āna | m. (fr. an-), face ([ ])  |
āna | m. mouth  |
āna | m. nose ([ ])  |
āna | m. exhaling the breath through the nose  |
āna | m. inhalation, breath inspired, breathing, blowing  |
ānabhimlāna | m. a descendant of an-abhimlāna-  |
ānabhimlāta | m. a descendant of an-abhimlāta-  |
ānad | Causal P. (parasmE-pada -nādayat-) to make resonant, cause to sound  |
ānaddha | mfn. bound to or on, bound, tied  |
ānaddha | mfn. costive  |
ānaddha | n. a drum in general  |
ānaddha | n. putting on clothes or ornaments  |
ānaddhatva | n. state of being bound, obstruction.  |
ānaddhavastitā | f. suppression of urine  |
ānaddhavastitā | f. state of having the bladder obstructed.  |
ānaḍuha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. anaḍuh-), coming from or belonging to a bull etc.  |
ānaḍuha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ānaḍuhaka | mfn. coming from or belonging to a bull ([ ]) gaRa kulālādi- ( ) .  |
ānaḍuhya | m. a descendant of the muni- anaḍuh- ([ ])  |
ānaḍuhyāyana | (gaRa aśvādi-[ ]) , belonging to āna-ḍuhya-.  |
ānaḍuhyāyani | (gaRa karṇādi-[ ]) , belonging to āna-ḍuhya-.  |
ānah | P. (imperative 2. sg. /ā-nahya-) to bind to or on : A1. -nahyate-, to be stopped up, become stopped  |
ānaipuṇa | n. (fr. a-nipuṇa- ), unskilfulness, clumsiness (see a-naipuṇa-).  |
ānaiśvarya | n. (fr. an-īśvara-[ ]) , absence of power or supremacy (see an-aiśvarya-).  |
ānaka | m. (etymology doubtful) , a large military drum beaten at one end  |
ānaka | m. a double drum  |
ānaka | m. a small drum or tabor  |
ānaka | m. a thunder-cloud or a cloud to which the thunder is ascribed  |
ānaka | mfn. energetic  |
ānakadundubhi | m. equals anaka- q.v  |
ānakadundubhi | m. or f(ī-). a large drum beaten at one end, a kettle-drum  |
ānakadundubhi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-,  |
ānakadundubhi | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-'s father (vasudeva-;said to be derived from the beating of drums at his birth).  |
ānakasthalaka | mfn. belonging to ānaka-sthalī-.  |
ānakasthalī | f. Name of a country.  |
ānakāyani | gaRa karṇādi- ( ) .  |
ānakṣ | to approach, obtain, reach, present  |
ānala | n. (fr. anala-),"belonging to agni-", Name of the constellation kṛttikā-  |
ānalavi | m. Name of a man.  |
ānam | P. (3. plural /ā-namanti- etc.; infinitive mood -n/amam- ) A1. (imperative 3. plural /ānamantām- ) to bend down, bend, bow, incline etc. ; to do homage, salute reverently etc. ; to condescend ; to be propitious (as gods to men) ; to bring near ; to bend towards or near ; to subdue : Causal -nāmayati- and -namayati-, to inflect, bend (a bow), cause to bend, subdue  |
ānama | m. bending, stretching (a bow)  |
ānama | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' to be bent (see dur-).  |
ānamam | See under ā-nam-.  |
ānamana | n. equals ā-nati- q.v  |
ānamita | mfn. (p. of Causal) bent or bowed down, caused to bend  |
ānamra | mfn. bent  |
ānamra | mfn. propitious.  |
ānamra | mfn. a little bent.  |
ānamya | mfn. to be bent.  |
ānamya | ind.p. having bent.  |
ānana | n. the mouth  |
ānana | n. the face etc.  |
ānana | n. entrance, door  |
ānana | See under ān/a- above.  |
ānanābja | n. face-lotus (id est lotus-like face) .  |
ānanacara | mf(ī-)n. falling into the mouth of (genitive case),  |
ānanānta | m. the angle of the mouth  |
ānand | P. -nandati-, to rejoice, be delighted : Causal P. -nandayati-, to gladden ; to bless : A1. -nandayate-, to amuse one's self.  |
ānanda | m. happiness, joy, enjoyment, sensual pleasure etc.  |
ānanda | mn. "pure happiness", one of the three attributes of ātman- or brahman- in the vedānta- philosophy etc.  |
ānanda | m. (in dramatic language) the thing wished for, the end of the drama ([ exempli gratia, 'for example' the VIth Act in the ])  |
ānanda | m. a kind of flute  |
ānanda | m. the sixteenth muhūrta-  |
ānanda | m. Name of śiva-  |
ānanda | m. of a lokeśvara- ( )  |
ānanda | m. of a bala- ( )  |
ānanda | m. of several men  |
ānanda | Name (also title or epithet) of one of the chief disciples of gautama- buddha-, etc.  |
ānanda | Name (also title or epithet) of various authors etc.,  |
ānanda | m. of a country  |
ānanda | mn. Name of the forty-eighth year of the cycle of Jupiter  |
ānanda | mf(ā-and ī-). Name of two plants  |
ānandā | f. Name of gaurī-  |
ānanda | n. a kind of house  |
ānanda | n. (often at the beginning and end of proper names.)  |
ānandabāṣpa | m. equals -jala- above.  |
ānandabhairava | mfn. causing both enjoyment and fear  |
ānandabhairava | m. Name of śiva-  |
ānandabhairava | m. Name of a teacher  |
ānandabhairavī | f. Name of gaurī-  |
ānandabhuj | mfn. enjoying happiness  |
ānandabodhendra | m. Name of a scholiast.  |
ānandācala | m. equals -giri- q.v  |
ānandacaturdaśīvrata | n. Name of a religious rite  |
ānandacaula | m. Name of a teacher.  |
ānandacidghana | mfn. consisting only of joy and thought,  |
ānandada | mfn. equals -kara- q.v  |
ānandadatta | m. membrum virile  |
ānandadeva | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
ānandadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
ānandaghana | mfn. consisting of pure joy  |
ānandagiri | m. Name of a pupil of and annotator on śaṃkarācārya-.  |
ānandaja | mfn. proceeding from joy  |
ānandaja | m. Name of a teacher  |
ānandaja | n. semen virile  |
ānandajala | n. tears of joy  |
ānandajñāna | m. equals -giri- above  |
ānandajñānagiri | m. idem or 'm. equals -giri- above'  |
ānandaka | mf(ā-)n. gladdening, rejoicing  |
ānandaka | n. Name of a lake.  |
ānandakalikā | f. Name of work  |
ānandakānanamāhātmya | n. Name of a section of the vāyu-purāṇa-.  |
ānandakanda | m. "the root of joy", Name of an author  |
ānandakanda | m. of a medical work  |
ānandakanda | m. of a country.  |
ānandakara | mfn. exhilarating, delighting. |
ānandakāvya | n. Name of work  |
ānandakośa | m. Name of a play.  |
ānandalahari | f. "wave of enjoyment", Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya- addressed to pārvatī-.  |
ānandalaharī | f. "wave of enjoyment", Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya- addressed to pārvatī-.  |
ānandalaharīstotra | n. Name of a poem.  |
ānandamālā | f. Name of work  |
ānandamaya | mf(ī-)n. blissful, made up or consisting of happiness  |
ānandamaya | n. (scilicet brahman-) the supreme spirit (as consisting of pure happiness see ānanda-above )  |
ānandamayakoṣa | m. the innermost case of the body, the causal frame enshrining the soul.  |
ānandāmṛta | n. "joy-nectar", happiness  |
ānandāmṛtarūpa | mfn. consisting of happiness  |
ānandana | n. delighting, making happy  |
ānandana | n. civility, courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest at meeting and parting  |
ānandanātha | m. Name of a man.  |
ānandanidhi | m. Name of a commentary.  |
ānandapaṭa | m. a bridal garment  |
ānandaprabhā | f. Name of a celestial woman.  |
ānandaprabhava | m. the seminal fluid  |
ānandaprabhava | m. the universe (as proceeding from ānanda- = brahman- )  |
ānandapura | n. Name of a town.  |
ānandapūrṇa | m. Name of a scholiast.  |
ānandarāya | m. Name of a man.  |
ānandarūpa | mfn. consisting of happiness  |
ānandasambhava | mfn. equals -prabhava- q.v  |
ānandāśrama | m. Name of a scholar.  |
ānandāśru | n. equals ānanda-jala- above.  |
ānandatā | f. joyfulness, joy  |
ānandatāṇḍavapura | n. Name of a town.  |
ānandathu | mfn. happy, joyful  |
ānandathu | m. happiness, joy  |
ānandatīrtha | m. Name of madhva-, the founder of a vaiṣṇava- school of philosophy  |
ānandatīrtha | m. equals ānanda-giri- (?) .  |
ānandātman | mfn. one whose essence consists in happiness  |
ānandātman | m. Name of a teacher.  |
ānandavallī | f. Name of the second part of the taittirīya-- upaniṣad-.  |
ānandavana | m. Name of a scholiast  |
ānandavana | n. Name of kāśī-.  |
ānandavardhana | mfn. enhancing enjoyment  |
ānandavardhana | m. Name of a poet  |
ānandaveda | m. Name of several men.  |
ānandavimala | m. Name of a man.  |
ānandayitavya | mfn. to be enjoyed.  |
ānandayitṛ | m. a gladdener, one who makes joyful  |
ānandayoga | m. (in astronomy) Name of a particular yoga-.  |
ānandeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
ānandi | m. happiness, enjoyment, pleasure  |
ānandin | mfn. delightful, blissful, happy, cheerful  |
ānandin | mfn. gladdening, making happy  |
ānandin | mfn. Name of a man.  |
ānandita | mf(ā-)n. rejoiced, delighted, happy  |
ānandita | mf(ā-)n. Name of a man.  |
ānandotsava | m. a festival.  |
ānantarya | n. (fr. an-antara- ), immediate sequence or succession etc.  |
ānantarya | n. proximity, absence of interval  |
ānantarya | an unpardonable sin (said by Buddhists to be five, viz."matricide","parricide","killing an Arhat","shedding the blood of a buddha-","causing divisions among the brotherhood"),  |
ānantaryasamādhi | m. a particular samādhi-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding 101.  |
ānantaryatṛtīyā | f. the third day (of a religious rite)  |
ānantya | mfn. (fr. an-anta- ), infinite, eternal etc.  |
ānantya | mfn. bestowing infinite reward  |
ānantya | n. infinity, eternity etc.  |
ānantya | n. immortality, future happiness  |
ānapatya | mfn. (fr. an-apatya-), proceeding from childlessness  |
ānard | to roar.  |
ānardam | ind.p. roaring  |
ānardita | n. roaring  |
ānarta | m. dancing-room, dancing academy |
ānarta | m. a stage, theatre  |
ānarta | m. war  |
ānarta | m. Name of a king (son of śaryāti-)  |
ānarta | m. Name of a country (northern Kathiavad)  |
ānarta | m. plural Name of the inhabitants of the above country  |
ānarta | m. of the kings of that country  |
