ādi | m. beginning, commencement |
ādi | m. a firstling, first-fruits |
ādi | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' beginning with, et caetera, and so on (exempli gratia, 'for example' indrādayaḥ surāḥ-,the gods beginning with indra- id est indra- etc.; gṛhādiyukta-,possessed of houses etc.; evamādīni vastūni-,such things and others of the same kind: śayyā khaṭvādih-[Comm. on ], śayyā- means a bed etc.;often with -ka-at the end exempli gratia, 'for example' dānadharmādikam-[ ],liberality, justice, etc.) |
ādi | the third part in the 7-partite sāman-, |
ādi | mfn. beginning with ā- |
ādibala | n. "the primal vigour", generative power |
ādibharataprastāra | m. Name of work |
ādibhava | mfn. "being at first" |
ādibhavānī | f. the śakti- of parama-puruṣa-, W. |
ādibhūta | mfn. being the first of (genitive case) |
ādibuddha | mfn. "perceived in the beginning" |
ādibuddha | m. Name of the chief deity of the northern Buddhists. |
ādidaitya | m. Name of hiraṇyakaśipu- |
ādideva | m. "the first god" |
ādideva | m. Name of brahman-, viṣṇu-, śiva-, gaṇeśa-, the sun. |
ādidīpa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a rudra-, |
ādidīpaka | n. Name of a figure in rhetoric (the verb standing at the beginning of the sentence) |
ādigadādhara | m. "the first club-bearer", Name of an image of viṣṇu- |
ādigdha | See under ā-dih-. |
ādigdha | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' besmeared, anointed |
ādigrantha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of the first division or principal section of the sacred book of the Sikhs, IW, 325, note 1 |
ādiguru | m. `first father', Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-, |
ādih | only past participle |
ādijina | m. Name of ṛṣabha- |
ādikāla | m. primitive time |
ādikālīna | mfn. belonging to primitive time. |
ādikāṇḍa | n. "first part", Name of the first book of the rāmāyaṇa-. |
ādikara | m. the first maker, the creator |
ādikara | m. Name of brahman- |
ādikāraṇa | n. a primary cause |
ādikāraṇa | n. analysis, algebra. |
ādikarman | n. the beginning of an action (in grammar) |
ādikarṇī | f. a species of plant |
ādikartṛ | m. (see -kara-) the creator |
ādikavi | m. "the first poet" |
ādikavi | m. Name of brahman- |
ādikavi | m. of vālmīki- |
ādikāvya | n. "the first poem", Name of the rāmāyaṇa-. |
ādikeśava | m. "the first long-haired one", Name of viṣṇu- |
ādikeśavāṣṭaka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a stotra- |
ādikṛt | (equals -kartṛ- q.v) |
ādilupta | mfn. (a word) having the first letter cut off |
ādima | mf(ā-)n. first, prior, primitive, original |
ādimat | mfn. having a beginning etc. |
ādimattva | n. the state of having a beginning |
ādimatva | n. the state of being first, etc. |
ādimūla | n. primitive cause. |
ādin | ( ad-) mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' eating, devouring |
ādināntam | ind. till the close of day, |
ādinātha | m. Name of ādibuddha- |
ādinātha | m. of a jina- |
ādinātha | m. of an author. |
ādinava | n. (probably) misfortune, want of luck in dice (see ādīnava-.) |
ādinavadarśa | mfn. having in view (another's) misfortune |
ādiparvan | n. "the first book", Name of the first book of the mahābhārata-. |
ādiparvata | m. a principal mountain |
ādipitāmaha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-, |
ādipluta | mfn. (a word) whose first vowel is prolated, grammar |
ādipurāṇa | n. "the primitive purāṇa-", Name of the brahma-purāṇa- |
ādipurāna | n. of a jaina- religious, book. |
ādipuruṣa | m. "first man", Name of hiraṇyakaśipu- |
ādipuruṣa | m. of viṣṇu- |
ādipuruṣa | m. of brahman- |
ādipūruṣa | m. "first man", Name of hiraṇyakaśipu- |
ādipūruṣa | m. of viṣṇu- |
ādipūruṣa | m. of brahman- |
ādirāja | m. ([ ])"first king" , Name of manu- |
ādirāja | m. of pṛthu- |
ādirasaśloka | m. plural "stanzas illustrating the chief sentiment", Name of a poem supposed to be written by kālidāsa-. |
ādirūpa | n. "first appearance", symptom (of disease). |
ādiś | P. -did/eṣṭi- ([ subjunctive 3. sg. -dideśati- ]), -diś/ati- ([3. plural -diśanti- imperative 2. sg. -diśa- imperfect tense 1. sg. ādiśam-,etc.]) , rarely -diśate- ([ ]) infinitive mood -d/iśe- ([ ]) and -deṣṭum- (Aorist 3. sg. ādikṣat-[ See ] future 1. plural -dekṣyāmaḥ-, perf. -dideśa-) to aim at, have in view ; to threaten ; to hit ; to assign etc. ; to point out, indicate ; to report, announce, teach etc. ; to determine, specify, denominate etc. ; to declare, foretell, etc. ; to order, direct, command etc. ; to refer any one to (locative case) ; to banish etc. ; to undertake, try ; to profess as one's aim or duty : Causal -deśayati-, to show, indicate, announce, : Intensive (parasmE-pada -d/ediśāna-) to have in view, aim at (accusative) |
ādiś | f. aiming at, design, intention |
ādiś | f. Name of a particular direction or point of the compass (enumerated with diś-, pra-, vi-,and ud-) (see infinitive mood ā-d/iśe-= dative case) |
ādiśābdika | ([ ]) m. an old grammarian. |
ādiśakti | f. the primeval power, Name of māyā- |
ādisarga | m. primitive creation |
ādisarga | m. see |
ādiśarīra | n. the primitive body |
ādiśarīra | n. (in philosophy equals sūkṣma- ) |
ādisiṃha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ādiṣṭa | mfn. directed, assigned |
ādiṣṭa | mfn. announced |
ādiṣṭa | mfn. mentioned |
ādiṣṭa | mfn. enjoined, ordered, advised |
ādiṣṭa | n. command, order, instruction commentator or commentary on |
ādiṣṭa | n. Name of a particular kind of treaty (in making peace) |
ādiṣṭa | n. fragments or leavings of a meal |
ādisthāyika | see sthāyika- (parasmE-pada 1264) |
ādiṣṭin | m. one who receives (religious) instruction, a student, Brahman in the first order of his life |
ādiṣṭin | m. one who gives instruction |
ādiśūra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king of Bengal (also called A1di7s3vara), n. |
ādisūra | m. Name of a prince. |
ādisvarita | mfn. having the Svarita accent on the first syllable, VPra1t., Scholiast or Commentator |
ādiśya | ind.p. aiming at |
ādiśya | announcing, teaching |
ādiśya | having said |
āditā | f. the being the beginning of anything, |
āditāla | m. a kind of measure (in music). |
āditas | ind. from the beginning, from the first, at first, at the head of (with1. kṛ-,to put at the beginning on ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' beginning with). |
āditeya | m. "son of aditi-", the sun |
āditeya | m. a god, deity |
āditsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish to take. |
āditsā | ā-ditsu- See under ā-- 1. dā-, . |
āditsu | mfn. (fr. idem or 'f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish to take.') wishing to take or obtain |
āditsu | mfn. greedy of gain |
āditva | n. priority, precedence. |
āditya | mfn. () belonging to or coming from aditi- etc. |
āditya | m. "son of aditi-" |
āditya | m. plural Name of seven deities of the heavenly sphere (the chief is varuṇa-,to whom the N. āditya- is especially applicable;the succeeding five are mitra-, aryaman-, bhaga-, dakṣa-, aṃśa-;that of the seventh is probably sūrya- or savitṛ-;as a class of deities they are distinct from the viśve devāḥ- ;sometimes their number is supposed to be eight ;and in the period of the brāhmaṇa-s twelve, as representing the sun in the twelve months of the year ) |
āditya | m. Name of a god in general, especially of sūrya- (the sun) etc. |
āditya | m. Name of viṣṇu- in his vāmana- or dwarf avatāra- (as son of kaśyapa- and aditi-) |
āditya | m. the plant Calotropis Gigantea |
āditya | m. dual number (au-) Name of a constellation, the seventh lunar mansion |
ādityā | f. (?) the sun |
āditya | n. equals au- (see punar-vasu-) |
āditya | n. Name of a sāman- |
āditya | mfn. () relating or belonging to or coming from the āditya-s |
āditya | mfn. relating to the god of the sun. |
ādityabandhu | m. "the sun's friend", Name of śākyamuni-. |
ādityabhaktā | f. equals -parṇikā- |
ādityacandrau | m. dual number sun and moon. |
ādityācārya | m. Name of an author. |
ādityadarśana | n. "showing the sun"(to a child of four months), one of the rites called saṃskāra- q.v |
ādityadāsa | m. Name of a man. |
ādityadeva | m. idem or 'm. Name of a man.' |
ādityadevata | (ādity/a--) mfn. one whose (special) deity is the sun |
ādityadhāman | (ty/a-), mfn. having a place among the āditya-s, |
ādityagarbha | m. Name of a bodhisattva- |
ādityagata | mfn. being in the sun, |
ādityagati | f. course of the sun |
ādityagraha | m. a particular ladle-full of soma- in the evening-oblation |
ādityahṛdaya | n. Name of a stotra-. |
ādityajūta | (ādity/a--), (fr. jū-) mfn. urged by the āditya-s |
ādityajyotis | (ādity/a--) mfn. having the light of the sun |
ādityakāntā | f. Polanisia Icosandra (a creeping plant with gold-coloured flowers, growing near the water) |
ādityakeśava | m. Name of an image of viṣṇu-. |
ādityaketu | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- |
ādityakīlaka | m. a particular phenomenon in the sky, , Scholiast or Commentator |
ādityaloka | m. plural the sun's worlds |
ādityamaṇḍala | n. the disc or orb of the sun |
ādityanāman | n. Name of the sun |
