mī | cl.9 P. A1. () mīnāti-, mīnīte- (Ved. also min/āti-and minoti-; m/īyate-or mīy/ate-[ ]; mimītas-, mimīyāt-[?]; perfect tense mimāya- ; mīmaya- ; mamau-, mimye- grammar; Aorist amāsīt-, amāsta- grammar; meṣṭa- ; Aorist Passive voice /amāyi- ; preceding mīyāt-, māsīṣṭa- grammar; future mātā-, māsyati-, te- grammar; meṣyate- ; infinitive mood -m/iyam-, -miye- ; m/etos- ; ind.p. mītvā-, -mīya-, māya- grammar), to lessen, diminish, destroy (A. and Passive voice to perish, disappear, die) ; to lose one's way, go astray ; to transgress, violate, frustrate, change, alter : Causal māpayati- Aorist amīmapat-. See pra-mī- ; Desiderative mitsati-, te- grammar : Intensive memīyate-, memayīti-, memeti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin minuere; Slavonic or Slavonian mi8nij; German minniro,minre,minder; Anglo-Saxon min.] |
mī | See manyu-mī-. |
mī | cl.1.10. P. mayati- or māyayati-, to go, move ; to understand |
mīḍam | ind. in a low tone, softly |
mīḍha | mfn. urined, watered |
mīḍha | m. a ram |
mīḍhā | f. Name of a woman |
mīḍha | n. contest, strife |
mīḍha | n. prize, reward |
mīḍha | n. excrement, faeces |
mīḍha | mīḍhu-, mīḍh/uṣ-, mīḍhv/as- etc. See column 2. |
mīḍhu | m. equals dhana- |
mīḍhuṣ | in compound for mīḍhv/as-. |
mīḍhuṣa | m. Name of a son of indra- by paulomī- |
mīḍhuṣī | f. Name of devī- (the wife of īśāna-) |
mīḍhuṣmat | (ḍh/uṣ--) mfn. bountiful, liberal, kind |
mīḍhuṣtama | mfn. (ḍh/uṣ--). most bountiful or liberal (applied to various gods) etc. |
mīḍhuṣtama | m. the sun |
mīḍhuṣtama | m. a thief |
mīḍhvas | mf(/uṣī-)n. (declined like a pf.p.; Nominal verb, mīḍhvan- vocative case mīḍhvas- dative case mīḍh/uṣe--or mīḷh/uṣe-etc.) , bestowing richly, bountiful, liberal etc. etc. |
mīl | cl.1 P. () mī- lati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense mimīla- ; Aorist amīlīt- grammar; future mīlitā-, mīliṣyati- ; ind.p. -mīlya- ), to close the eyes ; to close (intrans., said of the eyes), wink, twinkle ; (equals mil-) to assemble, be collected : Causal mīlayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist amimīlat-,or amīmilat- ), to cause to close, close (eyes, blossoms etc.) : Desiderative mimīliṣati- grammar : Intensive memīyate-, memīlti- |
mīlana | n. the act of closing the eyes |
mīlana | n. closing (intrans., said of eyes and flowers) |
mīlana | n. (in rhetoric) a covert or concealed simile (see mīlita-) |
mīḷha | n. contest, strife |
mīḷhu | m. equals dhana- |
mīlika | See nīla-m- |
mīlikā | f. black brass (varia lectio nilikā-). |
mīlita | mfn. one who has closed his eyes, sleepy (only Comparative degree t/a-tara-) |
mīlita | mfn. closed, obstructed (opp. to mukta-) |
mīlita | mfn. closed, unblown, partly opened (as eyes, blossoms etc.) |
mīlita | mfn. disappeared, ceased to be |
mīlita | mfn. met, assembled, gathered together |
mīlita | mfn. (in. rhetoric) an implied simile (in which the similarity between two objects is only implied, as in the example:"women clothed in white are invisible in the moonlight, therefore they are as bright as moonlight") |
mīm | cl.1 P. mīmati-, to move ; to sound |
mīmāṃsā | f. profound thought or reflection or Consideration, investigation, examination, discussion |
mīmāṃsā | f. theory (see kāvya-m-) |
mīmāṃsā | f. "examination of the Vedic text", Name of one of the 3 great divisions of orthodox Hindu philosophy (divided into 2 systems, viz. the pūrva-mīmāṃsā- or karma-mīmāṃsā- by jaimini-, concerning itself chiefly with the correct interpretation of Vedic ritual and text, and usually called the mīmāṃsā-;and the uttara-mīmāṃsā- or brahma-mīmāṃsā- or śārīraka-mīmāṃsā- by bādarāyaṇa-, commonly styled the vedānta- and dealing chiefly with the nature of brahma- or the one universal Spirit) |
mīmāṃsābālaprakāśa | m. Name of work (also called -sārasaṃgraha-) |
mīmāṃsābhāṣya | n. (also -sūtra-bh-) Name of the oldest existing commentator or commentary on the mīmāṃsā-sūtra-, by śabara-svāmin-. |
mīmāṃsābhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author |
mīmāṃsādhikaraṇa | n. (sādh-) (in the beginning of a compound) |
mīmāṃsādhikaraṇamālāṭīkā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsādhikaraṇanyāyavicāropanyāsa | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsājīvarakṣā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsaka | m. (fr. Desiderative of man-) as examiner, investigator, prover (see kāvya-m-) |
mīmāṃsaka | m. a, follower of the mīmāṃsā- system (See below) |
mīmāṃsākaumudī | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsākaustubha | mn. Name of work |
mīmāṃsākṛt | m. "author of the mīmāṃsā- system", Name of jaimini- |
mīmāṃsākusumāñjali | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsākutūhalavṛtti | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsākutūlala | n. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāmakaranda | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsānayaviveka | m. Name of a commentator or commentary on the mīmāṃsā-sūtra-s (q.v) by bhava-nātha-miśra- |
mīmāṃsānayavivekagatārthamālikā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsānayavivekālaṃkāra | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsānayavivekaśaṅkādīpikā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsānyāya | m. (in the beginning of a compound) |
mīmāṃsānyāyaparimalollāsa | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsānyāyaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsānyāyaratnākara | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāpadārthanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāpādukā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāpalvala | n. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāparibhāṣā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāprakriyā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsārasapalvala | n. Name of work |
mīmāṃsārtha | m. (sārtha-) (in the beginning of a compound) |
mīmāṃsārthadīpa | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsārthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work equals sārtha-saṃgraha-. |
mīmāṃsāsaṃkalpakaumudī | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāsāra | m. Name of work (see sā-bāla-prakāśa-) |
mīmāṃsāsārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work (see sā-bāla-prakāśa-) |
mīmāṃsāsarvasva | n. Name of work equals sā-śā-tra-sarvasva-. |
mīmāṃsāsāstra | n. (in the beginning of a compound) |
mīmāṃsāśāstradīpikā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāśāstrasarvasva | n. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāsiddhāntāryā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāśiromaṇi | m. "crest-gem of the Mi1ma1n6sa1", Name of an author (also called nīla-kaṇṭha-) |
mīmāṃsāślokavārttika | n. Name of a metrical paraphrase of śabara-'s mīmāṃsā-bhāṣya-. |
mīmāṃsāstabaka | m. Name of an elementary treatise on the mīmāṃsā- by rāghavānanda-. |
mīmāṃsāsūtra | n. (equals jaimini-s-) Name of the 12 books of aphorisms by jaimini- (See above) |
mīmāṃsāsūtradidhiti | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāsūtrarahasya | n. Name of work |
mīmāṃsātantravārttika | n. Name of kumārila-'s commentator or commentary on śabarasvāmin-'s mīmāṃsā-bhāṣya- (See below) . |
mīmāṃsātattvacandrikā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāvāda | m. (or mīmāṃsāvādārtha dārtha-,m.) Name of work |
mīmāṃsāvādārtha | m. mīmāṃsāvāda |
mīmāṃsāvārttika | n. equals sātantra-vārttika-. |
mīmāṃsāvidhibhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāviṣaya | m. Name of work |
mīmāṃsāvivaraṇaratnamālā | f. Name of work |
mīmāṃsikā | f. the mīmāṃsā- system |
mīmāṃsitavya | mfn. to be examined or investigated |
mīmāṃsya | mfn. to be thought over or reflected upon, to be examined or considered (see a-m-). |
mīna | m. (derivation fr.1. mī-very doubtful in spite of ) a fish etc. |
mīna | m. the sign of the zodiac Pisces |
mīna | m. Name of a teacher of yoga- |
mīnā | f. a stick |
mīnā | f. Name of a daughter of uṣā- and wife of kaśyapa- |
mīnadhāvanatoya | n. water in which fish have been washed |
mīnadhvaja | m. equals -ketana-, |
mīnadvaya | n. a couple of fish |
mīnagandhā | f. Name of satyavatī- (see matsya-g-). |
mīnaghātin | m. "fish-killer", a fisherman |
mīnaghātin | m. a crane |
mīnāghātin | m. equals mīna-gh- |
mīnagodhikā | f. a pond, pool of water (varia lectio gandhikā-). |
mīnaketāna | m. "fish-bannered", the God of love |
mīnaketu | m. idem or 'm. "fish-bannered", the God of love ' |
mīnaketūdaya | m. Name of a poem. |
mīnākṣa | mfn. marked with a fish-eye |
mīnākṣa | m. Name of a daitya- |
mīnākṣā | f. (prob.) wrong reading for next. |
mīnākṣī | f. "fish-eyed", Name (also title or epithet) of a goddess worshipped at Madura (commonly called Minaci), |
mīnākṣī | f. a species of soma--plant or of dūrvā- grass |
mīnākṣī | f. Name of a daughter of kubera- |
mīnākṣī | f. of a deity (the deified daughter of a pāṇḍya- king, especially worshipped in Madura and also called Minaci) |
mīnākṣīcūrṇikā | f. Name of work |
mīnākṣīpañcaratna | n. Name of work |
mīnākṣīpariṇaya | m. Name of work |
mīnākṣīstavarāja | m. Name of work |
mīnākṣīstotra | n. Name of work |
mīnākṣīsundareśvara | m. Name of a temple sacred to mīnākṣī- and śiva- (considered as her husband) |
mīnalāñchana | m. equals -ketana- |
mīnālaya | m. "abode of fish", the sea, ocean |
mīnamatsya | m. dual number the zodiacal sign Pisces |
mīnāmrīṇa | m. a kind of sauce or condiment |
mīnāmrīṇa | m. a wagtail (varia lectio mīnāstrīna-). |
mīnanātha | m. Name of a teacher of yoga- |
mīnanayanāṣṭaka | n. Name of work |
mīnāṇḍa | n. fish-spawn, roe, milt |
mīnāṇḍa | f(ī-or ā-). moist or brown sugar |
mīnanetrā | f. a species of grass |
mīnāṅka | m. equals mīna-ketana- |
mīnapuccha | m. or n. (?) a fish-tail |
mīnapucchanibha | mfn. resembling a fish-tail |
mīnara | m. a kind of sea-monster (equals makara-) |
mīnarāja | m. the king of the fish |
mīnarāja | m. (with yavaneśvara-) Name of an astrologer |
mīnarājajātaka | n. his work |
mīnaraṅga | m. a kingfisher |
mīnaraṅka | m. a kingfisher |
mīnaratha | m. Name of a king |
mīnāri | m. "enemy of fish", a fisherman |
mīnatā | f. the state or condition of a fish |
mīnavat | mfn. abounding in fish |
mīra | m. the sea, ocean ( also "a particular part of a mountain;a limit, boundary;a drink, beverage") . |
mīramīrā | f. Name of a woman ( mīramīrāsuta -suta- m.Name of a lexicographer) |
mīramīrāsuta | m. mīramīrā |
mīta | See under pra-mī-. |
mīv | cl.1 P. mīvati-, to move (See ā--, ni--, pra--, prati-mīv-). |
mīv | (see pīv-). cl.1 P. mīvati-, to grow fat or corpulent |
