abhyas | -/asti- (1. plural abh/iṣmas-,but 3. plural abh/i s/anti-and pr. p. abh/i s/at-[according to abhismas-,but abhiṣanti-and abhiṣat-]; subjunctive -asat-,1. plural -/asāma-,3. plural -/asan-; Potential sg. -ṣyām-, -ṣyās-, -ṣyāt-,1. and 3. plural -ṣyāma-, -ṣyuḥ-or -ṣy/uḥ-; perf. 1. sg. -āsa-) to be over, reign over, excel, surpass, overpower ; to fall to one's share  |
asamaratha | (/asama--) mfn. possessed of an unequalled chariot  |
aśamarathaṃbhāvuka | (/aśama--) mfn. being changed into a never-resting carriage  |
asāmiśavas | (/asāmi--) mfn. having complete strength  |
das | cl.1.4. (parasmE-pada d/asamāna-; imperfect tense plural adasyan-) to suffer want, become exhausted ( ) ; equals upa-- kṣip- : Causal A1. (1. sg. saye-; subjunctive plural sayanta-) to exhaust, ; see apa--, upa--, anūpa--, pra--, vi-- ; saṃ-dadasv/as-, draviṇo-d/as- ;  |
gam | Ved. cl.1 P. g/amati- ( ; subjunctive gamam-, g/amat-[ gamātas-, gamātha- ], gamāma-, gaman- ; Potential gam/ema- ; infinitive mood g/amadhyai- ) : cl.2 P. g/anti- ( ; imperative 3. sg. gantu-,[2. sg. gadhi-See ā--,or gahi-See adhi--, abhy-ā--, ā--, upā--],2. plural g/antā-or gantana- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /agan-[ ] , 1. plural /aganma-[ ; confer, compare ] , 3. plural /agman- ; subjunctive [or Aorist subjunctive confer, compare ]1. plural ganma-,3. plural gm/an- ; Potential 2. sg. gamyās- ; preceding 3. sg. gamy/ās- ; pr. p. gm/at-, ) : cl.3 P. jaganti- ( ; Potential jagamyām-, yāt- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. ajagan-,2. plural ajaganta-or tana- ) : Ved. and Class. cl.1 P. (also A1. etc.) , with substitution of gacch- ([= ]) for gam-, g/acchati- (confer, compare ; subjunctive gācchāti- ;2. sg. gacchās-[ ] or gacchāsi-[ ];2. plural gacchāta- ;3. plural g/acchān- ; imperfect tense /agacchat-; Potential gacchet-; pr. p. g/acchat- etc.; Aorist agamat- ;for A1.with prepositions confer, compare future gamiṣyati- etc.; 1st future g/antā-[ ] etc.; perf. 1. sg. jagamā-[ ],3. sg. jagāma-,2. dual number jagmathur-,3. plural jagm/ur- etc.; parasmE-pada jaganv/as-[ etc.] or jagmivas- f. jagm/uṣī- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood g/antave-, g/antav/ai-;Class. infinitive mood gantum-:Ved. ind.p. gatvāya-, gatv/ī-;Class. ind.p. gatv/ā-[ etc.] , with prepositions -gamya-or -gatya- ) to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach (with accusative or locative case or dative case [ ; confer, compare ] or prati-[ ]) etc. ; to go or pass (as time exempli gratia, 'for example' kāle gacchati-,time going on, in the course of time) ; to fall to the share of (accusative) etc. ; to go against with hostile intentions, attack ; to decease, die ; to approach carnally, have sexual intercourse with (accusative) etc. ; to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain (exempli gratia, 'for example' mitratāṃ gacchati-,"he goes to friendship" id est he becomes friendly) etc. ; jānubhyām avanīṃ-gam-,"to go to the earth with the knees", kneel down ; dharaṇīṃ mūrdhnā-gam-,"to go to the earth with the head", make a bow ; m/anasā-gam-, to go with the mind, observe, perceive ; (without m/anasā-) to observe, understand, guess ; (especially Passive voice gamyate-,"to be understood or meant") and ; doṣeṇa- or doṣato-gam-, to approach with an accusation, ascribe guilt to a person (accusative) : Causal gamayati- ( ; imperative 2. sg. Ved. gamayā-or gāmaya-[ ] , 3. sg. gamayatāt- ; perf. gamay/āṃ cakāra- etc.) to cause to go ( ) or come, lead or conduct towards, send to (dative case ), bring to a place (accusative [ ] or locative case) etc. ; to cause to go to any condition, cause to become etc. ; to impart, grant ; to send away ; "to let go", not care about ; to excel ; to spend time etc. ; to cause to understand, make clear or intelligible, explain ; to convey an idea or meaning, denote ; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (accusative) to go by means of jigamiśati- another : Desiderative j/igamiṣati- ( jigāṃsate- ; imperfect tense ajigāṃsat- ) to wish to go, be going ; to strive to obtain ; to wish to bring (to light, prak/āśam-) : Intensive j/aṅganti- ( ), jaṅgamīti- or jaṅgamyate- ( ), to visit (parasmE-pada g/anigmat-) (imperfect tense aganīgan-) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic qvam; English come; Latin venioforgvemio.]) |
