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Grammar Search
"giri" has 1 results
giri: feminine locative singular stem: gir
Amarakosha Search
8 results
āsphoṭāFeminineSingularviṣṇukrāntā, aparājitā, girikarṇī
gavalam2.9.101NeuterSingularamalam, girijam
kuṭajaḥ2.2.66MasculineSingulargirimallikā, śakraḥ, vatsakaḥ
mahīdhraḥ2.3.1MasculineSingulargiri, parvataḥ, kṣmābhṛt, acalaḥ, gotraḥ, dharaḥ, śikharī, śiloccayaḥ, grāvā, adriḥ, ahāryaḥ, śailaḥ
śaṃbhuḥMasculineSingularkapardī, kapālabhṛt, virūpākṣaḥ, sarvajñaḥ, haraḥ, tryambakaḥ, andhakaripuḥ, vyomakeśaḥ, sthāṇuḥ, ahirbudhnyaḥ, paśupatiḥ, mahānaṭaḥ, maheśvaraḥ, īśānaḥ, bhūteśaḥ, giriśaḥ, kṛttivāsāḥ, ugraḥ, śitikaṇṭhaḥ, mahādevaḥ, kṛśānuretāḥ, nīlalohitaḥ, bhargaḥ, gaṅgādharaḥ, vṛṣadhvajaḥ, bhīmaḥ, umāpatiḥ, īśaḥ, gajāriḥ, śūlī, śarvaḥ, candraśekharaḥ, girīśaḥ, mṛtyuñjayaḥ, prathamādhipaḥ, śrīkaṇṭhaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, trilocanaḥ, dhūrjaṭiḥ, smaraharaḥ, tripurāntakaḥ, kratudhvaṃsī, bhavaḥ, rudraḥ, aṣṭamūrtiḥ, śivaḥ, īśvaraḥ, śaṅkaraḥ, khaṇḍaparaśuḥ, mṛḍaḥ, pinākī(51)shiva, god
tālamālam2.9.104NeuterSingulargaireyam, arthyam, girijam, aśmajam
umā1.1.44FeminineSingularkātyāyanī, haimavatī, bhavānī, sarvamaṅgalā, durgā, ambikā, giri, cāmuṇḍā, gaurī, īśvarī, rudrāṇī, aparṇā, mṛḍānī, āryā, menakātmajā, carmamuṇḍā, kālī, śivā, śarvāṇī, pārvatī, caṇḍikā, dākṣāyaṇī, karmamoṭī, carcikābhavaani
Monier-Williams Search
14 results for giri"
giri locative case of 1. g/ir-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girif. idem or 'n. (equals gilana-) swallowing ' gaRa kṛṣy-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. (for gari-, Zend gairi confer, compare gur/u-, g/arīyas-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ) a mountain, hill, rock, elevation, rising-ground (often connected with p/arvata-,"a mountain having many parts"[ confer, compare p/arvan-] ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. the number"eight"(there being 8 mountains which surround mount meru-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. a cloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. a particular disease of the eyes (kiri- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. equals -guḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. a peculiar defect in mercury View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. equals gairīyaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. a honorific N. given to one of the ten orders of the Das-nami Gosains (founded by ten pupils of śaṃkarācārya-;the word giri-is added to the name of each member; see gairika-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girim. Name of a son of śvaphalka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girif. (equals girikā-) a mouse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girimfn. coming from the mountains View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girif. venerable (); ([ confer, compare Slavonic or Slavonian gora; Afghan.ghur.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
giri गिरि a. [गॄ-इ किच्च Uṇ.4.142] Venerable, respectable, worshipful. -रिः 1 A hill, mountain, an elevation; पश्याधः खनने मूढ गिरयो न पतन्ति किम् Subhāṣ.; ननु प्रवाते$पि निष्कम्पा गिरयः Ś.6. -2 a huge rock. -3*** A disease of the eyes. -4 An honorific title given to Saṁnyāsins; e. g. आनन्दगिरिः -5 (In math.) The number 'eight'. -6 A ball with which children play (गेन्दुक). -7 A cloud. -8 A peculiar defect in quicksilver. -रिः f. 1 Swallowing. -2 A rat; mouse (written also गिरी in this sense). -Comp. -इन्द्रः 1 a high mountain. -2 an epithet of Śiva. -3 the Himālaya mountain. -4 a term for the number 'eight'. -ईशः 1 an epithet of the Himālaya mountain. -2 an epithet of Śiva; सुतां गिरीशप्रतिसक्तमानसाम् Ku.5.3. -कच्छपः a species of tortoise living in mountains. -कण्टकः Indra's thunderbolt. -कदम्बः, -म्बकः a species of the Kadamba tree. -कन्दरः a cave, cavern. -कर्णिका the earth. -काणः a blind or one-eyed man. -काननम् a mountain-grove. -कूटम् the summit of a mountain. -गङ्गा N. of a river. -गुडः a ball for playing with. -गुहा a mountain-cave. -चर a. roaming or wandering on a mountain; गिरिचर इव नागः प्राणसारं बिभर्ति Ś.2.4. (-रः) a