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43 results for /avat
ābhū -bh/avati- (Impf. 2. sg. -bhavas-; perfect tense -babhūva-,etc.) to be present or near at hand ; to assist ; to exist, be ; to continue one's existence ; to originate, be produced, begin to exist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyuddru -dr/avati-, to run up to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apabrū(imperfect tense -br/avat-) to speak some mysterious or evil words upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
av cl.1 P. /avati- (Imper. 2. sg. avatāt- , parasmE-pada /avat-; imperfect tense /āvat-,2. sg. 1. /āvaḥ-[for 2. /āvaḥ-See vṛ-]; perf. 3. sg. āva-,2. plural āv/a- , 2. sg. /āvitha-; Aorist /avit-,2. sg. āvīs-, avīs-and aviṣas-, Imper. aviṣṭu-,2. sg. aviḍḍh/i-[once ] or aviḍḍhi-[six times in ], 2. dual number aviṣṭam-,3. dual number,2. plural aviṣṭ/anā- preceding 3. sg. avyās-, infinitive mood /avitave- ;Ved. ind.p. āvyā- ) to drive, impel, animate (as a car or horse) ; Ved. to promote, favour, (chiefly Vedic or Veda) to satisfy, refresh ; to offer (as a hymn to the gods) ; to lead or bring to (dative case : ūt/aye-, v/āja-sātaye-, kṣatr/āya-, svast/aye-) ; (said of the gods) to be pleased with, like, accept favourably (as sacrifices, prayers or hymns) , (chiefly said of kings or princes) to guard, defend, protect, govern etc.: Causal (only imperfect tense avayat-,2. sg. āvayas-) to consume, devour ([ confer, compare Greek Latin aveo?]) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhāv -dh/āvati- to run down drop down from (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avatatadhanvan(/avatata-) mfn. whose bow is unbent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avattaram(/avat--) ind. (Comparative degree),"more favourably"or"with greater pleasure", varia lectio of instead of /ava-tara- in View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhū cl.1 P. () bh/avati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense babh/ūva-,2. Persian /ūtha-or ūvitha- confer, compare ; babhūyās-, y/ār-, babhūtu- ; A1. babhūve-or bubhūve- ; confer, compare below; Aorist /abhūt-, ūvan-; imperative bodh/i-[ confer, compare budh-], bhūtu- ; Aorist or imperfect tense /abhuvat-, bh/uvat-, bhuvāni- ; preceding bhūyāsam-,2. 3. sg. yās- ; bhūyāt- ; bhūyiṣṭhās- ; bhaviṣāt-[?] ; abhaviṣṭa-, bhaviṣīṣta-. grammar; future bhaviṣy/ati-, Epic also te-and 2. plural ṣyadhvam-; bhavitā- etc.; infinitive mood bhuv/e-, -bhv/e-, bhūṣ/aṇi- ; bhavitum-, tos- ; ind.p. bhūtv/ā-; bhūtv/ī- ; -bh/ūya- etc.; -bh/ūyam-, -bh/avam- ), to become, be (with nom, or adverb or indeclineable words ending in ī-or ū- confer, compare kṛṣṇī-bhū-etc.) , arise, come into being, exist, be found, live, stay, abide, happen, occur etc. (often used with participles and other verbal nouns to make periphrastical verbal forms;with a fut.p. =to be going or about to exempli gratia, 'for example' anuvakṣyan bhavati-,he is going to recite ;the future of bhū-with a perfect tense parasmE-pada =a future perfect tense exempli gratia, 'for example' kṛtavān bhaviṣyasi-,you will have done ;the perfect tense P. babhūva-after the syllable ām-is put for the perfect tense of verbs of the 10th classetc.[ confer, compare 1. as-and1. kṛ-];the A1.appears in this meaning ;observe also bhavati-with a future tense, it is possible that, exempli gratia, 'for example' bhavati bhavān yājayiṣyati-,it is possible that you will cause a sacrifice to be performed ; bhavet-,may be, granted, admitted on ; bhavatu- idem or ' bhusukha-or bhusura- m. Name of a yogin- ',well, good, enough of this ; iticed bhavet-,if this question should be asked ; kva tad bhavati-,what is to become of this, it is quite useless ;with na-= to cease to exist, perish, die etc.;with iha na-,not to be born on earth ;with śata-dhā-,to fall into a hundred pieces ;with dūrataḥ-,to keep aloof. ;with manasi-or cetasi-and genitive case,to occur to the mind of any one ; idem or ' bhusukha-or bhusura- m. Name of a yogin- ' with genitive case alone ) ; to fall to the share or become the property of, belong to (confer, compare"esse alicujus";with genitive case,rarely dative case or locative case according to to