed to or upon ; to affect, concern ; to preside over, influence, rule ; to cohabit with: Causal P. adhy-āsayati-, to cause to sit down : Desiderative (parasmE-pada adhyāsisiṣamāṇa-) to be about to rise up to (accusative) |
adhyāsa | m. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
adhyāsa | m. (2. as-), imposing (as of a foot) |
adhyāsa | m. (in philosophy) equals adhy-āropa- |
adhyāsa | m. an appendage |
adhyāsad | to sit upon (accusative) : Causal (1. sg. /adhy-/ā-sādayāmi-) to set upon (locative case) |
adhyaśana | n. eating too soon after a meal (before the last meal is digested). |
adhyāsana | n. act of sitting down upon |
adhyāsana | n. presiding over |
adhyāsana | n. a seat, settlement |
adhyāsañj | (1. sg. -sajāmi-) to hang up, suspend |
adhyāśaya | m. inclination, disposition, |
adhyāśaya | an imagination, |
adhyāśaya | purpose, |
adhyāsin | mfn. sitting down or seated upon. |
adhyāsīna | mfn. seated upon. |
adhyāsita | mfn. seated down upon |
adhyāsita | mfn. seated in a presidential chair |
adhyāsita | mfn. settled, inhabited |
adhyāsita | n. sitting upon |
adhyasta | mfn. placed over |
adhyasta | mfn. disguised |
adhyasta | mfn. supposed. |
adhyastha | n. the upper part of a bone |
adhyasthi | n. a bone growing over another |
adhyāsyā | f. (scilicet ṛc-) an additional verse, |
adhyātma | n. the Supreme Spirit |
adhyātma | mfn. own, belonging to self |
adhyātmacetas | m. one who meditates on the Supreme Spirit. |
adhyātmacintāmaṇi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work |
adhyātmadṛś | mfn. knowing the Supreme Spirit. |
adhyātmajñāna | n. knowledge of the Supreme Spirit or of ātman-. |
adhyātmam | ind. concerning self or individual personality. |
adhyātmarāmāyaṇa | n. a rāmāyaṇa-, in which rāma- is identified with the universal spirit (it forms part of the brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa-). |
adhyātmarati | m. a |