abhigāh | A1. (parasmE-pada -g/āhamāna-) to penetrate into (accusative) |
abhipragāh | -g/āhate-, to dip or plunge into, penetrate : Causal (ind.p. -gāhya-) to immerse, dip |
abhiṣah | ( sah-), (perf. subjunctive -sās/ahat- preceding 2. sg. -sāsahīṣṭh/ās-, parasmE-pada P. -sāhv/as-and A1. -sehān/a-) to overpower, conquer ; (Aorist A1.1. sg. -asākṣi-) to gain, win ; to tolerate, allow, pardon, (Passive voice -sahyate-) |
abhivah | (3. plural -v/ahanti-; Potential 3. plural -vaheyuḥ-; Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -vakṣi-,3. dual number -voḷh/ām-[ ]) to convey or carry near to or towards : Causal -vāhayati- (incorrectly for ati-v-), to pass (time) |
āgrayaṇa | m. (fr. /agra-), the first soma- libation at the agniṣṭoma- sacrifice (See gr/aha-) etc. |
ah | (defective verb, only perf. 3. sg. /āha-and 3. plural āh/uḥ- etc.,2. sg. āttha- () 3. dual number āhatuḥ- ) to say, speak etc. ; (with lexicographers) to express, signify ; to call (by name, nāmnā-) ; to call, hold, consider, regard as (with two accusative,for one of which may be substituted a phrase with iti-) etc. ; to state or declare with reference to (accusative) ; to acknowledge, accept, state ; to adjudge anything (accusative) to any one (genitive case), [ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish ag-all,"speech";eigh-im,"I call"; Gothic af-aika,"I deny"; Latin negoforn'-ego,"to say no";ad-ag-ium,ajo,etc.] |
aha | ind. (as admitting, limiting, etc.) it is true, I grant, granted, indeed, at least ([For the rules of accentuation necessitated in a phrase by the particle /aha- see ]) |
aha | n. (only Vedic or Veda; Nominal verb plural /ahā- ; genitive case plural /ahānām- ) equals /aḥar- q.v , a day |
ahaḥpati | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahar-. |
ahan | n. the base of the weak and some other cases of /ahar-, q.v exempli gratia, 'for example' instrumental case /ahnā- ([once ahan/ā- ]) |
ahan | locative case /ahan- (Ved.) or /ahani-, or ahni-, etc. |
ahan | Nominal verb dual number /ahanī- (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahar-) and plural /ahāni- |
ahan | only Vedic or Veda are the middle cases of the plural /ahabhyas- ([ ]), /ahabhis- ([ ,nine times]),and /ahasu- ([ ]) , while the later language forms them fr. the base /ahas- q.v |
ahar | n. (the weak cases come fr. /ahan- q.v,the middle ones fr. /ahas-[see below] or in also fr. /ahan-, q.v) a day etc. |
ahar | n. a sacrificial or festival day, portion of a sacrifice appointed for one day's performance etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',as dvādaśāh/a-,etc.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. /aha-) |
ahar | n. (/ahana-) Nominal verb dual number day and night (see /ahaś ca kṛṣṇ/am /ahar /arjunam ca-,"the black and the white day" id est night and day ) |
ahardiva | mfn. (/ahar--) () daily |
ahardivi | (/ahar--) ind. day by day |
aharjāta | (/ahar-.) mfn. born in the day or from day, not belonging to night or to the spirits of darkness |
aharlokā | (/ahar--) f. Name of a sacrificial brick (see bh/āj-before.) |
ahas | the base of the middle cases of /ahar- instrumental case plural /ahobhis- ([ (twice) etc.]) dative case ablative /ahobhyas- ([ etc.]) locative case /ahassu- ([ ]) |
ahaścara | and ahaś-śas- See /ahar-. |
ahatavāsas | (/ahata--) mfn. wearing new clothes |
ahīna | m. (fr. /ahan- ) "lasting several days", a sacrifice lasting several days etc. |
ahna | only (like ah/a-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' for /ahan- (or /ahar-), q.v exempli gratia, 'for example' aty-ahna-, aparāhṇ/a-, pūrvāhṇ/a- etc., qq. vv. |
ahnija | See /ahan-. |
ahoratna | etc. See /ahar-. |
ākṣyat | ([ ]) mfn. (fut p.) only Nominal verb plural anti- with /ahāni-, certain days for the completion of the ceremony ayana- (performed for the āditya-s and aṅgirasa-s). |