ādityānuvartin | mfn. following the sun |
ādityapāka | mfn. boiled in the sun. |
ādityaparṇikā | f. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra. |
ādityaparṇin | m. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra. |
ādityaparṇinī | f. ([ ]) Polanisia Icosandra. |
ādityapātra | n. a vessel for drawing off the āditya-grah/a- (q.v) |
ādityapattra | m. Calotropis Gigantea |
ādityaprabha | m. "having the splendour of the sun", Name of a king |
ādityapurāṇa | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-. |
ādityapuṣpikā | f. equals -pattra- |
ādityarāma | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ādityaśakti | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a chief, |
ādityasaṃvatsara | m. a solar year. |
ādityaśayana | n. the sun's sleep |
ādityaśayanavrata | n. a particular vow or religious observance. |
ādityasena | m. Name of a prince |
ādityasthālī | f. a receptacle from which the āditya-grah/a- is drawn |
ādityastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
ādityasūkta | n. a particular hymn. |
ādityasūnu | m. "the sun's son", Name of sugrīva- (the monkey king), of yama-, of manu-, etc. |
ādityasvāmin | m. Name of a man. |
ādityatejas | m. or f. Polanisia Icosandra |
ādityatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-. |
ādityatva | n. the state of being the sun |
ādityavallabhā | f. equals -parṇikā- |
ādityavani | mfn. winning (the favour of) the āditya-s |
ādityavāra | m. Sunday, n. 1 |
ādityavardhana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Kanouj king, |
ādityavarman | m. "having the sun (the āditya-s?) as protector", Name of a king |
ādityavarṇa | mfn. having the sun's colour |
ādityavarṇa | m. Name of a man. |
ādityavat | ind. like the sun |
ādityavat | (ādity/a--) mfn. surrounded by the āditya-s |
ādityavidhi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
ādityavrata | n. "a vow or rite relating to the sun" |
ādityavrata | n. Name of a sāman-. |
ādityavratika | mfn. performing the above rite on |
ādityayaśas | m. Name of a man. |
ādivaktṛ | m. the first propounder of a doctrine, , Introduction |
ādivaṃśa | m. primeval race, primitive family |
ādivarāha | m. "the first boar", Name of viṣṇu- |
ādivarāha | m. Name of a poetry or poetic |
ādivārāha | mfn. relating to the first boar |
ādivarāha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of bhoja- (Kanouj king), |
ādivārāhatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-. |
ādivipulā | f. Name of an āryā- metre. |
ādiyāmala | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a tantra- |
ādiyogācārya | m. "first teacher of yoga-", Name of śiva-. |
abhivādin | mfn. telling, enunciating, describing |
abhivādin | m. an explainer, interpreter |
abhivādita | mfn. saluted respectfully. |
abhyādiś | (Intensive p. -d/ediśāna-) to aim at (in hostile manner) |
abhyūṣakhādikā | f. "eating of abhyūṣa--grains", Name of a play |
ācchādin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' covering, concealing |
ācchādita | mfn. covered etc. |
ācchādita | mfn. clothed |
ācitādi | a gaRa of |
adādi | mfn. belonging to the second class of roots called ad-, etc. see |
ādādika | mfn. belonging to the gaRa ad-ādi- of the dhātupāṭha-, or to the second class of roots of which the first is ad-. |
advaitavādin | m. one who asserts the doctrine of non-duality. |
advayavādin | m. one who teaches advaya-, or identity, a buddha-, a jaina-, (see advaita-vadin-.) |
ādyādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- on |
agnivādin | m. "fire-asserter", worshipper of fire. |
agnyutsādin | mfn. one who lets the sacred fire go out. |
aguṇavādin | mfn. fault-finding, censorious, |
ahaṃvādin | mfn. "speaking of one's self, presumptuous", See an-ahaṃv-. |
aharādi | a gaṇa- commentator or commentary on |
aharādi | m. daybreak, |
ahetuvādin | m. an adherent of it, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
ahīnavādin | mfn. a witness capable of giving evidence |
āhitāgnyādi | m. a gaRa () . |
āhlādin | mfn. causing joy or delight, |
āhlādita | mfn. delighted, rejoiced. |
aiṣukāryādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
ajādi | a gaRa of |
ajirādi | a gaRa of |
ājñāsampādin | mfn. executing orders, submissive |
ākarṣādi | a gaRa of |
akṣadyūtādi | a gaRa of |
alpavādin | mfn. speaking little, taciturn. |
aṃśvādi | a gaRa of |
anādi | mfn. having no beginning, existing from eternity. |
anādi | ind. perpetually, incessantly, |
anādimadhyānta | mfn. having no beginning, middle or end. |
anādimat | mfn. having no beginning. |
anādin | mfn. not sounding. |
anādinidhana | mfn. having neither beginning nor end, eternal. |
anādiṣṭa | mfn. not indicated |
anādiṣṭa | mfn. not commanded or instructed |
anādiṣṭa | mfn. not allowed. |
anāditva | n. state of having no beginning. |
anahaṃvādin | mfn. equals an-ahaṃkṛta-. |
anāhlādita | mfn. not exhilarated. |
anāsādita | mfn. not met with, not found or obtained, not encountered or attacked |
anāsādita | mfn. not occurred |
anāsādita | mfn. not having happened |
anāsādita | mfn. non-existent. |
anāsāditavigraha | mfn. unused to war. |
anāsvādita | mfn. untasted. |
anekāntavādin | m. a sceptic |
anekāntavādin | m. a jaina-, an arhat- of the jaina-s. |
anekātmavādin | mfn. asserting a plurality of souls, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator |
aṅgulyādi | (aṅguli--) a gaRa of |
anīśvaravādin | m. "one who denies a supreme ruler of the universe", an atheist. |
annādin | ([ ]) mfn. eating food. |
anṛtavādin | mfn. speaking untruth. |
antādi | ī- dual number m. end and beginning, (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v) |
antarādiś | f. equals antardiś/ā- q.v |
ānugādika | mfn. (fr. anu-gādin-), belonging to one who repeats another's words, repeating another's words |
anugādin | mfn. repeating another's words |
anunādin | mfn. resounding, echoing, resonant. |
anunādita | mfn. made to resound. |
anunāsikādi | m. a compound letter commencing with a nasal. |
anupravacanādi | a gaRa of |
anuśatikādi | a gaRa of , containing the compounds the derivatives of which have vṛddhi- in both parts, as ānuśātika-, etc. |
aṇuvādin | mfn. one who believes in and teaches atomism. |
anuvādin | mfn. repeating with comment and explanation, corroborative, concurrent, conformable, in harmony with |
anuvādin | mfn. (the masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut.) |
anuvādinī | f. a lute, |
anuvādita | mfn. translated. |
anvādiś | to name or mention afresh |
anvādiṣṭa | mfn. mentioned again, referring to a previous rule |
anyathāvādin | mfn. (or anya-vādin-) speaking differently |
anyathāvādin | m. (ī-) speaking inconsistently |
anyathāvādin | m. (in law) prevaricating or a prevaricator. |
anyūnārthavādin | mfn. adequately expressive, |
apadādi | m. not the beginning of a pāda- |
āpādin | mfn. falling into, incurring (compound), |
aparicchādita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. uncovered, unclothed.' |
apavādin | mfn. blaming |
apavādita | mfn. blamed |
apavādita | mfn. opposed, objected to. |
apramādin | mfn. careful |
aprativādin | mfn. not contradicting |
apriyavādin | ([ ]) . mfn. speaking unkindly or harshly. |
apūpādi | a gaRa of |
ardhapādika | mfn. having only half a foot |
ardharcādi | mfn. a gaRa of |
arīhaṇādi | a gaRa of |
arśaādi | a gaRa of |
arthavādin | mfn. "relating facts" |
aruṇāditya | m. one of the twelve shapes of the sun |
āsādita | mfn. put down |
āsādita | mfn. reached etc. |
āśāditya | (aśāditya-) m. Name of a commentator. |
asatkāryavādin | m. one who (like a naiyāyika-) holds that an effect is nonexistent in its cause before production. |
asatyavādin | mfn. speaking falsely, a liar. |
aśmādi | a gaRa of |
aṣṭādiś | f. plural equals aṣṭaḍiś- q.v |
aṣṭapādikā | See -padikā- above. |
aśvādi | two gaṇa-s of |
āsvādita | mfn. tasted, enjoyed, eaten. |
aśvapatyādi | m. a gaRa of |
asvarādi | mfn. not beginning with a vowel. |
aśvasādin | m. idem or 'm. a horseman ' |
ativādin | mfn. very talkative. |
ātmādiṣṭa | m. "self-dictated", a treaty dictated by the party wishing it himself |
atyāditya | mfn. surpassing the sun. |
aupapādika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. upa-pāduka-), self-produced ' |
auttānapādi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of uttāna-pāda-, Name of dhruva- (or the polar star) ' |
avādin | mfn. (gaRa grāhy-ādi- q.v) not speaking, not disputing, peaceable |
avasādita | mfn. made to sink, exhausted, dispirited |
avasādita | mfn. frustrated |
aviṣādin | mfn. intrepid |
avisaṃvādin | mfn. not contradictory, coinciding, agreeing |
avisaṃvādita | mfn. undisputed, generally approved, |
avisaṃvāditā | f. not violating (id est keeping) a promise |
avivādin | mfn. not quarrelling with (abhi-) |
bahuvādin | mfn. talking much, garrulous, babbling |
bahvādin | mfn. eating much, a great eater |
bāhyārthavādavādin | mfn. maintaining the reality of the external world,ib. |
bālāditya | m. the newly risen sun, morning sun |
bālāditya | m. Name of princes |
bālādityavrata | n. Name of work |
bhādiga | m. Name of a man |
bhadravādin | mfn. uttering auspicious cries (said of a bird) |