ānarta | n. the empire of the ānarta-s  |
ānarta | n. water  |
ānarta | n. dancing  |
ānartaka | mfn. dancing towards  |
ānartaka | mfn. belonging to the inhabitants of ānarta-, (gaRa dhūmādi- )  |
ānartana | n. the act of dancing towards or near, dancing  |
ānartapura | n. the capital of ānarta- id est dvāravatī-  |
ānarthakya | n. (fr. an-arthaka-), uselessness, unprofitableness etc.  |
ānarthakya | n. unfitness, impropriety  |
ānartita | mfn. agitated gently  |
ānartīya | mfn. belonging to the country (and the people of) ānarta-.  |
ānasa | mfn. (fr. anas-), belonging to a waggon  |
ānasa | mfn. belonging to a father  |
ānata | mfn. bending, stooping, bowed  |
ānata | mfn. humbled, submissive, obedient etc.  |
ānata | mfn. bent or curved inwards (as a bow)  |
ānata | mfn. flat, sunk (not elevated)  |
ānata | mfn. pacified, conciliated  |
ānata | mfn. saluted reverently. |
ānataja | m. plural a class of divine beings ( )  |
ānati | f. bending, bowing, stooping  |
ānati | f. submission, obedience, inferiority commentator or commentary on etc.  |
ānati | f. contentedness  |
ānati | f. saluting  |
ānatya | ind.p. having bent.  |
ānava | mf(ī-)n. (fr. 2. anu- ), kind to men  |
ānava | mf(ī-)n. humane  |
ānava | mf(ī-)n. a foreign man (according to [fr. ānu-= man],"belonging to living men") .  |
ānavya | mfn. equals /ānava-  |
ānaya | m. leading to  |
ānaya | m. leading to a teacher (equals upanayana- q.v)  |
ānayana | n. bringing, leading near  |
ānayana | n. producing, working  |
ānayana | n. calculating.  |
ānayitavya | mfn. to be brought or led near  |
ānayitavya | mfn. to be calculated commentator or commentary on  |
abhajyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice) not being detached  |
abhajyamāna | mfn. not being vanquished, etc.  |
abhāna | n. non-appearance,  |
ābharaṇasthāna | n. a place (on the body) for ornament,  |
abhayadāna | n. giving assurance of safety.  |
abhayānanda | m. Name of a man.  |
abhayapradāna | n. equals -dāna-  |
abhidhāna | n. telling, naming, speaking, speech, manifesting  |
abhidhāna | n. a name, title, appellation, expression, word  |
abhidhāna | n. a vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon  |
abhidhāna | n. putting together, bringing in close connection  |
abhidhāna | n. (Comparative degree -tara-)  |
abhidhānacintāmaṇi | m. "the jewel that gives every word", Name of hemacandra-'s vocabulary of synonyms.  |
abhidhānaka | n. a sound, noise  |
abhidhānamālā | f. a dictionary.  |
abhidhānaratnamālā | f. Name of halāyudha-'s vocabulary.  |
abhidhānatva | n. the state of being used as a name.  |
abhidhyāna | n. desiring, longing for (locative case)  |
abhidhyāna | n. meditation |
abhijñāna | n. remembrance, recollection  |
abhijñāna | n. knowledge  |
abhijñāna | n. ascertainment  |
abhijñāna | n. a sign or token of remembrance |
abhijñāna | n. any sign or token serving as a proof for (locative case or prati-)  |
abhijñāna | n. equals abhijñāna-śakuntala- q.v  |
abhijñānapattra | n. certificate.  |
abhijñānaśakuntala | n. title of a play of kālidāsa- id est (the nāṭaka-or play) on the subject of"token-(recognized)- śakuntalā-"  |
abhikhyāna | n. fame, glory  |
abhikhyāna | groundless demand,  |
abhimāna | m. intention to injure, insidiousness  |
abhimāna | m. high opinion of one's self, self-conceit, pride, haughtiness  |
abhimāna | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) equals abhi-mati-, above  |
abhimāna | m. conception (especially an erroneous one regarding one's self) etc.  |
abhimāna | m. affection, desire  |
abhimāna | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the sixth manvantara-  |
abhīmāna | See nir-abhīmāna-.  |
abhimāna | See abhi-man-.  |
abhīmāna | See nir-abhīmāna-.  |
abhimānaśālin | mfn. proud, arrogant |
abhimānaśūnya | mfn. void of conceit, humble.  |
abhimānatā | f. pride, arrogance.  |
abhimānavat | mfn. conceiving or having ideas about self  |
abhimānavat | mfn. proud, arrogant.  |
abhinidhāna | n. placing upon  |
abhinidhāna | m. [ and ] or n. [ ] "touching"or close contact (of letters in pronunciation, especially in the cases where initial a-is suppressed after e-and o-).  |
abhinilīyamānaka | mfn. ( lī-), (a bird) lying down in its nest in the presence of (a spectator)  |
abhiniṣṭāna | m. "a sound which dies away", the visarga-  |
abhinistāna | m. equals abhi-niṣṭāna-  |
abhiniṣṭāna | See abhi-niḥ-stan-.  |
abhipariglāna | mfn. ( glai-), tired, exhausted  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. the being allied or connected, connection between (in compound)  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. "speech, deliberate declaration"(only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see satyābh-)  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. attachment or interest in any object  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. special agreement  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. overcoming, deceiving  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. making peace or alliance  |
abhisaṃśyāna | mfn. ( śyai-), coagulated, congealed  |
abhisārasthāna | n. a place of rendezvous (of lovers)  |
abhiṣṭuvāna | mfn. pr. p. A1. praising  |
abhiśyāna | mfn. coagulated, congealed  |
abhiṣyandamāna | mfn. (said of a cloud) raining  |
abhivimāna | mfn. endowed with the faculty called abhimāna- ("self-reference")  |
abhivyādāna | n. "swallowing" id est suppressing (a vowel)  |
abhiyāna | n. coming near, approaching  |
abhiyāna | n. attacking  |
abhiyujyamāna | mfn. (in law) being persecuted (as a defendant) .  |
abhrānadhyāya | m. pause in the study on account of rainy weather  |
abhuñjāna | mfn. not eating, fasting  |
abhyādāna | n. beginning  |
abhyādhāna | n. laying on (fuel)  |
abhyākhyāna | n. a false or groundless accusation, calumny  |
abhyānana | mfn. having the face turned towards  |
abhyānandya | ind. having thanked and praised,  |
abhyanujñāna | n. assenting to, approval commentator or commentary on  |
abhyanujñāna | n. authorization, permission  |
abhyātāna | m. plural "aiming at", Name of certain war-songs  |
abhyātānatva | n. the state of those war-songs  |
abhyutthāna | n. rising from a seat through politeness  |
abhyutthāna | n. rising, setting out  |
abhyutthāna | n. rebellion  |
abhyutthāna | n. elevation, gaining a high position, gaining authority, respectability  |
abhyutthāna | n. (said of destiny) gaining efficacy, power  |
abhyutthāna | n. rise, origin, birth |
abudhyamāna | mfn. not being awake  |
ācchadvidhāna | (ācch/ad--) n. an arrangement made for defence, means of covering  |
acchānakṣ | to go towards, approach  |
acchānaś | to come near  |
acchidyamāna | mfn. uncut, uncurtailed  |
acchidyamāna | mfn. not fragile (a needle)  |
acetāna | mfn. thoughtless, infatuated  |
ādāna | n. taking, seizing  |
ādāna | n. receipt  |
ādāna | n. receiving, taking for one's self, drawing near to one's self  |
ādāna | n. taking away or off  |
ādāna | n. a cause of disease  |
ādāna | n. (for 2. ā-dāna-See below.)  |
ādāna | 1 (also) resumption of the object of action (one of the 13 members of the vimarśa-, quod vide),  |
ādāna | n. binding on or to, fettering  |
ādāna | n. horse-trappings  |
ādāna | n. (for 3. ā-dāna-See below under ā-do-.)  |
ādāna | n. reducing to small pieces, crushing  |
ādāna | n. a part  |
ādāna | n. (for 1. and 2. ādāna-See ā--1. dā-and ā--4. dā-.)  |
adāna | n. (1. dā-), not giving, act of withholding  |
adāna | mfn. not giving.  |
ādānasamiti | f. a method of (cautious) seizing (so that no creature be hurt)  |
adānava | m. "not a Da1nava", a god,  |
ādānavat | mfn. receiving, obtaining  |
adattādāna | n. stealing (with Buddhists one of the ten sins), .  |
ādāyamāna | mfn. (equals ā-dadāna-) taking, seizing  |
ādāyamāna | mfn. (for 2.See ā-dai-.)  |
ādāyamāna | mfn. (for 1.See ā--1. dā-) examining, proving  |
adeyadāna | n. an illegal gift.  |
ādhāna | n. putting near or upon, depositing, placing etc.  |
ādhāna | n. lighting, kindling, placing a fire (especially the sacred fire, see agny-ā-above ) etc.  |
ādhāna | n. impregnating (see garbhā-)  |
ādhāna | n. a ceremony performed before coition  |
ādhāna | n. adding  |
ādhāna | n. causing, effecting etc.  |
ādhāna | n. pledging, depositing  |
ādhāna | n. taking, having, receiving  |
ādhāna | n. assigning, attributing, employing  |
ādhāna | n. containing, being in possession of  |
ādhāna | n. the place in which anything is deposited or rests  |
ādhāna | n. the bit of a bridle  |
ādhānakārikā | f. Name of work  |
ādhānapaddhati | f. idem or 'f. Name of work '  |
ādhānavidhi | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. Name of work ' '  |
adharapāna | n. "drinking the lip", kissing.  |
ādhimlāna | mf(ā-)n. withered with anxiety  |
ādhimlāna | mf(ā-)n. (for 1. ā-dhi-See ā-dhā-.)  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. standing by, being at hand, approach  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. standing or resting upon  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a basis, base  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. the standing-place of the warrior upon the car  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a position, site, residence, abode, seat  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a settlement, town, standing over  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. government, authority, power  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a precedent, rule  |
adhiṣṭhāna | n. a benediction  |