also with pari-or prati-and preceding accusative) etc. ; to be on the side of, assist (with genitive case or -tas-) (confer, compare ) ; to serve for, tend or conduce to (with dative case of thing) etc. (with phalā bear fruit ) ; to be occupied with or engaged in, devote one's self to (with locative case) ; to thrive or prosper in (instrumental case), turn out well, succeed ; to be of consequence or useful ; (also A1. ) to fall, or get into, attain to, obtain ; (with id/am-) to obtain it id est be successful or fortunate : Passive voice bhūyate- (or ti- ; Aorist abhāvi-) sometimes used impersonal or used impersonally exempli gratia, 'for example' yair bhaviṣyate-, by whom it will be existed id est who will be : Causal bhāvayati- (rarely te-; Aorist abībhavat- grammar; infinitive mood bhāvitum- ; Passive voice bhāvyate-etc. ), to cause to be or become, call into existence or life, originate, produce, cause, create ; to cherish, foster, animate, enliven, refresh, encourage, promote, further etc. ; to addict or devote one's self to, practise (accusative) ; to subdue, control ; (also A1. ) to obtain ; to manifest, exhibit, show, betray ; to purify ; to present to the mind, think about, consider, know, recognize as or take for (two accusative) etc. ; to mingle, mix, saturate, soak, perfume (confer, compare bhāvita-,): Desiderative of Causal bibhāvayiṣati- (), to wish to cause to be etc. : Desiderative b/ubhūṣati- (te-), to wish or strive to become or be etc. ; (with kṣipram-), to strive to be quickly possessed ; to want to get on, strive to prosper or succeed ; to want to have, care for, strive after, esteem, honour ; to want to take revenge : Intens, b/obhavīti-, bobhavati-, bobhoti-, bobhūyate-, to be frequently, to be in the habit of ; to be transformed into (accusative) ; (with tiraḥ-), to keep anything (instrumental case) secret [ confer, compare Zend bu1; Greek , ; Latin fuit,fuatetc.; Slavonic or Slavonian byti; Lithuanian bu4ti; German bim,bim; Anglo-Saxon beo4; English be.]
cyu cl.1. cy/avate- (Epic also ti-; subjunctive 1. sg. cy/avam- ;3. plural cyavanta-, future cyoṣyate- ; Aorist 2. plural acyoḍhvam-[ subjunctive cy-, ] and preceding cyoṣīḍhvam- ) to move to and fro, shake about ; to stir, move from one's place, go away, retire from (ablative), turn off; ; ; to deviate from (ablative), abandon (duty etc. ablative;exceptionally genitive case infinitive mood cyavitum-) ; to come forth from, come out of. drop from, trickle, stream forth from (ablative; see 2. cyut-), ; to fall down, fall, slide from (ablative), ; to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man) ; to die ; "to fall from", be deprived of, lose (with ablative) (Aorist acyoṣṭa-) ; to fall away, fade away, disappear, vanish, perish ; to fail ; to sink down, sink (literally and figuratively) ; (in the series of re-births) ; to decrease (with instrumental case) ; to bring about, create, make (perfect tense 2. sg. cicyuṣ/e- see ); (perfect tense cucyuv/e-) ; to cause to go away, make forget ; Causal cyāv/ayati- (once cyav- always cyav-, parasmE-pada cyāv/ayat- ; imperfect tense acucyavur-, ; perfect tense cyāvayām āsa- ) P. to cause to move, shake, agitate ; A1. to be moved or shaken ; P. to loosen, ; to remove from a place, drive away from (ablative) ; to cause (rain, v/ṛṣṭim-) to fall ; to deprive any one (accusative) of (accusative) ; Intensive (imperfect tense 2. plural acucyavītana-) to shake : Causal Desiderative cicyāvayiṣati- or cucy- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhāv cl.1 P. A1. dh/āvati-, te- (perfect tense dadhāva-, ve- grammar; Aorist adadhāvat- ; adhāvīt- ; preceding dhāvyāsam- grammar; future dhāviṣyati- , te-and dhāvitā- grammar; ind.p. dhāvitvā-and vya- ; dhautvA grammar) ; to run, flow, stream, move, glide, swim etc. ; to run after (with or scilicet paścāt-) etc. = seek for (accusative) ; run towards (-abhimukham-) run a race (ājim-) run as fast as possible (sarvaṃ javam-) ; run to and fro (itaś cetaś ca-) ; run away, flee ; to advance or rush against (accusative) ; (prati-) : Causal dhāv/ayati- (Aorist adīdhavat- grammar) to make run, impel ; to drive in a chariot, (with instrumental case of the vehicle and accusative