ā | (with a preceding locative case) in, at, on (As an adverb after words expressing a number or degree) fully, really, indeed (exempli gratia, 'for example' tr/ir /ā div/as-,"quite or fully three times a day"; mahim/ā vām /indrāgnī p/aniṣṭha-, /ā-,"your greatness, O indra- and agni-, is most praiseworthy indeed", etc.) |
arbudi | m. a serpent like demon (probably equals /arbuda-and arbud/a- m.above, but called /indramedhin- q.v) (in almost every verse) (see ny-/arbudi-.) |
dharmarāja | m. Name of several authors (also dharmarājadīkṣita -dīkṣita- m.[ dharmarājadīkṣitīya -dīkṣitīya- n.his work ], dharmarājaputra -putra- m., dharmarājabhaṭṭa -bhaṭṭa-m., dharmarājādhvarivara jādhvari-vara-m.and dharmarājādhvarindra jādhvar/indra- m.) |
indradviṣṭa | (/indra-) mfn. hated by indra- |
indragupta | mf(ā-)n. (/indra-) guarded or protected by indra- |
indrahūti | (/indra-) f. invocation of indra- |
indrajyeṣṭha | (/indra--) mfn. one whose chief is indra-, led by indra- |
indramedin | (/indra-) mfn. one whose friend or ally is indra- |
indrapīta | (/indra-) mfn. drunk by indra- |
indraprasūta | (/indra-) mfn. caused or impelled by indra- |
indraṛṣabhā | (/indra-) f. "having indra- as a bull, or impregnated by indra-", the earth |
indrasakha | (/indra--), m. a friend of indra-, |
indrasakhi | (/indra-) mf(ā-)n. one whose ally or companion is indra- |
indrasārathi | (/indra-) mfn. indra-'s companion Name of vāyu- |
indraśatru | mfn. (/indra-) one whose enemy or conqueror is indra-, conquered by indra- |
indraśreṣṭha | (/indra-) mfn. having indra- as chief, led by indra- (see indra-jyeṣṭha-) |
indrasvat | mfn. (/indras-vat-) similar to indra- |
indratvota | (/indra-) mfn. "favoured or protected by thee, O indra-" |
indravat | (/indra-), or in some cases () /indrā-vat- mfn. associated with or accompanied by indra- |
indrāvat | See /indra-vat-. |
indu | m. ( und- ;probably fr. ind-= und-,"to drop"[see , and see /indra-];perhaps connected with bindu-,which last is unknown in the ṛg-- veda- ), Ved. a drop (especially of soma-), soma- |
jūta | mfn. see /adri-- /indra--, d/asyu--, dev/a--, br/ahma--, v/āta--, v/ipra--. |
kathā | ind. sometimes merely a particle of interrogation (exempli gratia, 'for example' kath/ā śṛṇoti-.. /indraḥ-,does indra- hear? ; kath/ā-kath/ā-,whether-or? ) . |
tvota | mfn. see /indra--. |
u | ind. on the other hand (especially in connexion with a relative exempli gratia, 'for example' ya u-,he on the contrary who etc.) This particle may serve to give emphasis, like id- and eva-, especially after prepositions or demonstrative pronouns, in conjunction with nu-, vai-, hi-, cid-, etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' ay/am u vām purut/amo-.. johavīti-[ ], this very person [your worshipper] invokes you etc.) It is especially used in the figure of speech called Anaphora, and particularly when the pronouns are repeated (exempli gratia, 'for example' t/am u stuṣa /indram t/am gṛṇīṣe-[ ], him I praise, indra-, him I sing). It may be used in drawing a conclusion, like the English"now" (exempli gratia, 'for example' t/ad u t/athā n/a kuryāt-[ ], that now he should not do in such a manner) , and is frequently found in interrogative sentences (exempli gratia, 'for example' k/a u t/ac ciketa-[ ], who, I ask, should know that?) pāṇini- calls this particle uñ- to distinguish it from the interrogative u-. In the pada-pāṭha- it is written ūm-. In the classical language u- occurs only after atha-, na-, and kim-, with a slight modification of the sense, and often only as an expletive (See kim-) |
upahava | m. calling to, inviting, invitation, (upa-hav/am-iṣ-,to desire an invitation to [ locative case ], wish to be invited to exempli gratia, 'for example' t/asminn /indra upahav/am aicchata-, indra- wished to be invited to that [sacrifice] ) |