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Monier-Williams Search
5 results for svarita"
svaritamfn. caused to sound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svaritamfn. sounded, having an accent, accentuated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svaritamfn. having svarita- accent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svaritamfn. added, admixed ( svaritatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svaritam. n. the svarita- accent (a kind of mixed tone, produced by a combination of high and low tone, and therefore named in sam-āhāra-,the high and low tones being called ud-ātta-,"raised"or"acute", and an-udātta-,"low"or"grave";the svarita- corresponds to the Greek circumflex and is of four kinds, viz. kṣaipra-[as in vy-/āpta-for v/i-āpta-], jātya-[as in kv/a-for k/ua-], praśliṣṭa-[as in div/īva-for div/i iva-],or abhinihita-[as in t/e 'bruvan-for t/e abruvan-];it is marked in by a small upright stroke above a syllable;and when produced by an udātta-immediately preceding is sometimes called "a dependent svarita-", and, when it properly belongs to a word, an"independent svarita-") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
svarita स्वरित a. [स्वरो जातो$स्य इतच्] 1 Sounded; caused to sound; स्वरितवेणुना सुष्ठु चुम्बितम् Bhāg.1.31.14. -2 Sounded as a note, pitched. -3 Articulated. -4 Circumflexed. -5 Accented. -6 Added, admixed -तः The third or mixed tone lying between high and low; समाहारः स्वरितः P.I.2.31; see Sk. thereon.
Macdonell Search
1 result
svarita cs. pp. (√ svar) caused to sound etc.; m. n. Svarita accent (produced by a combined rise and fall of the voice): -tva, n. accentuation with the Svarita accent; addition.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"svarita" has 1 results
svaritathe circumflex accent, the accent between the acute (.उदात्त) and the grave ( अनुदात्त); for details see स्वर.
Vedabase Search
1 result
1 result
svarita noun (masculine neuter) the Svarita accent (a kind of mixed tone) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11137/72933
Wordnet Search
"svarita"" has 1 results.



yasmin svarāḥ santi।

svaritaṃ gītaṃ karṇābhyāṃ sukhakaraṃ bhavati।

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