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Grammar Search
"jagat" has 3 results
jagat: neuter nominative singular stem: jagat
jagat: neuter accusative singular stem: jagat
jagat: neuter vocative singular stem: jagat
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
23 results for jagat"
jagatmfn. ( gam- reduplicated Va1rtt. 3) moving, movable, locomotive, living etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatmfn. (equals j/āgata-) composed in the jagatī- metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatm. air, wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatm. plural people, mankind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. that which moves or is alive, men and animals, animals as opposed to men, men () etc. (to madhye-,"within everybody's sight") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. the world, especially this world, earth etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. the jagatī- metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. Name of a sāman- See - sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. dual number heaven and the lower world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. plural the worlds (equals gat-traya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. people, mankind ( and ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. a cow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. the plants (or flour as coming from plants) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. the earth etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. the site of a house () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. people, mankind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. the world, universe a metre of 4 x 12 syllables View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagat according to to some also"a river", View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. any metre of 4 x 12 syllables View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. the number 48 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. a sacrificial brick named after the jagatī- metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagatn. a field planted with jambū- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
jagat जगत् a. (-ती f.) 1 Moving, movable; सूर्य आत्मा जगत- स्तस्थुषश्च Rv.1.115.1; इदं विश्वं जगत्सर्वमजगच्चापि यद्भवेत् Mb. -m. Wind, air. -n. The world, the universe; जगतः पितरौ वन्दे पार्वतीपरमेश्वरो R.1.1. -2 'The world of the soul', body; Māl.5.2. -3 A multitude of animals. ...... स्याज्जगद्विष्टपे पुमान् । इङ्गे वायौ ना जङ्गमे मृगषण्डे$ प्ययं त्रिषु । Nm. -ती (dual) Heaven and the lower world. -Comp. -अम्बा, -अम्बिका N. of Durgā. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit. -आदिः, -आदिजः the Supreme deity. -आदिजः an epithet of Śiva. -आधारः1 time. -2 air, wind. -आयुः, -आयुस् m. wind. -ईशः, -पतिः 'the lord of the universe', the Supreme deity; an epithet of Viṣṇu and Śiva. -उद्धारः salvation of the world. -कर्तृ, -धातृ m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahmā. -कारणम् the cause of the universe. -गुरुः छोटिन् chōṭin छोटिन् m. [छुट्-णिनि] A fisherman.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
jagat Jágat, n. world, i. 35, 1 [pr. pt. of gā go].
Macdonell Search
1 result
jagat a. moving, animate, living; composed in gagatî metre; n. all that moves; animals; men; world, earth: du. heaven and lower regions; m. pl. men; -î, f. female being; earth, world; a metre (4 X 12 syllables).
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
1 result1 result
jagat Moving,’ is applied sometimes in the Atharvaveda, and later to the domestic animals in particular, as opposed to wild animals (śvapad). Occasionally the cow is mentioned separately, when the word jagat covers the rest of the domesti­cated animals.
Vedabase Search
180 results
jagat all over the worldCC Madhya 4.191
SB 4.8.68
jagat all that is animate or inanimateCC Madhya 25.101