of the way) ; to jump, dance (see 2. dhan-, dhanv-, dhav-;1. dhū-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dru cl.1. P. (; Epic also A1.) dr/avati-, te- etc. (perfect tense dudrāva- ; drotha-, druma- ; druvur- etc.; Aorist adudruvat- ; drot- subjunctive dudr/avat- ; future droṣyati- ; infinitive mood -drotum- ; ind.p. druṭv/ā-and -drutya- ) to run, hasten, flee etc. ; to run up to (accusative), attack, assault ; to become fluid, dissolve, melt : Causal drāv/ayati- (Epic also te-; dravayate-See under drav/a-) to cause to run, make flow ; to make fluid, melt, ; to drive away, put to flight (Passive voice drāvyate-, ) : Desiderative dudrūṣati- grammar : Desiderative of Causal dudrāvayiṣati- or dud- : Intensive dodrūyate- or dodroti- grammar (dodrāva- ) . ([ confer, compare 2. drā-and dram-; Zend dru,drvant.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghaind. sometimes it occurs in the clause which depends on a conditional or relative sentence (exempli gratia, 'for example' /ā ghā gamad y/adi śr/avat-,"he will surely come when he hears"), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gu (see 1. -) cl.1 A1. g/avate-, to go View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hve cl.1 P. A1. () hv/ayati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also h/avate-and huv/ati-, te-; other present forms are hve- ; hvāmahe- ; h/oma-, hūm/ahe-, juhūm/asi- ; p. huvān/a-[with pass. sense] ; hvayāna- ; perfect tense juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- etc.; juhv/e-, juhūr/e- ; juhuve-, huhurire- ; hvayāṃ-āsa-and hvayāṃ-cakre- ; Aorist /ahvat-, ahvata-[or ahvāsta- ] etc. etc.; ahvi- ; /ahūmahi-, ahūṣata- ; ahvāsīt-[?] ; future hvātā- grammar; hvayiṣyati-, te- ; hvāsyate- ; infinitive mood Class. hvātum-; Vedic or Veda h/avitave-, hv/ayitum-, tav/ai-; huv/adhyai-; ind.p. Class. hūtvā-;Ved. -h/ūya-and -hāvam-), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā-,"to call by name"; with yuddhe-,"to challenge to fight") etc. ; to emulate, vie with : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-,or ahvāyi-), to be called etc. : Causal hvāyayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-or ajuhāvat-), to cause anyone (accusative) to be challenged by (instrumental case) : Desiderative juhūṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive johūyate- or j/ohavīti- (johuvanta-, ajohavuḥ-, j/ohuvat-, j/ohuvāna- ) or johoti- (grammar), to call on, invoke etc. [ confer, compare Greek .]
(see jinv-), cl.1.A1. cl.9. P. j/avate-, jun/āti- ( ju- cl.1 P. javati- varia lectio;a sautra- root ; subjunctive 2. sg. jun/ās-; Aorist subjunctive jūjuvat-; perfect tense 3. plural jūjuvur-) to press forwards, hurry on, be quick ; to impel quickly, urge or drive on, incite ; to scare ; to excite, promote, animate, inspire : Causal Aorist ajījavat- : Causal Desiderative jijavayiṣati- ; see pra--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiyatmfn. little, small, unimportant, of small value (often in compound, exempli gratia, 'for example' kiyad-vakra-,a little bent commentator or commentary on ; kiyad api-,how large or how far soever ; y/āvat k/iyac ca-,how large or how much soever, of what qualities soever ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛ Ved. (I) cl.2 P. 2. sg. k/arṣi- dual number kṛth/as- plural kṛth/a-; A1. 2. sg. kṛṣ/e-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /akar-, 3. sg. rarely /akat- () ; 3. dual number /akartām-; plural /akarma-, /akarta- (also ), /akran- (Aorist,according to ); A1. /akri- (), /akṛthās- (), /akṛta- (); akrātām- (), /akrata- ( ) : imperative kṛdh/i- (also ), kṛt/am-, kṛt/a-; A1. kṛṣv/a-, kṛdhv/am-; subjunctive 2. and 3. sg. kar- plural k/arma-, k/arta- and kartana-, kran-; A1. 3. sg. kṛta- () , 3. plural kr/anta- () : Potential kriyāma- (); pr. p. P. (Nominal verb plural) kr/antas- A1. krāṇ/a-. (II) cl.1 P. k/arasi-, k/arati-, k/arathas-, k/aratas-, k/aranti-; A1. k/arase-, k/arate-, k/arāmahe-: imperfect tense /akaram-, /akaras-, /akarat- (Aorist,according to ) : imperative k/ara-, k/aratam-, k/aratām-: subjunctive k/aram-, k/arāṇi-, k/aras-, k/arat-, k/arāma-, k/aran-; A1. karāmahai-; pr. p. f. k/arantī- () (III) cl.5 P. kṛṇ/omi-, ṇ/oṣi-, ṇ/oti-, kṛṇuth/as-, kṛṇm/as- and kṛṇmasi-, kṛṇuth/a-, kṛṇv/anti-; A1. kṛṇv/e-, kṛṇuṣ/e-, kṛṇut/e-, 3. dual number kṛṇv/aite- (); plural kṛṇm/ahe-, kṛṇv/ate-: imperfect tense /akṛṇos-, /akṛṇot-, /akṛṇutam-, /akṛṇuta- and ṇotana- (), /akṛṇvan-; A1. 