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Grammar Search
"abhiṣeka" has 1 results
abhiṣeka: masculine vocative singular stem: abhiṣeka
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for abhiṣeka
abhiṣekam. anointing, inaugurating or consecrating (by sprinkling water), inauguration of a king, royal unction
abhiṣekam. the water or liquid used at an inauguration etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiṣekam. religious bathing, ablution etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiṣekam. bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered (see mahābhiṣeka-and mūrdhābhiṣeka-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiṣekabhūmipratilambham. attainment of the royal station, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiṣekaśālāf. the hall of coronation. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarabhiṣekam. anointing again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
abhiṣeka अभिषेकः 1 Sprinkling, watering, wetting. -2 Anointing, inaugurating or consecrating by sprinkling water (a king, idol &c.). ततो हि नः प्रियतरं नान्यत्किंचिद्भविष्यति । यथाभिषेको रामस्य Rām.2.17.11; अग्निहोत्राभिषेकौ Kau. A. 1.3. -3 (Particularly) Coronation, inauguration, installation (of kings); royal unction; अथाभिषेकं रघुवंशकेतोः R.14.7. -4 The (holy) water required at inauguration, coronation water; अमात्यपरिषदं ब्रूहि संभ्रियतामायुषो राज्याभिषेक इति V.5; यौवराज्य ˚ ibid.; R.17.14. -5 Bathing; ablution, holy or religious bathing; अभिषेकोत्तीर्णाय काश्यपाय Ś.4; अत्राभिषेकाय तपोधनानाम् R.13.51, 1.85, 1.63,13.58,14.82; K.22,36,96; Ku.5.16;7.11; Ś.7.12; H.4.87. -6 Bathing or sprinkling with water (of a divinity to whom worship is offered). -Comp. -अहः day of coronation. -शाला coronationhall.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
0 results1 result
abhiṣeka (‘besprinkling’).—The Vedic king was conse­crated after his election with an elaborate ritual, which is fully described in the Taittirīya, Pañcavimśa,śatapatha, and Aitareya Brāhmanas, and for which the Mantras are given in the Samhitās. The consecration took place by sprinkling with water (abhisecanīyā āpah).6 Only kings could be consecrated, the people not being worthy of it (anabhisecanīyāh). The sprinkler (abhisektr) is mentioned in the list of victims at the Purusamedha. The Abhiseka is an essential part of the Rājasūya, or sacrifice of royal inauguration, being the second of its component members.
Vedabase Search
30 results
abhiṣeka bathingCC Madhya 1.144
abhiṣeka by a bathSB 5.7.13
abhiṣeka of bathingSB 10.78.17
abhiṣeka the bathing of the Deity at the beginning of the installation ceremonyCC Madhya 4.59
abhiṣeka worshipCC Adi 17.11
abhiṣeka kaila performed the bathingCC Madhya 16.52
abhiṣeka kaila performed the bathingCC Madhya 16.52
abhiṣeka coronationSB 4.15.11
abhiṣekam bathingSB 10.14.34
abhiṣekam consecrationSB 7.5.32
abhiṣekam smearing all over the bodySB 5.12.12
abhiṣekam sprinkling on the headCC Madhya 22.53
CC Madhya 25.85
abhiṣekam the ceremony of bathing His lotus feetSB 10.13.62
abhiṣekam the sprinklingCC Madhya 22.52
mahā-abhiṣeka greatly sanctifiedSB 1.15.10
kṛta-abhiṣeka-naiyamika-avaśyakaḥ having taken a bath after finishing the daily external duties such as passing stool and urine and brushing the teethSB 5.8.1
mahā-abhiṣeka-vidhinā by the regulative principles for bathing the DeitySB 9.4.31-32
tīrtha-abhiṣeka bathing in holy placesSB 12.3.48
kṛta-abhiṣeka took his sacred bathSB 4.12.28
yajña-abhiṣeka the worship and ritual bathingSB 12.12.31-33
kṛta-abhiṣeka-naiyamika-avaśyakaḥ having taken a bath after finishing the daily external duties such as passing stool and urine and brushing the teethSB 5.8.1
kṛta-abhiṣeka took his sacred bathSB 4.12.28
kṛta-abhiṣeka-naiyamika-avaśyakaḥ having taken a bath after finishing the daily external duties such as passing stool and urine and brushing the teethSB 5.8.1
mahā-abhiṣeka greatly sanctifiedSB 1.15.10
mahā-abhiṣeka-vidhinā by the regulative principles for bathing the DeitySB 9.4.31-32
kṛta-abhiṣeka-naiyamika-avaśyakaḥ having taken a bath after finishing the daily external duties such as passing stool and urine and brushing the teethSB 5.8.1
tīrtha-abhiṣeka bathing in holy placesSB 12.3.48
mahā-abhiṣeka-vidhinā by the regulative principles for bathing the DeitySB 9.4.31-32
yajña-abhiṣeka the worship and ritual bathingSB 12.12.31-33
4 results
abhiṣeka noun (masculine) ablution (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
anointing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inaugurating or consecrating (by sprinkling water) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inauguration of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
religious bathing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
royal unction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the water or liquid used at an inauguration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
throwing water to a molten metal when it is on the fire
Frequency rank 2222/72933
abhiṣeka noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 44358/72933
abhiṣekay verb (class 10 parasmaipada)
Frequency rank 18866/72933
sūryādyabhiṣekakathana noun (neuter) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 1.58
Frequency rank 72050/72933
Wordnet Search
"abhiṣeka" has 4 results.


abhiṣecanam, abhiṣeka   

maṅgalāya mantroccāraiḥ kuśena durvayā ca jalasiñcanam।

purohitaḥ śivaliṅge abhiṣecanaṃ karoti।


abhiṣekaḥ, abhiṣavaḥ, avabhṛthaḥ, avabhṛthasnapanam   

sacchidrāt pātrāt jalasya dugdhasya vā bindirūpeṇa sravaṇam।

bhaktaḥ abhiṣekāya pātraṃ jalena pūritavān।



yatra abhiṣekaḥ kriyate।

rājakumārasya abhiṣekasya kṛte abhiṣekaśālā suśobhitā।


snānam, avagāhaḥ, avagāhanam, āplavaḥ, āplāvaḥ, abhiṣeka   

jalena kliditvā ātape upaviśya vā śarīrasya nirmalīkaraṇam।

snānena rogāṇuḥ naśyati।

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