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Root Search
vyadh has 1 results
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vyadh has 1 results
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√व्यध्vyadhpiercing, boring, picking / tāḍana441/3Cl.4
Monier-Williams Search
1 result
vyadh cl.4 P. () v/idhyati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense parasmE-pada vivyādha- etc.;3. plural vivyadhuḥ- , vividhuḥ- ; A1. vivyadhe- ; parasmE-pada vividhv/as- ; Aorist vyātsīḥ- ; preceding vidhyāt- grammar; future veddhā-, vetsyati-, te- ; vyaddhā-, vyatsyati- grammar; infinitive mood veddhum- ; -vidhe- ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā-, -vidhya- ), to pierce, transfix, hit, strike, wound etc. ; (with sirām-) to open a vein, bleed ; to pelt with (instrumental case) ; to inflict, attach to, affect with (accusative of Persian and instrumental case of thing) ; to shake, wave ; (in astronomy) to fix the position of a heavenly body ; to cling to (accusative) : Causal vyādhayati-, (Epic also vedhayati-; Aorist avīvidhat-or avivyadhat-), to pierce, open (a vein) ; to cause to pierce or perforate : Desiderative vivyatsati-, to wish to affect or taint with (instrumental case) : Intensive vevidhyate- or vāvyaddhi- (?) grammar
Apte Search
1 result
vyadh व्यध् 4 P. (विध्यति, विद्ध) 1 To pierce, hurt, strike, stab, kill; तमभिद्रुत्य पाप्मनाविध्यन् स यः स पाप्मा Bṛi. Up.1.3.2; यूनां मनांसि विव्याध दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा मनोभवः H.2.111; अक्षितारासु विव्याध द्विषतः स तनुत्रिणः Śi.19.99; विद्धमात्रः R.5.51;9. 6;14.7; Bk.5.52;9.66;15.69. -2 To bore, perforate, pierce through. -3 To pick. -4 To wave or brandish in triumph (as the tail &c.); चैलानि विव्यधुस्तत्र ब्राह्मणाश्च सहस्रशः Mb.1.188.23. -5 (In astr.) To fix the position of a heavenly body.
1 result
vyadh verb (class 4 ātmanepada) (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body to affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) to attach to to bleed to cling to (acc.) to hit to inflict to open a vein to pelt with (instr.) to pierce to shake to strike to transfix to wave to wound perform vedha of a metal
Frequency rank 414/72933
Wordnet Search
"vyadh"" has 3 results.


vyadh, bhid   

tīkṣṇavastu anyavastuni vedhānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

vṛkṣaṃ śaraḥ avyadhat।


vyadh, prakamp, pracal, vical   

jalasya talāt utthāya prapatanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

samudrasya jalaṃ nityaṃ vyadhate।


vyadh, chid, āvyadh, anuvyadh, nirbhid, avabhid, prabhid, nirbhad, pratibhid, vibhid, vinirbhid, nirvyadh, nivyadh, parivyadh, pratud, nistud, pariṇud, tṛd, ātṛd, atitṛd, ativyadh, nikṣ, anunikṣ, udṛṣ, upatṛd, upārṣ, nitud, nitṛd, paritṛd, pracchid, vitud, vitṛd, vinikṣ, vivyadh, vyṛṣ, śvabhr, saṃkṛt, saṃchid, sañchid, sambhid   

tigmena astreṇa kasyacana vastunaḥ chidranirmāṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

takṣakaḥ utpīṭhikāṃ nirmātuṃ kānicana kāṣṭhāni avidhyat।

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