adhiṣṭhāna | (with Buddhists) steadfast resolution (one of the 6 or 10 pāramitā-s, quod vide),  |
adhiṣṭhāna | a king's court,  |
adhiṣṭhānadeha | n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the pitṛ-loka- or world of spirits (also called the preta-śarīra-).  |
adhiṣṭhānaśarīra | n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the pitṛ-loka- or world of spirits (also called the preta-śarīra-).  |
adhivijñāna | n. the highest knowledge.  |
adhīyāna | mfn. reading, studying  |
adhīyāna | m. a student  |
adhīyāna | m. one who goes over the veda- either as a student or a teacher.  |
ādhmāna | n. blowing, inflation, puffing  |
ādhmāna | n. boasting  |
ādhmāna | n. a bellows  |
ādhmāna | n. intumescence, swelling of the body  |
ādhmāna | n. Name of certain diseases  |
ādhmāna | n. Name of a species of sound  |
adhvāna | 1 m. = adhvan-, .  |
adhvāna | 2 m. uttering no sound, silence (naṃ- gataḥ-,"become silent"), .  |
ādhyāna | See under ā-dhyai-.  |
ādhyāna | n. meditating upon, reflecting on, remembering with regret, pensive or sorrowful recollection.  |
adhyardhaśatamāna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna-.  |
adhyardhaśātamāna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna-.  |
adhyātmajñāna | n. knowledge of the Supreme Spirit or of ātman-.  |
adhyavasāna | n. attempt, effort, exertion  |
adhyavasāna | n. energy, perseverance  |
adhyavasāna | n. determining  |
adhyavasāna | n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.  |
ādipurāna | n. of a jaina- religious, book.  |
aduhāna | mfn. yielding no milk,  |
advaitānanda | m. equals advayānanda- q.v  |
advayānanda | m. Name of an author, and of a founder of the vaiṣṇava- sect in Bengal (who lived at the close of the fifteenth century).  |
āgāna | n. obtaining by song  |
aghaṭamāna | mfn. incongruous, incoherent.  |
āghātasthāna | n. a slaughter-house  |
āghnāna | mfn. (parasmE-pada A1.) beating (as with the wings)  |
āghnāna | mfn. brandishing (a fire-brand)  |
āghnāna | See  |
agnidhāna | n. receptacle for the sacred fire  |
agnigodāna | m. one at whose hair-cutting ceremony agni- is the chief deity,  |
agninidhāna | n. the placing of the fire,  |
agniparidhāna | n. enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen.  |
agnipradāna | n. throwing into the fire,  |
agnisamādhāna | n. kindling fire,  |
agnīṣomīyapaśvanuṣṭhāna | n. the rite connected with that victim at the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
agnyādhāna | n. ([ ]) placing the fire on the sacrificial fire-place  |
agnyādhāna | n. the ceremony of preparing the three sacred fires āhavanīya- etc.  |
agnyādhānadevatā | f. the deity of the agnyādheya- ceremony  |
agnyādhānahavis | n. an oblation at the agnyādheya-  |
agnyādhānarūpa | n. form or shape of the agnyādheya-  |
agnyādhānaśarkarā | f. plural (figuratively) bad performance of the agnyādheya-  |
agnyupasthāna | n. worship of agni- at the conclusion of the agnihotra- etc.  |
agrayāna | n. stepping in front to defy the enemy.  |
agrayāna | n. the first vehicle,  |
ahammamābhimāna | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'mfn. egoistic, arrogant, ' ' commentator or commentary on  |
ahammāna | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'f. idem or 'mfn. egoistic, arrogant, ' ' commentator or commentary on '  |
ahammāna | m. egotism  |
ahammāna | mfn. having the conceit of individuality  |
ahanyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) not being struck  |
āhāranirgamasthāna | n. idem or 'm. "the place of the exit of food", the posterior part of the body '  |
aheḍamāna | mfn. not sporting or joking, being in earnest,  |
aheḷamāna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not angry, not displeased, favourable '  |
ahiṃsāna | mfn. not hurting  |
ahiṃsyamāna | mfn. being unharmed  |
ahṛṇāna | mfn. not being angry, friendly  |
ahṛṇīyamāna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not being angry, friendly '  |
ahṛṇīyamānam | ind. willingly  |
āhvāna | n. calling, invitation, a call or summons  |
āhvāna | n. invocation of a deity  |
āhvāna | n. challenge  |
āhvāna | n. legal summons commentator or commentary on  |
āhvāna | n. an appellation, a name  |
āhvāna | n. a particular calling in rites = 2. ā-hāva- q.v  |
āhvānadarśana | n. a day of trial.  |
āhvānana | n. calling near,  |
āhvānaya | Nom. P. āhvānayati-, (in law) to summon commentator or commentary on  |
ailadhāna | m. Name of a place  |
aindrānairṛta | mfn. belonging to indra- and nirṛti-  |
aindrāvasāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. indrāvasāna- gaRa utsādi- ), inhabiting a desert ([ equals marubhava- ])  |
aiśāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. īśāna-), relating to or coming from śiva-  |
aiśāna | mf(ī-)n. belonging to śiva-'s quarter, north-eastern  |
aiśānaja | m. plural equals īśānaja- q.v  |
ājāna | n. birth, descent  |
ājāna | n. birth-place commentator or commentary on  |
ājāna | āj/āni- See ā-jan-.  |
ājānadeva | (āj/āna--) m. a god by birth (as opposed to karma-deva- q.v) ( )  |
ājānaja | mfn. (["born in the world of the gods"commentator or commentary ]) id est deva- equals āj/ānadeva- below  |
ajānat | mfn. (pr. p. jñā-), not knowing, unaware.  |
ajāyamāna | mfn. ( jan-), not being born, not subject to birth  |
ājñādāna | n. giving an order  |
ajñāna | n. non-cognizance  |
ajñāna | n. ignorance, (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance (or a power which, consisting of the three guṇa-s sattva-, rajas-,and tamas-,and preventing the soul from realizing its identity with brahma-, causes self to appear a distinct personality, and matter to appear a reality)  |
ajñāna | n. prakṛti-, māyā-, Illusion  |
ajñāna | mfn. ignorant, unwise  |
ājñāna | n. noticing, perceiving  |
ajñānabandhana | n. the bond of ignorance.  |
ajñānabodhinī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a commentator or commentary on the ātma-bodha- by śaṃkarācārya-  |
ajñānakṛta | mfn. done inadvertently.  |
ajñānatā | f. ignorance.  |
ajñānatas | ind. unawares, inadvertently.  |
ajñānatva | n. ignorance.  |
ajñānavidhvaṃsana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, .  |
ākāśānantyāyatana | n. "abode of infinity or of infinite space", Name of a world  |
ākāśānantyāyatana | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a class of gods, (also tano- paga-, )  |
ākāśayāna | n. a car moving through the air  |
ākhāna | m. equals ā-khana-  |
ākhāna | See /ā-kha-.  |
ākhuyāna | m. gaṇeśa- (confer, compare - ga-),  |
ākhyāna | n. telling, communication etc.  |
ākhyāna | n. the communication of a previous event (in a drama)  |
ākhyāna | n. a tale, story, legend  |
ākhyānaka | n. a short narrative  |
ākhyānakī | f. Name of a metre (being a combination of the indravajrā- and upendravajrā-).  |
ākhyānavid | m. a knower of stories,  |
ākhyānaya | Nom. P. (ind.p. nayitvā-) to communicate  |
akṛtaśmaśāna | (/akṛta--), mfn. one who has not established a burning-ground,  |
akṣānah | mfn. (the vowel lengthened as in upā-n/ah-,etc.) tied to the axle of a car  |
akṣānah | mfn. (horse ;trace attached to the horse's collar )  |
akṣarasaṃsthāna | n. scripture, writing  |
alabhamāna | mfn. not gaining, etc.  |
alakhāna | m. Name of a king of gurjara-  |
ālāna | n. (fr. ā-lī- ?) , the post to which an elephant is tied etc.  |
ālāna | n. the rope that ties him  |
ālāna | n. a fetter, tie, rope or string  |
ālāna | n. binding, tying  |
ālāna | m. Name of a minister of śiva-  |
ālokasthāna | n. reach or range of sight,  |
alolupyamāna | mfn. not greedy  |
alpanidāna | mfn. originating from a trifling cause,  |
amahīyamāna | mf(ā-)n. "not high-spirited", down-cast, sad  |
amalānanda | m. Name of a Vedantic writer, author of the vedānta-kalpataru-.  |
amāna | n. = a-mā-2  |
amānana | n. disrespect  |
amānasya | equals āmanasya- q.v  |
amānatā | f. equals amā-tva- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. a-mā-)  |
amānava | mfn. "not human, superhuman", and"not being a descendant of manu-"  |
amānava | See a-manuṣya-.  |
amanyamāna | mfn. not understanding  |
amanyamāna | mfn. not being aware of  |
āmiṣadāna | n. (with Buddhists) gift of material things (one of the three kinds of charity, the others being dharma-- d- and maitrī-- d-), .  |
amitāyurdhyānasūtra | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
amlāna | mfn. ( mlai-), unwithered, clean, clear  |
amlāna | mfn. bright, unclouded (as the mind or the face) etc.  |
amlāna | m. globe-amaranth (Gomphraena Globosa )  |
āmlāna | mfn. varia lectio for a-mlāna- q.v  |
āmnāna | n. mention, handing down by sacred texts  |
āmnāna | n. study of the sacred texts  |
āmraphalaprapānaka | n. a cooling drink made of mangoes,  |
amṛtānanda | m. Name of a man  |
amṛtāpidhāna | n. water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover (see amṛt/opast/araṇa-),  |
aṃśapradāna | n. allotment of a portion.  |
aṃśudhāna | n. Name of a village  |
amutaḥpradāna | n. an offering from there,  |
anabhimlāna | m. "non-fading", Name of the chief of a gotra-, (gaRa śivādi- q.v)  |
anabhisandhāna | n. absence of design  |
anabhisandhāna | n. disinterestedness.  |
anādadāna | mfn. not accepting.  |
anadhiṣṭhāna | n. want of superintendence.  |
anadhīyāna | ( ), mfn. not repeating or learning.  |
anājānat | mfn. ( jñā-), not learning or perceiving  |
anānata | mfn. unbent, not humbled  |
anānata | m. Name of a ṛṣi- of the  |
anantatāna | mfn. extensive.  |
ananuṣṭhāna | n. non-observance, neglect  |
ananuṣṭhāna | n. impropriety.  |
ananūtthāna | n. the not following,  |
