Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
abhiyogaḥ | 3.4.13 | Masculine | Singular | abhigrahaḥ | |
mantraḥ | 3.3.175 | Masculine | Singular | abhiyogaḥ, cauryam, saṃhananam |
abhiyoga | m. application | ||||||
abhiyoga | m. energetic effort, exertion, perseverance in, constant practice (with locative case or infinitive mood) | ||||||
abhiyoga | m. attack, assault | ||||||
abhiyoga | m. (in law) a plaint, a charge, accusation | ||||||
abhiyogapattra | n. a petition or writing of complaint. | ||||||
dvyabhiyoga | m. a twofold accusation | ||||||
pratyabhiyoga | m. a counter plaint or charge, recrimination |
abhiyogaḥ | अभियोगः 1 Application or devotion (to something); connection; गुरुचर्यातपस्तन्त्रमन्त्रयोगाभियोगजाम् Māl.9.52; Ch. P.II. -2 Close application, perseverance, zealous intentness, energetic effort, exertion; ˚भाज् persevering, resolute; निरुत्सुकानामभियोगभाजाम् Ki.3.4; सन्तः स्वयं परहितेषु कृताभियोगाः Bh.2.73; Māl.1.34; मत्प्रियाभियोगेन Māl.1; तदभियोगं प्रति निरुद्योगः Mu.1.; स्वयमभियोगदुःखैः ibid.; Dk.41; K.345; Śi.7.63. -3 (a) Application or devotion to learn something; कस्यां कलायामभियोगो भवत्योः M.5 to what art have you applied or devoted yourselves; K.19. (b) Learning, scholarship; अभियोगश्च शब्दादेरशिष्टानां अभियोगश्चेतरेषाम् ŚB. on MS. -4 (a) Attack, assault; invasion (of a town or country); क्षुभितं वनगोचरा- भियोगात् Ki.13.1,2.46; Ku.7.5; Ve.4; Māl.8; Mu.2,1.7; Mv.6.38. (b) Battle, war, conffict. -5 (In law) A charge, accusation, plaint, indictment; अभियोगमनिस्तीर्य नैनं प्रत्यभियोजयेत् Y.2.9. |
pratyabhiyogaḥ | प्रत्यभियोगः A counter-charge, an accusation in return; कुर्यात् प्रत्यभियोगं च कलहे साहसेषु च Y.2.1. |
tattvākhyānopamā | f. simile implied in stating a truth (e. g. &open;thy mouth is not a lotus&close; implies &open;thy mouth is like a lotus&close;); -½apahnava-rûpaka, n. simileimplied in denying the truth (e. g. &open;thy eyes are not eyes but two bees&close; implies &open;thy eyes are like two bees&close;); -½abhiyoga, m. prosecution based on facts; -½artha, m. matter of fact, truth; true sense of (--°ree;): -vid, a. knowing the true sense. |
dvyaṃśa | m. sg. two parts: î, f. id.; a. having two shares; -½aksha, a. (î) two-eyed; -½ãkshara, n. sg. two syllables; a. (also rá) dissyllabic; n. dissyllabic word; -½anu-ka, a. combination of two atoms; -½adhi ka, a. increased by two, two later than (tatah); two more; -½antara, a. separated by two intermediate links; -½abhiyoga, m. prosecution of two kinds; -½artha, a. having two senses, ambiguous; -½ardha, a. one and a half; -½ahá, a. lasting two days; m. period of two days: -m, for two days; ab., lc. after two days; -½aha-vritta, pp. having happened two days ago. |
śaṅkā | f. apprehension, alarm, fear (Br., C.), of (ab., --°ree;, sts. lc., prati); C.: sus picion, of (lc.); doubt, hesitation, misgiving, uncertainty: --°ree;, doubting; supposition, be lief, presumption (of, that -is, --°ree;): pâpa- sa&ndot;kâ na kartavyâ, you should suspect no evil: -½âta&ndot;kita, pp. overcome with fear and anxiety; -½abhiyoga, m. accusation based on mere suspicion; -½âspada, n.ground of sus picion; -sprishta, pp. filled with dread. |
abhiyoga | noun (masculine) (in law) a plaint (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a charge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) accusation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) application (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) assault (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) attack (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) constant practice (with loc. or inf.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) energetic effort (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) exertion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) perseverance in (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4711/72933 | |
abhiyogavant | adjective Frequency rank 44272/72933 | |
pratyabhiyoga | noun (masculine) a counter plaint or charge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) recrimination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59066/72933 |