apsuvah | m(Nominal verb plural -v/āhas-)fn. driving in water |
ārkṣyat | ([ ]) mfn. (fut p.) only Nominal verb plural anti- with /ahāni-, certain days for the completion of the ceremony ayana- (performed for the āditya-s and aṅgirasa-s). |
āt | ind. (ablative of 4. a-) afterwards, then (often used in a concluding paragraph antithetically to y/ad-, yadā-, y/adi-.and sometimes strengthened by the particles /aha-, /id-, īm-, u-) |
avahā | (aor.3. sg. av/ahāh-[for hās-t-], perf. 3. sg. -jah/ā- ind.p. -h/āya-) to leave, quit Passive voice hīyate- (future -hasyate- ) to be left remaining, remain behind ,"to remain behind" id est to be excelled (1. sg. hīye-) to be abandoned Causal (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -jīhipas-) to cause to remain behind on or to deviate from (a path ablative) |
avahan | (subjunctive 2. sg. -han- ;Imper. 2. plural -hantanā- Imper. 2. sg. -jahi-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. -/ahan-,or ahan-; perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to throw down, strike, hit ; Ved. to drive away, expel, keep off, fend off etc. ; chiefly Vedic or Veda to thresh (parasmE-pada fem. -ghnatī-) etc.: A1. -jighnate-, to throw down : Causal (Pot -ghātayet-) to cause to thresh : Intensive (Imper. 2. sg. -jaṅghanīhi-) to drive away, fend off |
dah | cl.1.P. dahati- (Epic also A1.; parasmE-pada d/ahati- imperfect tense /adahat-; Aorist adhāk- ; 1 . sg. kṣam- ;3. plural kskur- ; subjunctive dhāk- ;2. sg. dhakṣi-, ; parasmE-pada dh/akṣat-[also Nominal verb m.], d/ahṣat-, ; future dhakṣyati-[ ] [ Potential dhakṣyet-, ] etc.; dahiṣy-, ; infinitive mood dagdhum-) to burn, consume by fire, scorch, roast etc. ; to cauterise ; to consume, destroy completely etc. ; to torment, torture, pain, distress, disturb, grieve etc.: Passive voice dahyate- (ti- ) ; to be burnt, burn, be in flames etc. ; to be consumed by fire or destroyed ; to be inflamed (a wound) ; to be consumed by internal heat or grief, suffer pain, be distressed or vexed etc. ; Causal dāhayati- to burn or be burned etc. ; to cause to be cooked (Aorist plural adīdahan-): Desiderative didhakṣati- (confer, compare kṣā-, kṣu-) to be about to burn or consume or destroy (parasmE-pada kṣamāṇa-): Desiderative Causal (parasmE-pada kṣayat-) to cause any one to make efforts to burn : Intensive dandahīti-, hyate- () to burn or destroy completely (imperative dagdhi-) ; A1. to be burnt completely [ confer, compare Lithuanian degu4,"I am hot"; Gothic dag-s; Old German ta1h-t,"a wick"] |
daśama | n. with /ahan-, the last day of the day of the daśa-rātra- ceremony |
dasyu | m. see tras/o-- (d/asyave v/ṛka- m."wolf to the dasyu-", Name of a man ; d/asyave s/ahas- n.violence to the dasyu- (Name of turvīti-), ) |
diva | n. wood [ confer, compare /ahar--, tri--, naktaṃ--, naktaṃ-- bṛhad--. rātrim--, su--; confer, compare also Fo in Latin (?)biduum.] |
gāh | (see gādh-) cl.1 A1. g/āhate- (Epic also P. hati-; perf. jagāhe- future 2nd gāhiṣyate-[fut. 1st -gāhitā-,or -gāḍhā- on ]; Aorist agāhiṣṭa-[ ] or agāḍha- [not in ]; infinitive mood gāhitum-) to dive into, bathe in, plunge into (accusative), penetrate, enter deeply into (accusative) etc. (with kakṣām-,"to be a match for(genitive case)" ) ; to roam, range, rove ; to be absorbed in (accusative) |
girvah | mfn. (Nominal verb plural -v/āhas-) bearing one who is fond of hymns (gir-vāhas- ) . |
