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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
sru (incorrectly written śru-; confer, compare 2. śru-) cl.1 P. () sr/avati- (Epic and mc. also te-; perfect tense susrāva-, susruvuḥ- etc.; susruve- etc.; Aorist /asusrot- ; asrāvīt- ; asrauṣīt-[?] ; future srotā- grammar; sroṣyati- ; sraviṣyati- ; infinitive mood srotum- grammar; sr/avitave-, sr/avitav/ai- ), to flow, stream, gush forth, issue from (ablative,rarely instrumental case) etc. ; to flow with, shed, emit, drop, distil (accusative) etc. ; to leak, trickle ; to fail, not turn out well ; to waste away, perish, disappear etc. ; to slip or issue out before the right time (said of a fetus) ; (with garbham-) to bring forth prematurely, miscarry ; to issue, arise or come from (ablative) ; to come in, accrue (as interest) : Causal srāvayati- (in later language also sravayati-; Aorist asusravat-,or asisravat-), to cause to flow, shed, spill ; to set in motion, stir up, arouse : Desiderative of Causal susrāvayiṣati- or sisrāvayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative susrūṣati- : Intensive sosrūyate-, sosroti- [ confer, compare Greek (for) , etc.; Lithuanian srave4ti; German stroum,Strom; Anglo-Saxon strea4m; English stream.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.681s Search Word: /asusrot Input Encoding: IAST: /asusrot