ananyamānasa | mfn. exercising undivided attention.  |
anapacāyyamāna | mfn. not being revered,  |
anāpāna | m. Name of a prince (son of aṅga-).  |
anaśnāna | mf(ā-)n. not eating.  |
anāsthāna | mfn. having or yielding no basis or fulcrum (as the sea)  |
anavabudhyamāna | mfn. deranged  |
anavadhāna | n. inattention, inadvertence  |
anavadhāna | mfn. inattentive, careless.  |
anavadhānatā | f. inadvertency.  |
anavānam | ind. without breathing between, in one breath, without interruption, uno tenore  |
anavānat | mfn. ( an-), not taking breath, not respiring  |
anavānatā | f. uninterruptedness, contiguity.  |
anavasāna | mfn. ( so-), having no termination, free from death  |
anavasāna | mfn. endless.  |
anavasthāna | mfn. unstable, fickle  |
anavasthāna | m. wind  |
anavasthāna | n. instability, unsteadiness or looseness of conduct.  |
anāyuvāna | mfn. not drawing in (the wings),  |
anekasaṃsthāna | mfn. wearing various disguises (as spies),  |
aṅghripāna | mfn. sucking the foot or toes (as an infant)  |
aṅgulamāna | n. the measure or length of an aṅgula-  |
aṅgulamāna | mfn. having the length of an aṅgula-.  |
anidāna | mfn. causeless, groundless.  |
anigrahasthāna | n. (in philosophy) occasion of non-refutation.  |
anīhamāna | mfn. not exerting one's self, indifferent, .  |
animāna | mfn. unbounded  |
aniṅgyamāna | mfn. not being shaken or moved,  |
anipadyamāna | ([ a-nip/adyamāna- ]) mfn. not falling down (to sleep), untiring  |
anipāna | n. not drinking, thirst,  |
aniruktagāna | n. indistinct singing  |
aniruktagāna | n. humming (of hymns), a particular mode of chanting the sāma-veda-.  |
anirvartyamāna | mfn. not being brought to a close.  |
aniveṣṭyamāna | mfn. not being fettered or hindered,  |
aniviśamāna | mf(ā-)n. not retiring to rest, restless  |
annadāna | n. the giving of food.  |
anṛtākhyāna | n. telling a falsehood.  |
antaḥparidhāna | n. the innermost garment.  |
antaḥpratiṣṭhāna | n. residence in the interior.  |
antarādhāna | (ant/ar--) mfn. "having a bit inside", bridled  |
antardadhāna | mfn. vanishing, disappearing, hiding one's self  |
antardadhāna | mfn. (see antar-dhā-.) |
antardhāna | n. disappearance, invisibility  |
antardhāna | n. antardhānam- i- or gam-, to disappear  |
antardhāna | m. Name of a son of pṛthu-.  |
antardhānacara | mfn. going invisibly.  |
antardhānagata | mfn. disappeared.  |
antardhyāna | n. profound inward meditation.  |
antarjñāna | n. inward knowledge.  |
anubhūyamāna | mfn. being under trial  |
anubhūyamāna | mfn. being experienced or enjoyed.  |
anūcāna | mfn. one so well versed in the veda-s and vedāṅga-s as to be able to repeat them  |
anūcāna | mfn. one who repeats his lesson after his master  |
anūcāna | mfn. devoted to learning  |
anūcāna | mfn. well-behaved ( uc-).  |
anudapāna | n. "non-water-drinking", thirst,  |
anuddhāna | n. non-abandonment,  |
anūḍhamāna | mfn. bashful.  |
anudhyāna | n. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude.  |
anudyamāna | mfn. not being spoken  |
anūdyamāna | mfn. spoken in reply to or according to.  |
anugāna | n. "after-song", (- śas-),  |
anugānaśas | (ind.)  |
anujñāna | n. equals 2. anu-jñā-.  |
anumāna | m. permission, consent  |
anumāna | n. the act of inferring or drawing a conclusion from given premises  |
anumāna | n. inference, consideration, reflection  |
anumāna | n. guess, conjecture  |
anumāna | n. one of the means of obtaining true knowledge (See pramāṇa-).  |
anumānacintāmaṇi | m. works on anumāna-.  |
anumānakhaṇḍa | n. works on anumāna-.  |
anumānamaṇidīdhiti | f. a similar work written by raghunātha-.  |
anumānaprakāśa | m. works on anumāna-.  |
anumanyamāna | mfn. minding, assenting.  |
anumimāna | mfn. parasmE-pada A1. concluding, inferring.  |
anumīyamāna | mfn. Passive voice parasmE-pada being inferred.  |
anunayamāna | mfn. conciliating, honouring.  |
anunidhānam | ind. according to position, in right order,  |
anunirjihāna | mfn. (pr.p. A1.2. hā-), proceeding out of  |
anunnatānata | mfn. not raised nor lowered, level.  |
anupabhujyamāna | mfn. not being enjoyed.  |
anupādāna | n. not mentioning, omission, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupahūyamāna | mfn. not being invited  |
anupalabhyamāna | mfn. not being perceived  |
anupāna | n. a fluid vehicle in medicine  |
anupāna | n. drink taken with or after medicine  |
anupāna | n. drink after eating  |
anupāna | n. drink to be had near at hand, (Comm. on)  |
anupāna | See 1. anu-- 1. pā-.  |
anupānatka | mfn. shoeless  |
anupasthāna | n. not coming near  |
anupasthāna | n. not being at hand, absence.  |
anupeyamāna | mfn. not being approached (sexually),  |
anupradāna | n. a gift, donation  |
anupradāna | n. addition, increase  |
anuprajñāna | n. tracking, tracing.  |
anuprayujyamāna | mfn. being employed in addition or after or afterwards.  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. investigation, inquiry, searching into, close inspection, setting in order, arranging, planning  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. aiming at  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. plan, scheme, congruous or suitable connection  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. (in the vaiśeṣika- philosophy) the fourth step in a syllogism (id est the application) .  |
anusaṃtāna | m. offspring, a son,  |
anuśayāna | mfn. repenting, regretting  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. carrying out, undertaking  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. doing, performance  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. religious practice  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. acting in conformity to  |
anuṣṭhānakrama | m. the order of performing religious ceremonies.  |
anuṣṭhānaśarīra | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the body which is intermediate between the liṅga-- or sūkṣma-- and the sthūla-śarīra- (generally called the adhiṣṭhāna-śarīra- q.v)  |
anuṣṭhānasmāraka | mf(ikā-)n. reminding of religious ceremonies.  |
anusvāna | m. sounding conformably  |
anutiṣṭhamāna | See 1. anuṣṭhā-.  |
anutiṣṭhamāna | mfn. following out, carrying out, performing, attending to.  |
anuttāna | mfn. lying with the face towards, the ground  |
anuttāna | mfn. not supine  |
anuttāna | mfn. not flat  |
anutthāna | n. ( sthā-), the not rising, want of exertion or of energy  |
anūtthātthāna | see an-- anū- tth- (additions).  |
anuvidhāna | n. acting conformably to order, obedience.  |
anuvyākhyāna | n. that portion of a brāhmaṇa- which explains or illustrates difficult sūtra-s, texts or obscure statements occurring in another portion  |
anuyāna | n. going after, following.  |
anvādhāna | n. adding or putting fuel (on the three sacred fires)  |
anvādhāna | n. depositing.  |
anvākhyāna | n. an explanation keeping close to the text  |
anvākhyāna | n. a minute account or statement  |
anvāsthāna | n. ( , Scholiast or Commentator) attainment.  |
anvāsyamāna | mfn. being accompanied by, attended by.  |
anvīyamāna | mfn. being followed.  |
anyamānasa | see an-- any-  |
anyapadārthapradhāna | mfn. having as chief sense that of another word (as a Bahu-vri1hi), Sch.  |
anyathābhidhāna | n. false statement or deposition, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyatsthānagata | mfn. being at another place,  |
apacamāna | ( ), mfn. one who does not cook for himself.  |
apacamānaka | ( ), mfn. one who does not cook for himself.  |
apadāna | n. ( dai-?), a great or noble work (varia lectio)  |
apadāna | n. (in pāli- for ava-dāna- q.v) a legend treating of former and future births of men and exhibiting the consequences of their good and evil actions.  |
apādāna | n. taking away, removal, ablation  |
apādāna | n. a thing from which another thing is removed  |
apādāna | n. hence the sense of the fifth or ablative case  |
apadhyāna | n. envy, jealousy etc.  |
apadhyāna | n. meditation upon things which are not to be thought of.  |
apagūhamāna | mfn. hiding  |
apagūhamāna | mfn. (/apa g/ūh-)  |
apahnuvāna | mfn. pr. p. A1. concealing, denying (any one dative case)  |
apahṛtavijñāna | mfn. bereft of sense.  |
apajñāna | n. denying, concealing  |
apamāna | m. (or n.), ( man-), disrespect, contempt, disgrace.  |
apāna | m. (opposed to prāṇ/a-), that of the five vital airs which goes downwards and out at the anus  |
apāna | m. the anus (in this sense also(am-) n. )  |
apāna | m. Name of a sāman-  |
apāna | m. ventris crepitus  |
āpāna | mfn. one who has reached  |
āpāna | mfn. (for 2.See ā--1. pā-.)  |
āpāna | n. the act of drinking, a drinking-party, banquet  |
āpāna | n. (for 1. āpān/a-See .)  |
apānabhṛt | f. "cherishing the vital air", a sacrificial brick  |
āpānabhūmi | f. a place for drinking in company  |
apānadā | mfn. giving the vital air apāna-  |
apānadṛh | m(Nominal verb -dh/ṛk-)fn. strengthening the vital air apāna-  |
apānadvāra | n. the anus.  |
āpānagoṣṭhī | f. a banquet, carouse  |
āpānaka | n. a drinking-bout  |
āpānaka | n. drinking liquor  |
apānapā | mfn. protecting the apāna-  |
apānapavana | m. the vital air apāna-  |
āpānaśālā | f. a tavern, liquor shop  |
apānavāyu | m. the air apāna-  |
apānavāyu | m. ventris crepitus  |
apapāna | n. a bad or improper drink.  |
apapradāna | n. a bribe.  |
aparagodāna | n. (in Buddhist cosmogony) a country west of the mahā-meru-.  |
aparāntajñāna | n. prescience of one's latter end.  |
aparibhraśyamāna | mfn. paribhraṃś |
aparimlāna | m. "not withering, not decaying", the plant Gomphrenea Globosa.  |
aparimlānalalāṭatā | f. the having an unwrinkled forehead (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) .  |