hā | cl.3 P. () j/ahāti- (rarely cl.1. jahati-3. dual number jahltaḥ- imperative jah/ihi-[or jahāhi- ]; jahītāt- ; Potential jahyāt- etc.; perfect tense jahau-, jah/uḥ- etc.; jahe- ; Aorist ahāt- etc.; ahāsīt- grammar;3. sg. ahās- ; /ahāsi- ; hāsiṣṭa- ,; future hātā- grammar; hāsyati-, te- etc., jahiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood hātum- ; ind.p. hitv/ā-.[ q.v ] etc.; hitv/ī- tv/āya- ; -hītvā- grammar; -h/āya- , h/īyam- ), to leave, abandon, desert, quit, forsake, relinquish (with śarīram-, deham-, prāṇān-, asūn-, jīvitam-etc. - "to die") etc., etc. ; to discharge, emit ; to put away, take off, remove, lay aside, give up, renounce, resign, avoid, shun, abstain or refrain from etc. ; to disregard, neglect ; to lose, be deprived of. ; to get rid of. escape from etc. ; to cause to emit (with śardham-,"to cause to break wind") : Passive voice hīy/ate- or h/īyate- (Epic also hīyati-; Aorist ahāyi-), to be left or abandoned or deserted etc. ; to be left behind, fall short of (ablative) etc. ; to be excluded from or bereft of (ablative or instrumental case;with prāṇaiḥ-,"to die") etc. ; to be overtaken by (instrumental case) ; to be deficient or wanting, suffer loss or injury, fail (also in a lawsuit), decrease, wane, decline, come to an end etc. ; to weigh less (at the ordeal of the balance) ; to be given up or avoided (varia lectio) ; to be subtracted ; to become detached from (with ablative or instrumental case), fall out (as hair) : Causal hāpayati- (mc. also te- Aorist ajīhapat-; -jīhipaḥ- ), to cause to leave or abandon etc. ; to omit, neglect etc. ; to fall short of. be wanting in (accusative) ; to give up (asūn-,"life") ; to lose (kālam-,"time") ; to abandon (pratijñām-,"a thesis") : Desiderative jihāsati-, to wish to leave or abandon ; to wish to reject or disdain ; to wish to escape : Intensive jehīyate-, jāhāti-, jāheti- grammar |
han | cl.2 P. () hanti- (3. dual number hat/aḥ-,3. plural ghnanti-;rarely A1. hate-,3. plural ghnate-;and cl.1. hanati-, Vedic or Veda also jighnate-, ti-; Potential hanyāt- also h/anīta-, ghnīta-; imperative jah/i- handh/i-; imperfect tense /ahan-, Vedic or Veda and Epic also ahanat-, ahanan-, aghnanta-; parasmE-pada jaghnat-, ghnamāna- ; perfect tense jagh/āna-, jaghn/uḥ- Epic also jaghne-, nire- subjunctive jagh/anat- ; parasmE-pada jaghniv/as-, Vedic or Veda also jaghanvas-; Aorist ahānīt- [ confer, compare vadh-]; future hantā- ; haṃsyati- ; haniṣy/ati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood h/antum-,Ved. also h/antave-, tav/ai-, toḥ-; ind.p. hatv/ā-,Ved. also tv/ī-, tvāya-, -hatya-; -hanya- ; -gh/ātam- etc.) , to strike, beat (also a drum) , pound, hammer (accusative), strike etc. upon (locative case) etc. ; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy ; to put to death, cause to be executed ; to strike off ; to ward off, avert ; to hurt, wound (the heart) ; to hurl (a dart) upon (genitive case) ; (in astronomy) to touch, come into contact ; to obstruct, hinder ; to repress, give up, abandon (anger, sorrow etc.) ; (?) to go, move : Passive voice hany/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist avadhi-or aghāni-), to be struck or killed etc. etc.: Causal ghātayati-, te- (properly a Nom.fr. ghāta- q.v; Aorist ajīghatat-or ajīghanat-), to cause to be slain or killed, kill, slay, put to death, punish etc. ; to notify a person's death (kaṃsaṃ ghātayati- equals kaṃsa-vadham ācaṣṭe-) Va1rtt. 6 ; to mar, destroy (varia lectio): Desiderative j/ighāṃsati-, te- (Potential jighāṃsīyat- ; imperfect tense ajighāṃsīḥ- ), to wish to kill or destroy etc. etc.: Intensive j/aṅghanti- (; parasmE-pada jaṅghanat-, j/aṅghnat-or gh/anighnat-), jaṅghanyate- (with pass. sense ), jeghnīyate- () , to strike = tread upon (locative case or accusative) ; to slay, kill ; to dispel (darkness) , destroy (evil, harm) ; to hurt, injure, wound [ confer, compare Greek , ; , ; Latin de-fendere,of-fendere; Lit.genu,gi4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian gu8nati.] |
havyavāha | mfn. (or -v/āha-) equals -vah- (also applied to the aśvattha- tree of whose wood the araṇi- is made) |