3. sg. /akṛṇuta- plural /akṛṇudhvam-, /akṛṇvata-: imperative kṛṇ/u- or kṛṇuh/i- or kṛṇut/āt-, kṛṇ/otu-, kṛṇut/am-, kṛṇut/ām-, 2. plural kṛṇut/a- or kṛṇ/ota- or kṛṇ/otana-, 3. plural kṛṇv/antu-; A1. kṛṇuṣv/a-, kṛṇut/ām-, kṛṇv/āthām-, kṛṇudhv/am-: subjunctive kṛṇ/avas-, ṇ/avat- or ṇ/avāt-, kṛṇ/avāva-, ṇ/avāma-, ṇ/avātha-, ṇ/avatha-, ṇ/avan-; A1. kṛṇ/avai- (once ṇavā- ), kṛṇavase- (also varia lectio ṇvase-), kṛṇavate-, kṛṇ/avāvahai-, kṛṇ/avāmahai-, 3. plural kṛṇ/avanta- () or kṛṇavante- or kṛṇvata- () : Potential A1. kṛṇvīt/a-; pr. p. P. kṛṇv/at- (f. vat/ī-) A1. kṛṇvāṇ/a-. (IV) cl.8. (this is the usual formation in the brāhmaṇa-s; sūtra-s, and in classical Sanskrit) P. kar/omi- (Epic kurmi- ); kurv/as-, kuruth/as-, kurut/as-, kurm/as- ([ kulmas-in an interpolation after ]), kuruth/a-, kurv/anti-; A1. kurv/e-, etc., 3. plural kurv/ate- () : imperfect tense akaravam-, akaros-, akarot-, akurva-, etc.; A1. 3. sg. akuruta- plural akurvata-: imperative kuru-, karotu- (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt-,3. sg. also ), kuruta- or kurutana- (); A1. kuruṣva-, kurudhvam-, kurv/atām-: subjunctive karavāṇi-, karavas-, vāt-, vāva- or vāvas- ( ), vāma- or vāmas- (), vātha-, van-; A1. karavai-, kuruthās-, karavāvahai- (; he- ), karavaithe-, vaite- ( , ), vāmahai-(he- ) : Potential P. kuryām- A1. kurvīya- (); pr. p. P. kurv/at- (f. vat/ī-); A1. kurvāṇ/a-: perf. P. cak/āra-, cak/artha-, cakṛv/a-, cakṛm/a-, cakr/a- (); A1. cakr/e-, cakrir/e-; parasmE-pada cakṛvas- (accusative cakr/uṣam- ); A1. cakrāṇa- () : 2nd future kariṣy/ati-; subjunctive 2. sg. kariṣy/ās- (); 1st future k/artā-: preceding kriyāsam-: Aorist P. Ved. cakaram- (), acakrat- (), /acakriran- (); A1. 1. sg. kṛske- (); Class. akārṣīt- ( ;once akāraṣīt- ); Passive voice Aorist reflex. akāri- and akṛta- ( ) : infinitive mood k/artum-, Ved. k/artave-, k/artav/ai-, k/artos- (See ss.vv.); ind.p. kṛtv/ā-, Ved. kṛtv/ī- ([ ]) and kṛtv/āya- ([ ]) ; to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake etc. ; to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (genitive case or locative case) etc. ; to execute, carry out (as an order or command) ; to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ; to form or construct one thing out of another (ablative or instrumental case) etc. ; to employ, use, make use of (instrumental case) etc. ; to compose, describe ; to cultivate (confer, compare ) ; to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (exempli gratia, 'for example' varṣāṇi daśa cakruḥ-,"they spent ten years"; kṣaṇaṃ kuru-,"wait a moment"; confer, compare kritakṣaṇa-) ; to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (accusative or locative case or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' ardh/aṃ-kṛ-,to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in(genitive case;See 2. ardh/a-); haste-or pāṇau-kṛ-,to take by the hand, marry ; hṛdayena-kṛ-,to place in one's heart, love ; hṛdi-kṛ-,to take to heart, mind, think over, consider ; manasi-kṛ- idem or 'f. (equals kuhī-) a fog ' ;to determine, purpose [ ind.p. si-kṛtvā-or si-kṛtya-] ; vaśe-kṛ-,to place in subjection, become master of ) ; to direct the thoughts, mind, etc. (m/anas-[ etc.] or buddhim-[ ] or matim-[ ]or bhāvam-[ ], etc.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (locative case dative case infinitive mood,or a sentence with iti- exempli gratia, 'for example' mā śoke manaḥ kṛthāḥ-,do not turn your mind to grief ; gamanāya matiṃ cakre-,he resolved upon going ; alābuṃ samutsraṣṭuṃ manaś cakre-,he resolved to create a gourd ; draṣṭā tavāsmīti matiṃ cakāra-,he determined to see him ) ; to think of (accusative) ; to make, render (with two accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' ādityaṃ kāṣṭhām akurvata-,they made the sun their goal ) etc. ; to procure for another, bestow, grant (with genitive case or locative case) etc. ; A1. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume ; to give aid, help any one to get anything (dative case) ; to make liable to (dative case) ; to injure, violate (exempli gratia, 'for example' kanyāṃ-kṛ-,to violate a maiden) ; to appoint, institute ; to give an order, commission ; to cause to get rid of, free from (ablative or -tas-) ; to begin (exempli gratia, 'for example' cakre śobhayitum purīm-,they began to adorn the city) ; to proceed, act, put in practice etc. ; to worship, sacrifice ; to make a sound (svaram-or śabdam-) ( ), utter, pronounce (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the sounds phaṭ-, phut-, bhāṇ-, v/aṣaṭ-, svadh/ā-, sv/āhā-, hiṃ-), pronounce any formula () ; (with numeral adverbs ending in dhā-) to divide, separate or break up into parts (exempli gratia, 'for example' dvidhā-kṛ-,to divide into two parts, ind.p. dvidhā kṛtvā-or dvidhā-kṛtya-or -kāram- ; sahasradhā-kṛ-,to break into a thousand pieces) ; (with adverbs ending in vat-) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (exempli gratia, 'for example' rājyaṃ tṛṇa-vat kṛtvā-,valuing the kingdom like a straw ) ; (with adverbs ending in sāt-) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject (See ātma-sāt-, bhasma-sāt-) The above senses of kṛ- may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected, as in the following examples: sakhyaṃ-kṛ-, to contract friendship with ; pūjāṃ-kṛ-, to honour ; rājyaṃ-kṛ-, to reign ; snehaṃ-kṛ-, to show affection ; ājñāṃ- or nideśaṃ- or śāsanaṃ- or kāmaṃ- or yācanāṃ- or vacaḥ- or vacanaṃ- or vākyaṃ-kṛ-, to perform any one's command or wish or request etc. ; dharmaṃ-kṛ-, to do one's duty ; nakhāni-kṛ-,"to clean one's nails" See kṛta-nakha- ; udakaṃ- ([ ]) or salilaṃ- ([ ]) kṛ-, to offer a libation of Water to the dead ; to perform ablutions ; astrāṇi-kṛ-, to practise the use of weapons ; darduraṃ-kṛ-, to breathe the flute ; daṇḍaṃ-kṛ-, to inflict punishment etc. ; kālaṃ-kṛ-, to bring one's time to an end id est to die ; ciraṃ-kṛ-, to be long in doing anything, delay ; manasā- (for si-See above) kṛ-, to place in one's mind, think of, meditate ; śirasā-kṛ-, to place on one's the head ; mūrdhnā-kṛ-, to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in veda- () , but commonly in the brāhmaṇa-s, sūtra-s, and especially in classical Sanskrit the perf. forms cakāra-and cakre- auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives exempli gratia, 'for example' āsāṃ cakre-,"he sat down" ; gamay/āṃ cakāra-,"he caused to go"[see ;in veda- some other forms of kṛ-are used in a similar way, viz. proper karoti- ; imperfect tense akar- and ;3. plural akran- and ; preceding kriyāt- (See );according to , also karotu-with vid-]. Causal kārayati-, te-, to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double accusative instrumental case and accusative [see ] exempli gratia, 'for example' sabhāṃ kāritavān-,he caused an assembly to be made ; rāja-darśanaṃ māṃ kāraya-,cause me to have an audience of the king; vāṇijyaṃ kārayed vaiśyam-,he ought to cause the vaiśya- to engage in trade ; na śakṣyāmi kiṃcit kārayituṃ tvayā-,I shall not be able to have anything done by thee ) ; to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate etc. ; to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ citrapaṭaṃ vāsa-gṛhe bhittāv akārayat-,he had the picture placed on the wall in his house ) . Sometimes the Causal of kṛ- is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (exempli gratia, 'for example' padaṃ kārayati-,he pronounces a word ; mithyā k-,he pronounces wrongly ; kaikeyīm anu rājānaṃ kāraya-,treat or deal with kaikeyī- as the king does ) : Desiderative c/ikīrṣati- (Aorist 2. sg. acikīrṣīs- ) , Epic also te-, to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after etc. ; to wish to sacrifice or worship : Intensive 3. plural karikrati- (pr. p. k/arikrat-See ), to do repeatedly ; Class. carkarti- or carikarti- or carīkarti- ([ ]) , also carkarīti- or carikarīti- or carīkarīti- or cekrīyate- ([ib. Scholiast or Commentator ]); ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish caraim,"I perform, execute";ceard,"an art, trade, business, function";sucridh,"easy"; Old German karawan,"to prepare"; modern German gar,"prepared (as food)"; Latin creo,ceremonia;, .])
