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Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
6 results for itara"
itaramf(ā-)n. (the neuter is ad-in classical Sanskrit, but am-[ ad- ]in Vedic or Veda ;comparative form of pronominal base 3. i-; confer, compare Latin iterum; Hibernian or Irish iter), the other (of two), another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itaramf(ā-)n. plural the rest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itaramf(ā-)n. (with ablative) different from etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itaramf(ā-)n. low, vile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itaramf(ā-)n. expelled, rejected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itara itara-, itara-, the one - the other, this - that. (itara-connected antithetically with a preceding word often signifies the contrary idea exempli gratia, 'for example' vijayāya itarāya vā-[ ],to victory or defeat;so in dvaṃdva- compounds, sukhetareṣu-[ ],in happiness and distress;it sometimes, however, forms a tat-puruṣa- compound with another word to express the one idea implied in the contrary of that word, exempli gratia, 'for example' dakṣiṇetara-,the left hand.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
itara इतर pron. a. (-रा f., -रत् n.) 1 Another, the other (of two), the remaining one of the two; इतरो दहने स्वकर्मणाम् R.8.2 v. l. -2 The rest or other (pl.). what is left. इतरदधिकार्थे˚ । MS.7.1.16 (on which शबर writes इतरदधिकार्थे समानमितरत् समानमधिकमित्यर्थः ।). -3 Other than, different fr om (with abl.); इतरताप- शतानि यथेच्छया वितर तानि सहे चतुरानन Udb.; इतरो रावणादेष राघवानुचरो यदि Bk.8.16. -4 Opposite of, either used by itself as an adj. or at the end of comp.; जङ्गमानीत- राणि च Rām.; विजयायेतराय वा Mb.; सुलभेतरसंप्रयोगाम् M.5.3 opposite of, other than easy, difficult; so दक्षिण˚ left; वाम˚ right &c. -5 Low, mean, vulgar, ordinary; इतर इव परिभूय ज्ञानं मन्मथेन जडीकृतः K.154,16,23,273. इतर-इतर the one-the other, this-that. -Comp. -इतर pron. a. respective, reciprocal, one with another (chiefly in oblique cases or in comp.); वियुक्तावितरेतरम् Ms.9.12; ˚काम्यया 3.35; R.7.54. ˚आश्रयः mutual dependence, inter-connection. ˚योगः 1 mutual connection or union, मोदितालिरितरेतरयोगात् Śi.1.24. -2 a variety of the Dvandva compound (opp. समाहारद्वन्द्व) where each member of the compound is viewed separately; as प्लक्षन्यग्रोधौ छिनत्ति. -जनाः (pl.) 1 other men. -2 euphemistically said of certain beings considered as spirits of darkness of which Kubera is one. -जातीय a. Ordinary, common-place.
Vedabase Search
7 results
itara and otherSB 7.8.19-22
itara ordinaryCC Madhya 2.85
itara otherCC Antya 16.119
SB 10.31.14
itara other thanSB 10.42.5
itara other than the householdersSB 3.14.20
itara who are insignificant in their identitiesSB 8.5.31
1 result
itara pronoun another (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the other (of two) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 858/72933
Wordnet Search
"itara"" has 2 results.


anya, apara, ekatara, para, itara   

kaścit bhinnaḥ।

mayā saha anye api janāḥ santi।


anya, itara, para, apara, anyadīya, anyatara, parakīya, vyatirikta   

prakṛtāt dvitīyaḥ।

vardhamānayā janasaṃkhyayā saha anyāḥ samasyāḥ udbhavanti।

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