bhāgavatavāditoṣinī | f. Name of work |
bhagavatīkeśādipādastava | m. Name of work |
bhāradvājāgnisaṃdhānādismārtaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bhasmādilakṣaṇa | n. Name of work 1. |
bhauvādika | mfn. (fr. bhū+ādi-) belonging to that class of roots which begins with bhū-, belonging to the first class |
bhāvādiprābhṛta | n. Name of work |
bhaviṣyadvādin | mfn. predicting future events, prophesying |
bhedābhedavādin | m. a maintainer of the doctrine both of the difference and the identity of God and the Universe |
bhedavādin | m. one who maintains the duality of God and the Universe |
bhedavādin | m. Name of commentator or commentary on |
bhedavādividāriṇī | f. Name of work |
bhinnamaryādin | () mfn. whose course is broken, separated from the right way, uncontrolled, unrestrained, regardless, disrespectful. |
bhovādin | mfn. saying bhoḥ- |
bhrādinī | f. (in music) a particular śruti- |
bhūpādiskandhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
bhūtādi | m. "original or originator of all beings", Name of mahā-puruṣa- or the Supreme Spirit |
bhūtādi | mn. (in sāṃkhya-) Name of ahaṃ-kāra- (as the principle from which the elements are evolved) . |
bhūtādika | mfn. beginning with the elements, the element etc. |
bhūtādika | mfn. (with ahaṃ-kāra-) equals bhūtādi- mn. |
bhūtavādin | mfn. telling the real fact or truth |
bhuvādivarṇana | n. Name of work |
bisakhādikā | f. "eating lotus-fibres", Name of a play or sport |
brahmādijātā | f. the river go-dāvarī- (varia lectio mādri-j-). |
brahmādiśīrṣa | m. or n. (?) Name of a place |
brahmāditya | m. Name of an author (also called brahmārka-) |
brahmavādin | mfn. discoursing on sacred texts, a defender or expounder of the veda- etc. (f inī-. ; brahmavāditva di-tva- n. ) |
brahmavādin | mfn. one who asserts that all things are to be identified with brahma-, a vedāntin- |
brahmavāditva | n. brahmavādin |
brahmayajñādividhi | m. Name of work |
bṛhadvādin | mfn. boasting, a boaster |
cādi | a gaṇa- of (including the indeclinable particles) |
caṇḍādityatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
candrādiloka | m. equals dra-lok/a-. |
candrāditya | m. Name of a prince |
carmācchādita | mfn. covered with skin |
cāruvādin | mfn. sounding beautifully. |
cārvādi | a gaṇa- of |
caturvarṇādi | mfn. a gaṇa- of ( Va1rtt. 1; equals anantādi-of ) . |
caturvyūhavādin | m. "asserting the 4 forms (of puruṣottama-, viz. vāsudeva-, saṃkarṣaṇa-, pradyumna-, aniruddha-)", a vaiṣṇava- |
caurādika | mfn. belonging to the cur-ādi- roots. |
chādin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' hiding, obscuring |
chādinī | f. the skin |
chādiṣeya | mfn. suitable for the roof of a carriage or house (chad/is-) Va1rtt. 2 |
chādita | mfn. covered, covered over |
chādita | mfn. obscured (the moon) |
chādita | mfn. concealed, disguised |
chattrādi | a gaṇa- of |
chāttryādi | a gaṇa- of |
chedādi | a gaṇa- of ( ). |
cikhādiṣu | mfn. ( khād- Desiderative) desiring to eat |
curādi | the class of roots beginning with cur- on |
dādin | mfn. giving, a giver |
daivādika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the div-ādi-s id est to the 4th class of roots |
dalāditva | n. the state of a leaf. etc., . |
daṇḍavādin | mfn. pronouncing judicial reprimand |
daṇḍavādin | m. a door-keeper |
dehātmavādin | m. materialist, cārvāka- |
devālayotsavādikrama | m. Name of work |
dharmāditya | m. "sun of justice", Name of a king |
dharmavādin | mfn. discussing law or duty |
dhātuvādin | m. assayer, metallurgist |
dhaurādityatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
dhṛṣṭavādin | mfn. speaking boldly |
dīkṣāmāsādivicāra | m. Name of work |
dinādi | m. daybreak, dawn |
divādi | See under divā- |
divādi | (vādi-or vād/i-?) m. beginning of day, morning |
divyādivya | mfn. divine and not divine (id est partly divine partly human) |
divyādivyā | f. the heroine of a poem (as sītā- etc.) of mixed origin or character, a goddess |
draupadāditya | varia lectio for drup- q.v |
dravyavādin | mfn. equals prec. (opp. to jāti--) |
drupadāditya | m. a form of the Sun |
duddādin | mfn. giving pain, cruel, wicked |
dūraādiś | (dūr/a--for r/e-ā-) mfn. announcing far and wide |
dūṣaṇatāvādin | m. opponent, adversary (in a disputation) commentator or commentary |
dvādaśāditya | (in compound) the 12 āditya-s |
dvādaśādityastava | m. Name of work |
dvādaśādityastyāsrama | m. Name of a hermitage |
dvādaśādityatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
dvaitavādin | m. "dualist", assertor of dualism (a philosopher who asserts the 2 principles or the existence of the human soul as separate from the Supreme Being) (see a-dv-). |
dvaṃdvādikośa | m. Name of a dictionary. |
dvayavādin | mfn. double-tongued, insincere |
dvipādikā | f. a kind of song (see -padikā-) |
dvitīyādivyutpattivāda | m. Name of work |
ekānnanaktabhojinādin | mfn. eating food given by only one person |
ekapādikā | f. a single foot |
ekapādikā | f. Name of the second book of the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa-. |
etadādi | mfn. beginning with this, and so forth. |
evamādi | mfn. beginning with such a one, of such qualities or kind, such |
gādi | m. patronymic fr. gada- gaRa bāhv-ādi-. |
gāditya | fr. gadita- gaRa pragady-ādi-. |
gaḍvādi | a gaṇa- of Va1rtt. 3 () . |
gahādi | a gaṇa- of (iv, 2, 138 ) |
gajādināmā | f. "named by gaja- and other names of an elephant " equals ja-pippalī- |
gamyādi | a gaṇa- of |
gandhamādinī | f. "strong-scented", lac |
gandhamādinī | f. (equals danī-) a sort of perfume |
gandhamādinī | f. equals dhottamā- |
gaṅgāditya | m. (gād-) a form of the sun |
garbhādi | mfn. beginning with conception |
gardabhanādin | mfn. braying like an ass |
gargādi | a gaṇa- of (iv, 1, 105 ) |
garhyavādin | mfn. speaking ill or vilely or inaccurately |
garuḍāditya | m. a form of the sun |
gaurādi | Name of two gaṇa-s of |
gavādi | a gaṇa- of |
ghoṣādi | a gaṇa- of |
ghoṣavadādi | mfn. beginning with a sonant, |
ghṛtādi | Name of a gaṇa- ( ) |
girinadyādi | m. a gaṇa- of ( vArttika) |
gopāditya | m. Name of a king of Kashmir |
gopāditya | m. Name of a poetry or poetic |
gopavanādi | m. a gaṇa- of |
goṣadādi | m. a gaṇa- of ( ) |
gosādi | (see -ṣād/ī-.) |
gotrādi | m. a gaṇa- of |
govatsādin | m. "calf-eater", a wolf |
grahādi | a gaṇa- of ( ) |
grahādi | another gaṇa-, 445 |
grāmyavādin | m. a village bailiff |
gṛṣṭyādi | a gaṇa- of |
guḍādi | a gaṇa- of |
guṇādi | a gaṇa- of |
guṇavādin | mfn. pointing out any one's merits |
hādi | m. or f. a spider (equals lūtā-) |
haṃsanādin | mfn. making a noise like a goose or swan, cackling |
haṃsanādinī | f. a graceful woman (one of the various classes into which women are divided) |
haṃsapādikā | f. a kind of plant (equals -padī-) |
harītakyādi | Name of a medicine work |
hastapādādi | m. the hand and feet, the extremities, limbs of the body |
hastipādikā | f. a kind of medicinal plant |
hetuvādika | m. a disputant, sceptic |
hetuvādin | m. a disputant, sceptic |
hīnavādin | mfn. defeated or worsted (in a lawsuit) |
hīnavādin | mfn. making a defective statement, insufficient or inadmissible (as a witness;See hīna-above ) |
hīnavādin | mfn. contradictory, prevaricating |
hīnavādin | mfn. destitute of speech, speechless, dumb |
hiraṇyakhādi | mfn. wearing golden brooches |
hitavādin | mfn. speaking good counsel or friendly advice, a friendly counsellor or adviser, |
hlādikāvatī | f. rich in refreshments or enjoyments |
hlādin | mfn. refreshing, comforting, gladdening, exhilarating ( hlāditva di-tva- n.) etc. |
hlādin | mfn. very noisy or loud (varia lectio hrādin-) |
hlādinī | f. (see hrādi-nī-) lightning |
hlādinī | f. indra-'s thunderbolt |
hlādinī | f. the incense-tree |
hlādinī | f. a particular śakti- |
hlādinī | f. a mystical Name of the sound d- |
hlādinī | f. Name of a river |
hlādita | mfn. refreshed, gladdened, delighted |
hlāditva | n. hlādin |
hrādin | mfn. (for 2.See column 2) equals hradin- |
hrādin | mfn. (for 1.See column 1) sounding, noisy, very loud |
hrādinī | f. a river |
hrādinī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio hradinī-) (Scholiast or Commentator) |
hrādinī | f. lightning |
hrādinī | f. indra-'s thunderbolt |
hṛdayonmādinī | f. (in music) a particular śruti- |
idādika | (idādika-) mfn. beginning now or with this moment. |
indrāditya | m. Name of a man. |
iṣṭasaṃpādin | mfn. effecting anything desired or wished for |
ityādi | mfn. having such (thing or things) at the beginning, thus beginning, and so forth, et caetera |
ityevamādi | ind. and so forth |
jagadādija | m. "first-born of the world", śiva-. |
jalavādita | n. "water-music", a kind of music in which water is used |
jānavādika | mfn. knowing popular report (jana-vāda-), gaRa kathādi-. |
janavādin | m. a talker, newsmonger |
jānevādika | equals jānav- gaRa katkādi-. |
jānovādika | equals jānav- gaRa katkādi-. |
jauhotyādika | mfn. belonging to juhoty-ādi- |
javādi | n. a kind of perfume |
jayāditya | m. Name of a king (vāmana-'s fellow-author of ) |
jinādivijaya | m. Name of the author of a gloss on the 3rd upāṅga- (of the jaina-s). |
