abhīcāra | See abhi-car-. |
ācāra | etc. See ā-car-. |
ācīrṇa | See ā-car-. |
anuccāra | m. non-pronunciation, skipping words (in reciting hymns). See uc-car-. |
anuccāraṇa | n. non-pronunciation, skipping words (in reciting hymns). See uc-car-. |
bhadram | ind. with kṛ- or ā-car-, to do well |
bhaikṣacaraṇa | n. going about begging, collecting alms (ṇaṃ-car-,to practise mendicancy) |
cakra | n. (Ved. rarely m.; gaRa ardharcādi-;fr. car-?;1. kṛ- ) the wheel (of a carriage, of the Sun's chariot[ ],of Time [ ]; kr/aṃ-car-,to drive in a carriage ) etc. |
cartavya | See car-. |
mauna | n. silence, taciturnity (maunaṃ-with kṛ-,or vi-dhā-or sam-ā-car-,to observe silence, hold one's tongue) . |
mithus | ind. equals mithuy/ā- (mithuścar- P. -carati-,to go astray ; mithurbhū- P. -bhavati-,to turn out badly, fail ) |
mithyā | ind. (contracted from mithūy/ā-) invertedly, contrarily, incorrectly, wrongly, improperly etc. etc. (with Causal , of kṛ-,to pronounce a word wrongly"once"[P.] or"repeatedly"[A1.] ;with pra-car-,to act wrongly ;with pra-vṛt-,to behave improperly ) ; falsely, deceitfully, untruly etc. (often with brū-, vac-or vad-,to speak falsely, utter a lie;with kṛ-,to deny ;to break one's word, with na-kṛ-,to keep it) ; with bhū-, to turn out or prove false ; not in reality, only apparently ; to no purpose, fruitlessly, in vain etc. (in the beginning of a compound often = false, untrue, sham; mithyā- is personified as the wife of a-dharma- ) |
proccar | (pra-ud-car-) P. -carati-, to utter a sound, utter, pronounce : Causal -carayati-, to cause to sound |
samācāra | m. (for samācāra-See sam-ā-car-) equal manners or customs |
samaya | m. coming to a mutual understanding, agreement, compact, covenant, treaty, contract, arrangement, engagement, stipulation, conditions of agreement, terms (ena-or āt-or -tas-,"according to agreement, conditionally"; tena samayena-,"in consequence of this agreement"; samayaṃ- accusative with kṛ-,"to make an agreement or engagement","agree with any one [instr. with or without saha-]","settle","stipulate";with samvad- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) ';with dā-,"to propose an agreement, offer terms";with brū-or vac-or abhi-dhā-,"to state the terms of an agreement","make a promise";with grah-or prati-pad-,"to enter into an agreement","make or accept conditions of an agreement";with pāl-,or rakṣ-or pari-rakṣ-etc.,"to keep an agreement","keep one's word";with tyaj-or bhid-or vy-abhi-car-etc.,"to break an agreement"; ablative with bhraṃś- idem or 'm. intercourse with (instrumental case) '; locative case with sthā-,"to keep an engagement","keep one's word"; accusative with Causal of sthā-or of ni-viś-"to fix or settle terms","impose conditions") etc. |
sthiti | f. standing still, stopping, halting (sthitim ā-car-,"to remain standing") |
uccar | (ud-car-) P. A1. -carati-, -te- ([ ]), to go upwards, ascend, rise (as the sun) , issue forth, go forth etc. ; to let the contents (of anything) issue out ; to empty the body by evacuations ; to emit (sounds), utter, pronounce etc. ; to quit, leave ; to sin against, be unfaithful to (a husband) ; to trespass against : Causal P. -cārayati-, to cause to go forth ; to evacuate the body by excretion, discharge feces ; to emit, cause to sound, utter, pronounce, declare |
vicāra | etc. See under vi-car-. |
vicaraṇa | mfn. (for 2.See vi-car-) footless |
vicīrṇa | See under vi-car-. |
viśikhāntara | n. the interior of a street (ram anu-car-,to go through a street; rāṇy ati-pat-,to traverse streets) |
vrata | n. a religious vow or practice, any pious observance, meritorious act of devotion or austerity, solemn vow, rule, holy practice (as fasting, continence etc.; vrat/aṃ-car-,"to observe a vow", especially "to practise chastity") |
vyuccar | (-ud-car-) P. A1. -carati-, te-, to go forth in different directions ; to go out of the right path, transgress or offend against, be faithless or disloyal towards (accusative) ; to commit adultery with (instrumental case) |