hu | cl.3 P. () juh/oti- (Ved. and Epic also A1. juhut/e-3. plural proper j/uh-3. plural proper j/uhvati-, te- etc.;2. sg. imperative juhudh/i- etc.; hoṣi- ; parasmE-pada P. j/uhvat-; A1. j/uhvāna-[also with pass. sense];3. plural imperfect tense /ajuhavuḥ- ; perfect tense P. juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- ; A1. juhuve- ; juhv/e-, juhur/e- ; juhvire- ; juhavāṃ-cakāra- ; juhavām-āsa- ; Aorist ahauṣīt- etc.; preceding hūyāt- grammar; future hotā- ; hoṣy/ati-, te- etc.; Conditional ahoṣyat- ; infinitive mood h/otum-, tos-, tav/ai-,and ind.p. hutvā- etc.) , to sacrifice (especially pour butter into the fire) , offer or present an oblation (accusative or genitive case) to (dative case) or in (locative case), sacrifice to, worship or honour (accusative) with (instrumental case) etc. ; to sprinkle on (locative case) ; to eat : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-), to be offered or sacrificed etc. etc.: Causal hāvayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-), to cause to sacrifice or to be sacrificed or to be honoured with sacrifice etc.: Desiderative juhūṣati-, to wish to sacrifice : Intensive johavīti- (imperfect tense ajohavīt-or ajuhavīt- ), johūyate-, johoti- (grammar), to offer oblations repeatedly or abundantly. [ confer, compare Greek in (for) , , ; Latin fu1tis,"water-pot."] |
hve | cl.1 P. A1. () hv/ayati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also h/avate-and huv/ati-, te-; other present forms are hve- ; hvāmahe- ; h/oma-, hūm/ahe-, juhūm/asi- ; p. huvān/a-[with pass. sense] ; hvayāna- ; perfect tense juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- etc.; juhv/e-, juhūr/e- ; juhuve-, huhurire- ; hvayāṃ-āsa-and hvayāṃ-cakre- ; Aorist /ahvat-, ahvata-[or ahvāsta- ] etc. etc.; ahvi- ; /ahūmahi-, ahūṣata- ; ahvāsīt-[?] ; future hvātā- grammar; hvayiṣyati-, te- ; hvāsyate- ; infinitive mood Class. hvātum-; Vedic or Veda h/avitave-, hv/ayitum-, tav/ai-; huv/adhyai-; ind.p. Class. hūtvā-;Ved. -h/ūya-and -hāvam-), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā-,"to call by name"; with yuddhe-,"to challenge to fight") etc. ; to emulate, vie with : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-,or ahvāyi-), to be called etc. : Causal hvāyayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-or ajuhāvat-), to cause anyone (accusative) to be challenged by (instrumental case) : Desiderative juhūṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive johūyate- or j/ohavīti- (johuvanta-, ajohavuḥ-, j/ohuvat-, j/ohuvāna- ) or johoti- (grammar), to call on, invoke etc. [ confer, compare Greek .] |
jahā | (probably) an exclamation (others, read j/ahāko- = jahako-), . |
jāhaka | m. (equals j/ahakā-) a hedge-hog |
kavyavāḍa | mfn. equals v/āhana- below. |
kavyavah | Nominal verb vāṭ- mfn. equals -v/āhana- below. |
kṛ | Ved. (I) cl.2 P. 2. sg. k/arṣi- dual number kṛth/as- plural kṛth/a-; A1. 2. sg. kṛṣ/e-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /akar-, 3. sg. rarely /akat- () ; 3. dual number /akartām-; plural /akarma-, /akarta- (also ), /akran- (Aorist,according to ); A1. /akri- (), /akṛthās- (), /akṛta- (); akrātām- (), /akrata- ( ) : imperative kṛdh/i- (also ), kṛt/am-, kṛt/a-; A1. kṛṣv/a-, kṛdhv/am-; subjunctive 2. and 3. sg. kar- plural k/arma-, k/arta- and kartana-, kran-; A1. 3. sg. kṛta- () , 3. plural kr/anta- () : Potential kriyāma- (); pr. p. P. (Nominal verb plural) kr/antas- A1. krāṇ/a-. (II) cl.1 P. k/arasi-, k/arati-, k/arathas-, k/aratas-, k/aranti-; A1. k/arase-, k/arate-, k/arāmahe-: imperfect tense /akaram-, /akaras-, /akarat- (Aorist,according to ) : imperative k/ara-, k/aratam-, k/aratām-: subjunctive k/aram-, k/arāṇi-, k/aras-, k/arat-, k/arāma-, k/aran-; A1. karāmahai-; pr. p. f. k/arantī- () (III) cl.5 P. kṛṇ/omi-, ṇ/oṣi-, ṇ/oti-, kṛṇuth/as-, kṛṇm/as- and kṛṇmasi-, kṛṇuth/a-, kṛṇv/anti-; A1. kṛṇv/e-, kṛṇuṣ/e-, kṛṇut/e-, 3. dual number kṛṇv/aite- (); plural kṛṇm/ahe-, kṛṇv/ate-: imperfect tense /akṛṇos-, /akṛṇot-, /akṛṇutam-, /akṛṇuta- and ṇotana- (), /akṛṇvan-; A1. 