jīvāditya | m. the living sun |
juhotyādi | the (3rd) class of roots beginning with hu- |
jyotsnādi | (nād-), a gaṇa- of ( Va1rtt. 2) . |
kacchādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
kaḍārādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
kādikramastuti | f. Name of work attributed to śaṃkarācārya-. |
kādimata | n. Name of a tantra- work |
kākakūrmādi | m. plural the crow, the tortoise, and the rest |
kakubhādinī | f. "tasting like kakubha-" ([ ]),a kind of perfume (see nalī-.) |
kālādika | m. (scilicet māsa-) the month caitra- |
kalānunādin | m. "giving out a low note", a sparrow |
kalānunādin | m. the cātaka- bird |
kalānunādin | m. a kind of bee |
kālānunādin | for kal- q.v |
kālotpādita | mfn. produced in due season. |
kalpādi | m. the beginning of a kalpa- |
kalyāṇyādi | m. a gaRa of |
kamalādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- commentator or commentary on |
kāmaśaronmādinī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-. |
kāmavādin | mfn. speaking according to pleasure, |
kambojādi | m. Name of a gaṇa-, on |
kāmonmādinī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-. |
kaṇḍvādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
kaṇvādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
kāpiñjalādi | m. a patronymic fr. kapiñjalāda- gaRa kurv-ādi-. |
kāraṇavādin | m. "cause-declarer", a complainant, plaintiff |
kārīrādi | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a family, |
karkyādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
karmāditya | m. Name of a king. |
karṇādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
kāśādi | a gaṇa- of (iv, 2, 80 ). |
kaskādi | a gaRa () . |
kāṣṭhādi | a gaṇa- of |
kāśyādi | a gaṇa- of |
kathādi | (kathādi-) m. Name of a gaṇa- |
kattryādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- (see kāttreyaka-.) |
kaukuvādi | m. patronymic (fr. kuku-vāda- equals -vāc-?) |
kauśikāditya | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
keśavāditya | m. a form of the sun |
kevalādin | mfn. eating by one's self alone |
khādi | m. (f.?) a brooch, ring (worn on the hands or feet by the marut-s) (see v/ṛṣa--, hiraṇya--; su-khād/i-.) |
khādihasta | (kh/ādi--) mfn. having the hands ornamented with bracelets or rings (said of the marut-s), |
khādikā | f."eating" in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' abhyūṣa--, bisa--, qq. vv. |
khādikā | See daka-. |
khādin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' eating (= ) . |
khādin | mfn. decorated with bracelets or rings (as the marut-s) (perhaps equals khād/i-) |
khādira | mf(/ī-)n. (gaRa palāśādi-) made of or coming from the khadira- tree (Acacia Catechu) etc. |
khādira | m. equals -rasa- |
khādiragṛhya | n. Name of work |
khādiraka | mfn. fr. khadir/a- gaRa arīhaṇādi- and varāhādi-. |
khādirasāra | m. Catechu (resinous extract of the khadira- tree) |
khādirāyaṇa | m. patronymic fr. khadir/a- gaRa aśvādi-. |
khādireya | mfn. fr. rī- gaRa nady-ādi-. |
khādirī | f. (perhaps) Name of a locality gaRa nady-ādi-. |
khādita | mfn. eaten, devoured |
khāditavat | mfn. having eaten, . |
khāditavya | mfn. to be eaten, iv, 5, 0/1. |
khāditṛ | m. an eater, devourer |
khakholkāditya | m. a form of the sun |
khanyavādin | m. a mineralogist, |
khāranādi | m. plural (patronymic fr. khara-nādin- gaRa bāhv-ādi-) idem or 'm. plural (patronymic fr. kharagrīvan-) Name of a family ' (raṇādi- manuscripts) |
kharanādin | mfn. braying like an ass |
kharanādin | m. Name of a man gaRa bāhv-ādi- |
kharanādin | m. of a ṛṣi- |
kharanādinī | f. a kind of perfume or drug |
kīlapādikā | f. varia lectio for kīṭa-p- |
kiṃśukādi | m. a gaṇa- of bhoja- () |
kiṃśulakādi | m. a gaṇa- of |
kiśarādi | a gaṇa- of (iv, 4, 53 ). |
koṇāditya | n. (perhaps) equals koṇārka-. |
koṇavādin | m. Name of śiva- |
kramāditya | m. Name of king skanda-gupta-. |
kriyāvādin | m. one who states the arguments in a law-suit commentator or commentary on |
kriyāvādin | m. a plaintiff |
kryādi | m. plural the roots beginning with krī- id est those of the ninth class. |
kryādi | See krī-. |
kṣaṇabhaṅgavādin | mfn. one who asserts that doctrine |
kṣāntivādin | mfn. praising patience, |
kṣāntivādin | m. Name of a ṛṣi- |
kṣāntivarṇavādin | mfn. praising patience, |
kṣemāditya | m. Name of a man. |
kukkuṭyādi | Name of a gaṇa- ( ) . |
kullāditya | m. Name (also title or epithet) of chief, |
kuñjādi | a gaṇa- of (iv, 1, 98 ). |
kuvādika | m. "crying unpleasantly", a charlatan, quack |
kuvalayāditya | m. Name of a prince (equals yāpīḍa-) |
lakṣmaṇāditya | m. (with rājaputra-) Name of a poet and pupil of kṣemendra- |
lalitādikīrti | (tād-) m. Name of a man |
lalitādipūjāvidhi | (tād-) m. Name of work |
lalitāditya | m. Name of a king of kaśmīra- |
lalitādityapura | n. Name of a town founded by him |
lattādinirṇaya | m. Name of work by govinda-. |
liṅgādipratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work |
lokādi | m. the beginning. of the world id est the creator of the world |
lokottaravādin | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school (prob. so called from their pretending to be superior to or above the rest of the world) |
madanāditya | m. Name of a man |
madhyāditya | m. the midday sun (-gate' hani-,"when the day has reached the mid-sun" id est at noon) |
madhyamādi | m. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī- |
mādin | mfn. intoxicating, stupefying (See gandha-mādinī-) |
mādinī | f. hemp |
mahābhāratādiśloka | m. plural Name of work |
mahādikaṭabhī | (hād-) f. a species of Achyranthes (varia lectio mahālik-). |
mahādiś | f. a chief quarter of the world (east, south, west, north) commentator or commentary |
mahādivākīrtya | n. Name of a sāman- |
mahāmantrādisevāprakāra | m. Name of work |
mahāvādin | m. a great controversialist |
mahendrāditya | m. Name of a king |
makārādisahasranāman | n. Name of chapter of the rudra-yāmala- (containing 1000 names of rāma- beginning with m-). |
mallādi | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio lāri-). |
māṃsādin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. flesh-eating, carnivorous ' ' |
mananādinighaṇṭu | m. Name of work |
mānasanayanaprasādinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it. |
maṅgalavādin | mfn. pronouncing a benediction, expressing congratulations |
māṇiyāditya | m. Name of a man |
mañjuvādin | mfn. idem or '() mfn. equals -bhāṣin-.' |
mañjuvādinī | f. Name of a woman |
mañjuvādinī | f. of a metre |
manohlādin | mfn. gladdening the heart |
mantravādin | m. a reciter of sacred text or spells, enchanter |
manukulāditya | m. Name of a king |
manvādi | Name (also title or epithet) of particular tithi-s (which are anniversaries of the 14 Manus), |
mārgaśīrṣādipūjā | f. Name of work |
maryādin | mfn. having or keeping within bounds |
maryādin | mfn. a neighbour, borderer |
māsādi | (in the beginning of a compound) the beginning of a month |
māsādibhāvaphala | n. Name of work |
māsādinirṇaya | m. Name of work |
mātrādisrāddhanirṇaya | (trād-), m. Name of work |
mayūkhāditya | m. a form of the sun |
meghācchādita | () mfn. overspread or covered with clouds. |
meghanādin | mfn. sounding like thunder |
meghanādin | mfn. crying (with joy) at the appearance of clouds |
meghanādin | m. a car which rumbles |
meghanādin | m. Name of a dānava- |
mithyāpravādin | mfn. speaking falsely, lying |
mitrapathādikuṇḍamāhātmya | n. Name of work |
mṛgāreṣṭyādiprayoga | m. Name of work |
mṛṣāvādin | mfn. speaking falsely, a liar |
mṛṣāvādin | m. a false accuser |
mṛtyuṃjayādihomavidhi | m. Name of work |
mugdhabodhākhyājvarādirogacikitsā | f. Name of a medical work |
mukhāditva | n. fr. mukhādi-,"the face etc.", |
mukuritatārakādi | |
mulādiśānti | f. Name of work |
mūlakādisuta | mn. and f(ā-). gruel made of the root of mūlaka- |
mūlasarvāstivādin | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school |
muñjāditya | m. Name of a poet |
nādi | mfn. sounding, roaring |
nādiga | m. Name of a man |
nādika | m. Name of a country |
nadīkṣetrādimāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of |
nādin | mfn. sounding, resonant, howling, roaring etc. |
nādin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals prec. etc. |
nādin | mfn. pronounced with sound, sonant |
nādin | m. Name of a dānava- |
nādin | m. of a Brahman changed into an antelope |
nāḍīparīkṣādicikitsākathana | n. Name of work |
nādita | mfn. made to resound |
nādita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' sounding with, reverberant etc. |
nādita | n. sound, noise |
nagnanīlapaṭādika | n. nick-name of kaṇāda-'s works. |
naiṣādi | m. a prince of niṣāda- |
nakhakhādin | mfn. biting (literally eating) the nail |
nakṣatrajātakādibhāvaphala | n. Name of work |
nakṣatratārārājāditya | m. a particular samādhi- |
nānādigdeśa | m. sg. the regions or countries of the different quarters |
nānādigdeśāt | ind. from everywhere |
nānātmavādin | m. one who so asserts |
narendrāditya | m. Name of 2 kings of kaśmīra- |
navaparṇādibhakṣaṇa | n. "eating of new leaves, etc.", Name of chapter of |
nayanaprasādinī | f. Name of work |