mīvā | f. a tape-worm (others"air, wind" mīvan van- m.) |
mīvaga | m. or n. (?) a particular high number |
mīvan | m. mīvā |
mīvara | mf(ī-)n. hurtful, injurious, |
mīvara | mf(ī-)n. venerable |
mīvara | m. a leader of an army |
mīvara | m. |
abhisamīkṣya | ind.p. ( īkṣ-), seeing, viewing |
abhisamīkṣya | ind. noticing, perceiving, learning from |
abhisamīkṣya | ind. considering, with reference to |
abhisamīr | Caus. (perf. Passive voice p. -īrita-) to put in motion |
acalāsaptamī | f. Name of a book in the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-. |
adhvaradīkṣamīyā | f. consecration connected with the adhvara-. |
aduḥkhanavamī | f. the propitious ninth day in the first fortnight of bhādrapada- (when women worship devī- to avert evil for the ensuing year). |
agnimīyāma | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a sāman-, |
āgniśarmīya | mfn. belonging or referring to āgniśarmi-, (gaRa gahādi- q.v) |
agnīṣomīya | mfn. related or sacred to agni- and soma- |
agnīṣomīyaikādasakapāla | m. cake sacred to agni- and soma- See above. |
agnīṣomīyapaśu | m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat, sacred to agni- and soma- |
agnīṣomīyapaśvanuṣṭhāna | n. the rite connected with that victim at the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice |
agnīṣomīyapuroḍāśa | m. cake sacred to agni- and soma- (baked in eleven bowls) |
agnīṣomīyaṣomīyanirvāpa | m. making libations with the cake sacred to agni- and soma-, a ceremony in the darśapūrṇamāsa- sacrifice |
agnīṣomīyayāga | m. one of the three sacrifices of the pūrṇamāsa- |
āgniṣṭomīya | mfn. belonging to the agniṣṭoma- |
ajalomī | f. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens |
ajamīḍha | m. Name of a son of suhotra- (author of some Vedic hymns ) |
ajamīḍha | m. of a grandson of suhotra- |
ajamīḍha | m. of yudhiṣṭhira-. |
ājamīḍha | m. a descendant of aja-mīḍha- |
ājamīḍha | m. Name of a famous king |
ājamīḍhaka | mfn. belonging or referring to ajamīḍha- |
ājamīḍhi | m. a descendant of aja-mīḍha- |
ajamīḷha | m. Name of a son of suhotra- (author of some Vedic hymns ) |
ajamīḷha | m. of a grandson of suhotra- |
ajamīḷha | m. of yudhiṣṭhira-. |
ājamīḷha | m. a descendant of aja-mīḍha- |
ājamīḷha | m. Name of a famous king |
akṛśalakṣmī | mfn. enjoying full prosperity. |
akṣayyanavamī | f. the ninth day of the bright half of āśvina-. |
akṣṇayāstomīyā | f. Name of an iṣṭakā- |
alakṣmī | f. evil fortune, bad luck, distress, poverty |
alakṣmī | (mfn.) causing misfortune |
alaṃkarmīṇa | mfn. competent for any act or work |
āmī | P. -mināti- () to destroy, neutralize, curtail ; to put aside or away, cause to disappear or vanish, displace ; to exchange ; to put or push out of place : A1. (imperfect tense /āminanta-) to vanish, disappear : Intensive (parasmE-pada -m/emyāna-) to change, alter |
āmīkṣā | f. equals amikṣā- q.v |
āmīl | Causal P. -mīlayati-, to close the eyes |
āmīlana | n. the act of closing the eyes |
amīmāṃsā | f. ( man-), absence of reasoning or investigation |
amīmāṃsaka | mfn. uncritical, |
amīmāṃsya | mfn. not to be reasoned about or discussed |
amītavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. of unaltered colour |
amītavarṇa | See /a-minat-. |
āmīv | P. -mīvati-, to press, push, open by pressure |
amīva | n. ( am-), pain, grief |
amīvā | f. distress, terror, fright |
amīvā | f. tormenting spirit, demon |
amīvā | f. affliction, disease |
āmīvā | f. disease, |
amīvacātana | mf(ī-)n. driving away pains, diseases, or tormenting spirits |
amīvahan | mfn. destroying pains, killing evil spirits |
āmīvatka | mfn. pushing, pressing |
āmīvita | mfn. pressed, opened by pressure |
amṛtāṣṭamītapas | n. Name of work |
anaghāṣṭamī | f. Name of an eighth day (spoken of in the fifty-fifth adhyāya- of the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-). |
anamīva | mf(/ā-)n., Ved. free from disease, well, comfortable |
anamīva | mf(/ā-)n. salubrious, salutary |
anamīva | n. good health, happy state |
anukāmīna | mfn. one who acts as he pleases |
anumīyamāna | mfn. Passive voice parasmE-pada being inferred. |
anusamīkṣ | to keep in view, have in view |
anuṣṭupkarmīṇa | mfn. being performed with an anuṣṭubh- verse |
apramīya | mfn. (that) which ought not to perish |
apramīya | See |
ardhalakṣmīhari | m. "half lakṣmī- and half hari-", one of the forms of viṣṇu- (see ardha-nārīṇāteśvara-above) . |
arpaṇamīmāṃsā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
aruṇodayasaptamī | f. the seventh day in the bright half of māgha- |
asamīcīna | mfn. incorrect. |
asamīkṣita | mfn. not perceived or ascertained |
asamīkṣya | ind.p. not having considered. |
asamīkṣyakārin | mfn. acting inconsiderately |
aśokāṣṭamī | f. the eighth day in the first half of the month caitra-. |
aṣṭamī | f. (id est rātri-) the eighth day (night) in a half-month |
astamīke | locative case ind. (fr. 2. añc- see samīk/a-,etc.) at home |
aśvastomīya | n. "relating to the praise of the sacrificial horse", Name of the hymn |
aśvastomīya | m. (sc. homa-), Name of an oblation |
asyavāmīya | n. the hymn beginning with the words asy/a vām/asya- () |
atilakṣmī | mfn. very prosperous |
atilakṣmī | f. (īs-) extraordinary prosperity. |
atisamīpa | mfn. very near. |
ātmībhāva | m. becoming part of the supreme spirit. |
ātmīkṛ | to make one's own, take possession of |
ātmīya | mf(ā-)n. one's own |
aumīna | n. a field of flax |
ayāsomīya | n. Name of some verses of the (so called from their beginning with the words ay/ā s/oma-). |
bhaimī | f. bhīma-'s daughter id est damayantī- , ( bhaimīpariṇaya mī-pariṇaya- n." damayantī-'s wedding", Name of a drama) |
bhaimīpariṇaya | n. bhaimī |
bhaktamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
bhaktimīmāṃsasūtra | n. Name of work |
bhāskarasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month māgha- |
bhasmasamīpa | n. nearness of ashes |
bhasmī | in compound for bhasman-. |
bhasmībhāva | m. the state or condition of becoming ashes (vaṃ gataḥ-,"reduced to ashes") |
bhasmībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become ashes |
bhasmībhūta | mfn. become ashes, reduced to ashes |
bhasmībhūta | mfn. being mere ashes id est wholly worthless |
bhasmīkaraṇa | n. reducing to ashes, burning |
bhasmīkaraṇa | n. calcining |
bhasmīkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to make into ashes, reduce to ashes |
bhasmīkṛta | mfn. reduced to ashes, burnt |
bhasmīkṛta | mfn. calcined |
bhaumī | f. "produced from the earth", Name of sitā- |
bhavagrāmīṇavādyokta | m. Name of a poet |
bhayanimīlitākṣa | mfn. having the eyes closed from fear |
bhīṣmāṣṭamī | f. the 8th day in the light half of the month māgha- (when there is a festival sacred to bhīṣma-) |
bhomīrā | f. coral |
bhūmī | , in compound for bhūmi-. |
bhūmībhṛt | m. a mountain |
bhūmībhuj | m. equals bhūmi-bh- q.v , |
bhūmīcchā | f. desire for lying on the ground |
bhūmīkadamba | m. equals bhūmi-kadamba- q.v |
bhūmīkurabaka | m. a species of plant |
bhūmīndra | m. "earth-chief", a king, prince |
bhūmīpati | m. equals bhūmi-p- q.v |
bhūmīruh | m. () () "earth growing", a plant, tree. |
bhūmīruha | m. () "earth growing", a plant, tree. |
bhūmīsaha | m. a species of tree |
bhūmīśayya | mfn. sleeping on the ground |
bhūmīśvara | m. (in eka-bh-) "sovereign over the earth" |
bhūmīśvaramāhātmya | n. Name of a chapter in the |
bhūśamī | f. a kind of Acacia |
brahmamīmāṃsā | f. "investigation into brahma- or the spiritual doctrine of the veda-", Name of the vedānta- philosophy treating of the one self-existent Spirit (see -sūtra-). |
brahmāṇḍayāmalepañcamīsādhana | n. Name of work |
brahmī | f. holy, devout (?) ( equals brāhmaṇa-prerita-) |
brahmī | f. a kind of fish, Macrognathus Pancalus (commonly called Pancal) |
brahmī | f. a kind of vegetable |
brahmī | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus |
brahmī | in compound for ma- or man-. |
brāhmī | f. See brāhmī- |
brāhmī | f. (of brāhm/a- q.v) the śakti- or personified energy of brahmā- (regarded as one of the 8 mātṛ-s or divine mothers of created beings;in they are said to attend skanda-) |
brāhmī | f. speech or the goddess of speech (= sarasvatī-) |
brāhmī | f. Name of durgā- |
brāhmī | f. the wife of a Brahman |
brāhmī | f. (in music) Name of a mūrchanā- |
brāhmī | f. a religious practice, pious usage ( brāhmyā myā- ind.according to pious usage) |
brāhmī | f. a woman married according to the brāhma- rite (see -putra-), the constellation rohiṇi- |
brāhmī | f. a female fish or frog |
brāhmī | f. a species of ant |
brāhmī | f. Name of various plants (Clerodendrum Siphonantus, Ruta Graveolens, Enhydra Hingcha etc.) |
brāhmī | f. a kind of brass |
brāhmī | f. Name of a river |
brāhmī | f. (with saṃhitā-) Name of work |
brahmībhūta | m. Name of śaṃkarācārya- |
brāhmīkanda | m. a species of bulbous plant |
brāhmīkunda | n. Name of a sacred cavity in the ground |
brāhmīputra | m. the son of a woman married according to the brāhma- rite |
brāhmīśāntisaṃkalpa | m. Name of work |
brāhmīśāntyavadhānakrama | m. Name of work |
brāhmītantra | n. Name of a tantra-. |
brahmīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree fr. brahm/an-) more or most devout or skilled in sacred knowledge |
brahmīyas | m. a pious or learned Brahman |
budhāṣṭamī | f. "the 8th (day) of bhaṭṭotpala-", Name of a festival |
budhāṣṭamīvrata | n. Name of work |
budhāṣṭamīvratakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
cakramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
camīkāra | m. reciting the camaka-sūkta- |
camīkāra | etc. See cama-. |
cāmīkara | n. gold |
cāmīkara | m. the thorn-apple |
cāmīkarācala | m. "gold-mountain", meru- |
cāmīkarādri | m. idem or 'm. "gold-mountain", meru- ' |
cāmīkaramaya | mf(ī-)n. equals rīya- |
cāmīkaraprakhya | mfn. gold-like |
cāmīkarīya | mfn. golden |
camīkṛ | to recite the camaka-sūkta- over anything |
caṇḍikāmahānavamī | f. a particular 9th day on which durgā- is worshipped |
candrasūryajihmīkaraṇaprabha | m. "whose splendour obscures moon and sun", Name of a buddha- |
candronmīlana | n. Name of work |
cārmīya | mfn. fr. c/arman- gaRa utkarādi-. |
catuḥśamī | f. 4 śamī-s long |
cilamīlikā | f. a kind of necklace (ciliminikā- ) |
cilamīlikā | f. a firefly |
cilamīlikā | f. lightning(cilicīmi- and mī- ) (see cilim-.) |
cilimīlikā | f. equals lam- |
cilimīnaka | m. equals licima- |
citramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work on rhetoric |
citramīmāṃsākhaṇḍana | n. "refutation of the citramīmāṃsā-", Name of a work. |
dāḍimīsāra | m. equals dādima- |
dāḍimīvat | mfn. planted with pomegranate trees |
