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Grammar Search
"upari" has 2 results
Amarakosha Search
2 results
aruṣkaraḥ3.3.197MasculineSingularupari, udīcī, aśreṣṭhaḥ
kṣīram3.3.190NeuterSingularadhikam, upari, puraḥ
Monier-Williams Search
8 results for upari"
upariind. (as a separable adverb) above, upon, on, upwards, towards the upper side of (opposed to adhas-and, nīcā- exempli gratia, 'for example' upari--,to go upwards;sometimes written with a following word as if compounded with itSee below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upariind. besides, in addition to, further (sahasraṃ śatāny upari cāṣṭau-,1000 and 800 in addition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upariind. afterwards (exempli gratia, 'for example' upari payaḥ pibet-,he should drink milk afterwards) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upariind. upary upari-, higher and higher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upariind. repeatedly, continuously etc. (As a separable preposition, with accusative locative case,or genitive case) over, above, upon, on, at the head of, on the upper side of, beyond (exempli gratia, 'for example' upari śailaṃ-gam-,to go over the mountain; upari laṅkāyāṃ samprāptaḥ saḥ-,he arrived over laṅkā-; upary upari sarveṣām atiṣṭhat-,he stood at the very head of all; ātmānaṃ tasya upari kṣiptvā-,having thrown himself upon him) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upariind. in connection with, with reference to, with regard to, towards (with genitive case exempli gratia, 'for example' mamopari vikāritaḥ-,changed in feeling with regard to me; putrasyopari kruddhaḥ-,enraged towards his son) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upariind. after (with ablative exempli gratia, 'for example' muhūrtād upari-,after a minute;See also tad-upari-etc.) ; ([ confer, compare Zendupairi; Gothic ufar; Old German obar; modern German über; English over; Greek ; Latin super.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uparimay stand first in a compound, as in the following examples: View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
upari उपरि ind. 1 As a separable preposition (usually with gen., rarely with acc. or loc.) it means (a) Above, over, upon, on, towards; (opp. अधः) (with gen.); गतमुपरि घनानाम् Ś.7.7; अवाङ्मुखस्योपरि वृष्टिः पपात R.2.6; अर्कस्योपरि Ś.2.9; प्रासादानाम् Māl.7.5; U.5.2; Śi.16. 9.12.37; so ˚स्थापनम्, ˚स्थित &c.; with loc. उपर्येव स लङ्कायाम् Rām.; or acc. यन्त्राण्युपरि यन्त्राणि ibid. oft. at the end of comp.; रथ˚, तरुवर˚, तद्˚. (b) At the end of, at the head of; सर्वानन्दानामुपरि वर्तमाना K.158. (c) Beyond, in addition to; पणस्योपरि संस्थाप्य व्ययम् Y.2.253; भुक्तस्यो- परि Suśr. (d) In connection with, with regard to, towards, upon; परस्परस्योपरि पर्यचीयत R.3.24; Śānti. 3.23; तस्योपरि क्रुद्धः, ममोपरि दुष्टबुद्धिः &c.; तवोपरि प्रायोपवेशनं करिष्यामि on your account. (e) After; मुहूर्तादुपरि उपाध्याय- श्चेदागच्छेत् P.III.3.9 Sk. उपरि joined to उपरि (with acc. or gen. or by itself) means (a) Just above; लोकानुपर्युपर्यास्ते माधवः Vop. (b) higher and higher, far high, high above; उपर्युपरि सर्वेषामादित्य इव तेजसा Mb. -2 (As a separable adverb) It means (a) high above, upon, towards the upper side of (opp. अधः); त्रिदशा- न्विनिहत्याशु स्वयं स्थास्याम्यथोपरि Rām.7.29.6. उपर्युपरि पश्यन्तः सर्व एव दरिद्रति H.2.2; so उपरि या; ˚स्थापन, ˚स्थित &c.; oft. in com. स्वमुद्रोपरिचिह्नितम् Y.1.319. (b) Besides, in addition, further, more; शतान्युपरि चैवाष्टौ तथा भूयश्च सप्ततिः Mb. (c) Afterwards; यदा पूर्वं नासीदुपरि च तया नैव भविता Śānti.2.7; सर्पिः पीत्वोपरि पयः पिबेत् Suśr.; उपर्युपरि more and more, repeatedly, continuously. [cf. Zend upairi, upara; Gr. huper; L. super; Old Germ. obar; Germ. uber; Eng. over; Hind. upar]. -Comp. -आसनम् sitting on high. -करः A tax paid by temporary tenants. -काण्डम् The third division of the Maitrāyaṇī Saṁhitā. -गत a. gone up, ascended. -चर a. moving above (as a bird). -रः N. of the king Vasu. -चित a. piled over or above. -ज a. produced above, elevated, high. -तन, स्थ a. upper, higher. -तलम् Upper part; उपरितलनिपातितेष्टकः Mk.3.22. -प्रुत a. Ved. coming from above; Vāj.7.3. -बुध्न a. Ved. raised above the ground; Rv.1.73.8. -बृहती A variety of बृहती metre. -भागः the upper portion or side. -भावः being above or higher. -भूमिः f. the ground above. -मर्त्यम् ind. Ved. above men; अवो देवमुपरि- मर्त्यं कृधि Rv.8.19.12. -शयनम् a place of rest. यदु- परिशयनमाहरन्ति स्वर्गमेव तेन लोकमवरुन्द्धे Av.9.6.9. -श्रेणिक a. being in the upper line or series. -ष्ठ (स्थ) a. Above, staying up; पर्वतस्योपरिष्ठस्य कर्मेदं कस्यचिद्भवेत् Rām.7.16. 5. -सद् a. lying or sitting above; Vāj.9.35. (m.) a class of gods. -सद्यम् sitting above. -स्थायिन् a. Standing higher, prominent. -स्पृश् Reaching above, elevated; वसवो रुद्रा आदित्या उपरिस्पृशम् Rv.1.128.9. -कः A provincial governor.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
upari upári, adv. upward, x. 34, 9; above, x. 129, 5 [Gk. ὑπέρ, ὑπείρ = ὑπέρι, Lat. s-uper, Old High German ubir ‘over’].
Macdonell Search
1 result
upari ad. above, over; up, upwards; moreover; afterwards; repeated: one above the other; always upwards; again and again; prp. above, over, beyond, upon (ac., g., ab., lc.: --°ree; or °ree;-ad.); above (of number or rank), after (time: g. or --°ree; ad.); concerning, on ac count of (g.); repeated: far above (g.).
Vedabase Search
1 result
upari indeclinable (as a separable adverb) above (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
on (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
towards the upper side of (opposed to adhas) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
upon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
upwards (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 507/72933
Wordnet Search
"upari"" has 3 results.


ūrdhvam, upari, upariṣṭāt, uttaram   

uccatare sthāne।

pataṅga ākāśam ati ūrdhvaṃ gataḥ।




utpīṭhikāyām upari stabakaḥ sthāpitaḥ।




upari kānicana udāharaṇāni dattāni।

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