nemāditya | m. Name of trivikrama-bhaṭṭa-'s father |
nigādin | mfn. reciting, telling, speaking |
nihnavavādin | m. a defendant or witness who prevaricates or tries to hide the truth |
nihrādin | mfn. sounding, pealing |
nihrādita | n. roaring |
nimbāditya | m. Name of the founder of a vaiṣṇava- sect |
ninādin | mfn. sounding, resounding, crying, resonant with (instrumental case or compound) etc. |
ninādin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' causing to sound, playing (a musical instrument) |
ninādita | mfn. filled with noise, resonant with (instrumental case) |
ninādita | n. equals prec. |
nirādiṣṭa | mfn. ( diś-) paid off (as a debt) |
nirhrādin | mfn. sounding, humming, roaring |
nirīśvaravādin | mfn. holding atheistic doctrine |
nirjaraprakaraṇādi | m. Name of work |
niśādi | (śādi-) m. "beginning of night", twilight |
niṣādin | mfn. sitting down, sitting or lying or resting on or in |
niṣādin | m. an elephant-keeper or driver (see ṣādita-) |
niṣādin | m. Name of eka--lavya |
niṣādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made to sit or kneel down |
niṣāditin | mfn. equals niṣāditam anena- gaRa iṣṭādi-. |
niṣkādipramāṇa | n. Name of work |
niṣpādita | mfn. done, effected, prepared, achieved, pūr-. |
niṣpāditavya | mfn. equals pādanīya- |
nityadānādipaddhati | f. Name of work |
nityahomādiprakīrṇaka | n. Name of work |
nityahomādividhi | m. Name of work |
notpādita | mfn. ungenerated |
notpāditatva | n. Vp. |
nṛśaṃsavādin | mfn. using low speech |
nṛsiṃhādisāman | n. plural Name of work |
nyāyavādin | mfn. speaking properly |
padādi | m. the beginning of a verse or of a word |
pādādi | (in the beginning of a compound), the beginning of a verse |
pādādimadhyayamaka | n. paronomasia at the beginning and in the middle of a verse (as ) |
pādādiyamaka | n. paronomasia at the beginning of a verse () |
pādikā | f. a sandal, shoe |
pādika | mf(ī-)n. lasting for a quarter of the time |
pādika | mf(ī-)n. amounting to + (n. with śata-,25 percent ;with or sc. ahar-,daily wages ) |
pādika | mf(ī-)n. versed in or studying the pada-patha- gaRa ukthādi- |
pādin | mfn. footed, having feet (See m) |
pādin | mfn. having pāda-s (as a, stanza) |
pādin | mfn. claiming or receiving a fourth part |
pādin | m. a footed aquatic or amphibious animal |
pādin | m. the heir to a fourth part of an estate |
padmādi | m. a lotus-flower etc. |
padmāditva | n. |
paippalādi | m. patronymic of a teacher |
paippalādi | m. (plural) Name of a school of the |
paiśunyavādin | mfn. paiśunya |
pākādisaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
pakṣādi | m. the first day of a half month |
pallīśaraṭakākabhāsādiśakuna | n. Name of work |
pāñcajanyanādin | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-) |
pañcāṅgādika | mfn. (a pantomime) dealing with 5 members (see above) etc., |
pañcapādikā | f. Name of a philos. work |
pañcapādikādhyāsabhāṣyavyākhyā | f. Name of Comm. |
pañcapādikāśāstradarpaṇa | m. Name of Comm. |
pañcapādikāṭīkā | f. Name of Comm. |
pañcapādikāṭikātattvadīpana | n. Name of Comm. |
pañcapādikāvivaraṇa | n. Name of Comm. |
pañcapādikāvivaraṇaprakāśikā | f. Name of Comm. |
pañcapādikāvyākhyā | f. Name of Comm. |
paṇḍitāhlādinī | f. Name of work |
paṇḍitavādin | mfn. pretending to be wise |
pāṇigrahādikṛtyaviveka | m. Name of work |
parādiś | (only perfect tense -dideśa-), to order off, remove |
parameśvarāstitvavādin | m. one who asserts the existence of God |
parapravādin | m. a false teacher |
parārthavādin | mfn. speaking for another, a mediator, a substitute |
parasparādin | mfn. consuming one another or one's own kind |
paravādin | m. an opponent, controversialist |
pariniṣpādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) developed, manifested |
parivādin | mfn. speaking ill of, abusing, blaming |
parivādin | mfn. crying, screaming |
parivādin | mfn. censured, abused |
parivādin | m. an accuser, a plaintiff, complainant |
parivādin | f. a lute with 7 strings |
parivādita | gaRa iṣṭādi-. |
paruṣavādin | mfn. = speaking unkindly |
paryaṅkapādikā | () f. a species of Lupinus. |
pāśukādiprayoga | m. Name of chapter of sāyaṇa-'s yajña-tantra-sudhā-nidhi- . |
pauruṣeyavedavādin | m. one who asserts the human origin of the veda- |
pauṣkarasādi | m. (fr. puṣkara-sad-) Name of a grammarian |
pīluvādin | m. one who asserts the eternity of atoms |
pippalādi | m. Name of a man (varia lectio papp-). |
pracchādita | mfn. covered, wrapped up, clothed, hidden, concealed |
pradhānavādin | m. one who asserts the sāṃkhya- doctrine (of pradhāna-), |
prāditya | (pra-ād-) m. Name of two princes |
pragrahādidarpaṇa | m. Name of work |
prahlādin | mfn. delighting, refreshing |
prahlādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) rejoiced, delighted |
prahrādi | m. plural varia lectio for pra-hlādīya-. |
prāhrādi | (pr/ā--) m. patronymic fr. pra-hrāda- (Name of virocana- and bali-) |
prajñāditya | (jñād-) m. "sun of wisdom", N. applied to a very clever man |
prajñaptivādin | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school |
prājñavādika | mfn. thinking one's self wise. () |
prakāśāditya | m. Name of author |
pramādikā | f. a deflowered girl |
pramādikā | f. an imprudent or careless woman |
prāmādika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. -māda-) arising from carelessness, erroneous, faulty, wrong (with pāṭha- m.a wrong reading) |
prāmādikatva | n. erroneousness, incorrectness |
pramādin | mfn. negligent, careless, incautious, indifferent etc. |
pramādin | mfn. drunken, intoxicated |
pramādin | mfn. insane |
pramādin | mfn. ( pramāditā -tā- f. ) |
pramādin | n. Name of the 47th (21st) year of a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter (see pra-nāthin-). |
pramādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) trifled away, forfeited, lost |
pramāditā | f. pramādin |
pramāṇādinirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
pramāṇādiprakāśikā | f. Name of work |
prāmāṇyavādin | mfn. one who affirms or believes in proof |
prānādi | f. = (or wrong reading for) pra-ṇāḍī- equals pra-ṇālī- |
prapādika | m. a peacock |
prāsādika | mf(ā-)n. (fr. pra-sāda-) kind, amiable |
prāsādika | mf(ā-)n. given by way of blessing or as a favour |
prāsādika | mf(ā-)n. (fr. prā-sāda-) pleasant, beautiful |
prāsādikā | f. a chamber on the top of a palace |
prasādin | mfn. clear, serene, bright (as nectar, the eyes, face etc.) |
prasādin | mfn. clear, perspicuous (as a poem), |
prasādin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') calming, soothing, gladdening, pleasing |
prasādin | mfn. showing favour, treating with kindness |
prasādita | mfn. cleared, rendered clear (a-pr-) |
prasādita | mfn. pleased, conciliated etc. |
prasādita | mfn. worshipped. |
prasādita | n. plural kind words |
prāsādivārika | m. a kind of attendant in a monastery |
praśnādika | m. or n. |
praśnavādin | m. a fortune-teller, astrologer |
pratāpāditya | m. Name of several princes ( pratāpādityatā -tā- f.) |
pratāpādityatā | f. pratāpāditya |
prātarṇādin | m. "crowing in morning", a cock |
prathamacittotpādika | mfn. one who first thinks (of doing anything) |
pratikūlavādin | mfn. equals -bhāṣin- |
pratimādravyādivacana | n. Name of work |
pratimārodanādiprāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work |
pratinādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) filled with sounds, resonant, echoing or echoed |
pratipādita | mfn. caused to attain, given (also in marriage), delivered, presented |
pratipādita | mfn. stated, proved, set forth, explained, taught |
pratipādita | mfn. ( pratipāditatva -tva- n.), |
pratipādita | mfn. caused, effected, produced |
pratipāditatva | n. pratipādita |
pratisamādiś | P. -diśati-, to answer, reply ; to order, command |
pratisamādiṣṭa | mfn. bidden, directed, ordered, commanded |
pratisaṃvādin | (?), m. an adversary (probably for prati-- vādin-), . |
pratiṣṭhākalpādi | m. plural Name of work |
prativādibhayaṃkara | m. Name of an author |
prativādin | mfn. contradicting, disobedient (See /a-prativ-) |
prativādin | mfn. answering, rejoining. |
prativādin | m. an opponent, adversary |
prativādin | m. a defendant, respondent ( prativāditā di-tā- f.) |
prativāditā | f. prativādin |
pratyādiś | P. -diśati-, to enjoin, direct, advise ; to report, relate (with 2 accusative) ; to summon ; to decline, reject, repel |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. enjoined, directed, etc. |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. overcome, surpassed |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. informed, apprised |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. warned, cautioned |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. declared (as from heaven) |
pratyāditsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) desirous of recovering or obtaining |
pratyāditya | m. a mock sun, parhelion |
pratyāditya | (in the beginning of a compound) towards the sun (exempli gratia, 'for example' p-guda-,one whose hinder parts are towards the sun ) |
pratyakṣavādin | mfn. "asserting perception by the senses", one who admits of no other evidence than perception by the senses |