jas | cl.1 A1. (parasmE-pada j/asamāna-) to be exhausted or starved : P. j/asati-, to go : cl.4 P. to liberate : Causal jāsayati- (Aorist ajījasata-,2. dual number jajast/am-) to exhaust, weaken, cause to expire ; to hurt (see ) ; to strike, ; to contemn ; see uj--, ni-- ; projjāsana-. |
jīv | cl.1. j/īvati- (Epic also A1.; subjunctive vāti- ; vāt- ; parasmE-pada j/īvat-; Aorist ajivīt-; jīvīt- ; perfect tense jijīva-; future jīviṣy/ati-; preceding vy/āsam-, vyāsma- ; infinitive mood j/īvitum-, etc.;Ved. vāse- ; j/īvitavaī-. ) to live, be or remain alive etc. ; to revive ; (with punar-) ; to live by (instrumental case;exceptionally locative case, ) etc.: Causal jīv/ayati- (Epic also A1.; Aorist aījijvat-or ajijīv- ) to make alive, restore to life, vivify etc. ; to support life, keep alive etc. ; to nourish, bring up, ; to shout" jīva- " (id est long live!) ; jīvāpayati- (confer, compare pita-) to restore to life : Desiderative jijīviṣati- (A1. ) to wish to live etc. ; to seek a livelihood, wish to live by (instrumental case) ; j/ujyūṣati- idem or 'm. equals jīna- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 1. jyā-.' ; confer, compare jijyūṣita-; ([ confer, compare Latin vivo; Lithuanian gIve1nu.])  |
śam | cl.4 P. ( ), ś/āmyati- (rarely te-,and Epic also śanati-, te-; Vedic or Veda śamyati-, śimyati-,and cl.9. śamnāti-[ ], śamnīṣe-, śamnīthās- imperative śamnīṣva-, śamīṣva-, śamiṣva-, śamīdhvam-; perfect tense śaśāma-, śemuḥ- etc.; śaśam/e- subjunctive śaś/amate- ; parasmE-pada śaśamān/a-[ q.v ]; Aorist /aśamiṣṭhās- ; aśamat- [ confer, compare present tense ]; preceding śamyāt- grammar; future śamiśā-, śamiṣyati- ; ind.p. śamitvā-, śāntvā-, śāmam- ), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (especially in performing ritual acts) ; to prepare, arrange ; to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented etc. ; to cease, be allayed or extinguished etc. ; cl.9. (confer, compare above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy : Passive voice śamyate- (Aorist aśami-) : Causal śam/ayati- (mc. also śāmayati-; Aorist aśīśamat-; Passive voice śāmyate-), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle etc. ; to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press etc. ; to leave off, desist ; to conquer, subdue : Desiderative śiśamiṣati- grammar : Intensive śaṃśamīti- ( ), śaṃśamyate-, śaṃśanti- (grammar), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (perfect tense śaṃśamāṃ cakruḥ- ) . ([ confer, compare Greek ]) ,  |
samas | P. -asyati- (Ved. infinitive mood sam-/āsam-), to throw or put together, add, combine, compound, mix, mingle, connect : Passive voice -asyate-, to be put together or combined etc. ; (in gram.) to be compounded, form a compound  |
śru | cl.5 P. ( ) śṛṇ/oti- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also A1. śṛṇute-,and in sg. śṛṇv/e-,2. sg. viṣ/e-,3. plural vir/e-[ confer, compare below]; imperative śṛṇu-, ṇudh/ī-and ṇuh/ī- plural śṛṇut/ā-, ṇota-and ṇotana- ; perfect tense śuśr/āva-[once in with pass. sense], śuśruve-[2. sg. śuśrotha-,1. plural śuśruma-,in also mas-; śuśravat-, śuśrūy/ās- , parasmE-pada śuśruv/as- q.v ]; Aorist Ved. /aśravam-, /aśrot-,2. sg. śr/oṣi-; subjunctive śr/avat-, vathaḥ-;[?] śruvam- ; imperative śrudh/ī-, śr/otu- ; aśrauṣīt- etc.; subjunctive śroṣan- imperative śroṣantu- [ confer, compare śr/oṣamāṇa-]; preceding śrūy/āsam- etc.; future śrotā- ; śroṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood śrotum- etc.; ind.p. śrutv/ā- etc.; -śr/utya- etc.; śrāvam- etc.) , to hear, listen or attend to anything (accusative), give ear to any one (accusative or genitive case), hear or learn anything about (accusative) or from (ablative genitive case instrumental case, mukhāt-or śakāśāt-), or that anything is (two accusative) etc. ; to hear (from a teacher), study, learn etc. ; to be attentive, be obedient, obey etc.: Passive voice śrūy/ate- (Epic also ti-;and in śṛṇve-etc.