3. sg. /akṛṇuta- plural /akṛṇudhvam-, /akṛṇvata-: imperative kṛṇ/u- or kṛṇuh/i- or kṛṇut/āt-, kṛṇ/otu-, kṛṇut/am-, kṛṇut/ām-, 2. plural kṛṇut/a- or kṛṇ/ota- or kṛṇ/otana-, 3. plural kṛṇv/antu-; A1. kṛṇuṣv/a-, kṛṇut/ām-, kṛṇv/āthām-, kṛṇudhv/am-: subjunctive kṛṇ/avas-, ṇ/avat- or ṇ/avāt-, kṛṇ/avāva-, ṇ/avāma-, ṇ/avātha-, ṇ/avatha-, ṇ/avan-; A1. kṛṇ/avai- (once ṇavā- ), kṛṇavase- (also varia lectio ṇvase-), kṛṇavate-, kṛṇ/avāvahai-, kṛṇ/avāmahai-, 3. plural kṛṇ/avanta- () or kṛṇavante- or kṛṇvata- () : Potential A1. kṛṇvīt/a-; pr. p. P. kṛṇv/at- (f. vat/ī-) A1. kṛṇvāṇ/a-. (IV) cl.8. (this is the usual formation in the brāhmaṇa-s; sūtra-s, and in classical Sanskrit) P. kar/omi- (Epic kurmi- ); kurv/as-, kuruth/as-, kurut/as-, kurm/as- ([ kulmas-in an interpolation after ]), kuruth/a-, kurv/anti-; A1. kurv/e-, etc., 3. plural kurv/ate- () : imperfect tense akaravam-, akaros-, akarot-, akurva-, etc.; A1. 3. sg. akuruta- plural akurvata-: imperative kuru-, karotu- (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt-,3. sg. also ), kuruta- or kurutana- (); A1. kuruṣva-, kurudhvam-, kurv/atām-: subjunctive karavāṇi-, karavas-, vāt-, vāva- or vāvas- ( ), vāma- or vāmas- (), vātha-, van-; A1. karavai-, kuruthās-, karavāvahai- (; he- ), karavaithe-, vaite- ( , ), vāmahai-(he- ) : Potential P. kuryām- A1. kurvīya- (); pr. p. P. kurv/at- (f. vat/ī-); A1. kurvāṇ/a-: perf. P. cak/āra-, cak/artha-, cakṛv/a-, cakṛm/a-, cakr/a- (); A1. cakr/e-, cakrir/e-; parasmE-pada cakṛvas- (accusative cakr/uṣam- ); A1. cakrāṇa- () : 2nd future kariṣy/ati-; subjunctive 2. sg. kariṣy/ās- (); 1st future k/artā-: preceding kriyāsam-: Aorist P. Ved. cakaram- (), acakrat- (), /acakriran- (); A1. 1. sg. kṛske- (); Class. akārṣīt- ( ;once akāraṣīt- ); Passive voice Aorist reflex. akāri- and akṛta- ( ) : infinitive mood k/artum-, Ved. k/artave-, k/artav/ai-, k/artos- (See ss.vv.); ind.p. kṛtv/ā-, Ved. kṛtv/ī- ([ ]) and kṛtv/āya- ([ ]) ; to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake etc. ; to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (genitive case or locative case) etc. ; to execute, carry out (as an order or command) ; to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ; to form or construct one thing out of another (ablative or instrumental case) etc. ; to employ, use, make use of (instrumental case) etc. ; to compose, describe ; to cultivate (confer, compare ) ; to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (exempli gratia, 'for example' varṣāṇi daśa cakruḥ-,"they spent ten years"; kṣaṇaṃ kuru-,"wait a moment"; confer, compare kritakṣaṇa-) ; to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (accusative or locative case or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' ardh/aṃ-kṛ-,to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in(genitive case;See 2. ardh/a-); haste-or pāṇau-kṛ-,to take by the hand, marry ; hṛdayena-kṛ-,to place in one's heart, love ; hṛdi-kṛ-,to take to heart, mind, think over, consider ; manasi-kṛ- idem or 'f. (equals kuhī-) a fog ' ;to determine, purpose [ ind.p. si-kṛtvā-or si-kṛtya-] ; vaśe-kṛ-,to place in subjection, become master of ) ; to direct the thoughts, mind, etc. (m/anas-[ etc.] or buddhim-[ ] or matim-[ ]or bhāvam-[ ], etc.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (locative case dative case infinitive mood,or a sentence with iti- exempli gratia, 'for example' mā śoke manaḥ kṛthāḥ-,do not turn your mind to grief ; gamanāya matiṃ cakre-,he resolved upon going ; alābuṃ samutsraṣṭuṃ manaś cakre-,he resolved to create a gourd ; draṣṭā tavāsmīti matiṃ cakāra-,he determined to see him ) ; to think of (accusative) ; to make, render (with two accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' ādityaṃ kāṣṭhām akurvata-,they made the sun their goal ) etc. ; to procure for another, bestow, grant (with genitive case or locative case) etc. ; A1. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume ; to give aid, help any one to get anything (dative case) ; to make liable to (dative case) ; to injure, violate (exempli gratia, 'for example' kanyāṃ-kṛ-,to violate a maiden) ; to appoint, institute ; to give an order, commission ; to cause to get rid of, free from (ablative or -tas-) ; to begin (exempli gratia, 'for example' cakre śobhayitum purīm-,they began to adorn the city) ; to proceed, act, put in practice etc. ; to worship, sacrifice ; to make a sound (svaram-or śabdam-) ( ), utter, pronounce (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the sounds phaṭ-, phut-, bhāṇ-, v/aṣaṭ-, svadh/ā-, sv/āhā-, hiṃ-), pronounce any formula () ; (with numeral adverbs ending in dhā-) to divide, separate or break up into parts (exempli gratia, 'for example' dvidhā-kṛ-,to divide into two parts, ind.p. dvidhā kṛtvā-or dvidhā-kṛtya-or -kāram- ; sahasradhā-kṛ-,to break into a thousand pieces) ; (with adverbs ending in vat-) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (exempli gratia, 'for example' rājyaṃ tṛṇa-vat kṛtvā-,valuing the kingdom like a straw ) ; (with adverbs ending in sāt-) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject (See ātma-sāt-, bhasma-sāt-) The above senses of kṛ- may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected, as in the following examples: sakhyaṃ-kṛ-, to contract friendship with ; pūjāṃ-kṛ-, to honour ; rājyaṃ-kṛ-, to reign ; snehaṃ-kṛ-, to show affection ; ājñāṃ- or nideśaṃ- or śāsanaṃ- or kāmaṃ- or yācanāṃ- or vacaḥ- or vacanaṃ- or vākyaṃ-kṛ-, to perform any one's command or wish or request etc. ; dharmaṃ-kṛ-, to do one's duty ; nakhāni-kṛ-,"to clean one's nails" See kṛta-nakha- ; udakaṃ- ([ ]) or salilaṃ- ([ ]) kṛ-, to offer a libation of Water to the dead ; to perform ablutions ; astrāṇi-kṛ-, to practise the use of weapons ; darduraṃ-kṛ-, to breathe the flute ; daṇḍaṃ-kṛ-, to inflict punishment etc. ; kālaṃ-kṛ-, to bring one's time to an end id est to die ; ciraṃ-kṛ-, to be long in doing anything, delay ; manasā- (for si-See above) kṛ-, to place in one's mind, think of, meditate ; śirasā-kṛ-, to place on one's the head ; mūrdhnā-kṛ-, to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in veda- () , but commonly in the brāhmaṇa-s, sūtra-s, and especially in classical Sanskrit the perf. forms cakāra-and cakre- auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives exempli gratia, 'for example' āsāṃ cakre-,"he sat down" ; gamay/āṃ cakāra-,"he caused to go"[see ;in veda- some other forms of kṛ-are used in a similar way, viz. proper karoti- ; imperfect tense akar- and ;3. plural akran- and ; preceding kriyāt- (See );according to , also karotu-with vid-]. Causal kārayati-, te-, to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double accusative instrumental case and accusative [see ] exempli gratia, 'for example' sabhāṃ kāritavān-,he caused an assembly to be made ; rāja-darśanaṃ māṃ kāraya-,cause me to have an audience of the king; vāṇijyaṃ kārayed vaiśyam-,he ought to cause the vaiśya- to engage in trade ; na śakṣyāmi kiṃcit kārayituṃ tvayā-,I shall not be able to have anything done by thee ) ; to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate etc. ; to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ citrapaṭaṃ vāsa-gṛhe bhittāv akārayat-,he had the picture placed on the wall in his house ) . Sometimes the Causal of kṛ- is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (exempli gratia, 'for example' padaṃ kārayati-,he pronounces a word ; mithyā k-,he pronounces wrongly ; kaikeyīm anu rājānaṃ kāraya-,treat or deal with kaikeyī- as the king does ) : Desiderative c/ikīrṣati- (Aorist 2. sg. acikīrṣīs- ) , Epic also te-, to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after etc. ; to wish to sacrifice or worship : Intensive 3. plural karikrati- (pr. p. k/arikrat-See ), to do repeatedly ; Class. carkarti- or carikarti- or carīkarti- ([ ]) , also carkarīti- or carikarīti- or carīkarīti- or cekrīyate- ([ib. Scholiast or Commentator ]); ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish caraim,"I perform, execute";ceard,"an art, trade, business, function";sucridh,"easy"; Old German karawan,"to prepare"; modern German gar,"prepared (as food)"; Latin creo,ceremonia;, .]) |