daivaśarmīya | mfn. gaRa gahādi-. |
dākṣigrāmīya | mfn. relating to dākṣi-grāma- |
daśabhūmīśa | m. idem or 'm. "traversing the 10 stages", a buddha- ' |
daśabhūmīśvara | m. equals mi-. |
daśagrāmī | f. 10 villages |
daśamī | f. the 10th stage of human life (age from 91 to 100 years) |
daśamī | f. (scilicet tithi-) the 10th day of the half moon, etc. |
daśamī | f. the 10th day after birth |
daśamī | f. ([ confer, compare Latin decimus.]) |
daśamīstha | mfn. between 90 and 100 years old, . |
dāsamīya | m. plural Name of a People |
dattakamīmāṃsā | f. another work. |
devamīḍha | m. ( -ka-) "god-begotten (?)", Name of a yādava- and grandfather of vasu-deva- (see next) |
devamīḍha | m. of a descendant of nimi- and janaka- |
devamīḍhuṣa | m. Name of the grandfather of vasu-deva- (see prec.) |
dharmamīmāṃsā | f. Name of the pūrvamīmāṃsā- of jaimini- |
dharmamīmāṃsāparibhāṣā | f. Name of work |
dharmamīmāṃsāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
dharmamīmāṃsāsārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
dharmīputra | m. an actor, a player (varia lectio dhātrī-p-). |
dharmīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree) more virtuous etc. |
dharmīyas | mfn. very pious or moral etc. |
dhaumīya | mfn. smoky (see gaRa kṛśāśvādi-). |
dhūmīkā | f. a particular bird of prey (varia lectio mākā-). |
dhvajanavamī | f. a particular festival |
dhyāmīkaraṇa | n. making dark-coloured, blackening |
dhyāmīkaraṇa | n. burning, consuming |
dhyāmīkṛta | mfn. made dark-coloured, blackened |
duḥṣamīkṣya | mfn. difficult to be perceived |
durgānavamī | f. the ninth day of the light half of kārttika- (sacred to durgā-) |
durgāṣṭamī | (gāṣṭ-) f. Name of a particular eighth day connected with durgā- |
dūrvāṣṭamī | (vāṣ-) f. Name of a festival on the 8th day of the light half of the month bhādra- on which the Durb is worshipped as a deity |
dvādaśavidhaputramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
dvimīḍha | m. Name of a son of hastin- (bṛhat-) and grandson of su-hotra- |
dvisamīna | mfn. 2 years old, Scholiast or Commentator |
dviyāmī | f. 2 night-watches= 6 hours |
dyāvābhūmī | (dy/ā-) f. dual number heaven and earth |
dyobhūmī | f. dual number heaven and earth |
dyūtapaurṇimī | f. the day of full moon in kārttika- (spent in games of chance in honour of lakṣmi-) |
dyūtapurṇimī | f. the day of full moon in kārttika- (spent in games of chance in honour of lakṣmi-) |
ekagrāmīṇa | mfn. inhabiting the same village |
ekagrāmīya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. inhabiting the same village ' |
ekavarṇasamīkaraṇa | n. equalization of two uniform quantities, a kind of equation (in mathematics) |
etatsamīpa | n. presence of this one. |
gajanimīlikā | f. (equals ibha-n-) "shutting the eyes (at anything) like an elephant", feigning not to look at anything |
gajanimīlikā | f. inattention, carelessness |
gajanimīlita | n. (equals likā-) feigning not to look at anything |
gaṅgāsaptamī | the 7th day in the light half of month vaiśākha-, |
gatalakṣmīka | mfn. unfortunate, suffering losses |
gautamī | f. (gaRa gaurādi-and gaRa śārṅgaravādi-) a female descendant of gotama- (Name of kṛpī- ;of mahā-prajāpatī- ) |
gautamī | f. of m/a- q.v |
gautamīputra | (g/aut-) m. "son of gautamī-", Name of a teacher |
gautamīsuta | m. equals minandana- |
gautamītantra | n. Name of a tantra-. |
gautamīya | mfn. belonging to or coming from gautama- etc. (f(yā-).with mitākṣarā-Name of hara-datta-'s commentator or commentary on ) |
gautamīya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a tantra- work, . |
ghṛtastomīya | mfn. relating to ma- id est to the praise of ghee |
godhūmī | f. equals -lomikā- |
golomī | f. Name of a plant (white dūrvā- grass ; bhūta-keśa-or śī- ; vacā- ) |
golomī | f. equals vara-yoṣā- ("an excellent woman"or"a harlot") |
gomīna | m. equals -matsya- |
gopāṣṭamī | f. the 8th day in the light half of month kārttika- (on which kṛṣṇa- who had formerly been a keeper of calves became a cowherd;cows are especially to be worshipped on this day) |
goṣṭhāṣṭamī | f. Name of a festive day (see gopāṣṭ-) |
gotamī | f. varia lectio for gaut- in gaRa gaurādi- |
gotamīputra | m. "son of gotamī-", Name of a king (50 B.C. or A.D.) |
graiṣmī | f. equals grīṣmī- |
grāmīṇa | mfn. ( ) produced in or peculiar to a village |
grāmīṇa | mfn. rustic, vulgar, rude |
grāmīṇa | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See eka-- |
grāmīṇa | mfn. equals grāmaiḥ sambhṛta- (mīna-) |
grāmīṇa | mfn. (in music) chromatic |
grāmīṇa | m. a villager, peasant etc. |
grāmīṇa | m. a dog |
grāmīṇa | m. equals ma-kola- |
grāmīṇa | m. a crow |
grāmīṇā | f. equals miṇī- |
grāmīṇā | f. equals mya-vallabhā- |
grāmīna | for mīṇa- q.v |
grāmīya | See samāna--. |
grāmīyaka | m. the member of a community |
grīṣmī | f. equals ṣma-bhavā- ; ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish gris,"fire";griosgaim,"I fry, boil";griosach,"burning embers."]) |
gulmī | f. a cluster or clump of trees |
gulmī | f. the Myrobalan tree |
gulmī | f. jujube |
gulmī | f. small cardamoms |
gulmī | f. a tent |
gulmībhūta | mfn. "become a bush", become worthless |
haimī | f. idem or 'f. yellow jasmine ' |
haimībhūta | mfn. become gold, turned into gold |
hamīāṇa | Name of a place |
hamīpurya | mfn. coming or derived from hamīpura- (see hammīra-) |
hammīra | m. Name of a king of śākambharī- (who ruled from 1301-1365 A.D. and patronized rāghava-deva-, the grandfather of śārṅgadhara-, the author of the anthology, one stanza of which is attributed to him). |
hammīracarita | n. " hammīra-'s deeds", Name of a mahā-kāvya- by naya-candra-. |
harimīḍe | "I praise hari-"(or ḍe-stotra-) n. Name of a hymn. |
haumīya | mfn. equals homīya- |
himīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to change into snow or ice |
hiraṇyalakṣmīsūkta | n. Name of work |
homīya | mfn. relating or belonging to or fit or destined for an oblation or sacrifice |
homīyadravya | n. anything used for an oblation (as clarified butter) |
ibhanimīlikā | f. smartness, shrewdness, sagacity (like that of an elephant) |
idamīya | mfn. belonging to him or her, |
ihapañcamī | f. being here (in this place, world, etc.) the second or fifth woman, (gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi- ) |
indrāsomīya | mfn. consecrated to indra- and soma- |
iṣukāmaśamī | f. Name of a region commentator or commentary on |
jahnusaptamī | f. the 7th day in the light half of vaiśākha- |
jalabrahmī | f. Hingcha repens |
jāmī | f. equals mi-, a daughter-in-law |
jāmī | f. Name of an apsaras- |
jāmī | f. for yām- q.v |
janmāṣṭamī | f. kṛṣṇa-'s birthday (the 8th day in the dark half of month srāvaṇa- or bhādra-) |
janmāṣṭamīnirṇaya | m. Name of work |
janmāṣṭamītattva | n. Name of |
janmāṣṭamīvrata | n. Name of a vow described in a tale (which is said to be taken from ) |
jayalakṣmī | f. goddess of victory, victory |
jayalakṣmī | f. Name of a woman, |
jayalakṣmī | f. of a work. |
jayantīsaptamī | f. the 7th day in the bright half of māgha- |
jihmamīna | mfn. appearing in the illusory shape of a fish |
jihmī | ind. in compound |
jihmībhū | to be obscured, . |
jihmīkara | mfn. making crooked or oblique |
jihmīkara | mfn. obscuring |
jihmīkaraṇa | mfn. "obscuring" See candra-sūrya-jihmīkaraṇaprabha-. |
jihmīkṛta | mfn. made crooked, bent, bowed down (with fear etc.) |
jihmīkṛta | mfn. obscured |
jīmūtāṣṭamī | f. the 8th day in the dark half of āśvina- (festival in honour of śāli-vāhana-'s son jīmūta-vāhana-) |
jitāṣṭamī | f. equals jīmūtāṣṭ- |
jyeṣṭhalakṣmī | f. a chief mark, congenital mark (see ) ("indigence personified as the elder sister of lakṣmī-"Scholiast or Commentator) . |
kalpadrumībhū | to become a kalpa-druma- |
kalyāṇapañcamīka | mfn. (scilicet pakṣa-) any fortnight the fifth lunar day of which is lucky |
kalyāṇasaptamī | f. an auspicious seventh day |
kalyāṇasaptamīvrata | n. a religious observance on that day. |
kalyāṇīpañcamīka | mfn. (scilicet pakṣa-) a fortnight having the fifth night lucky |
kamalasaptamīvrata | n. idem or 'n. Name of a particular religious observance ' |
kāmīla | m. the plant Areca Triandra |
kāmīna | m. the plant Areca Triandra |
kāmyāṣṭamī | f. a particular eighth day |
kardamī | f. a species of jasmine |
karmamīmāṃsā | f. equals pūrva-mīmāṃsā- q.v |
karmīṇa | mfn. only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see anuṣṭ/up-karm/īṇa-, alaṃ-karmīṇa-. |
karmīra | equals kirmīra- q.v |
kaśmīra | m. plural (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).; kaś-? perhaps contraction of kaśyapa-mīra-; see ), Name of a country and of the people inhabiting it (see kāśmīra-) gaRa bhargādi- |
kaśmīra | m. saṅkāśādi-, |
kaśmīra | m. kacchādi-, |
kaśmīra | m. sindhv-ādi-, |
kāśmīra | mf(ī-)n. (gaṇa-s kacchādi-and sindhv-ādi-) born in or coming from kaśmīra- |
kāśmīra | m. a king of kaśmīra- |
kāśmīra | m. the country kaśmīra- etc. |
kāśmīra | m. plural the inhabitants of kaśmīra- |
kāśmīra | m. the country kaśmīra- |
kāśmīrā | f. a sort of grape |
kāśmīra | m. the tree Ficus elastica |
kāśmīra | n. the tuberous root of the plant Costus speciosus |
kāśmīra | n. saffron |
kāśmīra | n. equals ṭaṅka- |
kāśmīradeśa | m. the country kaśmīra-. |
kāśmīraja | n. "coming from kāśmīra-", saffron |
kāśmīraja | n. the tuberous root of the plant Costus speciosus |
kāśmīrajā | f. birch (or Aconitum ferox?) |
kaśmīrajanman | n. "produced in Kashmir", saffron |
kāśmīrajanman | n. saffron |
kāśmīrajīrakā | f. a sort of cummin |
kāśmīraka | mfn. (gaRa kacchādi-) born or produced in kaśmīra-, relating to kaśmīra- |
kāśmīraka | m. a prince of kaśmīra- |
kāśmīraka | m. plural the inhabitants of kaśmīra- |
kāśmīraliṅga | n. N. a liṅga-. |
kāśmīramaṇḍala | n. equals -deśa-. |
kāśmīrapura | n. the city of the kaśmīra-s. |
kāśmīrasambhava | n. saffron |
kāśmīravāṇija | m. a merchant who goes to kaśmīra-, |
kāśmīravṛkṣa | m. Name of a tree with oily seeds |
kāśmīrī | f. equals kāśmarī- |
kāśmīrikā | f. a princess of kaśmīra- |
kāśmīrika | mfn. born or produced in kaśmīra- |
kāśmīrikanivāsa | m. the residence of the kaśmīra-s |
kāśmīrya | mfn. gaRa saṃkāśādi-. |
kauthumī | f. a female descendant of kuthumin- |
kāvyamīmāṃsā | f. theory of poetry |
kāvyamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work on it. |
kāvyamīmāṃsaka | m. a rhetorician commentator or commentary on |
khamīlana | n. sleepiness, lassitude |
kimīdin | m. Name of a class of evil spirits |
kimīdinī | f. idem or 'm. Name of a class of evil spirits ' |
kimīya | mfn. belonging to whom or what? |
kirmī | f. a hall |
kirmī | f. an image of gold or iron |