pratyakṣavādin | m. a Buddhist |
pratyaṅgirāstotropāsanādi | mn. Name of work |
pravādin | mfn. giving forth a sound, uttering a cry |
pravādin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') stating, declaring, reporting, speaking of |
pravādin | mfn. (fr. vāda-), being in some grammatical form or case |
prāyaścittādigodāna | n. Name of work |
prāyaścittādisaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
pretakṛtyādinirṇaya | m. Name of work |
priyavādikā | f. a kind of musical instrument |
priyavādin | mfn. speaking kindly or agreeably, flattering, a flatterer etc. ( priyavāditā di-tā- f. ) |
priyavādin | m. () or (inī-) f. () a kind of bird, Gracula Religiosa. |
priyavāditā | f. priyavādin |
prohyapadipādi | () ind. (prob.) by or in pushing away the foot gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi-. |
pṛthagvādin | mfn. each saying something different |
puṃsavanādiprayoga | m. Name of work |
punarādi | mfn. beginning afresh, repeated |
punaruktavādin | mfn. repeating the same things, talking idly |
pūrṇimādina | n. the day of full moon |
pūrvādi | mfn. beginning with the word pūrva- |
pūrvāditas | ind. beginning from the east |
pūrvakarmakṛtavādin | m. one who asserts that only preceding actions determine the following |
pūrvasārasārāsvādinī | f. Name of work |
pūrvavādin | m. "speaking first","making the first statement of a case", a complainant, plaintiff |
puṣkarācchādikā | f. a species of bird |
puṣkarasādi | m. Name of a teacher (prob. wrong reading for pauṣkarasādi-). |
puṣkarasādin | m. equals -sāda-, |
putrādinī | f. equals putra-jagdhī- (when used literally spelt with two t-'s exempli gratia, 'for example' puttrādinīvyāghrī-,"a tigress eating her young") |
putraputrādinī | f. an unnatural mother (See putra-jagdhī-and Va1rtt. 2 ) |
rāgadhyānādikathanādhyāya | m. Name of work |
rājāditya | m. Name of an author |
rakārādirāmasahasranāman | n. Name of a collection of the thousand names of rāma- (from the brahmayāmala-). |
rāmadarśanāditas | ind. after having seen rāma- |
raṇāditya | m. Name of various men |
rasādiśuddhi | f. Name of medical work |
rasāsvādin | m. "juice-sipper", a bee |
ratnādinandin | m. Name of a muni- |
ratnādiparīkṣā | f. Name of work |
raudhādika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. rudh-ādi-) belonging to the class of roots beginning with rudh- (id est the 7th class) |
ṛgayanādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
rogonmādita | mfn. maddened by disease (said of a dog) |
ṛśyādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
ṛtavādin | mfn. saying right, speaking the truth |
rudrayāmalādisaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
rūkṣavādin | mfn. speaking roughly |
śabdādi | m. (scilicet viṣaya- q.v) the objects of sense beginning with sound |
śabdādidharmin | mfn. having the quality of sound etc. () |
śabdādimat | mfn. having the quality of sound etc. () |
sabhāprapādin | mfn. frequenting assemblies |
ṣaḍbhāvavādin | m. a maintainer of the theory of the six bhāva-s (viz. dravya-, guṇa-, karman-, sāmānya-, viśeṣa-, samavāya-) |
sadhamādin | mfn. equals -mad- |
sādhuvādin | mfn. speaking rightly or justly |
sādhuvādin | mfn. applauding |
sādhuvādin | mfn. wrong reading for -vāhin- |
sādi | m. (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) a horseman |
sādi | m. a charioteer |
sādi | m. a warrior |
sādi | m. wind |
sādi | m. a dispirited or melancholy person |
sādi | mfn. having a beginning ( sāditva -tva- n.) |
sādi | sādita-, sādin- etc. See . |
sādin | mfn. any one sitting or riding on (compound) |
sādin | m. a horseman, charioteer etc. |
sādin | m. (fr. Causal) exhausting, wearying, destroying |
sādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made to sit down, set down |
sādita | mfn. depressed, broken, wasted, destroyed etc. |
sādita | mfn. made to go, drawn, dragged |
sāditva | n. sādi |
sadvādin | mfn. true-speaking |
sadvādita | mfn. well-spoken |
sahasracaṇḍyādiprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work |
sahasracaṇḍyādividhi | m. Name of work |
sahasrakalaśasnapanādi | m. Name of work |
śailādi | m. (fr. idem or 'm. (fr. śilāda-) a patronymic ') patronymic of nandin- (one of śiva-'s attendants) |
śakāditya | m. "sun of the śaka-s", Name of king śāli-vāhana- |
śakrāditya | m. Name of a king |
śaktivādin | m. one who asserts the śakti--doctrine, an adherent of śiva--doctrine, a śākta- |
śākulādika | mf(ā-,or ī-)n. (fr. śakulāda-), gaRa kāśy-ādi-. |
sālokyādicatuṣṭaya | n. the four (stages of beatitude), viz. salokya- etc. (the others beings sāmīpya-, sārūpya-,and sāyujya-;See also sārṣṭi-) |
samādiś | P. -diśati-, to assign, allot ; to point out, indicate, announce, communicate, declare ; to appoint, name, designate etc. ; to foretell, foreshow ; to direct, advise, order, command to (dative case infinitive mood,or -artham-) etc.: Causal -deśayati-, to order, command |
samādiṣṭa | mfn. assigned, indicated, directed, commanded, enjoined |
samantaprasādika | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- (varia lectio -prās-) |
samantaprāsādika | mfn. affording help or assistance on all sides (also varia lectio for prec.) |
samantaprāsādikatā | f. complete readiness to offer help (one of the 8 minor marks of a buddha-) |
samāsāsādita | mfn. approached, met with etc. |
samāvartanādiprayoga | m. Name of work |
sāmbāditya | m. a particular form of the sun |
saṃdhyādibrahmakarman | (dhyād-), n. Name of work |
saṃgamāditya | m. Name of a man |
saṃhlādin | mfn. refreshing, cheering |
saṃhrādi | m. "id.", Name of a rākṣasa- |
saṃhrādikaṇṭha | mn. a noisy voice |
saṃhrādin | mfn. sounding together, tumultuous, noisy |
saṃhrādin | m. Name of a rākṣasa- |
saṃkrāntivādin | m. plural a particular Buddhist school |
saṃnādita | mfn. (fr. idem or 'm. Name of a monkey ') caused to resound, filled with noise or cries |
sāmpādika | mfn. efficacious |
sampādin | mfn. coinciding with, fit or suitable for (instrumental case or compound) |
sampādin | mfn. effecting, accomplishing, procuring |
sampādita | mfn. brought about, accomplished, fulfilled ( sampāditatva -tva- n.) |
sampāditatva | n. sampādita |
sampraṇādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made to resound |
sampratipādita | mfn. (fr. idem or 'n. appointing to (locative case) ') delivered over, bestowed, given |
sampravādita | n. causing to sound together |
saṃskārādimat | mfn. one who has received consecration etc. |
samudrādi | the 4th or other syllable in a stanza when a caesura follows |
samupapādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made ready, prepared |
sāṃvādika | mfn. (fr. saṃ-vāda-) colloquial, controversial, causing discussion |
sāṃvādika | m. disputant, controversialist, logician |
saṃvādin | mfn. conversing, talking, |
saṃvādin | mfn. agreeing or harmonizing with, corresponding to (genitive case or compound), |
saṃvāditā | f. likeness, resemblance |
saṃvāditṛ | mfn. holding a colloquy, |
saṃvatsarādiphala | n. Name of work |
śāntyagniparīkṣādigrantha | m. Name of work |
saptavādin | m. Name of the jaina-s (see -bhaṅgin-) |
śāradādikalpa | m. Name of work (dād-) |
sarvadevatāpiṣpādipūjana | n. Name of work |
sarvādi | m. the beginning or first of all things |
sarvādi | mfn. having any kind of commencement whatever |
sarvāstitvavādin | m. equals sti-vādin- |
sarvāstivādin | mfn. or m. an adherent of the above doctrine |
sarvaśūnyatvavādin | m. sarvaśūnyatva |
sarvatobhadrādicakrāvali | f. Name of work |
sarvatobhadramaṇḍalādikārikā | f. Name of work |
sarvatūryaninādin | m. "playing all instruments", śiva- |
sarvavādin | m. Name of śiva- |
sarvavādisammata | mfn. approved by all disputants, universally admitted |
sasādi | mfn. with charioteers |
sāsnādimat | (sāsnād-) mfn. having a dewlap etc. |
ṣaṣṭhādi | mfn. (in Vedic gram.) beginning with the sixth letter id est with the vowel ī-. |
ṣaṣṭhyādikalpabodhana | n. a festival in honour of durgā- on the 6th day of the month āśvina- (when she is supposed to be awakened) |
śāstravādin | m. a teacher of the śāstra- |
śatacaṇḍīsahasracaṇḍyādividhāna | n. Name of work |
śatapādikā | f. idem or 'm. a centipede ' |
śatapādikā | f. a kind of medicinal plant |
ṣaṭcakrādisaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
satkāryavādin | m. an adherent of the above doctrine |
satyavādin | mfn. equals -vācaka- etc. |
satyavādin | m. Name of kauśika- |
satyavādin | m. Name of a goddess of the bodhi--tree |
satyavādinī | f. a form of dākṣāyaṇī- |
satyavāditā | f. () veracity, truthfulness. |
satyavāditva | n. () veracity, truthfulness. |
śaucādireya | m. a patronymic |
śauryādimat | mfn. endowed with heroic and other virtues |
śauryonmādin | mfn. "intoxicated by heroic", foolhardy |
sāvitrādikāṭhakacayana | n. Name of work |
sāvitrādiprayogavṛtti | f. Name of work |
śilāditya | (lād-) m. Name of a king (see śīlāditya-). |
śīlāditya | m. "sun of virtue", Name of various kings (especially of a son of vikramāditya-, also called pratāpa-śīla-) |
siṃhanādanādin | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- |
siṃhanādikā | f. Alhagi Maurorum |