[ confer, compare above] with pass. meaning; Aorist aśrāvi-, śrāvi-), to be heard or perceived or learnt about (accusative) or from (genitive case ablative or mukhāt-;in later language often 3. sg. śrūyate- impersonal or used impersonally"it is heard","one hears or learns or reads in a book", ="it is said","it is written in (with locative case)"; imperative śrūyatām-,"let it be heard"="listen!") etc. ; to be celebrated or renowned, be known as, pass for, be called (Nominal verb) ; to be heard or learnt (from a teacher) ; to be taught or stated (in a book) ; to be heard id est pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) : Causal śrāv/ayati- (Epic also te-,in also śrav/ayati-; Aorist aśuśravi-, vuḥ- ; aśuśruvat- ; aśiśravat- grammar; Passive voice śrāvyate-See below) , to cause to be heard or learnt, announce, proclaim, declare etc. ; to cause to hear, inform, instruct, communicate, relate, tell (with accusative of thing, and accusative genitive case,or dative case of Persian,or with instrumental case in sense of "through") etc.: Passive voice of Causal śrāvyate-, to be informed of (accusative) etc.: Desiderative ś/uśrūṣate- ( ; Epic or mc. also ti-; Passive voice śuśrūṣyate-), to wish or like to hear (accusative), desire to attend or listen to (dative case) etc. ; to attend upon, serve, obey (accusative,rarely genitive case) etc.: Causal of Desiderative śuśrūṣayati-, to wait upon, be at the service of (accusative) on : Desiderative of Causal śiśrāvayiṣati- or śuśrāvayiṣati- grammar : Intensive śośrūyate-, śośravīti-, śośroti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , equals śrudh/i-, equals śrut/a-etc.; Latin cluo,in-clutus; Slavonic or Slavonian sluti; German laut; English loud.]) |
sumedhas | mfn. (accusative sg. /asam-or /ām-) having a good understanding, sensible, intelligent, wise etc.  |
tiras | ind. so as to pass by, apart from, without, against (accusative) (r/as citt/ani-,"without the knowledge" ; r/o v/aśam-,"against the will" )  |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. "creator of living beings", the heavenly builder, Name of a god (called su-k/ṛt-, -pāṇ/i-, -g/abhasti-, -j/animan-, sv-/apas-, ap/asām ap/astama-, viśv/a-rūpa-etc. ;maker of divine implements, especially of indra-'s thunderbolt and teacher of the ṛbhu-s ;former of the bodies of men and animals, hence called"firstborn"and invoked for the sake of offspring, especially in the āprī- hymns etc. ;associated with the similar deities dhātṛ-, savitṛ-, prajā-pati-, pūṣan-, and surrounded by divine females[ gn/ās-, jan/ayas-, dev/ānām p/atnīs-; see tv/aṣṭā-v/arūtrī-]recipients of his generative energy ;supposed author of with the epithet garbha-pati- ;father of saraṇyū- [ su-reṇu- ; sva-reṇu- ]whose double twin-children by vivasvat- [or vāyu- ? ] are yamayamī- and the aśvin-s ;also father of tri-śiras- or viśvarūpa- ;overpowered by indra- who recovers the soma-[ ] concealed by him because indra- had killed his son viśva-rūpa- ;regent of the nakṣatra- citrā- ;of the 5th cycle of Jupiter ;of an eclipse ; tvaṣṭur ātithya-Name of a sāman- )  |
vas | (only in genitive case v/asām-), prob. either"an abode"or"a dweller"  |
vedhas | mfn. (in some meanings prob. connected with vi-dhā-; Nominal verb m. vedh/ās- accusative vedh/asam-or vedh/ām-) pious, religious, virtuous, good, brave (also applied to gods)  |
yāvattarasam | ind. according to power or ability (y/āvat-tar/asam-).  |