kirmī | f. (equals karmin-) the palāśa- tree (Butea frondosa) |
kīrmī | f. a house for straw (?) |
kirmīra | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. variegated ' (see karbara-.)' |
kirmīra | m. a variegated colour |
kirmīra | m. the orange tree |
kirmīra | m. Name of a rākṣasa- conquered by bhīma-sena- |
kirmīra | See kirbira-. |
kirmīrajit | m. "conquering the rākṣasa- kirmīra-"Name of bhīmasena- |
kirmīraniṣūdanabhid | m. equals -jit- |
kirmīrāri | m. "the enemy of kirmīra-", Name of bhīma-sena- |
kirmīrasūdana | m. idem or 'm. equals -jit- ' |
kirmīratvac | m. "having a variegated rind", the orange tree |
kirmīrita | mfn. "variegated", mingled with (in compound) |
kirmīrita | mfn. variegated, spotted |
kīśmīla | m. Name of a disease |
kṛcchronmīla | m. a disease of the eye-lids, |
kṛmī | f. Name of the wife of uśīnara- equals kṛmi- q.v |
kṛmīlaka | m. Phaseolus aconitifolius |
kṛṣṇajanmāṣṭamī | f. " kṛṣṇa-'s birth-day", the eighth day of the second half of the month śrāvaṇa- (see kṛṣṇāṣṭamī-below.) |
kṛṣṇāṣṭamī | f. equals ṣṇa-janmāṣṭ- |
kṛṣṇāṣṭamī | f. the eighth day in the dark half of any month |
kṛṣṭasamīkṛ | equals -matī-kṛ- |
kṛṣṭasamīkṛta | mfn. ploughed and harrowed |
kṣamībhū | to become able to do anything (dative case) |
kṣāmīkṛ | to shorten |
kṣaumī | f. flax (Linum usitatissimum) |
kṣemīśvara | m. Name of the author of the caṇḍa-kauśika-. |
kṣmīl | cl.1 P. lati-, to twinkle, close the eyelids (see mīl-.) |
kṣudramīna | m. plural Name of a people |
kulāṣṭamī | f. (with śākta-s) Name of a particular eighth day. |
kūrmī | f. a female tortoise |
laghubrāhmī | f. a kind of Rue |
laghumīmāṃsāvārttikaṭīkā | f. Name of work |
laghuśamī | f. a kind of Acacia |
lakṣmī | f. (Nominal verb /īs-,rarely /ī-;also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' as mf.,but n(i-).; see lakṣmīka-) a mark, sign, token |
lakṣmī | f. (with or without pāp/ī-) a bad sign, impending misfortune |
lakṣmī | f. (but in the older language more usually with p/uṇyā-) a good sign, good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness (also plural) etc. |
lakṣmī | f. wealth, riches |
lakṣmī | f. beauty, loveliness, grace, charm, splendour, lustre etc. |
lakṣmī | f. Name of the goddess of fortune and beauty (frequently in the later mythology identified with śrī- and regarded as the wife of viṣṇu- or nārāyaṇa-; according to to she sprang with other precious things from the foam of the ocean when churned by the gods and demons for the recovery of the amṛta- q.v;she appeared with a lotus in her hand, whence she is also called padmā-; according to to another legend she appeared at the creation floating over the water on the expanded petals of a lotus-flower, she is also variously regarded as a wife of sūrya-, as a wife of prajā-pati-, as a wife of dharma- and mother of kāma-, as sister or mother of dhātṛ- and vidhātṛ-, as wife of dattatreya-, as one of the 9 śakti-s of viṣṇu-, as a manifestation of prakṛti- etc., as identified with dākṣāyaṇī- in bharatāśrama-, and with sītā-, wife of rāma-, and with other women) (see ) |
lakṣmī | f. the Good Genius or Fortune of a king personified (and often regarded as a rival of his queen), royal power, dominion, majesty |
lakṣmī | f. a particular verse or formula |
lakṣmī | f. Name of various plants (Hibiscus Mutabilis;Mimosa Suma;turmeric;a white tulasī-; equals ṛddhi-, vṛddhi-, priyaṅgu-,and phalinī-) |
lakṣmī | f. of the eleventh kalā- of the moon |
lakṣmī | f. of two kinds of metre |
lakṣmī | f. the wife of a hero |
lakṣmī | f. equals dravya- |
lakṣmī | f. a pearl |
lakṣmī | f. Name of the wife of king candra-siṃha- of mithilā- and patroness of various authors (also called lakhamā-, laṣamā-, lakhimā-or lachimā-) |
lakṣmī | f. of a poetess |
lakṣmī | f. of another woman |
lakṣmībahiṣkṛta | mfn. excluded from fortune, destitute of wealth |
lakṣmīcandramiśra | m. Name of an author |
lakṣmīcaritra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīdāsa | m. Name of various men |
lakṣmīdatta | m. (also with ācārya-) Name of various authors |
lakṣmīdeva | m. Name of a man |
lakṣmīdevī | f. Name of a learned woman |
lakṣmīdhara | m. (also with ācārya-, kavi-, dīkṣita-, deśika-, bhaṭṭa-, sūri-) Name of various authors and other persons etc. |
lakṣmīdhara | n. (prob.) a particular metre |
lakṣmīdhara | m. or n. (?) Name of a commentary |
lakṣmīdharakāvya | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīdharasena | m. Name of a man |
lakṣmīdvādaśanāmamahiman | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīdvādaśanāmamahimastotra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīgṛha | n. "abode of lakṣmī-", a mint |
lakṣmīgṛha | n. a red lotus-flower |
lakṣmīhṛdaya | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīhṛdayastotra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmījanārdana | n. sg. lakṣmī- and janārdana- |
lakṣmīka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals lakṣmī- gaRa uraḥ-prabhṛti- (see gata--, pūrna-l-etc.) |
lakṣmīkalpa | m. a particular period of time |
lakṣmīkānta | m. "beloved of lakṣmī-", Name of viṣṇu- (see kallāleśo lakṣmī-k-) |
lakṣmīkānta | m. a king |
lakṣmīkānta | m. Name of an author |
lakṣmīkānta | m. (with nyāya-bhūṣaṇa bhaṭṭācārya-) of another author |
lakṣmīkāntaśikṣā | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīkavaca | n. Name of various kavaca-s |
lakṣmīkhaṇḍa | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīkulārṇava | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīkulatantra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīkumāratātācārya | m. Name of an author |
lakṣmīlahari | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīmandira | n. a fictitious Name of a town |
lakṣmīmantra | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīṃdadā | f. Name of a kiṃnarī- |
lakṣmīnāmāmṛta | n. Name of a stotra-. |
lakṣmīnarasiṃha | m. Name of a king |
lakṣmīnarasiṃha | m. of various authors |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | m. dual number or n. sg. lakṣmī- and nārāyaṇa- (see ) |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | m. Name of a prince |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | m. (also with nyāyālaṃkāra-, paṇḍita-, yati-) of various authors and other men |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | mfn. belonging to lakṣmī- and nārāyaṇa- |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇahṛdaya | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇapañcāṅga | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇapūjāvidhāna | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇārcākaumudī | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇasahasranāman | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇasaṃvāda | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇastava | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇastotra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇavrata | n. a particular religious observance |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇavratakalpa | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīnātha | m. "lord of lakṣmī-", Name of viṣṇu- |
lakṣmīnātha | m. (also with bhaṭṭa-, miśra-, śarman-) of various authors |
lakṣmīniketana | n. the bathing with fragrant myrobalan powder |
lakṣmīnivāsa | m. the abode of the goddess of fortune |
lakṣmīnivāsa | m. Name of a commentator |
lakṣmīnivāsābhidhāna | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha | n. sg. lakṣmī- and viṣṇu- as the man-lion |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha | m. Name of a king |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha | m. (also with kavi-or bhaṭṭa-) of various authors and other men |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhakavaca | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottara | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottarabhāṣya | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhapañcaratnamālikā | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhasahasranāman | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhastavarāja | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhastotra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīpañcāśat | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīpati | m. "husband or lord of lakṣmī-", a king or prince |
lakṣmīpati | m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- |
lakṣmīpati | m. the betel-nut tree |
lakṣmīpati | m. the clove tree |
lakṣmīpati | m. (also with śarman-) Name of various authors and other persons |
lakṣmīphala | m. Aegle Marmelos |
lakṣmīpraṇayin | mfn. dear to lakṣmī-, a favourite of fortune |
lakṣmīpūjā | f. "worship of lakṣmī-", Name of a festival on the 15th day in the dark half of the month āśvina- (celebrated in modern times by bankers and traders to propitiate Fortune) |
lakṣmīpūjā | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīpūjana | n. the ceremony of worshipping lakṣmī- performed by a bridegroom along with his bride (at the conclusion of the marriage after the bride has been brought to her husband's house) |
lakṣmīpūjāviveka | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīpura | n. Name of various towns |
lakṣmīpuramāhātmya | n. Name of chapter in the brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa-. |
lakṣmīpuruṣakāra | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīpuṣpa | n. " lakṣmī-'s flower"a clove |
lakṣmīpuṣpa | n. a ruby |
lakṣmīputra | m. "son of lakṣmī-", Name of kāma- |
lakṣmīputra | m. of kuśa- and lava- (the sons of rāma-) |
lakṣmīputra | m. a horse |
lakṣmīputra | m. a wealthy man |
lakṣmīramaṇa | m. the husband of lakṣmī- id est viṣṇu- |
lakṣmīśa | m. (mīśa-) "lord of lakṣmī-", Name of viṣṇu- |
lakṣmīśa | m. a prosperous man |
lakṣmīśa | m. the mango tree |
lakṣmīśa | m. (in music) a kind of measure |
lakṣmīśa | m. (with sūri-) Name of a man |
lakṣmīsahaja | m. "produced together with lakṣmī-", the moon (supposed to have arisen together with lakṣmī- from the ocean when churned by the gods and asura-sSee lakṣmī-above ) |
lakṣmīsahasranāman | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīsahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīsahodara | m. equals -saha-ja- (q.v) |
lakṣmīsakha | m. a friend or favourite of the goddess of fortune |
lakṣmīsamāhvayā | f. "having the name of lakṣmī-", Name of sītā- |
lakṣmīsaṃhitā | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīsaṃhitā | f. of chapter in the nārada-pañca-rātra- |
lakṣmīsaṃhitā | f. of chapter in the vāyu-purāṇa-. |