siṃhanādin | m. Name of a māra-putra- |
śiṣṭādiṣṭa | mfn. prescribed or approved by the learned |
sitādi | (tādi-) m. molasses |
sītādivyacaritra | n. Name of work |
śivāditya | m. (with miśra-) Name of an author (also called nyāyācārya-) |
śivādityamaṇidīpikā | f. Name of work |
śivādityamaṇidīpikākhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
śivādityaprakāśikā | f. Name of work |
śivakeśādipādāntavarṇanastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
śivapādādikeśāntavarṇanastotra | n. Name of work |
śivapāramparyapratipādikaśrutismṛtyudāharaṇa | n. Name of work |
ślakṣṇavādin | mfn. speaking softly or gently |
smayādika | mfn. beginning with (id est based chiefly on) arrogance |
snānīyocchāditasnāta | mfn. one who has bathed and rubbed himself with unguents etc., |
ṣoḍaśāditantra | n. Name of work |
somāditya | m. Name of a man, |
somāditya | m. of a king |
śoṇitādigdha | mfn. blood-stained |
śrāddhādividhi | m. Name of work |
śrīkaraṇādi | m. a chief secretary |
śriyāditya | (śriyād-) m. Name of a man |
śṛṅgārādirasa | m. Name of a rhetoric work |
śṛṅgotpādinī | f. Name of a yakṣiṇī- (producing horns and changing men into animals) |
śrotrādi | n. "the ear and the other senses", the five senses (See indriya-) |
śrotravādin | mfn. willing to hear, obedient |
śrutiprapādikā | f. Name of work |
stambhanādividhi | m. Name of a mantra-. |
sthāvarādi | n. the poison called vatsa-nābha- (q.v) |
stotrādipāṭha | m. Name of work. |
strīśūdrādidinacaryākrama | m. Name of work |
stryādivyatyāsam | ind. alternating with the wife so that the wife begins |
śubhrakhādi | mfn. wearing glittering bracelets or rings (applied to the marut-s) |
sudarśanādiyantravidhi | m. Name of work |
sugandhāditya | m. Name of a man |
sujanmādivrata | n. sujanman |
sūkarapādikā | f. a plant resembling Carpopogan Pruriens |
sukhādi | mfn. (for sukhādi-See) wearing beautiful bracelets or rings (said of the marut-s) |
sukhādi | mfn. (for sukhādi-See) beginning with pleasure, pleasure etc. (See sukha-duḥkhādi-). |
sukhādita | (s/u--) mfn. well masticated or eaten |
sukhaduḥkhādi | mfn. (plural) pleasure and pain and the other (opposites;See dvaṃdva-) |
śuklādiśrāvaṇakṛṣṇasaptamī | f. Name of certain festivals or holy days |
śuklādiśrāvaṇakṛṣṇāṣṭamī | f. Name of certain festivals or holy days |
śūlinīdurgādigbandhana | n. Name of work |
śūnyavādin | m. the affirmer of a void (id est of the non-existence of any Spirit, divine or human) , a Buddhist, atheist |
supravādita | mfn. making good music |
śūrāditya | m. Name of a son of guṇāditya- |
sūryādigrahaphalakuṇḍalī | f. Name of work |
sūryādigrahasādhana | n. Name of work |
sūryādipañcāyatanapratiṣṭhāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
sūryādipratimāpratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work |
sūryādivarṣaphalokti | f. Name of work |
sūryānuvādinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary |
sutapādikā | f. a species of Mimosa |
suvāditra | n. beautiful music |
suvarṇavastrādi | n. money and clothes etc. |
svabhāvavādin | m. one who maintains the above doctrine |
svādiman | m. (gaRa pṛthv-ādi-) savouriness, sweetness |
svādin | mfn. tasting, enjoying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
svādiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. sweetest, very sweet or pleasant etc. |
svādiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. sweeter than (ablative) |
svādita | mfn. tasted, relished |
svādita | mfn. sweetened |
svādita | mfn. pleased |
svāditya | mfn. any one befriended by the āditya-s |
svāditya | n. the favour or protection of the āditya-s |
svastikādicakra | n. plural Name of work |
syādvādavādin | m. equals next |
syādvādika | m. an adherent of the jaina- doctrine |
syādvādin | m. idem or 'm. an adherent of the jaina- doctrine ' |
syādvādin | m. Name of a jaina- |
tadādi | ind. from that time forward |
tagarapādi | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. equals raka- ' ' |
tagarapādika | n. equals raka- |
tagarapādikā | f. idem or 'n. equals raka- ' |
tālādi | a gaṇa- of (iv, 3, 152 rajakādi-, palāśādi-and bilvādi-). |
tanādi | mfn. beginning with tan- (the 8th cl. of roots) . |
tārakādi | (kād-), a gaṇa- of ( ). |
taruṇāditya | m. the newly-risen sun, |
tathāvādin | mfn. telling the exact truth |
tathāvādin | mfn. professing to be so |
tathyavādin | mfn. speaking the truth |
taudādika | mfn. belonging to the tud-ādi- roots (cl. 6) |
taulvalyādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- of ( ). |
tikādi | another gaṇa- of (iv, 1, 154 ). |
tikakitavādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- of ( ) . |
tripādikā | f. Cissus pedata |
tripādikā | f. equals dī- |
tudādi | the roots of cl.6. (beginning with tud-) |
tundādi | a gaRa of |
turaṃgasādin | m. a horseman |
turīyādiṭya | for yam āditya- |
ucchedavādin | m. an adherent of the above doctrine, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
udayāditya | m. Name of several men. |
udgātrādi | (tṛ-ā-) m. Name of a gaṇa- |
uditānuvādin | mfn. one who repeats what is said by others |
ukthādi | m. Name of a gaṇa-, () |
uṇādi | (according to some uṇṇ-ādi-;butSee mahābhāṣya-, vol. i, preface, p.9 f.'>), ayas- m. plural the class of kṛt--affixes which begin with uṇ-. |
uṇādisūtra | n. plural the sūtra-s () treating of the uṇādi--affixes |
uṇādisūtravṛtti | f. a commentary on the uṇādi-- sūtra-s. |
uñchādi | m. Name of a gaRa () . |
unmādin | mfn. insane, mad, intoxicated |
unmādin | mfn. causing madness, bewitching |
unmādin | intoxicating, |
unmādin | m. Name of a merchant |
unmādinī | f. Name of a princess |
unmāditā | f. insanity, madness |
upādika | m. a kind of insect |
upādiś | P. -diśati-, to advise, show, point out, prescribe, command ; to indicate, inform, declare |
upāditsā | f. (fr. Desiderative), wish or readiness to accept |
upakādi | m. a gaṇa- |
upanādita | mfn. caused to resound |
upaniṣādin | mf(inī-)n. staying or sitting near at hand |
upapādin | mfn. = daka-, |
upapādita | mfn. effected, accomplished, performed, done |
upapādita | mfn. given, delivered, presented |
upapādita | mfn. proved, demonstrated |
upapādita | mfn. treated medically, cured. |
upasādita | mfn. caused to come near, led near, conveyed to |
upāsādita | mfn. met with, approached gaRa iṣṭādi- |
upāsāditin | mfn. one who has met or approached |
upavādin | mfn. censuring, blaming |
upavastrādi | m. Name of a gaRa (including besides upavastṛ-, prāśitṛ-) |
ūryādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
uṣṭrapādikā | f. Jasminum Sambac |
uṣṭrasādi | n. (?) on |
utkarādi | m. Name of a gaRa () . |
utpādikā | f. (ikā-) a species of insect (perhaps the white ant?) |
utpādikā | f. Enhydra Hingtsha |
utpādikā | f. Basilla Rubra |
utpādin | mfn. produced, born |
utpādin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') bringing forth, producing |
utpādita | mfn. produced, effected |
utpādita | mfn. generated, begotten. |
utsādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
utsādin | mfn. See agny-utsād/in-. |
utsādita | mfn. destroyed, overturned etc. |
utsādita | mfn. rubbed, anointed |
utsādita | mfn. raised, elevated |
utsaṅgādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
uttaravādin | m. a replicant |
uttaravādin | m. a defendant |
uttaravādin | m. one whose claims are of later date than another's |
vādavādin | See syād-vāda-vādin-. |
vādi | mfn. speaking |
vādi | mfn. learned, wise |
vādi | (not always separable from prec.) , in compound for vādin-. |
vādibhīkarācārya | m. Name of an author. |
vādibhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
vādicandra | m. (with sūri-) Name of a jaina- |
vādighaṭamudgara | m. Name of work |
vādika | mfn. talking, speaking, asserting, maintaining, (a theory etc.) |
vādika | m. a conjurer, magician (varia lectio vātika-) |
vādikaraṇakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
vādikhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
vādin | mfn. saying, discoursing, speaking, talking, speaking or talking about (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or sometimes with accusative of object), declaring, proclaiming, denoting, designating (or sometimes = designated as, addressed by a title etc.) etc. |
vādin | mfn. producing sounds |
vādin | m. a speaker, asserter, (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the teacher or propounder, or adherent of any doctrine or theory |
vādin | m. a disputant etc. |
vādin | m. a plaintiff, accuser, prosecutor (dual number plaintiff and defendant) |
vādin | m. an alchemist |
vādin | m. a player on any musical instrument, musician (See f.), the leading or key-note |
vādin | m. Name of buddha- (as"the disputant") |
vādin | m. (prob.) Name of a commentator or commentary on the amara-koṣa-. |
vādinī | f. a female musician |
vādira | m. Name of a particular tree (resembling the badarī-) |
vādirāj | m. "king among disputants", an excellent disputant |
vādirāj | m. a bauddha- sage (also Name of mañju-ghoṣa- or mañju-śrī-) |
vādirāja | m. Name of various authors (also -tīrtha-, -pati-, -śiṣya-, -śvāmin-). |