or ku- cl.2 P. kauti- (Ved. kavīti- ), or cl.1 A1. kavate- () , or cl.6. kuvate- () , or cl.9 P. A1. nāti-, nāte- (perf. 3. plural cukuvur- ), to sound, make any noise, cry out, moan, cry (as a bird), coo, hum (as a bee) etc. : cl.1. k/avate-, to move : Intensive A1. kokūyate- ( ) P. A1. kokavīti- and cokūyate- ( ), to cry aloud ; ([ confer, compare Greek .]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
makhavatmfn. (makh/a--) companion of makha- (a word used to explain magh/avat- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
matsyapurāṇan. "fish- purāṇa-s", Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (so called as communicated by viṣṇu- in the form of a fish to the 7th manu-; see matsy/āvatāra-and ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niḥsruP. -sr/avati-, to flow out or off rise from (ablative) ; to disappear or be lost to or from (ablative) : Causal -srāvayats-, to cause to flow out (as a pond) ; to cause to disappear from or be lost to or from (ablative), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivātamfn. ( van-; see 3. /avāta-) unhurt, uninjured, safe, secure (n. security) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nu or - cl.2.6. P. () nauti-, nuvati-, (present tense also n/avate-, ti- etc.; parasmE-pada P. nuv/at-, n/avat- A1. n/avamāna- ; perfect tense nunāva- ; Aorist /anūnot-, /anūṣi-, ṣata-, anaviṣṭa- ; anauṣit-, anāvit-, anuvīt- grammar; future naviṣyati-, nuv-; navitā-, nuv- ; ind.p. -nutya-, -nāvam- ; infinitive mood lavitum- varia lectio nuv- ), to sound, shout, exult ; praise, commend etc. etc.: Passive voice nūyate- etc.: Causal nāvayati- Aorist anūnavat- grammar : Desiderative nunūṣati- ; Desiderative of Causal nunāvayiṣati- : Intensive n/onavīti-, nonumas- (imperfect tense anonavur- subjunctive n/avīnot-; perfect tense n/onāva-, nonuvur- ; nonūyate-, nonoti- grammar), to sound loudly, roar, thunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paridhāvP. -dh/āvati- (Epic also te-), to flow or stream round or through ; to run or drive about (with mṛgayām-,"to hunt") ; to run or move round anything (with accusative) etc. ; to run through or towards or after (with accusative) etc.: Causal -dhāvayati-, to surround, encircle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryupahveA1. -h/avate-, to call near, invite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
plu cl.1 A1. (; confer, compare ) pl/avate- (rarely P. ti-; perfect tense pupluve- etc., 3. plural vuḥ- ; Aorist aploṣṭa- etc., 2. plural aploḍhvam- ; preceding ploṣīṣṭa-, ; future ploṣyati-, te- etc.; ind.p. -pl/ūya- ; -plutya- etc.) , to float, swim etc. ; to bathe ; to go or cross in a boat, sail, navigate ; to sway to and fro, hover, soar, fly ; to blow (as the wind) ; to pass away, vanish by degrees (varia lectio) ; to be lengthened or prolated (as a vowelSee pluta-) ; (older form pru- q.v) to hop, skip, leap, jump, spring from (ablative) or to or into or over or upon (accusative) etc.: Causal plāvayati- (rarely te-,or plāvayati-; Aorist apiplavat- , apupl- grammar), to cause to float or swim, bathe, wash, inundate, submerge etc. ; to overwhelm id est supply abundantly with (instrumental case) ; to wash away, remove (guilt, sin etc.) ; to purify ; to prolate (a vowel) ; to cause to jump or stagger : Desiderative of Causal piplāvayiṣati- or puplāvayiṣati- : Desiderative puplūṣate- grammar : Intensive poplūyate-, to swim about or rapidly [ confer, compare Greek , ; Old Latin per-plovere; Latin pluit,pluvius; Lithuanian plauti; Anglo-Saxon flovan; German,flawjan,flawe7n,vlouwenetc.]