lakṣmīsaṃvāda | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīsanātha | mfn. endowed with beauty or fortune |
lakṣmīsaparyāsāra | Name of work |
lakṣmīsarasvatī | f. dual number lakṣmī- and sarasvatī- Name of work |
lakṣmīsena | m. Name of a man |
lakṣmīśreṣṭhā | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis |
lakṣmīstava | m. Name of work |
lakṣmīstotra | n. praise of lakṣmī- |
lakṣmīstotra | n. Name of various stotra-s. |
lakṣmīstuti | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīsūkta | n. a particular hymn addressed to lakṣmī- |
lakṣmīśvarasiṃha | (mīś-) m. Name of a king |
lakṣmīsvayaṃvaranāṭaka | n. Name of work |
lakṣmītāla | m. a tree resembling the vine-palm |
lakṣmītāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure |
lakṣmītantra | n. Name of work |
lakṣmītva | n. the being lakṣmī- (of sītā-) |
lakṣmīvākya | n. Name of work |
lakṣmīvallabha | m. "favourite of lakṣmī-"Name of an author |
lakṣmīvāra | m. " lakṣmī-'s day", Thursday |
lakṣmīvarmadeva | m. Name of a king |
lakṣmīvasati | f. "abode of lakṣmī-", Name of the lotus-flower (Nelumbium Speciosum) |
lakṣmīvat | mfn. possessed of fortune or good luck, lucky prosperous, wealthy etc. |
lakṣmīvat | mfn. handsome, beautiful etc. |
lakṣmīvat | m. Artocarpus Integrifolia |
lakṣmīvat | m. Andersonia Rohitaka |
lakṣmīvatī | f. Name of a woman |
lakṣmīveṣṭa | m. the resin of Pinus Longifolia |
lakṣmīvilāsa | m. a particular compound |
lakṣmīvilāsa | m. Name of various works. |
lakṣmīvilāsa | m. plural royal behaviour (personified) |
lakṣmīvinaya | m. dual number good fortune and modest conduct |
lakṣmīvivarta | m. change of fortune |
lakṣmīvratapūjā | f. Name of work |
lakṣmīyajus | n. Name of a particular sacred text (more correctly lakṣmī-and yajus-as Name of two sacred texts) |
lalāmī | f. Name of a female demon |
lalitāpañcamī | f. the 5th day of the moon's increase in the month āśvina- (when the goddess lalitā- or pārvatī- is worshipped) |
lalitāsaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month bhādra- |
laugākṣimīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
lāvaṇyalakṣmī | f. "wealth of beauty", great beauty |
madhyamīya | mfn. relating to the middle, middlemost, central gaRa gahādi-. |
mahābhāratamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
mahālakṣmī | f. the great lakṣmī- (properly the śakti- of nārāyaṇa- or viṣṇu-, but sometimes identified with durgā- or with sarasvatī-;also Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in kara-vīra-) (see ) |
mahālakṣmī | f. Name of a girl 13 years old and not arrived at puberty (who represents the goddess durgā- at the durgā- festival) |
mahālakṣmī | f. of a woman |
mahālakṣmī | f. a kind of metre |
mahālakṣmīhṛdaya | n. Name of work |
mahālakṣmīhṛdayastotra | n. Name of work |
mahālakṣmīkalpa | m. Name of work |
mahālakṣmīnāmavidhi | m. Name of work |
mahālakṣmīpaddhati | f. Name of work |
mahālakṣmīratnakośa | m. Name of work |
mahālakṣmīstotra | n. Name of work |
mahālakṣmīsūkta | n. Name of work |
mahālakṣmītīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
mahālakṣmīvilāsa | m. a particular drug |
mahālakṣmīvrata | n. a particular religious observance |
mahālakṣmīvratapūjā | f. Name of work |
mahāmīna | m. a large fish |
mahānavamī | f. the 9th day in the light half of the month āśvina- |
mahānavamī | f. the last of the 9 days or nights dedicated to the worship of durgā-, the last days of the durgā-pūjā- |
mahānavamīpūjā | f. Name of work |
mahāśamī | f. a large Acacia Suma |
mahāsaptamī | f. "great 7th", Name of a particular 7th day |
mahāṣṭamī | f. (hāṣ-) "great 8th", the 8th day in the light half of the month āśvina- (or festival in honour of durgā-, called durgā-pūjā-) |
mahāṣṭamīnirṇaya | m. Name of work |
mahāṣṭamīsaṃdhipūjā | f. the festival mentioned above |
mahātapaḥsaptamī | f. "the 7th (day in a particular half month) of severe penance", a particular festival |
makarasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month māgha- (see under mākara-). |
malayasamīra | m. equals -marut- |
māṃsamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
manasāpañcamī | f. the 5th day in the dark half of the month āṣāḍha- (when there is a festival in honour of the goddess manasā-) |
mandārasaptamī | f. Name of the 6th and 7th days in the light half of the month māgha- |
mandārasaptamīvrata | n. a particular observance on these days |
mandasamīraṇa | m. a gentle breeze |
maṇḍūkabrahmīkalpa | m. Name of work |
mañjuguñjatsamīra | mfn. exhaling a sweet-sounding breeze or breath, |
manyumī | mfn. "destroying hostile fury"or"destroying in fury" |
mārgaśiralakṣmīvāravratakalpa | m. Name of a mantra-. |
māsamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
mihiralakṣmī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a queen of Ravi-shena, |
mitrasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month mārgaśīrṣa- |
mitrāvaruṇasamīrita | mfn. impelled by mitra- and varuṇa- |
mokṣalakṣmīsāmrājyasiddhi | f. Name of work |
mokṣalakṣmīsāmrājyatantra | n. Name of work |
mokṣalakṣmīvilāsa | m. Name of a temple |
mokṣalakṣmīvilāsa | m. Name of work |
mokṣavādamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
mṛgacarmīya | m. Name of an author |
muhūrtakalpadrumīyasaṃkrāntisaṃjñākusuma | n. muhūrtakalpadruma |
munimatamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
naḍamīna | m. "reeds-fish", a kind of sprat |
nāgapañcamī | f. a particular festival sacred to the nāga-s (the 5th day in the light half of month śrāvaṇa- or in the dark half of month āṣāḍhā-) |
nāgapañcamīvrata | n. Name of work |
nāgapañcamīvratakathā | f. Name of work |
nalamīna | m. a kind of fish (varia lectio tala-m-). |
namī | n. Name of a man |
nārāyaṇāramīya | n. Name of work |
nāṭyadharmī | f. the ruler of dramatic representation |
navamī | f. (sc. tithi-) the 9th day of a lunar half-month. |
netramīlā | f. Autographis Paniculata |
nijākṣaramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
nīlamīlika | m. a shining winged insect |
nimīl | P. -mīlati-, to shut the eyes, fall asleep ; to close (as flowers), die, disappear etc. ; Causal -mīlayati- (te-), to close (the eyes, eyelids, blossoms etc.) (see ni-mīlita-below) . |
nimīlā | f. shutting the eyes |
nimīlaka | mf(ikā-)n. shutting the eyes |
nimīlana | n. shutting the eyes (met. = death ) |
nimīlana | n. closing (of a flower) (see padma--) |
nimīlana | n. (in astronomy) complete obscuration, a total eclipse |
nimīlikā | f. See below. |
nimīlikā | f. idem or 'f. shutting the eyes ' (see ibhanimīlikā-and gaja-n-) |
nimīlikā | f. fraud, trick |
nimīlin | mfn. having the eyelids shut (as a face) |
nimīlita | mfn. having closed the eyes |
nimīlita | mfn. closed (as eyes, flowers; n.also impersonal or used impersonally exempli gratia, 'for example' tam puṇḍarīkaiḥ-), twinkled, blinked |
nimīlita | mfn. disappeared (see below) |
nimīlita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to shut the eyes id est killed |
nimīlitadṛś | mfn. having the eyes closed (Calcutta edition) |
nimīlitākṣa | mf(ī-)n. () equals -dṛś-. |
nimīlitamukha | mf(ī-)n. ( -dṛś- see above) equals -dṛś- |
nimīlitanakṣatra | mfn. having the stars obscured (as the sky) |
nimīśvara | m. (with jaina-s) Name of 16th arhat- of past ut-sarpiṇī-. |
nimittasaptamī | f. a seventh case (locative) indicating the cause or motive on |
nimīv | (only present tense parasmE-pada f. -m/īvantī-), to press on, press down |
nirdrumīkṛ | to deprive of trees |
nirjalamīnāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be like a fish without water, |
nirmīmitsā | (!) f. desire of creating |
nyāyamīmāṃsāprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
nyāyamīmāṃsārahasya | n. Name of work |
pādavalimīka | m. elephantiasis (see valm-). |
padavāmīka | m. elephantiasis, |
padmanimīlana | n. the closing of a lotus |
pakṣāṣṭamī | f. the 8th tithi- or day of either half month |
pānabhūmī | pānabhūmi ( ) f. a drinking-place, refreshment-room. |
pañcagrāmī | f. a collection of 5 villages |
pañcakarmī | f. () the 5 kinds of treatment (in medicine, viz. giving emetics, purgative medicines, sternutatories, and enemas of two kinds, oily and not oily) |
pañcamī | f. See below |
pañcamī | f. (of ma- q.v) the fifth day of the half month (sc. tithi-), etc. |
pañcamī | f. the 5th or ablative case (or its terminations), a word in the ablative |
pañcamī | f. a termination of the imperative |
pañcamī | f. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī- or mūrchanā- |
pañcamī | f. a brick having the length of 1/5 (of a puruṣa-), |
pañcamī | f. equals pañcanī- |
pañcamī | f. Name of draupadī- (who was the wife of 5; see pāñcāli-) |
pañcamī | f. of a river |
pañcamīkalpa | m. Name of work |
pañcamīkramakalpalatā | f. Name of work |
pañcamīsādhana | n. Name of work |
pañcamīstava | m. Name of work |
pañcamīstavarāja | m. Name of work |
pañcamīsudhodaya | m. Name of work |
pañcamīvarivasyārahasya | n. Name of work |
pañcedhmīya | n. (?) a nocturnal rite in which 5 torches etc. are used |
parimīḍha | mfn. ( mih-) sprinkled with urine |
paṭṭābhirāmīya | n. Name of work |
paulomī | f. See next. |
paulomī | f. "daughter of puloman-", Name of the wife of indra- |
paulomī | f. of the wife of bhṛgu- (see pulomā-) |
paulomīpati | m. "lord or husband of paulomī-", Name of indra- |
paulomīśa | m. equals mi-pati- |
paulomīvallabha | m. "lover of paulomī-", Name of indra- |
paurṇamī | f. a day of full moon (equals pūrṇimā-) |
paurumīḍha | n. Name of a sāman- |
paurumīḷha | n. Name of a sāman- |
piṣṭapaśukhaṇḍanamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
pramī | P. -mināti- (-mīṇāti- ; -miṇoti- ;Ved. infinitive mood -m/iyam-, -m/iye-and -metos- see below) , to frustrate, annul, destroy, annihilate ; to change, alter ; to neglect, transgress, infringe ; to miss, lose (one's way or time), forget ; to cause to disappear, put out of sight ; to leave behind, outstrip, surmount, surpass : (A1.or Passive voice -mīyate- Aorist subjunctive -meṣṭhāḥ-) to come to naught, perish, die etc. etc.: Causal -māpayati-, to destroy, annihilate, kill, slay etc. ; to cause to kill |
pramī | mfn. in v/āta-p- q.v |
pramīḍha | mfn. passed as urine |
pramīḍha | mfn. thick, compact |
pramīḍha | See pra-mih- above. |
pramīl | P. -mīlati-, to close or shut the eyes |
pramīlā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) idem or 'f. () shutting the eyes, sleepiness.' |
pramīlā | f. lassitude, enervation, exhaustion from indolence or fatigue |
pramīlā | f. Name of a woman (sovereign of a kingdom of women) |
pramīlaka | m. ( ) shutting the eyes, sleepiness. |
