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18 results for /asas
abhiśvas(p. -śvas/at-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) -śv/asas-) to blow towards or hither ; (p. -śvasat-) to whistle ; to groan View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apasf. plural (/asas-) Name of the hands and fingers (when employed in kindling the sacred fire and in performing the sacrifices) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apiśasf. (only used in abi. -ś/asas-) slitting, ripping up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aruṣam. plural (/ās-, /āsas-) the red horses of agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśastavāra(/aśasta--) mfn. having indescribable treasures (["who is not asked for wealth id est who grants it of his own accord" ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśasyaNom. (fr. śas-= Latin decus; confer, compare dāś-and y/aśas-) y/ati- (Impv. y/ā-, ya-;p. y/at-), to render service, serve, worship, favour, oblige (with accusative) ; to accord, do favour to (dative case)
ghas not used in proper (cl.1. ghasati- ), but supplies certain tenses (especially Aorist and Desiderative ) of ad- (Aorist 2. and 3. sg. /aghas- ; aghās-(?) ;3. sg. aghat-, aghasat-[? ], ajīghasat-[ ];3. plural /akṣan- ; aghasan- [ ];2. dual number /aghastām-;2. plural aghasta-; subjunctive 2. sg. gh/asas-,3. sg. sat- ;3. plural kṣan-, ; imperative 3. dual number gh/astām-; perfect tense jagh/āsa- etc.;3. plural jakṣur- ; Potential jakṣīy/āt- ; parasmE-pada jakṣiv/as- ; f. kṣ/uṣī- ) , to consume or devour, eat: Desiderative j/ighatsati- (see ), to wish to consume or devour, wish to eat (see jakṣ-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśojūm. ūs- (accusative /uvam-) "hastening to the water" (k/aśas- ),"impelling with the whip" (k/aśas- equals k/aśā- ) , Name of divodāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sapam. (see ś/epa-and p/asas-) the male organ of generation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śas cl.1 P. () ś/asati- (Vedic or Veda also -śasti-and -śāsti-; perfect tense śaśāsa- ;3. plural śaśasuḥ- grammar; future śasitā- ; śasiṣyati- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -ś/asas- ; ind.p. -śasya- ), to cut down, kill, slaughter (mostly vi-śas- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sas cl.2 P. () s/asti- (in also sasāsti-and in s/asasti-, pr. p. sas/at- ; grammar also perfect tense sasāsa- Aorist asāsīt-; future sasitā-, sasiṣyati-), to sleep etc. (see above) ; to be inactive or idle : Causal sāsayati- (Aorist asīṣasat-), grammar : Desiderative sisasiṣati- : Intensive sāsasyate-, sāsasti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sraṃs (or sras-;sometimes written śraṃś-or śraṃs-) cl.1 A1. () sraṃsate- (Epic and mc. also ti-; perfect tense sesraṃsa-, ṃsuḥ- ;3. plural -sraṃsire- ; Aorist asrat- ; asrasat-, srasema- ; asraṃsiṣṭa- ; future sraṃsitā-, sraṃsiṣyate- grammar;Ved. infinitive mood -sr/asas-; sraṃsitum- grammar; ind.p. sraṃsitvā-, srastvā- ; -sraṃsya-, -srasya- etc.) , to fall, drop, fall down, slip off, get loose from (ablative) etc. ; to fall asunder or to pieces ; to hang down, dangle, droop ; to be broken, perish, cease ; to go : Passive voice srasyate- (Aorist asraṃsi-) grammar : Causal sraṃsayati- (Aorist asisrasat-; Passive voice sraṃsyate-), to cause to fall down, loosen etc. ; to let hang (the belly) ; to disturb, remove, destroy : Desiderative sisraṃsiṣate- grammar : Intensive sanīsrasyate-, sanīsraṃsti- (see next) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svaj or svañj- (see pari-ṣvaj-) cl.1 A1. () sv/ajate- (rarely ti-; parasmE-pada svajāmana-and svajāna- ; perfect tense sasvaje- etc. etc. [3. plural juḥ- ]; sasvañje- grammar; Aorist /asasvajat- ; asvaṅkṣi- grammar; future svaṅktā-, svaṅkṣyate- ; svajiṣyate- ; infinitive mood -sv/aje- ; svaktum- ; ind.p. svajitvā-, -svajya- ), to embrace, clasp, encircle, twist or wind round etc.: Passive voice svajate- (Aorist asvañji-) grammar : Causal svañjayati- (Aorist asiṣvañjat-) : Desiderative sisvaṅkṣate- : Intensive sāsvajyate-, sāsvaṅkti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svañj or svaj- (see pari-ṣvaj-) cl.1 A1. () sv/ajate- (rarely ti-; parasmE-pada svajāmana-and svajāna- ; perfect tense sasvaje- etc. etc. [3. plural juḥ- ]; sasvañje- grammar; Aorist /asasvajat- ; asvaṅkṣi- grammar; future svaṅktā-, svaṅkṣyate- ; svajiṣyate- ; infinitive mood -sv/aje- ; svaktum- ; ind.p. svajitvā-, -svajya- ), to embrace, clasp, encircle, twist or wind round etc.: Passive voice svajate- (Aorist asvañji-) grammar : Causal svañjayati- (Aorist asiṣvañjat-) : Desiderative sisvaṅkṣate- : Intensive sāsvajyate-, sāsvaṅkti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tavīyasmfn. Comparative degree of v/as-, stronger (tav/asas t/avīyān-,"stronger than the strong") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uṣasf. (Nominal verb plural uṣ/āsas-and uṣ/asas-; instrumental case plural uṣ/adbhis- ;See on ) morning light, dawn, morning (personified as the daughter of heaven and sister of the āditya-s and the night) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaśaskāmamfn. (y/aśas--) desirous of fame or glory, ambitious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaśasvatmfn. (y/aśas--) glorious, famous, honourable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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