prāṇadāvatmfn. life -giving (-d/avat-prob. wrong reading) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.9 P. A1. () pun/āti-, punīt/e- (3. plural A1. pun/ate- , punat/e- ;2. sg. imperative P. punīhi- etc., punāh/i- ) ; cl.1. A1. () p/avate- (of P.only imperative -pava- ,and parasmE-pada genitive case plural pavatām- ; parasmE-pada A1. punān/a-below, p/avamāna-See;1. sg. A1. punīṣe- ; perfect tense pupuvuh-. ve- ; apupot- ; Aorist apāviṣuḥ- subjunctive apaviṣṭa- ; future paviṣyati-, pavitā- grammar; ind.p. pūtv/ā- ; pūtv/ī- ; pavitvā- grammar; -p/ūya-and -pāvam- etc.; infinitive mood pavitum- ), to make clean or clear or pure or bright, cleanse, purify, purge, clarify, illustrate, illume (with s/aktum-,"to cleanse from chaff, winnow";with kr/atum-or manīṣ/ām-,"to enlighten the understanding";with hiraṇyam-,"to wash gold") etc. ; (met.) to sift, discriminate, discern ; to think of or out, invent, compose (as a hymn) ; (A1. p/avate-) to purify one's self. be or become clear or bright ; (especially) to flow off clearly (said of the soma-) ; to expiate, atone for ; to pass so as to purify ; to purify in passing or pervading, ventilate etc. (confer, compare pav-): Passive voice pūy/ate-, to be cleaned or washed or purified ; to be freed or delivered from (ablative) etc.: Causal pav/ayati- or pāvayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist apīpavat- grammar; Passive voice pāvyate- ), to cleanse, purify : Desiderative , pupūṣati-, pipaviṣate- grammar : Desiderative of Causal pipāvayiṣati- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Umbr.pir; German Feuer; English fire.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāvacin compound for sam/āvat- below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprāv (-pra-av-) P. -pr/avati-, to assist together, aid, help View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sṛgavat(sṛg/a--) mfn. having an arrow or spear (varia lectio sṛg/āvat-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śru cl.5 P. () śṛṇ/oti- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also A1. śṛṇute-,and in sg. śṛṇv/e-,2. sg. viṣ/e-,3. plural vir/e-[ confer, compare below]; imperative śṛṇu-, ṇudh/ī-and ṇuh/ī- plural śṛṇut/ā-, ṇota-and ṇotana- ; perfect tense śuśr/āva-[once in with pass. sense], śuśruve-[2. sg. śuśrotha-,1. plural śuśruma-,in also mas-; śuśravat-, śuśrūy/ās- , parasmE-pada śuśruv/as- q.v ]; Aorist Ved. /aśravam-, /aśrot-,2. sg. śr/oṣi-; subjunctive śr/avat-, vathaḥ-;[?] śruvam- ; imperative śrudh/ī-, śr/otu- ; aśrauṣīt- etc.; subjunctive śroṣan- imperative śroṣantu- [ confer, compare śr/oṣamāṇa-]; preceding śrūy/āsam- etc.; future śrotā- ; śroṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood śrotum- etc.; ind.p. śrutv/ā- etc.; -śr/utya- etc.; śrāvam- etc.) , to hear, listen or attend to anything (accusative), give ear to any one (accusative or genitive case), hear or learn anything about (accusative) or from (ablative genitive case instrumental case, mukhāt-or śakāśāt-), or that anything is (two accusative) etc. ; to hear (from a teacher), study, learn etc. ; to be attentive, be obedient, obey etc.: Passive voice śrūy/ate- (Epic also ti-;and in śṛṇve-etc.[ confer, compare above] with pass. meaning; Aorist aśrāvi-, śrāvi-), to be heard or perceived or learnt about (accusative) or from (genitive case ablative or mukhāt-;in later language often 3. sg. śrūyate- impersonal or used impersonally"it is heard","one hears or learns or reads in a book", ="it is said","it is written in (with locative case)"; imperative śrūyatām-,"let it be heard"="listen!") etc. ; to be celebrated or renowned, be known as, pass for, be called (Nominal verb) ; to be heard or learnt (from a teacher) ; to be taught or stated (in a book) ; to be heard id est pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) : Causal śrāv/ayati- (Epic also te-,in also śrav/ayati-; Aorist aśuśravi-, vuḥ- ; aśuśruvat- ; aśiśravat- grammar; Passive voice śrāvyate-See below) , to cause to be heard or learnt, announce, proclaim, declare etc. ; to cause to hear, inform, instruct, communicate, relate, tell (with accusative of thing, and accusative genitive case,or dative case of Persian,or with instrumental case in sense of "through") etc.: Passive voice of Causal śrāvyate-, to be informed of (accusative) etc.: Desiderative ś/uśrūṣate- (; Epic or mc. also ti-; Passive voice śuśrūṣyate-), to wish or like to hear (accusative), desire to attend or listen to (dative case) etc. ; to attend upon, serve, obey (accusative,rarely genitive case) etc.: Causal of Desiderative śuśrūṣayati-, to wait upon, be at the service of (accusative) on : Desiderative of Causal śiśrāvayiṣati- or śuśrāvayiṣati- grammar : Intensive śośrūyate-, śośravīti-, śośroti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , equals śrudh/i-, equals śrut/a-etc.; Latin cluo,in-clutus; Slavonic or Slavonian sluti; German laut; English loud.])