pramīlikā | f. () shutting the eyes, sleepiness. |
pramīlin | m. Name of a demon (who causes closed eyes or faintness) |
pramīlita | mfn. one who has the eyes closed, with closed eyes |
pramīṇat | mfn. injuring, killing |
pramīṇat | mfn. overcoming, subduing |
pramīta | mfn. deceased, dead |
pramīta | mfn. immolated |
pramīta | m. an animal immolated |
pramītapatikā | f. (a wife) whose husband is dead, a widow |
pramīti | f. ruin, destruction |
prāmītya | n. (fr. -mīta-) debt (literally"death"?) |
pramīv | P. -mīvati-, to push towards, press ; to instigate, incite |
pramīya | mfn. See a-p-. |
praśamī | f. Name of an apsaras- |
prasamīḍ | (only infinitive mood īḍitum-), to praise, celebrate |
prasamīkṣ | A1. -īkṣate-, to look at or upon, observe, perceive, see etc. ; to wait for ; to reflect upon, consider, deliberate ,; to acknowledge, regard as (accusative) |
prasamīkṣā | f. deliberation, judgement |
prasamīkṣaṇa | n. considering, deliberating, discussing |
prasamīkṣita | mfn. looked at or upon, observed, considered |
prasamīkṣita | mfn. regarded, declared |
prasamīkṣya | ind. having looked at or considered |
prasamīkṣyaparīkṣaka | mfn. one who investigates or examines deliberately |
prasmīkṣya | mfn. to be considered or weighed or discussed |
pratigrāmamasamīpam | ind. near every village |
pratimīv | P. -mīvati-, to push or press back ; to close by pressing, shut |
pratisamīkṣ | A1. -īkṣate-, to hold out, persevere (Scholiast or Commentator equals jīv-) |
pratisamīkṣaṇa | n. looking at again, returning a glance |
pravṛtahomīya | mfn. relating to it |
pronmīl | (pra-ud-mīl-) P. -mīlati-, to open the eyes ; to open (as a flower), blossom ; to come to light, appear : Causal -mīlayati-, to open (the eyes) ; to unfold, reveal, manifest |
puṇyalakṣmīka | (p/u-) mfn. auspicious, prosperous |
pūrṇalakṣmīka | mfn. full of magnificence or wealth |
pūrṇāśramīya | n. his work |
purumīḍha | ( etc.) m. Name of a man (with the patronymic āṅgirasa- or sauhotra-;the supposed author of ) |
purumīḷha | m. () Name of a man (with the patronymic āṅgirasa- or sauhotra-;the supposed author of ) |
purumīḷha | m. of a son of su-hotra- |
purumīḷha | m. of a grandson of su-hotra- and son of hastin- (bṛhat-) |
purumīḷha | m. of a man with the patronymic vaidadaśvi- |
puruṣakāramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
pūrvamīmāṃsā | f. "inquiry into or interpretation of the first or mantra- portion of the veda-", Name of the system of philosophy attributed to jaimini- (as opp. to uttara-m-,which is an inquiry into the later or upaniṣad- portion;the pūrva-m-is generally called the- mantra-, and in interpreting the Vedic text discusses the doctrine of the eternity of sound identified with brahma- ) |
pūrvamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work of soma-nātha- |
pūrvamīmāṃsākārikā | f. Name of work |
pūrvamīmāṃsārthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
pūrveṣukāmaśamī | f. Name of a village Scholiast or Commentator |
putrakāmakṛthṇapañcamīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance |
putrasaptamī | f. the 7th day in the light half of the month āśvina- |
putrasaptamīvratakathā | f. Name of work |
putrīkaraṇamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
rādhājanmāṣṭamī | f. Name of the 8th day of a particular fortnight (commemorating the birthday of rādhā-) (see kṛṣṇa-j-). |
rahasyatrayamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
rājalakṣmī | f. the Fortune or Prosperity of a king (personified as a goddess), royal majesty or sovereignty etc. |
rājalakṣmī | f. Name of a princess |
rajonimīlita | mfn. blinded by passion or desire |
rājyalakṣmī | f. the good fortune of a kingdom, glory of sovereignty |
rāmanavamī | f. Name of the 9th day in the light half of the month caitra- (being the birthday of rāma-candra-) |
rāmanavamīnirṇaya | m. Name of work |
rāmanavamīpūjā | f. Name of work |
rāmanavamīvratakathā | f. Name of work |
rāmanavamīvratamāhātmya | n. Name of work |
rāmī | f. darkness, night |
rāmī | See under rāmā-. |
raṇalakṣmī | f. the fortune of war, goddess of battle |
rasamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
rasarājalakṣmī | f. Name of medical work |
raśmīvat | mfn. equals raśmi-v/at- |
rathasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month āśvina- (so called as the beginning of a manv-antara- when a new Sun ascended his car) |
rathasaptamīkālanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
rathasaptamīpūjā | f. Name of work |
rathasaptamīsnānavidhi | m. Name of work |
rathasaptamīvrata | n. Name of work |
rathāṣṭamī | f. the 8th lunar day in the bright half of the month māgha-, |
ṛddhilakṣmī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a Nepal queen, (dhy-) - abkisaṃskāra-, m. a phantom produced by magical art, |
rohiṇyaṣṭamī | f. the 8th day in the dark half of the month bhādra- when the moon is in conjunction with the nakṣatra- rohiṇī- |
ṛṣipañcamī | f. the fifth day in the light half of the month bhādrapada-. |
śabdamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
sadānandakāśmīra | m. Name of author |
sāgaranemī | f. "sea-encircled", the earth |
sahasramīḍha | (sah/asra--) mfn. characterized by a thousand combats (said of a battle) |
sahasramīlha | (sah/asra--) mfn. characterized by a thousand combats (said of a battle) |
sāhityamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
śākalahomīya | mfn. relating or belonging to the śākalahoma- |
sakaśmīra | mf(ā-)n. together with kaśmīra- |
śākāṣṭamī | () f. the 8th day of the dark half of the month phālguna- (on which vegetable are offered to the pitṛ-s). |
śālagrāmī | f. Name of the river gaṇḍakī- |
samāṃsamīnā | f. (fr. samāṃ samām-) a cow bearing a calf every year |
samānagrāmīya | mfn. dwelling in the same village |
samāvajjāmī | mfn. uniform |
saṃgītamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
śamī | f. (see ś/ami-) effort, labour, toil |
śamī | f. (śam/ī-) the śamī- tree, Prosopis Spicigera or (according to to others) Mimosa Suma (possessing a very tough hard wood supposed to contain fire see ;it was employed to kindle the sacred fire, and a legend relates that purū-ravas- generated primeval fire by the friction of two branches of the śamī- and aśvattha- trees) etc. |
śamī | f. a legume, pod (see -jāti-) |
śamī | f. a particular measure (See catuh-ś-) equals valgulī- or vāgnji- |
samī | in compound for sama-. |
samībhāva | m. the becoming in a normal state |
samībhāva | sāmīya- etc. See . |
samībhū | P. -bhavati-, to be or become equal, be equalized ; to place one's self on an equality ; to be razed to the ground or destroyed, |
samībhūta | mfn. placed equally |
samībhūta | mfn. equalized, equipoised |
samībhūta | mfn. become indifferent |
samībhūta | mfn. identified |
samīca | etc. See under samy-añc-. |
samīca | m. the sea, ocean |
samīcaka | m. sexual union, copulation |
samīcchā | wrong reading for sam-īkṣā-, or sam-īhā- |
samīcī | f. praise, eulogy |
samīcī | f. a doe |
samīcī | f. Name of a divine female |
samīcī | f. of an apsaras- |
samīcī | f. See samy-/añc- above. |
sāmīcī | f. (fr. samyañc-) praise, panegyric (= vandanā-) |
sāmīcī | f. decency, politeness, civility, |
sāmīcīkaraṇīya | mfn. to be civilly saluted |
samīcīna | mf(/ā-)n. tending in a common direction, going with or in company with, being or remaining together, connected, united, complete, all, whole |
samīcīna | mf(/ā-)n. fit, proper, correct, true, just, right |
samīcīna | n. Name of a sāman- |
samīcīna | mf(/ā-)n. equals next |
samīcīnatā | f. () propriety, fitness, truth. |
samīcīnatva | n. (),propriety, fitness, truth. |
sāmīcīnya | n. propriety, fitness |
samīḍ | (only 3. plural perfect tense -īḍire-), to praise together, celebrate |
samīdā | m. fine wheat-flour (see samitā-). |
śamīdhānya | n. śamī- grain (one of the 5 classes of grain;but often = any pulse or grain growing in pods) |
śamīdṛṣada | n. sg. a śamī- tree and a mill-stone |
śamīgarbha | m. "born in the sami-", the aśvattha- tree or Ficus Religiosa (which strikes root in the fissures of other trees) etc. |
śamīgarbha | m. fire (supposed to be contained in the sami-) |
śamīgarbha | m. a Brahman |
samīh | A1. -īhate- (pr. p. -īhat-), to strive after, wish for, desire, endeavour to gain (accusative) |
samīhā | f. striving after, longing for, wish, desire |
samīhana | mfn. zealous, eager (said of viṣṇu-) |
samīhita | mfn. longed or wished for, desired, striven after, undertaken |
samīhita | n. great effort to obtain anything, desire, longing, wish |
samīj | A1. -ījate-, to drive together, collect |
śamījāta | mfn. produced in a śamī- tree (see prec.) |
śamījāti | f. a kind. of legume or pod |
śamīka | m. Name of various men (especially of a muni-, son of sūra- and brother of vasu-deva-) |
samīka | See samy-añc-, p.1181. |
samīka | n. hostile encounter, conflict, fight |
samīka | n. (sometimes written śamīka-) Name of a ṛṣi- |
samīka | n. of a son of sūra- |
samīkāra | m. equation |
samīkaraṇa | n. the act of making even, levelling on |
samīkaraṇa | n. assimilation |
samīkaraṇa | n. putting on a level with (instrumental case) |
samīkaraṇa | n. (in arithmetic) equation, |
samīkaraṇa | n. equalizing, setting to rights |
samīkaraṇa | n. a roller (to level a sown field) |
samīkaraṇa | samī-kri- etc. See . |
samīkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to make even, level etc. ; to equalize ; to place on an equality with, declare to be equal to (instrumental case) ; to adjust, settle ; to raze to the ground, annihilate |
samīkriyā | f. the act of equalizing |
samīkriyā | f. (in arithmetic) equation |
samīkṛta | mfn. made even, levelled, equipoised, equalized |
samīkṛta | mfn. done in the Same manner, imitated |
samīkṛta | mfn. summed up, added |
samīkṛti | f. levelling |
samīkṛti | f. weighing |
samīkṣ | A1. -īkṣate-, to look at or inspect thoroughly, investigate closely, view, perceive, see etc. ; to become aware of. ascertain ; to find out, contrive, invent ; to think of, aim at, have in view, bear in mind ; to consider well, inquire into, investigate, examine, contemplate etc. ; to look closely at in order to choose or destine for (two accusative) : Causal -īkṣayati-, te-, to cause to look at or view or perceive ; to let one's self be seen, show one's self, appear |
samīkṣa | n. "complete investigation", Name of the sāṃkhya- system of philosophy |
samīkṣā | f. thorough or close inspection, perceiving, beholding (dative case"within the range of any one's [gen.] sight") |
samīkṣā | f. desire or wish to see |
samīkṣā | f. a glance |