kva | ind. where? in what place? whither? (sometimes connected with particles /aha-, /id-, iva-, sv/id-) etc. |
mahasvat | mfn. (m/ahas--) giving pleasure, gladdening |
sadāsah | mfn. (accusative -s/aham-) always holding out or lasting |
sah | cl.1 A1. () s/ahate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-and exceptionally sāhati-,once in sg. sahyāmi-; parasmE-pada s/ahat- s/ahamāna-[ q.v ]; perfect tense sehe-, sasāha-; Vedic or Veda also sasāh/e-and sāsāhat-; sās/ahat-; sāsahīṣṭ/āḥ-,; sāsahy/āma-,; parasmE-pada sehān/a-, sāsahān/a-, sāsahv/as-and sāhv/as-[ q.v ]; Aorist asākṣi-, sākṣi-, sākṣate- ; sākṣīt- ; sakṣati- ; sakṣat-, s/ākṣāma- ; imperative sakṣi-, sākṣva- ; parasmE-pada s/akṣat- ; /asahisṭa- ; preceding sahyās-, sāhy/āma- ; sākṣīya-. ; s/āhiṣīm/ahi- ; future soḍhā- etc.; sahitā- grammar; sakṣyati- , te- ; sākṣye-[?] ; -sahiṣyati-, te- ; Conditional asahisyat- ; infinitive mood s/ahadhyai- ; s/āḍhyai- ; soḍhum-, sahitum- ; ind.p. soḍhvā- ; sādhvā-, sahitvā- grammar; s/ahya- etc.; s/aham- ), to prevail, be victorious ; to overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat (enemies), gain, win (battles) ; to offer violence to (accusative) ; to master, suppress, restrain etc. ; to be able to or capable of (infinitive mood or locative case) ; to bear up against, resist, withstand etc. ; to bear, put up with, endure, suffer, tolerate (with na-,"to grudge") etc. ; to be lenient towards, have patience with any one (genitive case) ; to spare any one ; to let pass, approve anything ; (with kalam-, kala-kṣepam-etc.) to bide or wait patiently for the right time : Causal or cl.10. sāhayati- (Aorist asīṣahat-), to forbear : Desiderative of Causal sisāhayiṣati- : Desiderative s/īkṣate- (parasmE-pada s/īkṣat-; according to to , also sisahiṣa-), to wish to overcome : Intensive sāsaṣyate-, sāsoḍhi- (see sāsah/i-) grammar ([ see sahas-and for ; , .]) |
sāhantya | mfn. equals s/ahantya-, conquering, powerful |
sahaskṛta | mfn. (s/ahas--) produced by strength (said of agni-) |
sahasvat | mfn. (s/ahas--.) powerful, mighty, victorious ( sahasvat vat- ind.mightily) |
suṣaha | (or -ṣ/āha-) mfn. easily subdued or conquered |
suṣāha | See -ṣ/aha-. |
svāhākṛta | (sv/āhā--) mfn. consecrated or offered with svāhā- |
svāhākṛti | (sv/āhā--) f. consecration with svāhā- (also as a deity presiding over the prayāja-) |
svāhākṛtī | (sv/āhā--) f. consecration with svāhā- (also as a deity presiding over the prayāja-) |
tadahar | ind. t/ad /ahar- accusative on that very day |
tṛh | cl.7. (imperative tṛṇ/eḍhu-; subjunctive plural tṛṇ/ahān-; Aorist atṛham- ; atarhīt- ; atṛkṣat-, ; perfect tense tatarha- ; pr. p. Nominal verb m. tṛṃh/at- ; f. dual number hat/ī- ; ind.p. tṛḍhv/ā- Passive voice plural tṛhy/ante-, parasmE-pada hy/amāṇa- ; cl.6. tṛhati-, tṛṃh- ) to crush, bruise : Desiderative titṛkṣati-, titṛṃhiṣati- ; see vi-- ; t/arhaṇa-, tṛṃhaṇa-, tṛḍh/a-. |
tris | ind. () thrice, 3 times (sapt/a-,3 x 7, ; /ahnas-or /ahan-,"thrice a day", ; see ) (abdasya-,"thrice a year", ) etc. |
utsah | (ud-sah-) A1. -sahate- (infinitive mood -s/aham- ) to endure, bear ; to be able, be adequate, have power (with infinitive mood or dative case of abstr. noun) ; to act with courage or energy etc.: Causal -sāhayati-, to animate, encourage, excite : Desiderative of the Causal (parasmE-pada -sisāhayiṣat-) to wish to excite or encourage |