Iso 1
jagat all the inhabitants of the universeSB 12.9.13
jagat all the worlds, both material and spiritualSB 10.1.25
jagat and movingSB 10.87.14
jagat cosmic manifestationBG 9.4
SB 10.14.22
SB 3.12.27
SB 7.3.26-27
jagat cosmic manifestation created by YouSB 7.9.32
jagat entire universeSB 12.8.2-5
jagat everything, animate and inanimateSB 8.1.10
jagat for the whole worldSB 11.1.11-12
jagat in this material worldSB 5.18.39
jagat material worldCC Madhya 6.165
jagat movingCC Madhya 15.180
jagat moving entitiesSB 10.8.37-39
jagat moving forward (this whole universe)SB 8.11.8
jagat of all the worldsSB 10.63.44
jagat of the complete creationSB 1.10.24
jagat of the cosmic creationsCC Adi 2.41
jagat of the cosmic manifestationSB 4.30.23
SB 6.16.35
SB 6.16.47
jagat of the entire universeSB 10.33.26-27
SB 10.69.15
SB 5.18.28
jagat of the material universeSB 12.12.67
jagat of the material worldCC Adi 5.59
CC Madhya 6.174
SB 6.9.42
jagat of the universeCC Antya 17.46
SB 10.14.41
SB 10.41.47
SB 10.44.51
SB 10.48.18
SB 10.48.25
SB 10.49.14
SB 10.50.25-28
SB 10.58.38
SB 10.60.1
SB 10.60.58
SB 10.63.44
SB 10.64.22
SB 10.64.27-28
SB 10.65.3
SB 10.66.2
SB 10.69.17
SB 10.70.27
SB 10.78.16
SB 10.80.44
SB 10.84.15
SB 10.85.59
SB 10.86.24
SB 10.88.33
SB 10.88.38-39
SB 10.89.30-31
SB 10.90.27
SB 11.29.47
SB 2.9.15
SB 5.1.7
jagat of the whole universeCC Madhya 11.46
SB 10.80.11
jagat of the whole worldCC Antya 15.56
jagat of the worldCC Adi 17.22
SB 4.11.27
jagat of the worldsMM 43
SB 10.38.17
jagat seen to be movingSB 7.7.23
jagat sheltering the entire universeSB 10.14.15
jagat the cosmic manifestationBG 16.8
BG 9.10
CC Adi 7.118
CC Madhya 20.116
CC Madhya 6.173
SB 7.9.30
jagat the created universeSB 10.14.54
jagat the earthSB 11.5.46
jagat the entire material worldSB 7.4.37
jagat the entire universeCC Antya 15.14
SB 10.38.12
SB 3.11.13
jagat the entire worldBG 11.36
SB 10.2.24
SB 12.10.16
jagat the material worldBG 7.5
SB 4.7.39
jagat the universalSB 1.16.16
jagat the universeBG 11.13
BG 11.30
BG 11.7
CC Adi 4.17
CC Adi 6.114
CC Antya 2.7
CC Antya 7.139
CC Madhya 21.109
MM 45
SB 11.29.7
SB 11.8.42
SB 12.12.51
SB 3.12.16
SB 3.16.6
SB 3.21.18
SB 3.31.12
SB 3.32.29
jagat the whole material creationCC Adi 5.89
jagat the whole universeCC Adi 4.245
SB 1.18.21
jagat the whole worldBG 15.12
CC Adi 12.6
CC Adi 13.101
CC Adi 13.94
CC Adi 4.246
CC Adi 7.27
CC Adi 7.31-32
CC Adi 9.22
CC Adi 9.24
CC Antya 1.205
CC Antya 15.19
CC Antya 16.121-122
CC Antya 17.57
CC Antya 19.36
CC Antya 19.42
CC Antya 3.223
CC Madhya 1.273
CC Madhya 16.175
CC Madhya 17.233
CC Madhya 18.120
CC Madhya 18.228
CC Madhya 2.49
CC Madhya 6.213
CC Madhya 7.107
SB 11.29.48
SB 3.12.57
SB 4.14.31
SB 8.12.21
jagat the worldCC Adi 1.87
CC Adi 3.16
CC Antya 11.29
CC Antya 20.39
CC Antya 8.3
SB 10.14.44
SB 10.24.22
SB 10.54.14
SB 2.5.12
SB 4.1.13
SB 6.5.19
jagat the worldsSB 1.5.20
SB 10.68.40
jagat this worldSB 4.17.34
jagat throughout the whole universeCC Madhya 20.374
jagat to the universeSB 8.7.17
jagat to the worldSB 10.67.28
jagat universalSB 4.21.38
jagat universeBG 10.42
BG 7.13
CC Adi 17.108
CC Adi 2.20
CC Madhya 20.110
CC Madhya 20.163
CC Madhya 20.376
SB 1.5.10
SB 10.14.39
SB 10.74.20-21
SB 11.18.27
SB 4.12.24
SB 8.19.12
SB 8.23.4
jagat universesMM 23
jagat whole universeSB 6.6.24-26
jagat whole worldSB 8.16.18
jagat worldCC Adi 5.207
MM 43
SB 1.13.41
SB 1.6.38
SB 10.85.17
SB 11.24.15
SB 11.7.9
Wordnet Search
"jagat"" has 4 results.


saṃsāraḥ, viśvaḥ, viśvam, jagat, bhuvanam, mṛtyulokaḥ, ihalokaḥ   

yatra sarve prāṇinaḥ vasanti।

asmin saṃsāre mṛtyuḥ śāśvataḥ।


saṃsāraḥ, viśvam, jagat, jagad, lokaḥ   

viśvasthānāṃ sarveṣāṃ janānām ekavadbhāvaḥ।

nikhile saṃsāre mahātmā gāṃdhīmahodayāḥ ādaraṇīyāḥ santi।


prajā, kṣetram, janatā, rājyaṃ, deśaḥ, janapadaḥ, jagat, janāḥ, lokaḥ   


eṣā prajā mūlyavṛddhikāraṇāt trastā।



bhūmaṇḍalasya bhāgaḥ yaḥ anyebhyaḥ vyavacchinnaḥ iti kalpyate।

vanaspatīnāṃ jagat vicitraṃ vartate।

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