samīkṣā | f. view, opinion in regard to (with prati-) |
samīkṣā | f. deep insight, understanding, intellect |
samīkṣā | f. investigation, search |
samīkṣā | f. the mīmāṃsā- philosophy or any work examining or explaining Vedic ritual |
samīkṣā | f. essential nature or truth or principle (equals tattva- q.v) |
samīkṣā | f. effort |
samīkṣaṇa | n. looking at or looking about thoroughly, |
samīkṣaṇa | n. search, close investigation |
samīkṣaṇa | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to look at or perceive |
samīkṣita | mfn. well looked at, perceived, considered, investigated |
samīkṣitavya | mfn. to be well considered or investigated or ascertained |
samīkṣya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be well considered or investigated or ascertained ' |
samīkṣya | n. the sāṃkhya- philosophy, . |
śamīkuṇa | m. the time when the sami- tree bears fruit |
śāmīla | mf(ī-)n. made of the wood of the śamī- tree (Prosopis Spicigera) (see ) |
śāmīla | n. ashes |
śamīlatā | f. a branch of the śamī- tree |
śāmīlī | f. a chaplet, garland |
śamīlūna | mfn. one (whose hair is) cut with (an instrument made of) sami- wood |
śamīmandāramāhātmya | n. "glorification of the śamī- and mandāra- trees", Name of chapter of the |
śamīmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of śamī- wood |
samīna | mfn. (fr. samā-,"year") |
samīna | mfn. yearly, annual |
samīna | mfn. hired for a year |
samīna | mfn. a year hence |
samīna | etc. See . |
samīnikā | f. (a cow) bearing a calf every year |
śamīnivātam | ind. so as to be protected from the wind by a śamī- tree |
samīpa | mfn. (prob. fr. sam-+ /ap-and formed analogously to pratīpa-, dvīpa-, anūpa-; according to to some fr. sam-+ āp-and =, "easy to attain") near (in place or time) , contiguous, proximate, adjacent, close by, at hand, approaching, imminent etc. |
samīpa | n. nearness, proximity, vicinity, presence, imminence (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', am-,"to, towards"; āt-,"from"; e-,"in the vicinity, near, close at hand, beside, in the presence of, at the time of, before, at, towards"; see saṃdhivelā-s-) |
samīpabhāj | mfn. "partaking of nearness", neighbouring |
samīpadeśa | m. a country or place close at hand, neighbourhood |
samīpaga | mf(ā-)n. going near, accompanying, standing beside (genitive case or compound) |
samīpagamana | n. the act of going near, approach |
samīpaja | mf(ā-)n. growing close by (genitive case) |
samīpaja | mf(ā-)n. relating to nearness, approaching |
samīpajala | mfn. having water close by, being near the water |
samīpaka | n. nearness, vicinity (e- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',"near, close by") |
samīpakāla | m. nearness in time |
samīpamaraṇacihna | n. the signs of approaching death (a topic treated of in certain purāṇa-s) |
samīpanayana | n. leading near to, bringing to (genitive case) |
śamīparṇa | n. a leaf of the śamī- tree |
samīpasahakāra | m. a mango tree standing near (varia lectio) |
samīpasaptamī | f. the locative case expressing nearness |
samīpastha | mfn. equals -vartin- etc. |
samīpastha | mfn. approaching, imminent (as death) |
samīpasthāna | n. the being near or in the vicinity |
samīpatā | f. |
samīpatara | mfn. nearer |
samīpataravartin | mfn. being nearer at hand, neighbouring |
samīpatas | ind. (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') from, from the presence of. |
samīpatas | ind. near at hand, near, in the presence of etc. |
samīpatas | ind. (with genitive case) towards, to |
samīpatas | ind. immediately, very soon |
śamīpattra | n. "having śamī- leaves", a kind of sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica |
śamīpattrī | f. "having śamī- leaves", a kind of sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica |
samīpatva | n. nearness, contiguity, proximity |
samīpavartin | mfn. being near, living near etc., |
samīpāvasita | mfn. settled down in the neighbourhood |
śamīphalā | f. a sensitive plant (prob. equals -pattrā-) |
samīpī | in compound for samīpa-. |
samīpībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become near Va1rtt. 3 (also with as-). |
samīpīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make near, bring near. |
samīpopagata | mfn. approached near |
śamīprastha | n. gaRa karky-ādi-. |
samīpsita | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wished or longed for, desired |
śamīpujāvidhi | m. Name of work |
sāmīpya | mfn. (fr. samīpa-) neighbouring, a neighbour |
sāmīpya | n. neighbourhood, nearness, proximity (in space and time) |
sāmīpya | n. nearness to the deity (as one of the four states of beatitude; see sālokya-) |
samīr | (only imperfect tense /airat-), to join together, bring about, create ; to effect, promote : Causal īrayati-, te-, to cause to move, set in motion, impel, agitate, urge on, send forth ; to bring about, accomplish, produce, create ; to reanimate, revive ; to confer, bestow, endow with |
śamīra | m. equals śamira- |
samīra | m. air, breeze, wind (also of the bodySee below) etc. |
samīra | m. the god of wind |
samīra | m. the śamī- tree |
samīra | m. plural Name of a people |
samīragajakesarin | m. a particular mixture used as a remedy for disease of the nerves |
samīralakṣman | n. "wind-sign", dust |
samīraṇa | mfn. setting in motion, causing activity, stimulating, promoting |
samīraṇa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) breeze, wind, air, breath (also"the god of wind") etc. |
samīraṇa | m. wind of the body (of which there are fiveSee vāyu-) |
samīraṇa | m. Name of the number"five" |
samīraṇa | m. a traveller |
samīraṇa | m. marjoram or a similar plant |
samīraṇa | n. setting in motion |
samīraṇa | n. hurling, throwing |
sāmīraṇa | mfn. (fr. sam-īraṇa-) relating to the wind |
samīraṇasahāya | mfn. accompanied or fanned by the wind (as a forest fire) |
samīrasāra | m. Aegle Marmelos |
samīrita | mfn. stirred, moved, tossed, thrown etc. |
samīrita | mfn. sent forth, uttered (as a sound) |
samīrṇa | mfn. (according to to , sam-ṛ-) moved about, moved etc. |
samīrṇa | mfn. (referred to sam-ṝ- equals sam-ṛ- Scholiast or Commentator on ) See under sam-īr- |
sāmīrya | mfn. (fr. sam-īra-) gaRa saṃkāśādi-. |
samīṣ | A1. -īṣate-, to become extended or lengthened out |
samīṣantī | f. a particular viṣṭuti- |
samīṣita | mfn. extended, stretched out, lengthened |
śamītaru | n. the śamī- tree (varia lectio for -latā-). |
śamīvat | mfn. Name of a man (see śāmīvata-). |
śāmīvata | m. plural (fr. śamī-vat-) Name of a tribe or race |
śāmīvatī | f. a princess of the śāmīvata-s |
śāmīvatya | m. a prince of the śāmīvata-s |
śamīvṛkṣa | m. equals -taru- |
samīya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be treated or accounted as equal by (instrumental case) |
samīya | mfn. gaRa gahādi- |
samīya | mfn. similar, like, of like origin |
saṃkaramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
sāṃkhyamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
saṃkramīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to use as a vehicle or means of attaining (-kṛtya- indeclinable by means of) |
sammīīya | ind. having closed or shut or covered |
sammīl | P. -mīlati-, to shut the eyes ; to close up (as a flower) : Causal -mīlayati- (with or without netre-), to close the eyes ; to cause to close the eyes id est make insensible, kill |
sammīlana | n. closing (of a flower, of the eyes etc.) |
sammīlana | n. cessation of activity |
sammīlana | n. covering up, obscuring, a total eclipse |
sammīlita | mfn. (s/am-.) one who has closed the eyes |
sammīlita | mfn. closed (as eyes etc.), asleep (opp. to vi-buddha-,"awake") |
sammīlitadruma | m. a punarnavā- with red flowers |
sammīlya | n. Name of a sāman- |
saṃnimīl | P. -mīlati-, to entirely close, completely shut (the eyes) |
sāmrājyalakṣmīpīṭhikā | f. Name of work |
sāmrājyalakṣmīpūjā | f. Name of work |
saṃtaptacāmīkara | n. glowing or molten gold |
samudramīṅkhaya | mfn. causing the soma--vessel to shake or move (as soma-) |
samudranemīpati | m. "earth-lord", a king |
samudranemīśvara | m. "earth-lord", a king |
samunmīl | (-ud-mīl-) P. -milati-, to become fully expanded or unfolded or displayed : Causal -mīlayati- to open (the eyes) ; to expand, display, exhibit |
samunmīlita | mfn. opened, expanded, displayed |
sāpiṇḍyamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
saptamī | f. See below. [ confer, compare Zend haptatha; Greek ; Latin septimus-; Lithuanian se4kma-s; Slavonic or Slavonian sedmu8etc.] |
saptamī | f. (of saptam/a-above) the 7th tithi- or lunar day of the fortnight (on which day in the light fortnight there is a festival in honour of the 7th digit, of the moon;often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See gaṅgā-s-, jayantīs-) etc. |
saptamī | f. the 7th case id est the locative or its terminations etc. |
saptamī | f. the potential or its terminations |
saptamī | f. a particular mūrchanā- |
saptamīpratirūpaka | mfn. having the form of a locative case |
saptamīpratirūpaka | mfn. gaRa cādi-. |
saptamīsamāsa | m. a tat-puruṣa- compound of which the first member is supposed to be in a locative case, . on |
saptamīsnapana | n. "bathing on the 7th day", a particular religious observance |
saptamīvrata | n. a religious observance to be performed on the 7th day of a month |
saptamīya | mfn. the 7th |
śāralomī | m. patronymic fr. śara-loman- Va1rtt. 8 |
śārīrakamīmāṃsā | f. "inquiry into the embodied spirit", Name of the brahmasūtra- |
śārīrakamīmāṃsābhāṣya | n. Name of Comm. on it. |
śārīrakamīmāṃsānyāyasaṃgraha | m. Name of Comm. on it. |
śārīrakamīmāṃsāvyākhyā | f. Name of Comm. on it. |
śarkarāsaptamī | f. a particular observance on the 7th day of the light half of the month vaiśākha- |
sarvacarmīṇa | mfn. wholly made of leather |
sarvacarmīṇa | mfn. made of every kind of skin or leather |
sārvacarmīṇa | mfn. (equals sarva-c-) wholly made of leather |
sarvakarmīṇa | mfn. doing every work, practising or understanding every occupation |
sarvakarmīṇa | mfn. pervading every action etc. |
ṣaṣṭhamī | f. the sixth day of a lunar fortnight |
sātmī | in compound for sātma-. |
sātmībhāva | m. the becoming a custom or habit, conduciveness, suitableness |
sātmībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become a custom or habit, become suitable or salutary |
sātmīkṛta | mfn. one who has made anything part of his nature id est become accustomed to (accusative) |
ṣaṭśamī | f. having the length of six śamyā-s |
saubhāgyalakṣmīkalpeśyāmalāmbāstotra | n. Name of work |
saubhāgyalakṣmītantreśyāmalāmbāvarmaratna | n. Name of work |
saumī | f. of next. |