vādiśa | mfn. (prob. for vādīśa-) equals sādhu-vādin- |
vādiśa | m. a learned and virtuous man, sage, seer |
vādisiṃha | m. "lion of disputants", Name of buddha- |
vādiśrīvallabha | m. Name of an author |
vādita | mfn. (fr. Causal of vad-) made to speak or to be uttered etc. |
vādita | mfn. made to sound, sounded, played |
vādita | n. instrumental music : |
vāditarjana | n. Name of work |
vāditavya | mfn. to be said or spoken etc. |
vāditavya | n. instrumental music |
vāditra | n. a musical instrument |
vāditra | n. music, musical performance etc. |
vāditra | n. a musical choir |
vāditragaṇa | m. a band of music |
vāditralaguḍa | m. a drum-stick |
vāditravat | mfn. accompanied by music |
vāditva | n. See satya-vāditva-. |
vādivāgīśvara | m. Name of an author |
vādivinoda | m. Name of work by śaṃkara-- miśra-. |
vāgādipitrya | n. (with ṛtūnām-) Name of a sāman- |
vāgvādinī | f. Name of a goddess |
vāgvādinīstotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
vaibhājyavādin | wrong reading for vibhajya-vādin- |
vaidikadurgādimantraprayoga | m. Name of work |
vaipādika | mfn. (fr. vi-pādikā-) afflicted with blisters or pustules etc. on the feet gaRa jyotsnādi- |
vaipādika | n. () or f(ā-). () a kind of leprosy (equals vipādikā-). |
vaiśeṣikādiṣaḍdarśanaviśeṣavarṇana | n. "description of the difference between the vaiśeṣika- and other systems", Name of a philosophy work |
vaiśvadevādimantravyākhyā | f. Name of work |
vājapeyādisaṃśayanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
vajrāditya | m. Name of a king of kāśmīra- |
vālukādi | (kādi-) m. plural sand and other things |
vāpīkūpataḍāgādipaddhati | f. Name of work |
varṇavādin | m. a speaker of praise, panegyrist |
vāstuśāntyādi | m. Name of work |
vātaghnatvādinirṇaya | m. Name of work |
vatsarādi | m. the first month of the Hindu year, mārgaśīrṣa- |
vātulabhedādikatantra | n. |
vedabhāgādi | m. Name of work |
vedādi | m. the beginning of the veda- |
vedādi | mn. the sacred syllable Om |
vedādibīja | n. idem or 'mn. the sacred syllable Om ' |
vedādirūpa | mfn. having the beginning of the veda- for its form or substance (as the syllable Om) |
vedādivarṇa | n. equals -bīja- |
vedāgnyutsādin | mfn. one who neglects (recitation of) the veda- and (maintenance of) the sacred fire |
vedāntavādin | mfn. one who asserts the vedānta- doctrine |
vedavādin | mfn. versed in Vedic discussion or in Vedic lore discussion |
vibhajyavādin | m. an adherent of the above doctrine |
videhamuktyādikathana | n. videhamukti |
vidhyādi | m. the commencement of an action |
vidvaccittaprasādinī | f. Name of work |
vijayāditya | m. Name of various kings |
vijñānāstitvamātravādin | mfn. equals na-vādin- |
vijñānavādin | mfn. one who affirms that only intelligence has reality |
vijñānavādin | m. a yogācāra- |
vikhāditaka | n. a dead body which has been devoured by animals |
vikramāditya | m. See below |
vikramāditya | m. "valour-sun", Name of a celebrated Hindu king (of ujjayinī- and supposed founder of the [ mālava--] vikrama- era[ see saṃvat-],which begins 58 B.C. [but subtract 57-56 from anexpiredyear of the vikrama- era to convert it into A.D.];he is said to have driven out the śaka-s and to have reigned over almost the whole of Northern India;he is represented as a great patron of literature;nine celebrated men are said to have flourished at his court [see nava-ratna-],and innumerable legends are related of him all teeming with exaggerations;according to some he fell in a battle with his rival śāli-vāhana-, king of the south country or Deccan, and the legendary date given for his death is kali-yuga- 3044 [which really is the epoch-year of the vikrama- era];there are, however, other kings called vikramāditya-, and the name has been applied to king bhoja- and even to śāli-vāhana-) etc. |
vikramāditya | m. of a poet ( vikramādityakośa -kośa- m.Name of a dictionary; vikramādityacaritra -caritra- n.Name of a poem equals vikrama-c-; vikramādityarāja -rāja- m.Name of a king) |
vikramādityacaritra | n. vikramāditya |
vikramādityakośa | m. vikramāditya |
vikramādityarāja | m. vikramāditya |
vimalāditya | m. a particular form of the sun |
vimarśavādin | mfn. uttering discussions, one who reasons, a reasoner |
vinādin | mfn. sounding forth, crying out |
vinādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made to resound, caused to sound aloud |
vinayādidhara | m.(id est vinaya-dh-) Name of a man |
vinayāditya | m. Name of jayāpīḍa-, |
vinayāditya | m. Name of a king of the race of the cālukya-s |
vinayādityapura | n.Name of a town built by jayāpīḍa- |
vinodāpapādin | mfn. causing pleasure or delight |
vipādikā | f. (fr. -pāda-) a disease of the foot, a sore tumour on the foot |
vipādikā | f. a riddle, enigma |
vipādita | mfn. destroyed, killed |
vipāditavya | mfn. to be killed, destructible |
viparītādi | n. (with vakra-) a kind of metre |
vipramādin | mfn. ( mad-) heeding nothing, thoroughly heedless (varia lectio) |
viṣādin | mfn. (for 2.See under vi-ṣad-, column 3) swallowing poison |
viṣādin | mfn. (for 1.See column 1) dejected, dismayed, disconsolate, sad etc. |
viṣādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to sink down, made sorrowful, dejected |
viṣāditā | f. ( ) dejection, despondency, grief, despair. |
viṣāditva | n. () dejection, despondency, grief, despair. |
viṣamāditya | m. Name of a poet |
visaṃvādin | mfn. breaking one's word, disappointing, deceiving (See di-tā-) |
visaṃvādin | mfn. contradicting, disagreeing |
visaṃvādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) disappointed, dissatisfied |
visaṃvādita | mfn. not generally proved, objectionable |
visaṃvāditā | f. the breaking one's word, breach of promise (in a-vis-) |
visaṃvāditā | f. contradiction, disagreement with (instrumental case) |
viṣāpavādin | mfn. curing poison by charms |
viṣāpavādinī | f. a magical formula curing poison |
viśeṣavādin | m. an adherent of that doctrine |
viśiṣṭādvaitavādin | m. one who asserts the doctrine of qualified non-duality |
viṣṇudhyānastotrādi | Name of work |
viṣṇumantravidhānādi | m. Name of work |
viṣṇupādādikeśāntastuti | f. Name of several works. |
viṣṇusvarūpadhyānādivarṇana | n. Name of work |
viṣṇuvarṇanadhyānādi | Name of work |
viṣṇvādidevatāpūjāprakāra | m. Name of work |
vitathavādin | mfn. () speaking a falsehood, lying |
vivādin | mfn. disputing, contending |
vivādin | mfn. a litigant, party in a lawsuit |
vivāhādikārmaṇāmprayoga | m. Name of work |
vṛddhāditya | m. a particular form of the sun |
vṛddhavādin | m. a jina- |
vṛddhavādin | m. Name of a man |
vṛkṣacikitsāropaṇādi | m. Name of work |
vṛkṣādinī | f. Vanda Roxburghii |
vṛkṣādirūḍha | wrong reading for vṛkṣādhi-r- etc. |
vṛkṣādirūḍhaka | wrong reading for vṛkṣādhi-r- etc. |
vṛkṣādiruhaka | wrong reading for vṛkṣādhi-r- etc. |
vṛkṣādividyā | f. the science of trees etc., botany |
vṛṣakhādi | (v/ṛṣa--) mfn. having large bracelets or rings (as the marut-s;others "ornamented with ear-rings") |
vṛṣanādin | mfn. roaring like a bull |
vṛṣṭitādita | mfn. beaten by rain, |
vṛthāvādin | mfn. speaking falsely or untruly |
vṛttasādin | mfn. destroying established usage, worthless, mean, vile |
vyādiś | f. (see vy-ā-diś-) a particular point of the compass (prob. the point between two vi-diś-See ) |
vyādiś | P. -diśati-, to point out separately, divide among, distribute etc. ; to point out, show, explain, teach ; to prescribe, enjoin etc. ; to appoint, assign, despatch to any place or duty, direct, order, command (with dative case locative case,or prati-) ; to declare, foretell (varia lectio ādiṣṭā-for vy-ād-). |
vyādiśa | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
vyādiṣṭa | mfn. distributed, pointed out, explained, prescribed, ordered, declared, indicated, foretold |
vyādita | mfn. opened (equals vy-ātta-) |
vyāditāsya | mfn. open-mouthed |
vyāghrādinī | f. Ipomoea Turpethum |
vyāpāpādita | mfn. destroyed, killed, slain ( vyāpāpāditavat -vat- mfn.one who has destroyed etc.) |
vyāpāpāditavat | mfn. vyāpāpādita |
vyāsādipañcasiddhānta | m. plural Name of work |
yakārādipada | n. a word beginning with ya- (euphemistically applied to any form of yabh-) |
yamāditya | m. a particular form of the sun |
yāmanādin | m. "proclaiming the watches", a cock (varia lectio) |
yathādik | ind. ( ) according to the quarters of the compass |
yathādik | ind. in all directions |
yathādiśam | ind. ( ) according to the quarters of the compass |
yathādiśam | ind. in all directions |
yathādiṣṭa | mfn. (thād-) corresponding to what has been enjoined or directed |
yathādiṣṭam | ind. (/am-) according to a direction or injunction |
yathoktavādin | mfn. speaking as told, reporting accurately what has been said |
yathopapādin | mfn. the first that appears to be the best |
yāvadādiṣṭa | mfn. as much as related |
yoginyādipūjanavidhi | m. Name of work |
yugādi | m. the commencement of a yuga-, the beginning of the world |
yugādideva | m. Name of the jina- ṛṣabha- |
yugādijina | m. () Name of the jina- ṛṣabha- |
yugādikṛt | m. Name of śiva- |
yugādipuruṣa | m. () Name of the jina- ṛṣabha- |
yuktavādin | mfn. speaking properly or suitably |