ābadh | See ā-vadh-.  |
abhyativad | P. (equals ati-vad- q.v) "to speak louder or better", surpass in disputing  |
abhyudita | mfn. See abhi-vad-.  |
anūdita | mfn. ( vad-), spoken after, spoken according to. See also anu-vad-. 1.  |
apavāda | etc. See apa-vad-.  |
evāvada | m. (fr. 1. eva-and ā-vad- ?), Name of a ṛṣi- ([ ])  |
pratyudita | See prati-vad-.  |
pravāda | etc. See under pra-vad-.  |
prodita | prodyamāna- See pra-vad-.  |
samaya | m. coming to a mutual understanding, agreement, compact, covenant, treaty, contract, arrangement, engagement, stipulation, conditions of agreement, terms (ena-or āt-or -tas-,"according to agreement, conditionally"; tena samayena-,"in consequence of this agreement"; samayaṃ- accusative with kṛ-,"to make an agreement or engagement","agree with any one [instr. with or without saha-]","settle","stipulate";with samvad- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) ';with dā-,"to propose an agreement, offer terms";with brū-or vac-or abhi-dhā-,"to state the terms of an agreement","make a promise";with grah-or prati-pad-,"to enter into an agreement","make or accept conditions of an agreement";with pāl-,or rakṣ-or pari-rakṣ-etc.,"to keep an agreement","keep one's word";with tyaj-or bhid-or vy-abhi-car-etc.,"to break an agreement"; ablative with bhraṃś- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) '; locative case with sthā-,"to keep an engagement","keep one's word"; accusative with Causal of sthā-or of ni-viś-"to fix or settle terms","impose conditions") etc.  |
samudita | mfn. (for 1.See saṃ-vad-,) gone up, risen, elevated, lofty  |
samudya | See saṃ-vad- and sam-ud-, pp. 1114, 1166.  |
udvādana | See ud-vad-.  |
upavāda | etc. See upa-vad-.  |
vāc | f. a word, saying, phrase, sentence, statement, asseveration etc. (vācaṃ-vad-,to speak words; vācaṃ vyā-hṛ-,to utter words; vācaṃ-dā-with dative case,to address words to; vācā satyaṃ-kṛ-,to promise verbally in marriage, plight troth)  |
vidatha | n. (especially)"knowledge given to others" id est instruction, direction, order, arrangement, disposition, rule, command (also plural) (vidatham ā-vad-,to impart knowledge, give instruction, rule, govern)  |