sautaṃgamīya | mfn. (fr. sautaṃgami-) |
savanasamīṣantī | f. a particular viṣṭuti- |
seṣmīyāṇa | See smi-, Intensive |
siddhalakṣmī | f. (prob.) a form of lakṣmi- |
siddhalakṣmīstotra | n. Name of a chapter of various purāṇa-s. |
śimī | f. equals śamī-, effort, labour, work, industry |
simīka | m. a kind of small worm or insect |
sīmīka | m. (prob. wrong reading for prec.) a kind of tree |
śimīvat | (ś/imī--) mfn. effective, mighty, strong |
śītalasaptamī | f. equals -śītala-s- |
śītalāsaptamī | f. a festival kept on the 7th day of the light half of the month māgha- (in honour of the small-pox goddess, when only cold food is eaten) |
sītānavamīvratamāhātmya | n. Name of work |
śmīl | (also written smīl-; see mīl-) cl.1 P. śmīlati-, to wink, twinkle |
smīl | varia lectio for śmīl- q.v |
śmīla | n. winking, blinking, twinkling |
śmīlita | mfn. winked, blinked |
śmīlita | n. a wink, blink, winking |
smṛtimīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
somāṣṭamī | f. Name of a particular 8th day, |
somī | f. gaRa gaurādi- |
somīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make into soma- |
somīya | in agnī-ṣom/īya- etc. |
sphuranmīna | mfn. having glittering fishes, gleaming with fishes |
śrāddhamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
śrautamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
sravamī | mfn. (prob.) diminishing the morbid flow of urine |
śrīpañcamī | f. the fifth day of the light half of māgha- (a festival in honour of sarasvatī-, goddess of learning, when books and implements or writing are worshipped) |
śrīpañcamīvrata | n. the above religious observance |
śrīrāmanavamī | f. the ninth of the light half of the month caitra- (observed as a festival in honour of the birthday of rāma-candra-) ( śrīrāmanavamīnirṇaya -nirṇaya- m.Name of work) |
śrīrāmanavamīnirṇaya | m. śrīrāmanavamī |
śrīvacanabhūṣaṇamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
śrīvṛkṣakanavamīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance |
śrutimīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
stomīya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') relating to a stoma- |
stotrasamīṣantī | f. a particular viṣṭuti- |
śubhasaptamīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance |
sudarśanamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
śuklādiśrāvaṇakṛṣṇasaptamī | f. Name of certain festivals or holy days |
śuklādiśrāvaṇakṛṣṇāṣṭamī | f. Name of certain festivals or holy days |
śuklāṣṭamī | f. Name of work |
sūkṣmī | in compound for sūkṣma-. |
sūkṣmībhūta | mfn. become subtle or fine, minute |
sūkṣmīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make thin or fine, subtilize, refine |
sūkṣmīkṛta | mfn. subtilized, made thin or minute |
śulbamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
sumīḍha | m. (or -mīḷh/a-) Name of a man |
sumīḍha | m. of a son of su-hotra- |
sumīna | m. plural Name of a people |
suptamīna | mfn. (a pond) in which the fish are asleep |
suśamī | ind. diligently, carefully |
suṣamī | f. gaRa gaurādi- |
susamīhita | mfn. much desired, very welcome |
susamīkṛ | to make perfectly smooth or even |
susamīpa | mfn. occurring in a short time, imminent |
svarmīḷha | mfn. having light or the sun as its reward or prize |
svarmīḷha | n. a contest for light |
śvasanasamīraṇa | n. wind (caused) by breathing, breath |
svātmībhāva | m. varia lectio for ātmī-bh- q.v |
svayamīhitalabdha | mfn. gained by one's own effort |
svayamīśvara | m. one's own lord, an absolute sovereign |
śyāmī | in compound for śyāma-. |
śyāmībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become dark-coloured |
syamīka | m. idem or 'm. a kind of tree ' |
syamīka | m. a cloud |
syamīka | m. time |
syamīka | m. Name of a race of kings |
syamīkā | f. the indigo plant |
syamīkā | f. a kind of worm |
syamīka | n. water |
śyāmīkṛ | P. -karoti- to darken |
talamīna | m. varia lectio for nal- |
tālanavamī | f. the 9th day of the light half of month bhādra- (sacred to durgā-), |
tamī | f. ( gaRa gaurādi- ) night |
tāmī | f. equals tamī-, night |
tāmī | f. restraining the breath until exhaustion is produced |
tamīśvara | m. the moon |
tilottamīya | Nom. P. to represent the apsaras- tilottamā- |
timī | f. a fish |
timīra | m. Name of a tree (see mira-) |
traivikramī | f. See tri-vikrama-. |
trayodaśavarjyasaptamī | f. Name of a 7th day |
trigrāmī | f. "3 villages", Name of a place |
trilocanāṣṭamī | f. the 8th day in the dark half of month jyaiṣṭha- |
turaṃgamī | f. a mare |
tviṣāmīśa | m. equals tviṭ-p- |
tviṣāmīśapati | m. equals tviṭ-p- |
ubhayasaptamī | f. Name of a particular day |
udyamīyas | mfn. raising more or excessively |
ulkānavamī | f. the ninth day of the light half of the month aśvayuj- |
unmī | (ud-mī-) P. (Potential -mimīyāt- ) A1. (or Passive voice ?) -mīyate- () , to disappear. |
unmīl | (ud-mīl-) P. -mīlati-, to open the eyes ; to open (as an eye) ; to become visible, come forth, appear : Causal -mīlayati-, to cause to open, open etc. ; to cause to appear, make visible, show commentator or commentary on |
unmīla | m. becoming visible, appearance |
unmīlana | n. the act of opening the eyes, raising the eyelids |
unmīlana | n. the becoming visible, coming forth, appearance |
unmīlita | mfn. opened (as an eye or a flower), caused to come forth, made visible |
unmīlita | made public by an inscription, |
unmīlita | n. (in rhetoric) unconcealed or open reference or allusion to |
upabhaimī | ind. besides bhaimī- (id est damayantī-), |
upalakṣmī | f. a goddess mentioned with lakṣmī-, |
upamīmāṃsā | (fr. Desiderative of man-), deliberation, investigation, consideration |
uṣṭravāmīśata | n. a hundred of camels and mares |
uttamīya | mfn. (gaRa gahādi- ) belonging to anything excellent or best or last etc. |
uttaramīmāṃsā | f. the vedānta- philosophy (an inquiry into the jñāna-kāṇḍa- or second portion of the veda-;opposed to pūrva-mīmāṃsā-;See mimāṃsā-): |
vācākarmīṇa | mfn. performed only by the voice |
vācamīṅkhaya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "word-moving", singing, reciting ' (said of soma-) |
vaidikārcanamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
vaiśmīya | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. veśman-) living in a house ') gaRa kṛśāśvādi-. |
vaiṣṇavadharmamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work |
vājabharmīya | (also with bharad-vājasya-) n. Name of a sāman- |
vājakarmīya | n. (with bharadvājasya-) Name of a sāman- |
valmī | f. (see vamra-and vamrī-for varmi-;often wrong reading for vallī-) an ant. |
valmīka | mn. (gaRa ardharcādi-) an ant-hill, mole-hill, a hillock or ground thrown up by white ants or by moles (see vamrī-kūṭa-) etc. etc. |
valmīka | mn. swelling of the neck or of the chest and other parts of the body, elephantiasis |
valmīka | m. equals sātapo meghaḥ- or equals sūryaḥ- |
valmīka | m. Name of the father of vālmīki- |
valmīka | m. the poet vālmīki- |
valmīka | n. Name of a place |
vālmīka | m. (fr. valmīka-) equals vālmīki- |
vālmīka | m. Name of a son of citra-gupta- |
vālmīka | mfn. composed by vālmīki- |
valmīkabhauma | n. an ant-hill, |
vālmīkabhauma | n. an ant-hill (varia lectio valmīka-bh-). |
valmīkabhava | m. patronymic of vālmīki- |
valmīkāgra | n. Name of a peak of rāma-giri- |
valmīkajanman | m. patronymic of vālmīki- |
valmīkalpa | m. Name of the 11th day in the dark half of brahmā-'s month (see under kalpa-). |
valmīkamātra | mfn. having the size of an ant-hill |
valmīkarāśi | m. () an ant-hill. |
valmīkasambhavā | f. a kind of cucumber |
valmīkaśīrṣa | n. antimony |
valmīkaśṛṅga | n. (the top of) an ant-hill |
valmīkaśṛṅgavat | ind. like an ant-hill, |
valmīkavapā | f. () an ant-hill. |
vālmīki | m. (incorrectly vālmiki-) Name of the celebrated author of the rāmāyaṇa- (so called, according to some, because when immersed in thought he allowed himself to be overrun with ants like an anthill;he was no doubt a Brahman by birth and closely connected with the kings of ayodhyā-;he collected the different songs and legendary tales relating to rāma-candra- and welded them into one continuous poem, to which later additions may have been made;he is said to have invented the śloka- metre, and probably the language and style of Indian epic poetry owe their definite form to him;according to one tradition he began life as a robber, but repenting be took himself to a hermitage on a hill in the district of Banda in Bundelkund, where he eventually received sītā-, the wife of rāma-, when banished by her husband; see ) etc. |
vālmīki | m. of a son of garuḍa- |
vālmīki | m. of a grammarian |
vālmīki | m. Name of the authors of various works (the yoga-vāsiṣṭha-, the adbhuta-rāmāyaṇa-, and the gaṅgāṣṭaka-) |
vālmīki | m. (with kavi-) of the son of rudra-maṇi- tri-pāṭhin- and author of the ramalendu-prakāśa- |
vālmīkicarita | n. Name of work |
vālmīkihṛdaya | n. Name of work |
vālmīkiśikṣā | f. Name of work |
vālmīkisūtra | n. Name of work |
vālmīkitātparyataraṇi | f. Name of work |
vālmīkīya | mfn. relating to vālmīki-, composed by him etc. |
valmīkūṭa | n. an ant-hill (see vamrī-kūṭa-) |
vāmī | f. idem or 'm. (for 2. and 3.See column 2) the act of vomiting gaRa jvalādi-' |
vāmī | f. a mare ( vāmīratha -ratha- mfn. on Va1rtt. 20) |
vāmīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to turn or direct towards the left side |
vāmīratha | mfn. vāmī |
vāmīyabhāṣya | See column 3. |
vāmīyabhāṣya | n. Name of work |
vaṃśalakṣmī | f. the family fortune |
vanalakṣmī | f. "forest-ornament", Musa Sapientum |
vāṇīkūṭalakṣmīdhara | m. Name of certain authors |
varadharmīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to do a noble act towards any one (accusative) |
varalakṣmīkatakalpa | m. Name of work |
varalakṣmīkatakathā | f. Name of work |
varalakṣmīkathā | f. Name of work |
varalakṣmīmāhātmya | n. Name of work |
varalakṣmīpūjā | f. Name of work |
varalakṣmīvrata | n. Name of work |
vasantapañcamī | f. a festival held on the 5th of the light half of the month māgha- |
vasantapañcamīprayoga | m. Name of work |
vasantapañcamīpūjā | f. Name of work |
vasulakṣmī | f. Name of a sister-in-law of agni-mitra- (in prakṛt-) |
vasulakṣmīkalyāṇa | n. Name of a kāvya-. |
vātapramī | mfn. (v/āta--) outstripping the wind |
vātapramī | m. a kind of antelope |
vātapramī | m. a horse |
vātapramī | m. an ichneumon |
vātormī | f. a wave moved by the wind |
vātormī | f. a kind of metre |
vibhasmīkaraṇa | n. freeing from ashes, dusting |
vidhānasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of māgha- |
vijayadaśamī | f. the 10th day of the light half of the month āśvin |