thief. -ज a. mountain-born. (-जम्) 1 talc. -2 red chalk. -3 benzoin. -4 bitumen. -5 iron. (-जा) 1 N. of Pārvatī (the daughter of Himālaya). -2 the hill plantain (पर्वतकदली) -3 the Mallikā creeper. -4 an epithet of the Ganges. -तनयः, -नन्दनः, -सुतः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya. -2 of Gaṇeśa. ˚धवः, ˚पतिः an epithet of Śiva; Ks.56.43. ˚मलम् talc. -जालम् a range of mountains. -ज्वरः Indra's thunderbolt. -त्रः N. of Śiva; अहं गिरित्रश्च Bhāg.8.6.15. -दुर्गम् a hill-fort, any stronghold among mountains; नृदुर्गं गिरिदुर्गं वा समाश्रित्य वसेत्पुरम् Ms.7.7,71. -द्वारम् a mountain-pass. -धातुः red chalk; बालार्कसमवर्णेन तेजसा गिरिधातुना Rām.2.95.19. (v. l.) -ध्वजम् Indra's thunderbolt. -नगरम् N. of a district in Dakṣiṇāpatha. -णदी or नदी a mountain-torrent, rill. -णद्ध (नद्ध) a. enclosed by a mountain. -नन्दिनी 1 N. of Pārvatī. -2 of the Ganges. -3 a river in general (flowing from a mountain;) कलिन्दगिरिनन्दिनी- तटसुरद्रुमालम्बिनी Bv.4.3. -णितम्बः (नितम्बः) the declivity of a mountain. -पीलुः N. of a fruit-tree. -पुष्पकम् bitumen. -पृष्ठः the top of a hill; Ms.7.147. -प्रपातः the declivity or slope of a mountain; -प्रस्थः the tableland of a mountain; Rām.2. -प्रिया a female of the Bos Grunniens. -बान्धवः an epithet of Śiva -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra. (-f.) a river (breaking through a mountain). -भू a. mountain-born. (-भूः f.) 1 an epithet of the Ganges. -2 of Pārvatī. -मल्लिका the Kuṭaja tree. -मानः an elephant, especially a large and powerful one. -मृद् f., -मृद्भवम् 1 red chalk. -2 mountain soil. -राज् m. 1 a high mountain. -2 an epithet of the Himālaya. -राजः the Himālaya mountain. -व्रजम् N. of a city in Magadha. -शालः a kind of bird. -शृङ्गः an epithet of Gaṇeśa. (-गम्) the peak of a mountain. -षद् (सद्) m. an epithet of Śiva. -सानु n. table-land. -सारः 1 iron. -2 tin. -3 an epithet of the Malaya mountain. -सुतः the Maināka mountain. -सुता an epithet of Pārvatī. -स्रवा a mountaintorrent; गिरिस्रवाभिः सर्वाभिः पृष्ठतो$नुगता शुभा Mb.13.14.25.
Macdonell Search
1 result
giri m. [the heavy], mountain.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
1 result1 result
giri Mountain ’ or * height,’ is a word that occurs repeatedly in the Rigveda. Thus reference is made to the trees on the hills, hence called ‘tree-haired’ (vrksa-keśāh), and to the streams proceeding from the hills to the sea (samudra,)? The term is frequently coupled with the adjectival parvata. The Rigveda mentions the waters from the hills, and the Athar­vaveda6 refers to the snowy mountains. Actual names of mountains, as Mūjavant, Trikakud, Himavant, are very rare. References to Krauñca, Mahāmeru, and Maināg-a, are confined to the Taittirīya Aranyaka, while Nāvaprabhramśana can no longer be considered a proper name.
Vedabase Search
21 results
giri a mountainSB 10.64.3
giri by hills and mountainsSB 5.1.40
giri by peaks of mountainsSB 9.10.20
giri consisting of mountainsSB 10.59.2-3
giri hill (Trikūṭa Mountain)SB 8.4.17-24
giri hillsSB 5.17.6
SB 5.5.30
giri in the words or speechNoI 5
giri mountainsCC Adi 8.5
SB 10.47.56
giri of a mountainSB 10.37.29
SB 10.76.22
SB 5.26.28
giri of hillsSB 3.30.27
giri of mountainsSB 6.10.26
giri of the hillsSB 4.18.29
giri of the mountainsSB 10.35.8-11
giri on the mountainsSB 10.41.35
giri this hillSB 10.25.20
giri to the hillSB 10.24.32-33
giri to the mountainsSB 12.2.8
1 result
giri noun (masculine) a mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular disease of the eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a peculiar defect in mercury (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bitumen; śilājatu cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
elevation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hill (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
rising-ground (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
rock (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number "eight" (there being 8 mountains which surround mount Meru) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one of the doṣas of mercury the kañcuka called adri
Frequency rank 401/72933
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