aparisaṃkhyāna | n. innumerableness, infinite diffcrence,  |
aparisthāna | mfn. improper  |
aparisthāna | n. impropriety,  |
apasnāna | n. funeral bathing (upon the death of a relative, etc.)  |
apasnāna | n. impure water in which a person has previously washed  |
apasvāna | m. a hurricane  |
apatāna | m. cramp.  |
apatānaka | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. spasmodic contraction (of the body or stomach), emprosthotonos ' '  |
apatānakin | mfn. affected with spasmodic contraction  |
apavadamāna | mfn. reviling, speaking ill of (dative case)  |
apavyayamāna | mfn. See apa-vye-.  |
apayāna | n. retreat, flight  |
apayāna | n. (in astronomy) declination.  |
apidhāna | n. placing upon covering  |
apidhāna | n. a cover, a cloth for covering etc.  |
apidhāna | n. a lid  |
apidhāna | n. a bar  |
apidhānavat | (apidh/āna--) mfn. "having a cover", concealed  |
āpnāna | (see 1. āp-) n. (scilicet tīrtha-) the passage to the place of sacrifice.  |
apnavāna | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (appointed with the bhṛgu-s)  |
apnavāna | m. the arm  |
āpnavāna | m. a descendant of apnavāna-  |
apnavānavat | ind. like apnavāna-  |
āpośāna | mfn. "taking water" ([ āpas-being a rare form of the accusative for apas-]) id est sipping water  |
āpośāna | n. sipping water before and after eating.  |
apradānavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not, liberal '  |
apradhāna | mfn. not principal, subordinate, secondary  |
apradhānatā | f. inferiority.  |
apradhānatva | n. inferiority.  |
aprakāśamāna | mfn. not manifested, unrevealed.  |
apratimāna | mfn. incomparable  |
apratimanyūyamāna | mfn. being unable to show resentment or to retaliate anger for anger |
apratipadyamāna | mfn. not consenting to (accusative)  |
apratiṣṭhāna | mfn. having no solid ground  |
apratyākhyāna | n. non-refutation.  |
apratyālabhamāna | mfn. not offering resistance  |
aprayujyamāna | mfn. not being added,  |
aprayujyamāna | not being borrowed (on interest),  |
apunardīyamāna | (/a-punar--) mfn. not being given back  |
āpyāna | mfn. stout, robust, increased  |
āpyāna | mfn. glad  |
āpyāna | n. increasing  |
āpyāna | n. stoutness  |
āpyāna | n. gladness  |
āpyānavat | equals ā-pīna-vat-  |
ārādhyamāna | mfn. being worshipped, receiving worship  |
ārādhyamāna | mfn. being in course of fulfilment, being accomplished.  |
āraṇyagāna | n. one of the four gāna-s or hymn-books of the sāma-veda-.  |
āraṇyakagāna | n. equals āraṇyagāna- q.v  |
araṇyayāna | n. going into a forest (see -gata-above)  |
arcanānas | m. "who has a rattling carriage", Name of a ṛṣi-  |
ardhamānava | m. an actor dressed like kṛṣṇa-,  |
ardyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice parasmE-pada fr. Causal) being distressed or afflicted or troubled.  |
arghadāna | n. presentation of a respectful offering.  |
arghyadāna | n. a particular act of homage to the sun,  |
arhasāna | m. the moon,  |
arhasāna | a horse,  |
arṇavayāna | n. equals -pota- above.  |
arocamāna | mfn. not shining  |
arocamāna | mfn. not pleasing  |
arocamāna | m. (gaRa cārv adi- q.v)  |
arśasāna | mfn. striving to hurt, malicious  |
arśasāna | m. (equals ardani- q.v) fire  |
arthadāna | n. donation of money, present  |
arthadāna | n. a present given with a (selfish) purpose  |
arthānartha | m. dual number what is expedient or not expedient,  |
arthasaṃsthāna | n. accumulation of wealth  |
arthasaṃsthāna | n. treasury  |
arthavijñāna | n. comprehension of meaning (one of the six or eight exercises of the understanding)  |
asahamāna | mfn. not tolerating  |
asajjamāna | mfn. not hesitating  |
aśaknuvāna | mfn. (parasmE-pada A1.) idem or 'mfn. (p. P.) unable to (Inf.) '  |
asamāna | mf(ā-)n. unequal (by birth or in qualities), different  |
asamāna | mf(ā-)n. incomparable  |
asamāna | n. not a similar or corresponding condition  |
asamāna | See  |
asamānagrāma | mfn. not belonging to or being born in the same village  |
asamānakāraṇa | mfn. not having the same cause  |
asaṃdadhāna | mfn. not making peace,  |
asaṃdhāna | n. want of aim or object  |
asaṃdhāna | n. disjunction.  |
asaṃjñāna | n. discord with (instrumental case)  |
asaṃmāna | m. id. (varia lectio a-sanm-).  |
asaṃnidhāna | n. non-proximity, absence etc.  |
asaṃnidhāna | n. wanting, (āt-) ablative instrumental case through want of (genitive case)  |
asamprajñāna | n. want of knowledge,  |
asaṃpṛñcāna | mfn. (pr. p. A1.) not being in contact  |
asaṃsthāna | mfn. disfigured  |
asaṃvidāna | mfn. not agreeing together ( )  |
asaṃvijñāna | n. unintelligible  |
aśanānaśana | n. eating and fasting  |
asanmāna | m. for a-sammāna- q.v  |
āsaphakhāna | m. = Asaf Khan,  |
asāvadhāna | mfn. careless, inadvertent.  |
asāvadhānatā | f. carelessness.  |
āśayāna | mfn. lying round, surrounding (said of vṛtra-, who surrounds the water=;See Kaegi, Der ṛgveda-, p.177, l. 28 ff.)  |
aśiraḥsnāna | n. bathing the whole body except the head  |
āśīrvādābhidhānavat | mfn. containing a word which expresses benediction (as a name) |
asitānana | m. a black-faced monkey,  |
aśmāpidhāna | mfn. covered by a stone  |
aśmaśānacit | mfn. not piled up in the form of a pyre,  |
aśmaśānacit | mfn. not piling up etc.,  |
asmimāna | m. self-conceit  |
asnāna | n. not bathing, (equals naiṣṭhikabrahmacarya- commentator or commentary)  |
āsnāna | n. ( snā-), water for washing, a bath  |
aśobhamāna | m. (gaRa cārvādi- q.v)  |
aspandamāna | mfn. idem or 'f. fainting, ' varia lectio for /a-syand-, q.v  |
āsphānaka | n. a particular meditation (?),  |
aśraddadhāna | mfn. (parasmE-pada A1. śraddhā-), not trusting in (genitive case ), unbelieving  |
āśramasthāna | n. the abode of hermits, a hermitage  |
asridhāna | mfn. (Aorist parasmE-pada A1.) idem or 'mfn. not failing, not erring '  |
aṣṭamāna | n. a measure (one kuḍava- q.v)  |
aṣṭānavati | (aṣṭ/ā--) f. ninety-eight  |
asthāna | n. non-permanency, inconstancy (as of a sound)  |
asthāna | n. not a (fit) place for (genitive case)  |
asthāna | n. in wrong time, unseasonably, unsuitably, (a-sthāne-) etc.  |
asthāna | n. (a-sthāna--)  |
asthāna | impossibility,  |
asthāna | an army which has lost its chief,  |
asthāna | mfn. deep,  |
āsthāna | n. place, site, ground, base  |
āsthāna | n. an assembly  |
āsthāna | n. a hall of audience  |
āsthānagṛha | n. an assembly-room  |
āsthānamaṇḍapa | m. and n. a hall of audience  |
asthānasthapada | mfn. having a word in the wrong place  |
asthānasthasamāsa | mfn. having a compound in the wrong place  |
asthānayukta | mfn. applied in the wrong place  |
astyāna | n. disregard  |
aśvānana | m. plural "horse-faced", Name (also title or epithet) of a mythological people,  |
aśvarathadāna | n. Name (also title or epithet) of the 14th Paris3. of the  |
aśvastanavidhāna | n. non-provision for the future (= ) .  |
aśvasthāna | n. a stable for horses  |
aśvasthāna | mfn. born in a stable  |
asvasthāna | mfn. occurring out of its proper place,  |
aśvāvatāna | m. Name of a man, (gaṇa-, gopavanādi-and vidādi- q.v)  |
āśyāna | mfn. dried up, shrunk in drying  |
āśyāna | mfn. almost dried or shrunk up  |
asyandamāna | (or a-spand-) mfn. not gliding away  |
aṭamāna | m. Name of a prince  |
ātāna | m. an extended cord, string, etc. (vocative case) (see ekāhātān/a-.)  |
atapyamāna | mfn. not suffering  |
atasthāna | ( sthā-) mfn. not suiting or fitting  |
aṭāṭyamāna | mfn. roaming excessively.  |
athānantaram | ind. now.  |
atidāna | n. munificence  |
atidāna | n. excessive munificence.  |
atimāna | m. great haughtiness.  |
atisaṃdhāna | n. overreaching, cheating.  |
ātmadāna | n. gift of self, self-sacrifice  |
ātmajñāna | n. self-knowledge  |
ātmajñāna | n. knowledge of the soul or supreme spirit  |
ātmamāna | n. the regarding one's self as (exempli gratia, 'for example' learned etc.)  |
ātmānanda | mfn. rejoicing in the soul or supreme spirit  |
ātmānapekṣa | mfn. not regarding one's self, not selfish  |
ātmasaṃtāna | m. "one's own offspring", a son  |
atyādāna | n. taking away too much.  |
atyādhāna | n. act of imposing or placing upon  |
atyādhāna | n. imposition, deception  |
atyānanda | m. excessive wantonness  |
atyānanda | mfn. excessively wanton  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uda-pāna-), raised from wells or drinking fountains (as a tax etc.)  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to a well  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. coming from the village udapāna-, gaṇa-s on  |
audasthāna | mfn. (fr. uda-sthāna-), accustomed to stand in water  |
audasthāna | mfn. relating to one who stands in water, gaṇa-s on  |
aulāna | m. Name of śāntanava- ([ ])  |
aupānahya | mfn. (fr. upā-nah-), serving or used for making shoes (as grass or leather )  |
aupasthāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upasthāna-), one whose business is to serve or wait on or worship gaRa chattrādi-  |
aurvānala | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.' '  |
auśāna | mfn. (perhaps present tense parasmE-pada of ā-vaś- ) wishing for, desirous (somena saha miśrī-bhāvaṃ kāmayamāna- )  |
auttānapāda | m. a descendant of uttāna-pāda-, Name of dhruva- (or the polar star)  |
auttānapādi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of uttāna-pāda-, Name of dhruva- (or the polar star) '  |
avabhṛthasnāna | n. idem or 'n. bathing or ablution after a sacrificial ceremony '  |
avadāna | n. a great or glorious act, achievement (object of a legend ) (For 2. ava-d/āna-See avado-.)  |
avadāna | n. cutting or dividing into pieces etc. |
avadāna | n. a part, portion  |