sru (incorrectly written śru-; confer, compare 2. śru-) cl.1 P. () sr/avati- (Epic and mc. also te-; perfect tense susrāva-, susruvuḥ- etc.; susruve- etc.; Aorist /asusrot- ; asrāvīt- ; asrauṣīt-[?] ; future srotā- grammar; sroṣyati- ; sraviṣyati- ; infinitive mood srotum- grammar; sr/avitave-, sr/avitav/ai- ), to flow, stream, gush forth, issue from (ablative,rarely instrumental case) etc. ; to flow with, shed, emit, drop, distil (accusative) etc. ; to leak, trickle ; to fail, not turn out well ; to waste away, perish, disappear etc. ; to slip or issue out before the right time (said of a fetus) ; (with garbham-) to bring forth prematurely, miscarry ; to issue, arise or come from (ablative) ; to come in, accrue (as interest) : Causal srāvayati- (in later language also sravayati-; Aorist asusravat-,or asisravat-), to cause to flow, shed, spill ; to set in motion, stir up, arouse : Desiderative of Causal susrāvayiṣati- or sisrāvayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative susrūṣati- : Intensive sosrūyate-, sosroti- [ confer, compare Greek (for) , etc.; Lithuanian srave4ti; German stroum,Strom; Anglo-Saxon strea4m; English stream.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stu cl.2 P. A1. (; see ) st/auti- or stavīti-, stute- or stuvīte- (in also st/avate-,3. sg. stave-[with pass. sense], 1. 3. sg. stuṣ/e- imperative stoṣi-, parasmE-pada [mostly with pass. sense] stuvān/a-, st/avāna-or stavān/a-, st/avamāna-;in stunvanti-,in parasmE-pada stunvāna-; perfect tense tuṣṭāva-, tuṣṭuv/us-, tuṣṭuv/e- etc.; Aorist astāvīt-or astauṣīt- etc.; stoṣat-, stoṣāṇi- ; /astoṣṭa- etc.; preceding stūyāt- grammar; future stavitā-or stotā- ; future staviṣy/ati-, te- ; stoṣyati-, te- etc.; Conditional astoṣyat- ; infinitive mood stotum- etc.; stavitum- ; st/otave-, stav/adhyai- ; ind.p. stutv/ā- etc.; -st/utya- etc.; -stūya- etc.), to praise, laud, eulogize, extol, celebrate in song or hymns (in ritual,"to chant" , with locative case of the text from which the sāman- comes) etc. etc.: Passive voice stūy/ate- (Aorist astāvi-), to be praised or celebrated ; stāyamāna- mfn. being praised : Causal stāvayati- (Aorist atuṣṭavat- ; ṭuvat- ), to praise, celebrate ; (stāvayate-), to cause to praise or celebrate : Desiderative tuṣṭūṣati-, te- (past participle tuṣṭūṣita-), to wish to celebrate : Intensive toṣṭūyate-, toṣṭoti- grammar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāvatmf(atī-)n. (fr. 2. ta- ) so great, so large, so much, so far, so long, so many (correlative of y/āvat-;rarely of ya-or yathokta- etc.) etc. (yāvatā kṣaṇena tāvatā-,"after so long time, in that time", as soon as ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāvatind. (correlative of y/āvat-) so much, so greatly, to such an extent, in such a number, so far etc. (t/āvat-tāvat- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāvatkṛtvasind. ( ) so many times (t/āvat-k/ṛt-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tristāvāf. (a vedi-) 3 times as great (fr. t/āvat-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvatind. y/āvad yāvad-t/āvat tāvat-,"as gradually as-so" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvatkratu(y/āvat--) mfn. having as many purposes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvatkṛtvas(y/āvat--) ind. as often as View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvatpriya(y/āvat--) mfn. as dear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvattarasamind. according to power or ability (y/āvat-tar/asam-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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