vah | cl.1 P. A1. () v/ahati-, te- (in later language A1.only mc.;Vedic forms which may partly belong to the Aorist are v/akṣi-, voḍham-, ḍh/ām-or voḷham-, ḷh/ām-, uhīta-, v/akṣva-, voḍhvam-, ūḍhvam-, /uhāna-; perfect tense uvāha-, ūh/uḥ-; ūh/e- etc.; vavāha-, hatuḥ- ; Aorist Ved. /avākṣīt-or /avāṭ- subjunctive v/akṣat-, ati-, preceding uhyāt-; avakṣi-, avoḍha- grammar; future voḍh/ā- ; vakṣy/ati-, te- etc.; vahiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood voḍhum- etc. etc. [Ved. also ḍhave-and ḍhavai-]; vāhe- ; v/ahadhyai- ; ind.p. ūḍhvā- ; -/uhya- etc.; confer, compare 1. ūh-), to carry, transport, convey (with instrumental case of vehicle) etc. ; to lead, conduct (especially offerings to the gods, said of agni-) ; to bear along (water, said of rivers) ; to draw (a car), guide (horses etc.) ; to lead towards, to bring, procure, bestow ; to cause, effect ; to offer (a sacrifice) ; to spread, diffuse (scent) ; to shed (tears) ; to carry away, carry off, rob etc. ; to lead home, take to wife, marry etc. ; to bear or carry on or with (Inc. or instrumental case) etc. ; to take or carry with or about one's self, have, possess ; to wear (clothes) ; (with śiras-) to bear one's head (uccaiś-tarām-,"high") ; (with vasuṃdharām-or kṣmā-maṇḍālam-) to support id est rule the earth ; (with garbham-) to be with child ; to bear, suffer, endure ; to forbear, forgive, pardon ; to undergo (with agnim-, viṣam-, tulām-,"the ordeal of fire, poison, and the balance") ; to experience, feel etc. ; to exhibit, show, betray ; to pay (a fine) ; to pass, spend (time) ; (intrans.) to drive, ride, go by or in (with instrumental case of the vehicle) , be borne or carried along, run, swim etc. etc. ; to draw (scilicet a carriage, said of a horse) ; to blow (as wind) ; to pass away, elapse : Passive voice uhy/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist avāhi-), to be carried (uhyamāna-,"being carried") etc. ; to be drawn or borne by (instrumental case) or along or off etc. etc.: Causal vāhayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist avīvahat-; Passive voice vāhyate-), to cause to bear or carry or convey or draw (with two accusative Va1rtt. 6 ), drive (a chariot), guide or ride (a horse), propel (a boat), go or travel by any vehicle etc. ; to cause to guide (two accusative) ; to cause any one (accusative) to carry anything (accusative) on (locative case) ; to cause to take in marriage ; to cause to be conveyed by (instrumental case) ; to traverse (a road) ; to accomplish (a journey) ; to employ, keep going or in work ; to give, administer (See vāhita-) ; to take in, deceive (See idem or '1. 2. vasra-. See p.932, and column 1.'): Desiderative vivakṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive vanīvāhy/ate-, to carry hither and thither (confer, compare vanīv/āhana-and vanīvāhit/a-) ; vāvahīti-, to bear (a burden) ; vāvahyate-, vāvoḍhi- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek for , ; Latin vehere,vehiculum; Slavonic or Slavonian vesti; Lithuanian ve4z3ti; Gothic gawigan; German wëgan,bewegen; English weigh.]) |
vai | ind. a particle of emphasis and affirmation, generally placed after a word and laying stress on it (it is usually translatable by"indeed","truly","certainly","verily","just" etc.;it is very rare in the ;more frequent in the , and very common in the brāhmaṇa-s and in works that imitate their style;in the sūtra-s it is less frequent and almost restricted to the combination yady u vai-;in manu- and the kāvya-s it mostly appears at the end of a line, and as a mere expletive. In it is frequently followed by u-in the combination v/ā u-[both particles are separated ];it is also preceded by u-and various other particles exempli gratia, 'for example' by /id-, /aha-, ut/a-;in the brāhmaṇa-s it often follows ha-, ha sma-, eva-;in later language api-and tu-.Accord. to some it is also a vocative particle). |
viśvāhā | ind. equals viśv/ahā-, at all times |
yadahar | ind. y/ad /ahar- accusative on which day |
yahu | m. offspring, a child (equals apatya-) (s/ahaso yah/uḥ- equals sahaso putraḥ- ) |