avadāna | n. equals ava-dāha- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ava-dah-)  |
avadānakalpalatā | f. "storehouse of legends of buddha-'s life and acts", Name (also title or epithet) of a celebrated work, n. 1.  |
avadhāna | n. attention, attentiveness, intentness , (see sāvadhana-.)  |
avadhāna | fixing, fastening,  |
avadhānatā | f. ([ ]) ([ ]) attentiveness.  |
avadhānatva | n. ([ ]) attentiveness.  |
avadhānavat | mfn. attentive, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
avadhānavattā | (f.)  |
avadhijñāna | n. "perception extending as far as the furthest limits of the world" id est the faculty of perceiving even what is not within the reach of the senses, Name of the third degree of knowledge  |
avadhīyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) being confined within (accusative ;or locative case ) .  |
avadhyāna | n. disregard  |
āvahamāna | mfn. bringing near, bearing along, followed or succeeded by, bringing in succession.  |
avajñāna | n. ( ) = 2. ava-jñā-  |
avamāna | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) disrespect contempt  |
avamāna | m. dishonour, ignominy  |
avamāna | etc. See ava-man-.  |
avamānana | f(ā-)n. disrespect, -  |
avamānana | f(ā-)n. abuse, insult |
avamānanīya | mfn. equals -mantavya-  |
avamānatā | f. dishonourableness.  |
avāna | mfn. idem or 'mf(/ā-)n. ( vai-), not dried up, fresh ' (varia lectio a-vāta-)  |
avāna | mfn. wet  |
avāna | mfn. dry  |
avāna | See 1. a-vāt/a-.  |
avanatānana | mfn. equals avanata-mukha- above  |
avanīyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) being led down into water (as a horse)  |
avapāna | n. drinking  |
avapāna | n. a pond or pool for watering  |
avardhamāna | mfn. "not growing", (gaRa cārv-ādi- q.v)  |
avartamāna | mfn. "not belonging to the present time", (gaṇa- cārv-ādi- q.v)  |
āvartamāna | mfn. going round, revolving  |
āvartamāna | mfn. advancing, proceeding.  |
avarudhyamāna | mfn. being enclosed or surrounded  |
avasāna | mfn. (vas-), not dressed  |
avasāna | etc. See ava-so-.  |
avasāna | n. (see ava-mocana-) "where the horses are unharnessed", stopping, resting-place, residence  |
avasāna | n. a place chosen or selected for being built upon  |
avasāna | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) conclusion, termination, cessation etc.  |
avasāna | n. death  |
avasāna | n. boundary, limit  |
avasāna | n. end of a word, last part of a compound or period, end of a phrase  |
avasāna | n. the end of the line of a verse or the line of a verse itself.  |
avasāna | n. Name of a place, (gaRa takṣaśilādi- q.v)  |
āvasāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ava-sāna- gaRa takṣaśilādi- ), dwelling or living on the boundaries of a village etc.  |
avasānabhūmi | f. "place of limit", the highest limit  |
avasānadarśa | mfn. looking at one's place of destination or residence seeing the end of (genitive case)  |
avasānaka | mf(ikā-)n. attaining an end by (in compound)  |
āvasathyādhāna | n. establishing a domestic fire  |
avaśīnaśyāna | mfn. coagulated  |
avasthāna | n. standing, taking up one's place  |
avasthāna | n. situation, condition  |
avasthāna | n. residing, abiding, dwelling  |
avasthāna | n. stability (see an-av-.)  |
avatāna | m. "unbending of a bow", Name of the verses  |
avatāna | m. a cover (spread over climbing plants)  |
avatāna | m. Name of a man  |
avayāna | n. going down  |
avayāna | n. retreat  |
avayāna | n. appeasing  |
avedayāna | mfn. (pr. p. A1.) not knowing, not ascertaining  |
āvedyamāna | mfn. being made known, being stated or represented.  |
avibhāvyamāna | mfn. (Pass.p.) not being perceived  |
avidhāna | n. absence of fixed rule, the not being prescribed  |
avidhānatas | ind. not according to what is prescribed, irregularly  |
āvidvevidāna | attaining,  |
avidyamāna | mfn. (3. vid-; pr.Pass.p.) , not present or existent, absent etc.  |
avidyamānatā | f. the not being present commentator or commentary on  |
avidyamānatva | n. idem or 'f. the not being present commentator or commentary on ' commentator or commentary on  |
avidyamānavat | ind. as if not being present  |
avigāna | mf(ā-)n. without discord, concordant, unanimous  |
avijānaka | mfn. not knowing, not familiar with,  |
avijānat | mfn. not understanding or knowing, ignorant  |
avijñāna | mfn. not having any information  |
avijñāna | n. "no knowledge"  |
avijñānatva | n. undiscernibleness  |
avijñānavat | mfn. not possessing knowledge  |
avimāna | m. non-disrespect, veneration  |
avimucyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) not being extended  |
avitāna | mfn. not empty (and"without an awning"), .  |
āvṛtīśayāna | mfn. lying covered,  |
avyathamāna | mfn. not trembling  |
avyavadhāna | n. non-interruption, contiguity  |
avyavadhāna | n. non-separation commentator or commentary on  |
avyavadhāna | mfn. uninterrupted  |
avyavadhāna | mfn. without a cover (as the ground)  |
avyavānam | ind. ( an-), without breathing between  |
ayācamāna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. ( yāc-),"one who does not ask or solicit"[a misspelling for a-pācaka- ] ' '  |
ayaḥpāna | n. "iron-drink", Name of a hell  |
ayajamāna | mfn. not instituting a sacrifice  |
ayāna | n. not moving, halting, stopping  |
ayāna | n. (equals sva.bhāva-),"natural disposition or temperament",  |
āyāna | n. coming, arrival etc.  |
āyāna | n. the natural temperament or disposition (see ayāna-.)  |
āyāna | a particular ornament for horses,  |
ayānaya | n. good and bad luck  |
ayānaya | m. a particular movement of the pieces on a chess or backgammon board (see aya-).  |
ayānayīna | m. a piece at chess or backgammon so moved  |
āyasthāna | n. a place where revenues are collected  |
āyurjñāna | n. Name of work  |
bābakhānacaritra | n. Name of work  |
bābhravadānacyuta | (b/ābhr-) m. plural gaRa kārta-kaujapa-.  |
badakṣāna | the country Badakshan (varia lectio bad-).  |
bādakṣāna | = Badakshan (varia lectio bad-).  |
badbadhāna | See bādh-.  |
baddhānanda | mfn. having pleasure attached, joyful (as a day)  |
bādhyamānatva | n. the condition of being suspended or set aside, suspension, annulment  |
bahiḥprayāna | n. going outside,  |
bahiryāna | n. ( ) going or driving out, excursion.  |
bahiṣpavamāna | m. Name of a stoma- or stotra- (generally consisting of 3 trica-s and sung outside the vedi- during the morning libation)  |
bahrāmakhāna | m. = $  |
bahudāna | n. a rich gift  |
bahudāna | mfn. equals -dāyin-  |
bāhudānadīmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bahulābhimāna | mfn. much-threatening, menacing (said of indra-)  |
bahumāna | m. high esteem or estimation, great respect or regard for (with locative case of Persian or thing, rarely with genitive case of Persian) etc.  |
bahumāna | n. a gift made by a superior to an inferior  |
bahuprajñānaśālin | mfn. possessed of much knowledge  |
bahvabhidhāna | n. the plural number  |
bālabhairavīdīpadāna | n. Name of work  |
bālakṛṣṇānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bālarakṣaṇavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
balarāmapancānana | m. Name of a grammarian  |
bālasthāna | n. condition of a child, childhood, youth, inexperience  |
balidāna | n. the presentation of an offering to a deity (consisting of rice, milk, fruits etc. when presented to viṣṇu-, or of living victims when offered to śiva- or durgā-)  |
balidāna | n. presentation of grain etc. to all creatures |
balidānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
balidānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
balimahānarendrākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
balividhāna | n. the offering of an oblation  |
balyupakhyāna | n. Name of chapter of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
bāṇapañcānana | m. Name of a poet  |
bāṇasaṃdhāna | n. the fitting of an arrow to the bow-string  |
bandhanasthāna | n. "place for fastening", a stall, stable  |
bandhatrayavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
barbarasthāna | n. Name of a district  |
barbarīkopākhyāna | n. Name of chapter of the  |
bārhaspatyamuhūrtavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
barhiyāna | m. "having a peacock for vehicle", Name of skanda-  |
baṭukabhairavadīpadāna | n. Name of work  |
bhadantajñānavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
bhadrānagara | n. Name of a city (see bhadra-pura-).  |
bhadrānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bhadrānanda | See drānanda- under bhadra-.  |
bhadrayāna | m. Name of a man  |
bhagādhāna | mfn. bestowing matrimonial felicity  |
bhāgadhāna | n. a treasury  |
bhagavaccaraṇāravindadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bhagavaddhyānamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavaddhyānasopāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāprasthāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavanmānapūjā | f. Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya-.  |
bhāgavatapadyatrayīvyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagīrathopākhyāna | n. Name of chapter xxxv of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
bhagnamāna | mfn. equals -darpa- |
bhairavadīpadāna | n. Name of work  |
bhairavānanda | m. Name of a yogin-  |
bhairavānanda | m. of an author  |
bhajamāna | mfn. apportioning etc.  |
bhajamāna | mfn. fitting, meet, appropriate  |
bhajamāna | mfn. Name of various princes  |
bhajanānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bhalānas | m. plural Name of a particular race or tribe  |
bhālayānandācārya | m. Name of a teacher  |
bhāna | n. appearance, evidence, perception etc.  |
bhāna | n. light, lustre  |
bhāna | bhānu- and e. See .  |
bhāṇasthāna | n. Name of a place  |
bhānatas | ind. in consequence of the appearance  |
bhānava | mfn. peculiar to the sun  |
bhānavat | mfn. having the appearance  |
bhānavī | f. a kind of pace  |
bhānavīya | mfn. coming from or belonging to the sun  |
bhānavīya | n. the right eye  |
bhaṅgāna | m. Cyprinus Bangana  |
bhārgavopākhyāna | n. Name of the 13th chapter of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
bhartṛsthāna | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
bhasmaśayyāśayāna | m. "lying on a couch of ashes", Name of śiva-  |
bhasmasnāna | n. purification by ashes  |
bhasmasnānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhāsurānandanātha | m. Name of bhāskarācārya- after his initiation  |
bhaṭṭācāryaśatāvadhāna | m. Name of rāghavendra-  |
bhavānanda | m. Name of various authors (also with śarman-and siddhānta-vāg-īśa-)  |
bhavānandapradīpa | m. Name of Comm. on it  |
bhavānandasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhavānandavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
bhavānandī | f. Name of bhava-'s commentator or commentary on the tattva-cintāmaṇi-dīdhiti-  |
bhāvānandī | See bhav- etc.  |
bhavānandīprakāśa | m. Name of Comm. on it  |
bhavānandīya | n. Name of work  |
bhavānandīyakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
bhavanasthāna | n. the place or room for a house  |
bhavanodyāna | n. a garden belonging to a house or palace  |
bhaviṣyajñāna | n. knowledge of futurity  |
bhayadāna | n. a gift offered from fear  |
bhayamāna | m. Name of a man ( ;accord, to the author of ) .  |
bhayānaka | mf(ā-)n. (prob. fr. bhayāna-for bhayamāna-) fearful, terrible, dreadful, formidable etc.  |
bhayānaka | n. terror (?)  |
bhayānaka | m. the sentiment of, terror (as one of the 9 rasa-s in poetical or dramatic composition) etc.  |
bhayānaka | m. a tiger  |
bhayānaka | m. rāhu- or the ascending node personified  |
bhayānakarasanirdeśa | m. Name of chapter of  |
bhayānakatā | f.  |
bhayānakatva | n. fearfulness, formidableness.  |
bhayānanā | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
bhayasaṃtrastamānasa | mfn. having the mind scared with terror  |
bhayasthāna | n. occasion of danger or alarm  |
bhayasthānaśata | n. plural hundreds of occasions of danger  |
bhīmādyupākhyāna | n. Name of chapter of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
bhīruṣṭhāna | n. (prob.) a dreadful place  |
bhiṣakcakranidāna | n. Name of work  |
bhiyāna | See 1. bhī-.  |
bhiyasāna | mfn. fearful, timid  |
bhogasthāna | n. the body  |
bhogasthāna | n. the women's apartments  |
bhramarānanda | m. "bee-joy", Mimusops Elengi  |
bhramarānanda | m. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
bhramarānanda | m. the red-flowering globe-amaranth  |
bhrātṛsthāna | m. "taking the place of a brother", a brother's representative  |
bhṛṅgānandā | f. "bee-joy", Jasminum Auriculatum  |
bhrūkuṭīkuṭilānana | mfn. having a face wrinkled with frowns  |
bhuktidāna | n. giving for fruition  |
bhūmānandasarasvatī | m. Name of the teacher of advaitānanda-  |
bhūmidāna | n. donation of landed property  |
bhūmidāna | n. the 9th  |
bhūpradāna | n. a gift of land  |
bhūpratimādāna | n. Name of work  |
bhūtalasthāna | m. a man  |
bhūtānadyatana | m. not the current day in past time on  |
bhūtasthāna | n. the abode of living creatures  |
bhūtavijñāna | n. the knowledge of evil beings, demonology  |
bhūtinidhāna | n. "receptacle of prosperity", Name of the nakṣatra- dhaniṣṭhā-  |
bhuvanajñāna | n. knowledge of the world  |
bhuvanānanda | m. "joy of the world", Name of an author  |
bhuvanapratiṣṭhādānavidhi | m. Name of a chapter of  |
bhuvaneśvarīdīpadāna | n. Name of work  |
bījābhidhāna | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
bimbopadhāna | n. a cushion, pillow  |
bindubrahmānandīya | n. Name of work  |
bodhāna | mfn. prudent, clever, wise  |
bodhāna | m. a wise man  |
bodhāna | m. Name of bṛhas-pati-  |
bodhānandaghana | m. Name of a teacher (see bodha-ghanācārya-).  |
bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
brahmadāna | n. the gift of the veda- or of sacred knowledge  |
brahmadeyānusaṃtāna | mfn. brahmadeya |
brahmadeyātmasaṃtāna | mfn. brahmadeya |
brahmagītāparātmānusaṃdhāna | n. Name of work  |
brahmajñāna | n. divine or sacred knowledge (especially knowledge of the universal permeation of the one Spirit as taught by the vedānta-), spiritual wisdom  |
brahmajñānamahātantrarāja | m. Name of work  |
brahmajñānatantra | n. Name of work  |
brahmajñānavipratipatti | f. Name of work  |
brahmānanda | m. "joy in brahma-", the rapture of absorption into the one self-existent Spirit  |
brahmānanda | m. Name of various men and authors (also brahmānandagiri -giri-m., brahmānandaparamahaṃsa -parama-haṃsa-m., brahmānandabhāratī -bhāratī-m., brahmānandayogin -yogin-m., brahmānandayogīndra -yogīndra-m., brahmānandasārasvatī -sārasvatī-m.,and brahmānandin din-,m.)  |
brahmānanda | m. Name of work  |
brahmānandabhāratī | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandagiri | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandaparamahaṃsa | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandasārasvatī | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandastava | m. Name of work  |
brahmānandasūtramuktāvali | f. Name of work  |
brahmānandavallī | f. Name of work  |
brahmānandavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
brahmānandayogin | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandayogīndra | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandin | m. brahmānanda |
brahmānandīya | n. Name of work  |
brahmānandīyakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
brahmāṇḍajñānamahārājatantra | n. Name of Tantric work  |
brahmasthāna | n. " brahmā-'s place", Name of a tīrtha-  |
brahmasthāna | m. the mulberry tree  |
brahmāstravidhānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmasūtrānuvyākhyāna | n. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmaviṣṇumaheśvaradāna | n. Name of work  |
brāhmīśāntyavadhānakrama | m. Name of work  |
bṛhadabhidhānacintāmaṇi | m. the larger abhidhāna-cintāmaṇi- by hema-candra-.  |
bṛhaddevasthāna | n. Name of a sāman-  |
bṛhadgurugurvāvalipūjāśāntividhāna | n. Name of work  |
bṛhajjātakaślokavyākhyāna | n. of a metrical commentator or commentary by bhaṭṭotpala- on the former work  |
bṛhatkālajñāna | n. "the large kāla-jñāna- or knowledge of times", Name of work  |
buddhajñāna | n. Buddha's knowledge  |
buddhajñānaśrī | m. Name of a Buddhist scholar  |
buddhipradāna | n. the giving a commission  |
buddhyavajñāna | n. disregard or contempt of any one's understanding  |
budhāna | mfn. awaking, rousing  |
budhāna | mfn. being heeded (?)  |
budhāna | mfn. knowing, wise, prudent  |
budhāna | mfn. one who speaks kindly  |
budhāna | m. a sage, spiritual guide, holy teacher  |
caikitāna | m. patronymic fr. cik-  |
caitrabhānava | mfn. belonging to agni- (citrabhānu-)  |
caityasthāna | n. a place made sacred by a monument or a sanctuary  |
cakrayāna | n. any wheel-carriage  |
cakṣurdāna | n. "gift of sight", the ceremony of anointing the eyes of an image at the time of consecration  |
cākṣuṣajñāna | n. knowledge which depends on vision  |
calitasthāna | mfn. changing its place, R (B) iv, 1, 14.  |
campakaśreṣṭhikathānaka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a tale.  |
cānarāṭa | Name of a place  |
caṇḍikāmahānavamī | f. a particular 9th day on which durgā- is worshipped  |
caṇḍīvidhāna | n.  |
candrajñāna | n. Name of work  |
candrajñānatantra | n. idem or 'n. Name of work '  |
candrakālānala | n. a kind of diagram  |
candrakālānalacakra | n. idem or 'n. a kind of diagram'  |
candrānana | m. "moon-faced", skanda-  |
candrānana | m. Name of a jina-  |
candrānana | m. of a hero of kālikā-  |
cāndrāyaṇavidhāna | n. the cāndrāyaṇa- fast  |
caraṇānamita | mfn. bent under the feet, trodden down  |
caraṇānati | f. equals ṇa-patana- ( ) .  |
caraṇīyamāna | mf(ā-)n. engaged in, carrying on (with accusative)  |
caraṇopadhāna | n. a foot-rest  |
cātakānandana | m. " cātaka-'s delight", the rainy season  |
catuḥṣaṣṭyupacāramānasapūjāstotrastotra | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
catuḥsthāna | See catu-s-.  |
caturānana | m. "four-faced", brahmā-  |
caturanugāna | n. Name of a sāman-. |
caturasrayāna | mfn. moving regularly (others"four-wheeled"),  |
caturdaśaguṇasthāna | n. Name of work  |
caturviṃśatimāna | n. a sum of 24 (paid in gold),  |
catusthāna | mfn. having a fourfold basis  |
catvāriṃśanmāna | mfn. having the weight of 40  |
cāyamāna | m. patronymic of abhyāvartin-  |
cāyamāna | m. (for 1. c/āy-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order cāy-.)  |
cekitāna | mfn. See 4. cit-, Intensive  |
cekitāna | mfn. intelligent (śiva-)  |
cekitāna | m. Name of a prince (ally of the pāṇḍu-s)  |
cekitāna | See cit-. |
celāna | m. a kind of cucumber  |
cetayāna | mfn. (irreg. pr. p.) having sense, reasonable  |
chandaḥpratiṣṭhāna | mfn. based on metre,  |
chandogasopāna | n. Name of work  |
chandomāna | n. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-),"measure of a metre", a syllable regarded as the metrical unit  |
chandomāna | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chāndomāna | mfn. fr. chando-m- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
chandomapavamānatrirātra | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
chattropānaha | n. sg. ( ) the parasol and the shoes  |
chāyāmāna | n. an instrument measuring a shadow  |
chāyānaṭṭa | m. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
cidānanda | "thought and joy", in compound  |
cidānandadaśaślokī | f. ten verses in praise of thought and joy  |
cidānandamaya | mfn. consisting of thought and joy  |
cidānandāśrama | m. Name of a teacher (equals paramānand-).  |
cidānandastavarāja | m. equals -daśa-ślokī-  |
cikitāna | mfn. proper or perf. p. cit- q.v  |
cikitāna | m. Name of a man  |
cikitsājñāna | n. a med. work. |
cikitsātattvajñāna | n. a med. work by dhanvantari-, 13.  |
cintayāna | mfn. (irregular pr. p.) reflecting, considering  |
citānala | (tān-) m. equals tāgni-, .  |
citrayāna | m. Name of a prince  |
citsabheśānandatīrtha | m. Name of an author.  |
cūḍāpakṣāvadāna | n. Name of  |
cumbanadāna | n. giving a kiss, 16.  |
cyavāna | etc. See  |
cyavāna | mfn. (pr. p. cyu-),"moving", active  |
cyavāna | mfn. (61, 2); 115, 6 (with tṛṣ/u-)  |
cyavāna | mfn. m  |
cyavāna | mfn. (equals cy/avana-) Name of a ṛṣi- (restored to youth by the aśvin-s)  |
cyavāna | m. dual number "active", the arms  |
cyavanopākhyāna | n. "tale of cyavana-", Name of and of  |
cyavatāna | (cy/av-) m. Name of a man  |
dadṛśānapavu | ( dṛś-) having visible fellies  |
dainaṃdinadānakāṇḍa | mn. Name of work  |
daityadānavamardana | m. "crusher of daitya-s and dānava-s", Name of indra-  |
daivodyāna | n. divine grove (see devody-).  |
dakṣiṇamānasa | n. Name of a tīrtha- near Benares.  |
dakṣiṇottāna | mfn. having the right hand turned upwards  |
dakṣiṇottāna | mfn. (the hands) of which the right is turned upwards  |
damadāna | n. dual number self-control and liberality,  |
dāna | n. the act of giving etc.  |
dāna | n. giving in marriage (see kanyā--)  |
dāna | n. giving up (see prāṇa--, ātma--, śarīra-- )  |
dāna | n. communicating, imparting, teaching (see brakma--)  |
dāna | n. paying back, restoring  |
dāna | n. adding, addition ( )  |
dāna | n. donation, gift ([ Latin donum]) etc. (naṃdā-,to offer a gift etc.; nam prayam-,to bestow a gift )  |
dāna | n. oblation (see udaka--, havir--)  |
dāna | n. liberality (see 2. dāna-)  |
dāna | n. bribery (see upāya-).  |
dāna | n. cutting off, splitting, dividing  |
dāna | n. pasture, meadow  |
dāna | n. rut-fluid (which flows from an elephant's temples) etc.  |
dāna | m. (only in but see vasu--) distribution of food or of a sacrificial meal  |
dāna | m. imparting, communicating, liberality  |
dāna | m. part, share, possession  |
dāna | m. distributor, dispenser  |
dāna | n. purification  |
dānabhāgavata | n. Name of work  |
dānabhinna | mfn. set at variance by bribes  |
dānacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
dānacyuta | m. "one who has abandoned liberality", Name of a man (gaRa kārtakaujapādi-).  |
dānadarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
dānadharma | m. duty of liberality  |
dānadharmādhyāya | m. Name of work on alms-giving.  |
dānadharmakathana | n. Name of work on alms-giving.  |
dānadharmavidhi | m. Name of work on alms-giving.  |
dānadinakara | m. Name of work  |
dānahemādri | m. equals -khaṇḍa-.  |
dānahīna | mfn. deprived of gifts  |
dānaka | n. a paltry gift  |
dānakā | f. a particular coin = 4 paṇa- Scholiast or Commentator  |
dānakā | f. Name of a drama.  |
dānakalpataru | m. Name of work  |
dānakāma | (d/ā-) mfn. fond of giving, liberal  |
dānakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
dānakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
dānakaustubha | mn. Name of work  |
dānakelikaumudī | f. Name of work  |
dānakhaṇḍa | n. Name of part 1 of hemādri-'s work  |
dānakriyākaumudī | f. Name of work  |
dānakusumāñjali | m. Name of work  |
dānamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
dānamanohara | m. Name of work  |
dānamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in liberality  |
dānamayūkha | m. Name of work  |
dānaṃdadā | f. Name of an apsaras- or of a female gandharva-  |
dānapaddhati | f. Name of work on the 16 offerings  |
dānapara | mfn. devoted to liberality  |
dānapāramitā | f. perfection of liberality  |
dānaparatā | f. liberality  |
dānaparibhāṣā | f. Name of work  |
dānapārijāta | m. Name of work  |
dānapati | m. "liberality-lord", munificent man  |
dānapati | m. Name of a-krūra-  |
dānapati | m. of a daitya- |
dānapātra | n. "object of charity", Name of a chapter of  |
dānapaṭṭaka | n. a deed of donation,  |
dānapattra | n. deed of gift  |
dānapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
dānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dānaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dānaprātibhāvya | n. security for payment  |
dānapratibhū | a surety for payment,  |
dānasāgara | m. "gift-ocean", Name of work  |
dānaśalā | f. hall for almsgiving  |
dānaśālin | mfn. rich in gifts  |
dānaśālin | mfn. wet with rut-fluid  |
dānasaṃvanana | n. encouraging liberality,  |
dānaśauṇḍa | mfn. "intoxicated with giving", very liberal  |
dānaśīla | mfn. liberally disposed  |
dānaśīla | m. Name of a translator of  |
dānastuti | f. "praise of liberality", Name of a kind of hymn.  |
dānaśūra | m. equals -vīra-  |
dānaśūra | m. Name of a bodhisattva- (varia lectio sūra-)  |
dānatas | ind. through gifts, by liberality  |
dānaukas | m. delighting in a sacrificial meal (indra-)  |
dānava | m. (fr. 2. d/ānu-) a class of demons often identified with the daitya-s or asura-s and held to be implacable enemies of the gods or deva-s etc. (described as children of danu- and kaśyapa-, sometimes reckoned as 40 in number ;sometimes as 100 etc.)  |
dānava | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the danu-  |
dānavaguru | m. preceptor of the danu-, regent of planet Venus  |
dānavajra | m. "whose weapon is liberality"(said of vaiśya-s)  |
dānavapati | m. king of the danu-, Name of rāhu- =  |
dānavapriyā | f. the betel plant  |
dānavapūjita | mfn. worshipped by the danu-  |
dānavapūjita | m. regent of Venus  |
dānavār | n. libation of water  |
dānavāri | m. idem or 'm. enemy of the danu-, Name of śiva- '  |
dānavāri | m. Name of indra-  |
dānavāri | m. plural the gods  |
dānavarman | m. "whose armour is liberality", Name of a merchant  |
dānavaśīkṛ | to make subject by bribery idem or 'm. "whose armour is liberality", Name of a merchant '  |
dānavat | (d/ā-) mfn. having or bestowing gifts, liberal  |
dānavavairin | m. enemy of the danu-, Name of śiva-  |
dānavendra | m. chief of the danu-  |
dānaveya | m. a dānava- or demon  |
dānavī | f. a female danu-  |
dānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
dānavīra | m. "liberality-hero", munificent man  |
dānavīra | m. (in rhetoric) liberal heroism,  |
dānaviśodhana | n. dual number addition and subtraction,  |
dānavrata | mfn. devoted to liberality  |
dānavrata | m. plural Name of inhabitants of śāka-dvīpa-, .  |
dānavyatyāsa | m. giving to a wrong person  |
dānayogya | mfn. worthy of a gift  |
daṇḍakāraṇyaprasthāna | n. Name of  |
daṇḍamānava | m. ( , Va1rtt. 23 ) "staff-pupil", a young Brahman after -pradāna-  |
daṇḍanidhāna | n. "laying aside the rod", pardoning, indulgence  |
daṇḍāpatānaka | m. tetanus  |
daṇḍapradāna | n. donation of a staff (at investiture with the thread)  |
daṇḍasthāna | n. a division of an army  |
daṇḍopānaha | n. sg. a staff and sandal,  |
dapharakhāna | m. Zaphar Khan (Sultan),  |
darasāna | m. equals dyotva-  |
dārikādāna | n. gift of a daughter in marriage  |
daśānana | m. equals śa-kaṇṭha-  |
daśānugāna | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
daśavidhasnānamantra | m. plural Name of particular hymns  |
dāsīdānavidhi | m. Name of 146th chapter of the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-.  |
dattānapakarman | n. non-delivery of gifts  |
dattānapakarman | n. see  |
dattāvadhāna | mfn. attentive ,  |
dattvādāna | (dattvādāna-) n. resumption of a gift  |
davadāna | n. setting fire on a forest  |
davānala | m. idem or 'm. see dāv-.' , (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
davānala | m. see dāv-.  |
dayitāyamāna | mfn. lovely  |
dedīpyamāna | ( dīp-, Intensive) shining intensely, glowing, blazing  |
dehāvasāna | n. equals hānta-  |
deśabhāṣāvijñāna | n. its knowledge (one of the 64 kalā-s)  |
deśāntarabhāṇḍānayana | n. importing wares from foreign countries  |
devabhāṣyasnānavidhipaddhati | f. Name of work  |
devamāna | n. dwelling of the gods  |
devamānaka | m. equals -mañjara-  |
devānanda | m. "delight of the gods", Name of a man  |
devānanda | m. of several authors (also -sūri-)  |
devānandā | f. Name of the 15th night of the karma-māsa- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
devānandā | f. Name of a divine female  |
devapāna | mfn. serving the gods for a beverage  |
devasthāna | m. Name of an ancient ṛṣi-  |
devasthāna | n. of 2 sāman-s (varuṇasya-and bṛhad-deva--)  |
devatāpraṇidhāna | n. devotion to a deity  |
devatāsnāna | n. ablution of an idol  |
devayāna | mf(ī-)n. equals -yā-  |
devayāna | mf(ī-)n. leading to the gods, serving them as a way (adhvan-, pathin-etc.)  |
devayāna | n. way leading to the gods  |
devayāna | n. the vehicle of a god  |
devayāna | n. of a wife of skanda-  |
devīmānanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
devīmānasapūjana | n. Name of work  |
devīmānasapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
devodyāna | n. "grove of the gods", sacred grove  |
dhamyamāna | mfn. being blown or melted  |
dhāna | mfn. containing, holding (see uda--)  |
dhāna | n. receptacle, case, seat (see agni--, kṣura--, rajju--etc.; nam akt/os-prob. = womb or bosom of the night )  |
dhāna | n. |